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Sunday 01st July 2012 05:57:56 PM
July Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

A long-term housing or family situation, possibly involving a parent, that has caused you much stress over the past few years, will now reach a critical juncture. It is becoming obvious to you that something must be done - soon. You will get your chance to preview options, but you may not be fully settled until late August, when Mars leaves this area, or in early October when Saturn's due to make his exit from this same area too. Near July 18 when you may say, "Enough" and look for a solution, whether you are ready or not.
In the meantime, a relationship will require your full attention near the full moon, July 3. Something that has caused a disagreement has to be discussed, decided, and acted upon. Your partner with whom you are speaking may be someone close to you in the romantic or business sense. Stress may be high at this time, particularly if your birthday falls on or near July 3. Changes in your working life will conflict with what is happening at home, and just when you need your partner's support, it seems lacking. You may have to become a master juggler to keep all parts of life spinning, but be comforted in knowing that this period won't last much longer - relief will arrive several months from now. In the meantime, it's time to talk things through to come up with a course of action, at least for now.
Your career may bring a few ups and downs in early month, but in all, things could go in the right direction by mid-month. One especially bright day will be July 16 when Mars and Jupiter work together to boost your reputation. Someone behind the scenes will put in a good word for you. Yet don't get too comfy, however, because just two days later you may have a disagreement with a client about money on July 18, and when it comes up you may feel broadsided by events.
The new moon in Cancer, July 19, will be your favorite point in the month when things start to click in place in near-magical ways. Your reputation will be on the rise too, and suddenly earth will seem like a friendly place to be.
Financially, you've been under some stress for a long time, but this month should show you the light at the end of the tunnel. As you get closer to month's end, you will be in a better position to negotiate. The Sun and Mercury will be your friends on July 24 and 25, and the Sun and Uranus will be too, on July 30.
Still, Mercury will be retrograde, July 14-August 8, and you may have to wait for your checks, or conversely, you may finally get an old check now that was much overdue. Do not sign contracts during the retrograde - sign in early July, or wait until later in August.
Romantically, as Venus comes closer to Jupiter in your twelfth house in the month's first week, your temptation to get involved in a secret affair may become irresistible. The problem is, when the affair comes out in the open, as it will in a matter of weeks, you may regret ever getting involved. Use good judgment. A better romantic situation will come up next month, in late August, and your fine romantic aspects will last through mid-November.
Friends will play an unusually prominent role now, and with Jupiter and Venus quite close in early July, they will want to include you in all that they do. Their events should have a soft elegance that you'll appreciate. This is a month for large or small pampering - indulge, dear Cancer. Don't, however, buy expensive things like diamonds or emeralds, cameras or computers, estates or mansions. Those are best left to when Mercury goes direct.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Most romantic dates: July 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 21-22, 25, 27, and 30.
The full moon in Capricorn on July 3 could bring a relationship question out in the open.
Your best time of the month: the new moon in Cancer July 19. From then on, life will improves in the best possible way, thanks to Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars.
Mercury will be retrograde July 14 to August 8.
Your home or family situation has pressed on you for a long time - now, with Mars in this house, much will get settled, July 3 to August 23.
Career news should be sweet, July 25 and 30
Be careful about getting into a secret tryst in early July, could backfire in time.

