Vincent Poon :: Roaming about, before and after
This is the miscellaneous album that showed what happened before and after the cruise, er...which was really nothing interesting... except the local pasta was not something we had expected...
Visits: 554 times
Last changed: Apr 20, 2014
36 items in this album
A nice florist in this quiet area
Finally got back to the main street and saw this impressive building, Santa Croce (Holy Cross) in Gerusalemme (Jerusalem) Basilica, one of the 7 Pilgrim Churches of Rome
At night we wandered around the hotel area to look for some dinner... and finally settled in Cafe Manzoni
The seating was mainly outside, we saw some local people sitting there so it couldn't be wrong...
A nice florist in this quiet area
Finally got back to the main street and saw this impressive building, Santa Croce (Holy Cross) in Gerusalemme (Jerusalem) Basilica, one of the 7 Pilgrim Churches of Rome
At night we wandered around the hotel area to look for some dinner... and finally settled in Cafe Manzoni
The seating was mainly outside, we saw some local people sitting there so it couldn't be wrong...
This was the menu
Inside of the restaurant
Fettucine alla Bolognaise... sour!
Spaghetti alla Carbonara... salty and cheesy... nothing like what you get in Hong Kong btw..
This was the menu
Inside of the restaurant
Fettucine alla Bolognaise... sour!
Spaghetti alla Carbonara... salty and cheesy... nothing like what you get in Hong Kong btw..
Drinks we ordered the only difference was, one was with gas and the other still
The next day we had breakfast in this hotel.. all you can eat, if you really want to eat any of it, that is..
A huge selection of... jams and marmalade, and some biscuits too
Drinks we ordered the only difference was, one was with gas and the other still

The next day we had breakfast in this hotel.. all you can eat, if you really want to eat any of it, that is..
A huge selection of... jams and marmalade, and some biscuits too
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