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Sunday 01st July 2012 11:57:13 AM
Birds of Cuba[ 0 messages] 

Orlando H. GarridoArturo Kirkconnell合著,2000年出版和2008年重印的Birds of Cuba (Helm Field Guides),內容應與Field Guide to the Birds of Cuba (Comstock books)類同。雖然它包含了所有可在古巴發現的鳥種,唯略厭部分插圖未夠詳盡,部分構圖及色彩與真實差異頗大,而且編排的插圖與解說文字內容,分開在書內的前及後半部,並非一般參考書的圖文並茂式編排,在實地使用時較為不便。所以選購前可先參考由Soleglad編寫對觀鳥用參考書(Avian Review)的評論,然後才決定購買。


...A negative note about the warblers is that only the adult breeding plumages are shown, so keep this in mind if you visit Cuba during the winter. For anyone not confident with their fall and winter warblers, an eastern US guide might be handy to bring. It would also be a nice gesture to leave it behind with the birding guide that escorts you around the island...

...The descriptions are fairly good, but don’t go into great detail. As an example, you’ll need to investigate other sources to properly distinguish Red-shouldered from Tawny-shouldered Blackbirds. If you hope to rely solely on the epaulet color, you might have some troubles with these birds...

...This book is not formatted in the familiar field guide format. The plates are bunched together in the center of the book, sandwiched between the species accounts. And, these plates contain to text other than the bird's name...More

此外,即使只到古巴拍鳥旅行及決定購買Birds of Cuba,仍可同時準備由Herbert Raffaele等合著的Birds of West Indies,此書除了插圖更為清晰以外而且更輕巧,二百多頁中已包含了在西印地區可觀看到的564種雀鳥,作為協助辨認尤其是在古巴出沒的西印地區特有鳥種,非常有幫助,接這裡可預覽此書。

Birds of West Indies


Thursday 23rd June 2011 12:25:00 AM
南美攀登記[ 0 messages] 










Friday 17th December 2010 10:15:24 PM
The Hand Guide to the Birds of New Zealand[ 0 messages] 

The Hand Guide to the Birds of New Zealand

Hugh Robertson and Barry Heather, Penguin Books; Revised edition (2005),  168 pages.

- Officially endorsed by the Ornithological Society of New Zealand

- Comprehensive and easy-to-use

- Introduces key bird-watching sites

- Ideal for use in the field

- Every bird species in New Zealand represented in 74 original, full-page, colour paintings, including rare & recently extinct birds.

A more portable version of The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand, with the same excellent images, but a reduced text.  A quality print from Hong Kong! A-must for birding in New Zealand at all levels.  I have this book from Stewart Island when birding in New Zealand.

This book is sold at a very reasonable price  (NZ$38) and almost the same everywhere in New Zealand.  My copy is the revised edition published by Penguin Books in 2005 while the previous edition in 1999 is still available in the market.  It is also worthwhile noting that the copy sold from Amazon and NHBS is published by Oxford University Press in 2001 while the price is almost double.

Sunday 13th June 2010 12:00:00 AM
Where to Watch Birds in Scotland[ 0 messages] 

Where to Watch Birds in Scotland

Mike Madders, Christopher Helm Publishers Ltd; 4th edition (29 Nov 2002),  304 pages.

Scotland is a vast and varied landscape, ranging from mountains and moorland in the highlands to lowland vales, rolling hills and many miles of coastline including rocky indentations, steep sided sea lochs and cliffs, wide estuaries and firths and many off- shore islands. These all give rise to a huge range of habitats for the many differing bird species and birdwatchers can expect to find some of the best and least crowded opportunities for observation in the UK, possibly being rewarded with rare sightings. Indeed, more than 450 species have been recorded and approximately 175 regularly breed... Amazon.co.uk Review

I had this guidebook in my last visit to Scotland in June 2010 and read it almost everyday during the trip. The idea of this book is great and it provides very useful birding information to the foreigner. It can be even better if the information about accessing the birding sites can be more explicit and up-today. The layout & presentation of this book are both out of the current fashion but still one of the useful guidebooks in the market.  I got this book ordered from Amazon with 44% discount (only £9.53)and delivered free-of-charge to the hostel I stayed on the first night in Scotland before my arrival.  Having said that, I'd suggest borrowing it from friends (including myself) for just a backup reference and you shouldn't expect too much from it.