Capricorn Summary

Something of major personal importance is coming to critical mass near the full moon, July 3, and doubly dramatic if your birthday falls within five days of January 3. A residential / property matter may need a quick solution, but don't expect much agreement from others around you. Pluto will be very close to this full moon, suggesting that you may push too hard to get your way and in so doing distance the very people whose support you need. Use a light touch - charm will save the day. If a home or family matter does not get solved in early July (doubtful), you may have better luck when Jupiter and Uranus become more active from July 21 to 31, with stellar days within that period due July 19-22, 24, 25, and 31.
Mercury will be retrograde from July 14 to August 8, but you will feel the slowdown and miscommunications that this planet brings earlier, as soon as the first week. You would be wise to stop and observe as you listen carefully. You are in a time of flux, and so if you choose a direction now, you are very likely to regret your choice later. Table all deals and commitments to after August 8, and if the deal involves money (and what deal does not?), then wait until after the brilliant, friendly new moon, August 17.
Your career will become a hub of attention now that Mars will make a dramatic move into Libra from July 3 until August 23. Mars will allow you to make some of the best professional progress you've seen in over two years. Still, you will need to expect a bit of a frustrating slowdown mid-month, while Mercury is retrograde, July 14 to August 8.
When offers come in, you should not accept any new career position during Mercury retrograde. Instead, use this time to get in back touch with colleagues, superiors, and clients you've not seen in a while to elicit their support. After August 8, your focus will change from looking back to looking forward, and you'll find a quickened pace. At that time, you will be free to accept a position offered, confident you are ready to make the right choice. Financially, talks will go your way with a client or new employer on July 24 and 25, and especially on two of your golden days, July 30-31. The only exception to the rule "don't take a position while Mercury is retrograde" is if the offer comes from an old colleague or friend - in that case you are simply continuing a long-term relationship and making more of it (always good during a retrograde).
Are you ready to make a commitment? You and your sweetheart may begin to talk about choosing a date to wed, once the new moon July 19 arrives. You may start to discuss the possibility of getting engaged (with an announcement in August), or simply commit to becoming exclusive now.
Alternatively, you may be ready to forge a joint venture involving an investment from you and a business or romantic partner for a business venture or involving a purchase / lease of property. The plans you have with your significant other may be, for example, as simple as moving in with your sweetheart, or as serious as buying a house together. This is, of course, only one of many possibilities that I give you to get you thinking "partnership" in your personal life or in business.
Are you single? Romance won't be as busy for you as it would be for Capricorns who are attached or seriously dating. Even so, you will have your share of special days. A new co-worker or attractive person who consults your company may catch your eye. If your firm has any team-building social events, from a company picnic to after-work softball game, make it a point to attend. Also a party, picnic, or barbeque you give at home on July 4, thanks to a sizzling aspect from Venus and Jupiter, could cause sparks to fly in the best sense.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic dates: July 2-3 (both wild cards), 7, 12, 13, 16, 19-22, 27, and 30-31.
Mercury will be retrograde July 14 to August 8.
Mars in Libra, July 3 to August 24, will highlight a career situation that needs a decision from you. In those weeks, you'll have one of your best chances to find options you like.
Needs of work versus those of home seem to pull at you, but especially on July 18.
The full moon in Capricorn will be an important moment in your timeline when something critical reaches a finish, but there may be some tension.
The new moon in Cancer will be very friendly, July 19, plus two weeks. If you are serious about moving closer to commitment with a partner, this new moon will open the door.
You may enjoy getting into working out at the gym now. Pick up new fitness wear to make going to the gym more enjoyable.
Best financial days, for interviews and presentations, and for real estate talks: July 16 (career), 19-22, 24, 25, and 31.



Saturday 02nd June 2012 10:35:34 AM
June Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

This is a big month, and it appears a lot is about to happen offstage, behind closed doors. This may be because you are involved with a confidential launch of a product or service, or because you are doing other work that demands secrecy. With Jupiter, the good fortune planet, moving into this same area of your chart on June 11, to stay twelve months, it's clear you'll be highly productive working alone, away from people who are prone to distract you.
Your career is about to do better than earlier this year now that Mars is moving very rapidly at long last, after weeks of being retrograde from late January through mid-April. This will translate into a faster career pace for you. There are a few humps to get over this month at the eclipse June 4, but you can do it, and after this episode, you will be on firmer ground. Sometimes something you think is not so good turns out to be a blessing in disguise. You may need to travel short distances to see your clients who are based in nearby cities, and doing so will help you progress faster.
Indeed, with a lunar eclipse June 4 in your workaday sector, brace for changes in regard to your assignments, or with personnel, in particular. An assistant that you rely upon may quit, or your regular, trusted housekeeper may be moving away. You may be interviewing babysitters or nannies again, or interviewing a new gardener or housekeeper. At work you may need to see a number of candidates before you choose your favorite recruit. Be flexible - change is a necessary part of life, even though it always seems to come at an inconvenient time!
You may want to pay a little more attention to your physical and mental health. You've been busy, but now, with eclipse season upon us, any neglect will show up and beg for attention. The lunar eclipse, June 4, can bring any health concern to your attention - quick attention will increase your chances of feeling your old self again.
Later, the new moon in Gemini on June 19 will bring opportunity to help you sort out any psychological problem you may have been meditating on. It's an ideal time to check in with a therapist or good friend to get to the core of what could be at the root of your unrest. If you have any propensity that causes you to tear down your health such as smoking, too much alcohol, or something as little as eating cookies in bed at night (oh those crumbs!) you can end that habit. Look for help after June 19.
Romantically, the first ten days of June will be your best, as Jupiter, the great benefic, will be touring your friendship / people / events sector. Jupiter is getting ready to leave, however, and will bring his goodness to another part of your chart after June 11, not to be back to this, your eleventh house until 2023. The first weekend of the month would be ideal for a romantic dinner or weekend away with the one you love. If you have no one now, be sure to circulate on that weekend. Once Jupiter enters Gemini, you will do well with arranged, blind dates set up by people you know and trust. Wait to do so in July - this month, with Venus in retrograde, you'll feel like you're trying to climb the escalator that's moving down - you'll get nowhere fast.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Most romantic dates: June 1, 2, 9-10, 14-15, 20, and 28-29. Remember, however - Venus is retrograde, so this is not a month to meet someone new or etch any romantic decisions in stone.
Venus will be retrograde until June 27.
The course of your career will improve, thanks to Mars' faster orbit. From now on, the hard work you've done will show progress.
The lunar eclipse June 4 will bring changes in regard to co-workers or subordinates that report to you, at home or at work. Or, your assignments may change, or the computer software may be upgraded. Watch for the way you do your job to change.
With a great deal of emphasis on your behind-the-scenes sector from now on, you will find a high level of productivity when you work alone, behind the scenes, free of others who might take too much of your time.
Do you have a pet? Take special care of your little furry creature this month, especially near June 4, for he may need attention.
This is an important month for attending to your mind, body, and spirit. It's time to have a look at your lifestyle, habits, and exercise level and find ways to increase fitness. Schedule appointments with doctors, too.
Romantically, your first days, June 1-11, will be your best, due to Jupiter still in Cancer, and within that phase, the weekend of Friday night, June 1 through Sunday, June 3 will be best.
Home and family-related matters will get a big push forward once Venus is direct at month's end, after June 27. Efforts to beautify your home will do doubly well after that date, too. Saturn is also in your home sector, and that planet is also about to turn direct June 25. The days surrounding this date will be critical for your home-related progress.