Saturday 12th June 2010 09:33:43 AM
A Guide to the Birds of Wallacea[ 0 messages] 

A Guide to the Birds of Wallacea: Sulawesi, The Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia

Brian J Coates and K David Bishop, Dove Publications.

535 pages, 64 colour plates [697 species], colour photos, maps, illustrations.

A major guide to the birds of the region. The avifauna of this region is a fascinating mix of Asian and Australasian elements but, more importantly, it hosts an extraordinary high number of 249 endemic bird species. This book treats and illustrates all of the 697 species of birds reliably recorded in Wallacea up to July 1996. Intended to serve as both an identification guide and reference the book has two main sections: an identification section comprising the plates and a detailed plate caption text, and a family and species account section that provides detailed information on distribution, abundance, ecology, habits and voice. Key bird-watching sites are also listed.

It is one of my long waiting bird-watching guide books and I have finally got it today from NHBS at a discounted price despite after my trip to Sulawesi.  This is an essential guide for birding in the region of Wallacea, a biogeographical designation for a group of Indonesian islands considered to the transition zone of wildlife in between Asia and Australia.  Though Wallaca is a fascinating birding area, there are a few guidebooks available for birders in the market, at least as far as I know. Luckily and honorably, I had a chance of using this book during my trip to Sulawesi, which was borrowed from a bird guide from Birdtour Asia even though I haven't joined their tour. Like most of guidebooks for remote destinations, they are not available in the areas but may be only available from Amazon while this book may be an exception and a new copy is not even sold from Amazon (at the time of writing). This book was published in 1997 in Hong Kong (a historical year for Hong Kong and it is a little bit ridiculous for me to get it back from a book store in UK!)

It's worth noting about NHBS, Natural History Book Service, and its environment bookstore selling books and wildlife equipment specialized in science, conservation and wildlife though most of their offers tend to be not discounted while I guess probably it is still another good choice of an online book store.  A souvenir given with the book quoting what Mr. Edward O. Wilson, an American biologist and environmentalist, said before : 'When you have seen one ant, one bird, one tree, you have not seen them all.' further enlightens me that 'There is no better high than discovery'. Wish for  visiting Wallacea soon with this book.

Thursday 04th March 2010 12:00:01 AM
忘記「我是誰」? - 李碧華[ 0 messages] 

忘記「我是誰」? - 李碧華 (摘自蘋果日報)









「濕熱」馬拉松 三健兒中暑危(星島日報)

渣馬遇濕熱 千人傷3危殆(文匯報)






Thursday 04th March 2010 12:00:00 AM
福氣 - 李純恩[ 0 messages] 

福氣 - 李純恩 (摘自蘋果日報)










Thursday 14th January 2010 07:12:00 PM
牧羊少年奇幻之旅[ 0 messages] 

驅使我去買這本《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》,不單是要買一份禮物送給一 位朋友,最主要是他跟我看過改編自這本書的一齣音樂劇。2009年的書展,偶爾發現這本書,毫不猶疑就買了。



而因為書中撒冷之王說過的一席話 :「當你渴望某種東西時,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成。」,今天激發起了我要執筆分享這本書。

籌備已久的拍鳥旅行不足十天就要出發,正當惆悵訂購了的新款照相機還沒有到手;由於求過於供,有錢難求,市場上亦有數十個 同好的輪候;而正當考慮其他後備方案之時,一位可能看不過眼的朋友給我傳來喜訊,只是前一天替我訂購,今天店員就通知可以提貨;事後得知這批的供貨全港只有五台;而當我手執這 部照相機的第一刻,我沒有多大期待已久的喜悅,反倒因這個意外令我想起那撒冷之王的話;或許牧羊少年說得對:「當我真心在追尋著我的夢想時,每一天都是繽紛的,因為我知道每一個小時都是在實現夢想的一部分。」