Capricorn Summary

As the month begins, a piece of information you were never supposed to hear will quite suddenly come out in the open. Having this information will allow you to protect yourself, especially if someone has not been honest with you. This information comes to you due to the lunar (full moon) eclipse June 11.
There is another way this eclipse may assert its presence. The twelfth house, where this eclipse will appear on June 4, also rules institutions of health. This suggests that you, or someone you know, may opt to get special medical care, in a hospital, rehab center, or other facility. If news does arrive, your family will likely be supportive, and members will come together in an effective way.
Work will be very busy as the month begins, and that comes thanks to an extraordinary buildup of planets in your sixth house of work assignments. Several little planets are already there, ready and excited to welcome Jupiter, the great giver of gifts and luck, who will stay in this house for a full twelve months. Jupiter always gives "more" of anything you could ever want, so you won't lack assignments, for sure. To be sure you notice that this will be quite an important time for you, the universe sent an eclipse on May 20, and a new moon this month, June 19, in the very same part of your chart.
The new moon, June 19, will also emphasize health from your sixth house, but the difference is that this new moon will be the best of the year to kick off a new fitness or nutritional diet. Do so as early as possible within the two weeks that follow. The first few days following that new moon, June 19-22, will be your strongest and best time to begin.
With Jupiter moving into your sixth house on June 11 for a full twelve months - this is the area that rules all the things you do to feel your best - any attempt you make to feel and look better would be rewarded. Interestingly, having Jupiter in the sixth house is the best place to lose weight and get fit because this planet would overhaul long ingrained habits.
At work, you are likely to be very busy with not one but with two new projects that will excite you and help you broaden your skills. The projects might include writing, editing, speaking, lecturing, selling, marketing, advertising, publicity, or doing translations as some examples. These projects will bring you into a new realm, so do your best - there are more interesting assignments to come.
Your home situation seems to be running the gamut from very good news to high pressure and a battle of wills. One day when tension is likely to run high is June 25, when Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries square off in a very angry way. Keep your antenna up, and brace for any news that may seem unfairly forceful. If you keep your wits about you, you can think of a resourceful way to handle anything that comes up.
In terms of finding love if you are single, you are now in the final days of having Jupiter in Taurus, the finest place for the planet of gifts and luck, in the perfect house to bring love until June 11, ending a yearlong visit. Be sure to circulate during those last days if you still hope to meet someone. If you found love, the same house that Jupiter is visiting also rules pregnancy and birth. If you hope for conception and that schedule works for you, that would also be a good time to summon the stork.
Once you get to the last week of June, you will sigh with relief. Your own ruler, Saturn, will turn direct, allowing blockages to be released and productivity to flow again. You've faced a number of tricky obstacles, but things will improve now, proving all your efforts were worthwhile after all. And all the hard work you will put in this month while others are on vacation is adding up to something big. Watch mid-October - you'll get the promotion and the last laugh as you are ushered into the corner office, with YOUR name on the door.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
Most romantic dates: Keep in mind Jupiter in Taurus represents your best time ever to fall in love (June 1 to 11 represents the tail end of a long visit from this planet in just the right house.) Conception is favored then, too.
With the above-statement in mind, here are your best dates: June 1- 3, 5-6, 9-10, 13-15, 25, and 29.
Venus will remain retrograde until June 27, and from that point on, your career progress will accelerate and bring better news than it has over the weeks since Venus started to retrograde, May 15.
The most important day of the month - and there certainly are a slew of key dates this month - will be when your ruler, Saturn, goes direct on June 25. Saturn has been retrograde, and therefore weak, since February 7, and that held back your progress on a big scale.
The lunar eclipse June 4 will bring information to the surface that may have been withheld from you. You may get clarification on a long-term matter that has troubled you.
Alternatively, you may decide to check into a hospital, rehab, or physical therapy center to eliminate a problem. It's also an ideal month to reform your habits to open the door on better health, especially in the days following the new moon June 19. Weight loss does well, too.
June 3, when Mercury and your ruler, Saturn, combine energies, will be an excellent day to exchange views with an important client or boss or in your personal life, your partner. Stage that talk on this day.
Another special day: June 13, when the Sun and Saturn are beautifully oriented. You may get a financial opportunity that you feel stabilizes your finances.
Home-related news runs hot to cold. You have some excellent aspects June 20 involving Venus, but some tough ones on June 11 and 24. Listen carefully to all that is said to you, and to be ready for anything. A landlord or government official may be the source of your stress.



Tuesday 01st May 2012 10:52:22 PM
May Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

In gentle May, romance will be written all over your chart, so take time away from mundane matters to enjoy your partner, with walks under the stars, private candlelit dinners, and time to share dreams. If you are single, May will be your brightest month to meet someone new or to celebrate love you share with a person dearly important to you.
The full moon over the weekend date night of May 5 should set the scene for one of the most enchanting evenings of the year, perfect for spinning a memory for the two of you. Neptune will drop his veil of beauty over reality and transport you to a heavenly a place where wristwatches don't work and cell phones can't reach you. It matters not if you are attached or single, this weekend is made for love. If you are single, leave your doubts by the door as you step into the world to find out all it has to offer you. This full moon has the power to change lives and get your heart beating double time. Mars will make a short trip possible if you like, and Pluto will bring closeness with your partner.
Soon you'll see that things were only getting started over that full moon. Over the weekend of May 12-13, Jupiter will meet with the Sun, and you are due for still another banner romantic night to remember. At this time you will see the power of love and friendship to move mountains, and you will suddenly know how dearly others care about you and adore your heart. This most fortunate weekend of the year would be an ideal time to give a party, or go to one. The music, the food and flowers, the beautiful people, all will come together to form a rare night that can only be described as platinum gold.
Also, at the same time, May 10-13, you are very likely to get welcome news about your finances. Clearly, your "stock" will be rising in the marketplace, dear Cancer, so it's an ideal time to schedule an interview, make a presentation, or craft a deal. When you're hot, you're hot! At mid-month, you can do no wrong.
Later, near May 25-28, when Uranus and the Sun combine energies, your career will hit new high notes. This is remarkable, since in the US, that time is Memorial Day, a big holiday that one would not associate with sudden career opportunity. The universe doesn't know about our calendar and delivers goodies when it likes to do so, so be ready to answer your phone, dear Cancer. You may want to call forward all your calls to your cell phone (ha, ha - like I do).
The solar eclipse in Gemini, May 20, will bring golden light to the wellness area of your chart, bringing you opportunity to rid yourself of a habit that may be self-destructive or of a health condition that has been troubling to you. The best part about life is that you can always start fresh. Get help if necessary - there is no need to sit and suffer. With just a bit of effort from you, Jupiter will see to it that you move in precisely the right direction. This same eclipse will make you a wizard of productivity behind closed doors, so if you have a project that needs concentration and focus, this eclipse will be your best friend.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
Your most romantic dates: May 1-2, 4-6, 9, 10-13, 18, 19, 24, and 25-28.
Romance reaches a high point over the full moon May 5, plus or minus four days.
Something comes to closure.
Travel with your spouse or partner: May 1
One of your most brilliant, lucky days of the year: May 12-13 (or earlier, over May 10-11), expect a social event that will be quite extraordinary for you - fun, luxurious, with new friendship possible.
Venus will retrograde May 15 to June 27, and this may cause delays or setbacks in regard to your home situation.
The solar eclipse of May 20 will boost your intuition to work on very high levels.
If you travel over May 19, you'll love the results!
Expect sudden good news for your career over May 26-28.