Tuesday 29th December 2009 12:00:00 AM
自由的代價 - 塵翎[ 0 messages] 

自由的代價 - 塵翎 (摘自蘋果日報)







Thursday 24th December 2009 12:00:00 AM
鑽石 - 高慧然[ 0 messages] 

鑽石 - 高慧然 (摘自蘋果日報)






Monday 07th December 2009 12:00:00 AM
A Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka[ 0 messages] 

A Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka

John Harrison and Tim Worfolk, Oxford University Press.

340 pages, 48 colour plates [426 species], colour illustrations; ISBN: 0198549601.

A Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka is the first fully comprehensive, modern field guide to this ornithologically fascinating country. All of Sri Lanka's 426 official avian species are described in the text and depicted in 48 stunning new colour plates painted by Tim Worfolk, one of Britain's leading bird artists. The text, accessible to both experienced ornithologists and beginners, highlights the important identification features, such as plumage variations, size, calls and songs, range, distribution, and status, for every species. The plates illustrate the various plumage variations for each bird, and show the birds perched and also in flight, where relevant to their identification.

An introduction to the guide describes briefly some of the best sites for watching Sri Lanka's abundant avifauna, and provides useful contact addresses for the prospective traveller. This will be an essential purchase for all birdwatchers travelling to the region; the beautiful plates and clearly-written text will also make it a must-have for anyone who loves birds, and Sri Lankan birds in particular.

About the Author

John Harrison has had a lifelong interest in wildlife, and birds in particular. In 1973, he was appointed as a radio producer in the BBC Natural History Unit; during the 18 years he was there, he worked with most of the top naturalists and ornithologists in Britain. As a birdwatcher and wildlife enthusiast, he has made many visits to Sri Lanka over a number of years, and has a first-hand knowledge of the Sri Lankan avifauna. He is now the voluntary warden of a 70 ha wetland nature reserve for the Avon Wildlife Trust.

Tim Worfolk is a full-time wildlife artist with several publications to his credit. Amongst others, he has worked on the Handbook of the Birds of the World, Pica Press Shrikes of the World, Birds of South-East Asia published by New Holland, and Birds of the Indian Subcontinent, by Black.

It is one of the expensive field guides I have even bought for birding in term of the price for each page (over £40 including the shipping charge to Hong Kong for just over 300 page). However, it is still worthwhile having one if a small, handy comprehensive field guide only for Sri Lanka is wanted.  This guide book (printed in China) is not available in Sri Lanka except the copy printed in India with bad colour reproduction as mentioned by the local bird guide I hired, who still surprised my order of this book from Amazon before my trip to Sri Lanka. According to my bird guide there, it is still a recommended identification guide though it unfortunately does not include the latest identified endemic, Serendib Scops-owl, and some of the endemic sub-species. It is a good news that the newer second edition will be published after January 2011 and hopefully it will include additional and up-to-dated information but selling in a lower price (as quoted in NHBS).  Given only a few field guides focusing on Sri Lanka available in the bookstore, I don't regret getting this book just before my trip to Sri Lanka and birdwatching such a delightful country should definitely be done with this book. A good review on this book as shown below written by Soleglad at Avian Review/Avian Books in October 2008 can also be referred:

Of the few field guides that cover only Sri Lanka, this is easily the best book for several reasons. One, it's the only Sri Lanka guide to illustrate all the birds of the island, versus just the resident birds. Two, the artistry in the plates is very good and many more plumages are displayed. And, three, the text contains more information for identification and offers tips to distinguish between similar species. 