Capricorn Summary

Every once in a while, a month arrives that is so close to perfect that you want it to never end. May is exactly that kind of month.
Mars is now in fine form and traveling in fellow earth sign Virgo in your travel sector and will be working closely with Pluto in Capricorn (highlighting your desires) and Jupiter (in your house of true love). Working together, these planets will make sure you have time for loving, relaxing fun. If you are single, you must circulate, for you have a fantastic time to meet your one true love. You are always busy, but these aspects are as rare as diamonds, so take time away from your schedule for two weeks to do some serious socializing. If attached, enjoy and nourish a relationship you have now. Let love in, dear Capricorn - your angels will help you.
What is so remarkable about May is that Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter will form a rare and dazzling triangle pattern in the sky, with all three planets in friendly earth signs like yours. This is akin to seeing three apples line up perfectly in a slot machine - pull the lever, for this time you win! You'll find others will go along with your ideas without the usual need to compromise. At times you may wonder how you quickly became the flavor of the month, but don't over think this - enjoy it!
The weekend of the full moon, May 5 seem to mark a big social event in your timeline. It'll be brimming with festivities, and it appears you'll be surrounded with many happy people. This is a sign you need to push back from your desk and give yourself a bit more fun!
Further, the "luckiest day of the year" will occur on May 12, when the Sun and benefic Jupiter will align, an annual event. Only rarely, however, do the Sun and Jupiter met in a sign that is so sweetly compatible to yours and in such an outstanding position to benefit you. Life can't always be this sweet, but when it is, you will know for sure that love really can conquer all. A feeling of joy and optimism will be in the air, and you'll be truly unstoppable.
This weekend, May 12-13, would be ideal for a party, wedding, surprise party, special romantic dinner for two, first date, or a weekend getaway that provides ultimate pampering. If you are attached, bring your partner, but if not, go to a location that you love and can't wait to visit. All good things happen when you feel at home while away - see what fate has in store for you!
Shortly after that magical weekend, Venus will go retrograde from May 15 to June 27. During this time your career will progress more slowly than you are used to seeing for a period of six weeks, because Venus will be retrograde, and Venus is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of fame. Be patient, and don't push against forces too big to control. It's time to review your strategy and assumptions and to take steps to refine your tactics. Go back to see if a project you are working on needs a new, fresher approach. Look for flaws that can be polished up. Having taken this time will put you back on the right road and up the mountain of success again.
Watch for work-related opportunities to arise quickly, due to the solar eclipse of May 20. You may get a plum project or a chance to hire a staff member who is capable of contributing much to your effort. This same eclipse may also help you organize your life more efficiently than it's been so that you are able to get more done in less time.
While you focus on your project, keep the memory of these great romantic weekends this month: Friday night, May 4; Saturday, May 5; and Saturday, May 12 to Sunday May 13. This month love will be as you like it best, close and very passionate.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Your most romantic dates, married or single, will be May 1, 4-6, 8, 9, 10-13, and then later, after Venus goes retrograde, things will be less special May 14, 18, 19, 28, and 29.
A highly social event may dot your schedule, filled with beautiful surroundings, music, fine food, and warm and friendly people within four days of the full moon, May 5.
The solar eclipse May 20, is very positive and is about to bring vast changes to your everyday assignment life.
Your workaday life may change in the days or weeks after May 20, the solar eclipse. Changes may be sudden and surprising, but will work to energize you.
If you work in the international area, academia, or the media, see an official on May 16, when Pluto and Mars will be so divinely positive.
You will win the cosmic lottery on the luckiest day of the year for love and closeness, and it matters not if you are single, attached, or married, these days will be for YOU! May 12, but you will also feel the glow in the days leading to this day, May 10-11.
Venus will begin to retrograde May 15-June 27 and as a result, may slowdown your career progress. Have patience.
Even if your career slows down, you will have a chance to score a financial victory, quite by surprise, on or within days of May 28.



Sunday 01st April 2012 10:57:16 PM
April Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Your family or residential / property situation has been a pressing concern for the past two years, but this month you will see a development regarding these matters near the full moon, April 6, that may give you closure, or may be a "step one" in a multi-step process You will have to attend to what comes up quickly, so be ready.
Indeed, in recent years, you may have had problems with a housing situation or mortgage, or it may have been that a parent or other family member may have needed your care and attention. If so, a decision will be required of you. This month's full moon may bring problems from a partner or an outspoken authority figure that will apply pressure to you to side with him or her. It's clear you don't want to fall in line, and will not appreciate the force this person is applying. Clearly you will have opinions of your own, and it appears that the full moon will force you to present you feelings forcefully.
With home and family matters swirling about, requiring dozens of discussions and several decisions, you will have a lot to juggle on your schedule. Business travel may be necessary this month and if so, schedule it for the third week of April or later, not before, because until then, several rogue planets will create obstacles and indecisions. By April's third week, those planets will have moved out of difficult positions.
One day that could be particularly frustrating - possibly a bit depressing - will be Sunday, April 15, due to an opposition of the Sun to Saturn. People or a situation at home will require attention, and your clients or boss will also be demanding much of you, too. This is a Sunday, but this aspect will have an area of influence of two days on either side, so try to keep your schedule clear near then. Money seems to stress you at that time, but family or real estate seems to be a topic, too. The day will be tense, because everyone will be vying for your attention. Important days all have a halo of several days - don't come up too close to April 15.
All of life, including your love life, will improve noticeably once you get to April 21, the new moon in Taurus. This new moon will open one of the sweetest portals of time of the year, and open a door for more socializing in the weeks ahead. You may travel a short distance, too, thanks to the position of Mars, and add many new friends and associates to your circle. In fact, the new people who will enter your life now will have a key role to play. New and present friends will bring you many fortunate opportunities. This is the most golden area of your chart, so take this advice seriously. Romance will be in the air too, and it appears this comes after a long drought, thanks to the kindness of a friend who will likely want to make an introduction or who gives a great party where you meet some very interesting people.
Along the way, throughout this month, perhaps the best news of all: a wish dear to you may come true, too, just when you were ready to give up.I saved the best for last, dear Cancer. Stay optimistic!
Dates to Note Cancer:
Most romantic evenings: April 3, 4, 7-8, 17, 21-22, and 26-27.
April 8: blind date that a friend sets up should work out well, thanks to Venus so friendly to Uranus.
The full moon in your home sector may bring a conclusion to talks about property, a renovation, repair job, or other domestic matter, April 6 plus or minus four days.
The new moon April 21 will be sensational for lighting your social life in the weeks to come. New friends and lots of events should dot your schedule! Lovely new moon for you!
From April 13 onward, your career progress and negotiations should go better now that Mars is finally moving direct. No more delays.
You may travel for business or pleasure this month, but for romance go over April 21-22. Stay away a few days, to a place near water - divine!
April 15 when the Sun and Saturn are opposed, will be nobody's favorite day.
Mercury goes direct April 4, no more delays!
You will find you and your partner (business or personal) will be on the same page, April 29, thanks to Pluto in good angle to the Sun. Money may come up - and prove to bring a profitable conclusion.

Capricorn Summary
The past five years have brought you a great deal of change, but you seem to be settling into your new and improved lifestyle now and adjusting to the massive shifts that the eclipses of 2009-2011 have wrought. One of the main areas of concern has been your career, and the full moon April 6 will bring a professional matter to closure within four days of this date. Pluto in Capricorn will likely make you and an authority figure somewhat edgy at this time, so one piece of news may not please you. Rather than be tempted to flare up and grab a hammer to pound a gnat, choose a gentle touch instead. The April 6 full moon is due to be an important moment for your career, so see what comes up.
Mars has been in your study and overseas travel sector since November 2011, and will remain there until early July - this is an unusually long trend. Lucky you, Mars will go direct on April 13, along with Mercury (out of phase since mid-March) on April 4. With these planets now growing stronger because they are no longer retrograde, you won't have the delays you've had to deal with in past weeks and months. Travel, for business or personal reasons, will have a great chance for success. If you are preparing to attend graduate school or college in the semester later this year, you'll be in luck - things will go easier from now on. Citizenship matters, like attaining a passport, visa, or green card, will also go better.
Those in the media industry will also find that completing complex stories will become easier, without so many glitches, and if you hope to break into publishing or broadcasting, the green light will appear in the second half of April.
Home and real estate matters should perk up just after Mars goes direct April 13. No matter how hard it has been for you to see progress, finally, plans will start to fall into place. Emerging opportunities in your career may also cause you to think about making a relocation - see what comes up. If low interest rates have had you thinking of refinancing your mortgage (without the need to take capital out), this would be a good month to have talks with your banker. Do so AFTER Mars goes direct, April 13. Don't act too fast, however, as you will need to avoid another troublesome day, April 15, when Saturn will oppose the Sun. Saturn is your ruler, and the Sun represents authority figures - on April 15 you will encounter a disconnect between you and a person in power, so lie low.
Romantically, your outlook is sensational, and you have the very best outlook of all twelve signs. The new moon of April 21 in Taurus will brighten your love sector, making this moment the most important of 2012 for single Capricorns to meet the person for you. In the weeks that follow from April 21 to the first part of May, your social interactions should be exciting. If meeting someone new is your wish, your angels are listening.
If you are attached, you will not be left out, for life will take on a new luster and glow. If you feel life with your partner has become a bit dull and predictable, all that can change now - plan a trip, have some fun. Your travel sectors, both for trips near and far, will be lit up brilliantly like pinball machines. You are considered the most professionally ambitious of all signs, but if you are to have a rich and satisfying private life too, you need to take time away from work to enjoy the love the universe wants you to experience. Do so in late April and early May, and you could see life-changing results.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic evenings: April 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 21-23 (five-star days), and 26-30. The end of the month will bring your very best days, from April 21 onward.
Mercury goes direct April 4, no more delays!
Mars will go direct too, April 13, and all international matters, including those involving a passport or green card, will go well. If a trip has been delayed, or a legal matter has languished, that too should speed up. Real estate matters will also go better by next month.
April 15 might be a difficult day, when your ruler, Saturn will oppose the Sun. This will be a meeting of fire and ice. Give April 15 a plus or minus one day of influence.
The best romantic new moon of the year occurs on April 21, bringing on two weeks of exceptional opportunity to find the one person for you.
A home matter may suddenly bring an ideal design option or fabulous family support April 8, thanks to Venus and Uranus, in Aries, in perfect sync.
If you have to buy, sell, rent, choose furniture, make repairs - go looking for estimates and options on April 22 and 23, for great answers will come up.
A career matter will bring news and a final answer April 6, plus or minus four days.
Set aside time to brainstorm on a creative idea over the weekend of April 21-22 and also April 28-29, thanks to amazing help from Neptune.
A home matter may get a big boost on April 23.
Travel would also be quite special over April 21-23, and in the days that follow, too!
April 27-29 will be great days for a meeting with a VIP! If you need to present a creative idea with the hopes of approval or funding, those are your days.