Each plate contains between 4 and 15 different species. Most plates contain about 10. On each plate are anywhere between 15 and 40 different illustrations. As an extreme, the plate for the harriers contains only 4 species but over 40 different illustrations, which makes the images slightly small and for a busy page. This scenario is true for most of the raptors, gulls, terns, and shorebirds. However, I'll take this slightly crammed plate with all the many plumages over a more limited selection of views.

Across from each plate are brief notes (1-4 lines) on the identification of the bird. A small range map of Sri Lanka is also supplied. Due to the small size of the island, the ranges are generalized and look much the same between all the birds. These are only somewhat useful. 

The final 2/3 of the book contains the species accounts. The bulk of information revolves around identification of the bird and comparisons to similar species. This information is fairly detailed and offers good notes to identify the bird. Other brief information is given for the voice, status/distribution, habitat, and range. 

Any birding done in Sri Lanka should be done with this book in your hand. It is both a good book and, the best one available for just this area. A few other all-India books would also work, but they would be overkill for the island.

Monday 02nd November 2009 12:00:00 AM
擁有越多越不快樂 - 李怡[ 0 messages] 

擁有越多越不快樂 - 李怡 (摘自蘋果日報)






Sunday 05th July 2009 01:22:28 PM
父母子女的緣份[ 2 messages] 

一本未看過的書:《目送》,只是從網絡朋友中轉載的一段文字。跟父母結緣,我深信不疑是上天注定,或許有人把父母看必然的親人,但我慢慢、慢慢地意識到,所謂親情都隨緣;緣起緣滅 從來都是求不得、捨不去。若果你信緣,每個跟你相識、相親、相愛、相戀、甚至相惡的人都是緣,緣起、緣落、緣盡亦是緣。


Saturday 16th May 2009 12:10:30 PM
Icelandic Bird Guide[ 0 messages] 

Identification guide to Icelandic birds featuring over 500 colour photographs. Text covers order, family, habits and identifying features of Icelandic birds along with habitat, breeding areas, population, clutch size, incubation period. Full descriptions are also given, describing variations in plumage by season and age, bill feet, eyes, flight, wingspan, length and weight, behaviour, and calls. Eggs of Icelandic breeding birds are shown in real size and nests and yound are also shown.

Saturday 14th February 2009 07:35:00 PM
輕鬆跑馬拉松:42.195km您也能輕鬆達成![ 0 messages] 

今年第一次參加渣打馬拉松2009的全馬比賽,好順利完成了42.195公里;今日也事後孔明買了一本台灣翻譯的日語書:《ゼロから始めるフルマラソンの本=Let's challenge the Marathon!》;中文書名是 「輕鬆跑馬拉松:42.195km您也能輕鬆達成!」。 雖然我賽前沒有看過這本書,甚或參加過正規的跑步訓練,而書中的內容我零碎地從其他途徑聽過。慶幸我誤打誤撞地實踐了書中部分建議的練習和準備,我相信我因此可以沒有因為這次馬拉松比賽而受傷,並能輕鬆地完成全程;以一個初嘗過馬拉松比賽的身份反觀,打算挑戰馬拉松前,不應抱僥倖之心,該書是絕對值得參考。





Saturday 31st January 2009 11:40:45 PM
Galápagos - A Natural History Guide[ 0 messages] 

Another book borrowed from Hong Kong Public Library for planning my trip to the Galápagos and borrowed again after the trip. Galápagos - A Natural History Guide is one of the most informative reference books found and it has everything you should know about the Galápagos from the four chapters (Scientific and Historical Data; Fauna of the Galápagos; Description of the Islands; and The Galápagos National Park).  The photos inside, to be frank, are not stunning from photographers' eyes.  The sketches of diagrams and maps are presented in an outdated fashion.  Probably, all these make the book being looked more classic as it should be and the most impressive words start from the Forward:

To many overseas visitor, the Galápagos are the image of paradise; a mythical place – so symbolic per se – like a child’s dream that beckons beyond imagination; an oasis of life in the middle of the vast expanse of the cold east Pacific ocean; a magical speck of land inhabited by fabulous animals, survivors of another space in time, which live in harmony with nature; a place so far away from civilization, that it must have been chosen by the Gods to be a haven of peace and beauty. In short, the perfect postcard of Eden.