Friday 02nd March 2012 09:13:42 PM
March Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

The first part of March is simply sensational. The full moon will occur in your house of travel, but will also signal your house of partner and friendship, and so friends and a close sweetheart / spouse or business associate will play a strong role in your success now. With a golden triangle appearing in the sky in earth signs near the full moon, March 8, you are in line to expand your social life and be helped by a partner who you are associated with the romantic or business sense.
This will be as close to a perfect month for travel as you can ever get, so go for any purpose, work or play, or to connect with family. If you go near the friendly new moon March 8 plus or minus four days, you will enjoy yourself to the fullest. Plan to be back by the new moon, March 22, when your career will bring surprising developments almost immediately.
You may be asked to sign a contract near March 8, which would be fine to do, but don't dawdle. You will need to wrap up all agreements by March 9, for by Monday, March 12, Mercury will go retrograde. If you can't move things along that quickly, then table talks to April, and if possible sign at the glorious new moon April 21.
You will see better profits if you have your own business and have been working steadily all along, and for that you also have Venus and Jupiter to thank. Your physical home (or other property) or a member of your family has been a source of constant concern over the past two years, but with Venus traveling close to good fortune Jupiter, also in early March, you may also see a way to make matters better - and feel calmer in the process.
With Uranus active in your house of professional achievement, your need for freedom and independence is very strong. Uranus can be volatile, however, and you've seen the truth of this since this planet of unexpected development first arrived in your career sector last year, on March 11, 2011. Since then, you may have had a number of stunning career advances, but may have suffered a few setbacks, too. This month you seem to be jittery about a career matter, due to Uranus' proximity to the moon, your ruler, and to quick-to-react Mercury. Cancers born near June 23 will feel this energy the most. No need for concern - you're in a trend that will allow you to put your name in lights, as long as you keep working hard and don't lose concentration. Forward ho, dear Cancer!
You may want to set up your own business soon (or just did, recently). If so, be careful to become knowledgeable about all government rules and regulations in your field. With Pluto in a take-no-prisoners mood, you may be called to justify certain business practices. If your actions are above reproach, you'll come through with flying colors.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Most romantic dates: March 2, 3, 6-8, 11-12, 14, 20, and 31.
Keep in mind meeting someone while Mars is retrograde (as it is now through April 13) is not quite ideal, but you surely do have a divine Venus now - and that counts for something, too!
A short trip may be on your schedule, plus or minus four days from the full moon March 8. It'll be fun and productive - you'll come back satisfied.
Mercury goes retrograde March 12-April 4: Do not sign contracts during the retrograde, and if possible wait until April 21.
On March 12: The combination of Jupiter and Pluto spells success.
It's a dazzling day for financially oriented business deals, for romance, friendship, and all kinds of events. You'll feel this energy over the previous weekend March 10-11, too - it's GLORIOUS.
March 12-13 is another day that rates five stars: Your career will be on fire, on this remarkable day! With Venus meeting Jupiter (an annual event), and Venus and Mars contacting Jupiter and Pluto, the planets are having a party in the sky! Business deals, real estate - you can rule the world. You will feel this energy by March 8 - use that day instead, as March 12 is the day Mercury goes retrograde.
Mercury conjuncts Uranus, setting off a possibly nerve-wracking set of days, March 16-19. Yet these days will also be excellent for generating innovative ideas for your career.
The new moon in your fame and honors sector falls on March 22. Although Pluto will apply pressure, overall, all systems are go! It's hard to imagine you'd let anything stand in your way.
Speaking of Pluto, avoid having any meetings with a VIP on March 29, when Pluto will bring you face-to-face with a demanding VIP who won't be easy to debate.
March 23, 24: Uranus is conjunct the Sun. Unexpected developments in career make come up, so stay flexible. Yet, news could be exciting, to say the least!

Capricorn Summary

You will show off your skills in communication, either as writer, editor, marketing expert, or PR specialist at the full moon, March 8, and be lauded for your talents. If you are finishing up a document or a TV segment, it rightly will be a proud moment. Travel will also be possible at this time, and if you are able to go, you may be covering quite a bit of ground far from home. Go for love, or go to present an imaginative idea - either purpose would bring the right results and have you humming a happy tune.
Can love really rule the universe, as the song goes? That just may be so, and this month you are about to find out in the days that span March 8 to 14, a time you'll see the year's most stellar moments. In past years, life has not been entirely kind to Capricorn, but this week may just put your faith back in the transforming power of love.
Your home situation has been somewhat volatile, and this trend continues now. Thinking positively, this month you may get a surprise chance to find a solution. You may be considering a move to a new residence, possibly to find better professional opportunities in a new city, or to attend graduate school. Restless and independent, you are ready to turn life inside out if necessary to get a leg up on the competition, and all your instincts are right. Hard times call for hard choices, but you seem to have a steady finger on the pulse of the economy and your place in it. If you want to stay put, you will want to renovate or redecorate to make your space feel fresh and new.
Still, Uranus can bring all sorts of news, including the kind of reversals we all dread, like when a buyer backs out for any number of reasons, leaving you shocked and wondering why you have to start the bidding process all over again. This kind of reversal (among other possible examples) is possible because Mercury will retrograde in this very same area of your chart.
It looks like you may need to conquer a home or family-related obstacle that will surface late in the month near March 29. Keep working through the problem, but do not announce a final decision just yet. Mercury will be retrograde from March 12 to April 4, and on top of that, Mars, the ruler of your home sector, will be retrograde all through March until April 13. No sensible answer can be found until these planets regulate their obits next month. Keep your eye on late April - by then you'll see all your best options.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic dates: March 1-16 are all very special.
You may travel far and wide at the full moon, March 8, plus or minus four days.
Venus in Taurus will be a blessing, as it moves through your true love sector, March 5 to April 3.
Jupiter, in your love sector, will reach out to Pluto in Capricorn on March 12. Such a heavenly day! Give this day five stars! It'll be as rare as it is wonderful.
Another sensational pair of days: March 13-14 thanks to a rare golden triangle in the sky. You'll find mid-March magical for love, matters related to pregnancy and children, and for furthering creativity, too. Again, you are likely to feel the fortunate vibrations near the full moon March 8.
Mercury will retrograde March 12 to April 4.
Home-related matters and those pertaining to family issues will bring unexpected news at the new moon March 22, plus two weeks. It could be very positive news, or not so happy. Be flexible.
A career breakthrough could bring exciting news March 12-14, but could also come earlier, near the full moon, March 8.