To me, however, these islands evoke mixed feelings of the sweet and sour kind. Time plus 25 years experience of the Galápagos, have given me a deep perspective about the events and a seasoned approach to the challenges facing this unique land. Believe me, from my window, the outlook is not pretty any longer and I have a bitter taste in my mouth. The evidence is convincing. The presence of men is not compatible with paradise. Man has become a greedy, merciless predator, a destroyer and a powder master key to what Darwin once called “evolution”. Man prefers to call it progress, but what sort of improvement is that, it is detrimental to Mother Nature? Money has become the new “blood” of the Galápagos environment. ….” – from the author, Pierre Constant

It makes one sad just reading the first two paragraphs of Pierre's Forward but it may be arguably true.  I may consider, with his 25 years of experience in the Galápagos,  the message in the opening is worthwhile taking particular note notwithstanding this sour and sad taste cast a damp over those who are planning the trip to the Galápagos.  Be a responsible human being on the earth being shared with other life forms.

…I do not wish to darken the picture more than I should. The magic and the spell of Enchanted Isles really do exist. They are found:

In the inquisitive look of the blue-footed boobies; In the sweetness and the frolic of the sea lions on land or in the water; in the peaceful and detached somnolence of marine iguanas flat on the rocks under the equatorial sun;



In the enigmatic smiles of the land iguanas under the opuntia cacti; in the eternal immobility of the giant tortoises in their centenarian shell, overlooking the world from the rim of the volcanoes; in the mystical contemplation of the pelican standing on its rock, facing the glowing ocean at sunset;

In the grace and innocence of the flightless cormorant during courtship display; in the comical duel of the albatrosses fencing with their beaks in the mating season; in the joyful gamboling of bottlenose dolphins, for which each boat is a pretest to play; in the wave that crashes against the Great Arch and turns into one thousand drops of iridescent light …

For all that, I pay my respects to these islands.  Despite the thunder and lightning, the Galápagos must be safeguarded as the innocence of the world. For the sun rises east on Noah’s ark or on the arch of Darwin, and glows west on the great blue yonder of the Pacific. The magic of “Las Encantadas” may one day disappear under the surface of the waves, but by then, humans would have gone long before.

(Note: This book can be borrowed from the Hong Kong Public Library or bought from Amazon.)

Wednesday 24th December 2008 12:14:38 AM
傾聽自然[ 0 messages] 

從網路上尋找關於麥潤壽《在晴朗的天空下》的資料,偶然在《一個人在旅途上》的部落格上,看到作者Gary引述他看過Joseph Cornell 著的(Listening to Nature)《傾聽自然》一書提及親近大自然、親近動物的方法。從我幾年來拍鳥的體驗,很認同這看法,而親近大自然和 動物,也是我拍鳥最享受的地方。順道聖誕節到台灣去「吃喝玩樂」,在博客來網路書店訂購了一本;旅途中在大自然懷抱中,邊看邊聽 它呼喚






長久以來,孜孜不倦的生活,是否已經遺忘了自然的呼喚,傾聽周遭的聲音,感受自然的呼喚。今世最受尊崇的美國自然教育學家約瑟夫、柯內爾(Joseph Cornell)設計了各種體驗與探索大自然的活動,激發人們對自然心靈的共鳴,喚起對自然生命的崇敬及珍惜之心。




約瑟夫•柯內爾Joseph Cornell : 當今世上最受尊崇的美國自然教育家,著有《傾聽自然》、《與孩子分享自然》、《共享自然的喜悅》、《探索大地之心》、《學做自然的孩子──國家公園之父繆爾如何觀察自然》五本書(皆由張老師文化公司出版),是他一生所秉持的自然教育理念與實踐的精華。他希望每個人都敞開心靈接近自然,從樂趣中體驗自然所帶來的啟迪,學會如何深刻地體驗自然。


金恆鑣 : 天性樂觀,自在如鵬鳥。愛好並關心自然,致力於以筆保育自然。現任農委會林業試驗所所長、國際長期生態研究網主席。著有《與森林相處》、《救救雨林》,譯有《作客雨林》、《種樹的男人》、《傾聽自然》等書。


Wednesday 17th September 2008 12:00:00 AM
Watching Wildlife Galápagos Islands [ 0 messages] 

No independent traveler or backpacker can be unfamiliar with the guidebooks published by Lonely Planet but probably not each of them traveling to Ecuador will be aware, when planning their visit to the Galápagos, of a thin (compared with other Lonely Planet guidebooks; it’s just 150 pages) but specialized book for wildlife watching. Watching Wildlife Galápagos Islands is really what it introduces itself a book for bird-, whale- and dolphin-watching and wildlife photography plus diving and snorkeling.  I obtained this book from Hong Kong Public Library for planning my trip to the Galápagos.

…Yet when Charles Darwin visited in 1835 there is no guidebook to help piece together the evolutionary puzzle he saw before him.  Equipment with the book, we hope the modern-day visit will find explanations for the remarkable life forms that first piqued Darwin’s curiosity, and continue to show an interest in and support for the unique islands.” – from the author, David Andrew.

It is a truly handy guidebook helping wildlife watchers identify and understand the Galápagos and tame wildlife there.  No matter searching for the places where your favourite animals locate or the animals you are going to see at the places where you plan to visit, you can easily find the answer from one of the chapters (Nature in the Islands, Wildlife-Watching, Habitats, Islands and Wildlife Gallery) in this well-organized book.

(Note: The book can be borrowed from the Hong Kong Public Library or bought from Amazon as it may not be available in local bookstores.)

Saturday 26th July 2008 06:41:00 PM
心的視界:柯錫杰的攝影美學 [ 0 messages] 



從「心的視界」有感 :







有一位攝影家,高行健讚喻他「用照相機取代畫筆,又超越了相機的機械性能和照片的物質性,賦予影像以某種繪畫的可能。」他是第一個在紐約開設個人工作室的華人攝影師、第一個深入撒哈拉沙漠拍照的台灣攝影師,也是第一個把攝影作品推向藝術、得以在Hammer Gallery等重量級藝廊展出的攝影師。他開創了新的攝影風格和構圖視野,在七○年代,他的大名已享譽國際。他是台灣現代攝影第一人──柯錫杰。

本書是柯錫杰執相機五十年首度公開他的攝影美學之精華集結。在他眼中,什麼是美?什麼是藝術?如何拍出好照片?為何《Play Boy》和《國家地理雜誌》找他他都不拍?書中都有精彩論述。









我的一生是由攝影所寫成的,但我從未想過要把自己的攝影心得寫成書。出版社的編輯跟我提出這個構想時,心想也許是很有意義的嘗試。我透過鏡頭得到過太多的感動,我衷心認為自己一直在做的,是很幸福的事。如果從攝影工作中得的快樂,可以透過一本書讓更多的人體會,那麼我很願意。但是我希望讀者不要把它當成一本侷限在攝影技術範圍的書,攝影家的眼界必須寬廣,我們要學習的,是一種體會世界的方式,而不是紀錄的能力。欣賞這個世界,透過手中的鏡頭,用心和觀者交流,從這個角度來看,你會得到更多。我想藉由這本書告訴年輕讀者,透過影像,enjoy your life






Art, Photography(9)
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Birds of Cuba蝢餉The Hand Guide to the Birds of New ZealandWhere to Watch Birds in ScotlandA Guide to the Birds of Wallacea抒撠撟游撟颱A Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka嗆摮憟喟蝺隞Icelandic Bird Guide頛擛頝擐祆橘42.195km其質擛嚗Galápagos - A Natural History Guide曇質芰Watching Wildlife Galápagos Islands 敹閬嚗舫急啁敶梁摮