Wednesday 01st February 2012 03:21:45 PM
February 2012 Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You will have financial matters to finish as February opens, so you'll be getting out your checkbook and settling accounts no later than February 7, plus four days. Polishing off all your obligations will allow you to feel calm and in control.
Neptune will move out of Aquarius and into fellow water sign Pisces on February 3, to say until 2026! Neptune will encourage your imagination, but the most immediate change will be with Neptune out of your financial eighth house, a place Neptune has occupied since 1998 (never to return in your lifetime), that may have caused you financial confusion over the years. Now, with Neptune gone, you will get a better grip on your money and the way you manage it than you have had in years.
On February 7, Saturn will retrograde and remain in that weak condition until June 25. A home or family situation seems to have concerned you, either because you have a beloved parent or other relative who needs your assistance, or because a housing situation has brought you the kind of difficulties that have kept you up most nights. No difficult condition remains stubbornly in place forever, dear Cancer. With Saturn turning retrograde, you may change your mind about a home-related course of action, or you may have to tweak a plan to make it more viable in coming weeks. Do all the necessary backtracking now, to get things right. You will have the time you need to do so.
Your career has taken more twists and turns than a fast-moving novel, and this month it seems more surprises are on the way - this time, very happy ones! See what comes up on February 9 when both Venus and Uranus will link on your behalf. Venus will remain in your reputation / status sector (tenth house) from February 9 to March 5, and while there will do all this planet can to increase your standing and favor in your industry. You will have rare favor this month, and Venus will allow you to open doors to certain hard-to-reach VIPs.
You may need to travel quite a bit for business, whether to see clients or get projects moving forward. The travel you take won't be the kind to rack up frequent flier miles, however - you will stay closer to home, most likely traveling by car, rail, or bus, not by air. If you like to drive, just be sure your vehicle is well maintained, for you may need to use it quite a bit during the first half of 2012.
Once the new moon of February 21 arrives, you may be thinking about taking a much longer trip to the opposite coast, a paradise island, or an exciting city overseas. Watch the two weeks that follow this new moon and if you have to travel for business, choose this most favorable time to make your appointments in those cities. If you are going for a vacation and to enjoy romance, you cannot fail - you will have the whole weight of the universe behind you!
If you are undecided about which city to visit, choose one that is located on the water. With four planets in water sign Pisces, no matter what the reason for your journey, you will love the soothing quality of having water nearby; perhaps you will view the ocean from your hotel window.
When it comes to love and romance, you seem to be a bit distracted with career and travel considerations, but if you stay organized, you can manage to have a sweet Valentine's Day, February 14, anyway. Still, you may find that two dates falling later in the month prove to be even better. Circle the weekend of February 25-26, when fortunate Jupiter and the Sun will work on your behalf and bring on a weekend sure to work out to be sheer perfection. You may be invited to a lavish wedding or party - Saturday night seems especially luxurious. No party? Book a dinner for two in a romantic restaurant profuse with flowers, candlelight, and a stunning view of water or mountains.
Dates to note:
Venus will tour your career house, heaping you with praise and applause for work well done, from February 8 to March 5, a great time to do a performance review.
Finish writing checks or negotiating a deal on the full moon, February 7.
February 9 will be a standout day for career success!
When Saturn goes retrograde on February 7 to June 25, you may have to change your mind about a plan or strategy involving real estate, a housing matter, or one involving your parent. You may also change your mind about when to marry, or even whom you want to marry! Everything, it seems, will be under review.
Travel to nearby cities will populate the month, and in the two weeks after February 21, you will be more inclined to visit distant, even foreign, points on your map.
Romantically Valentine's Day could be nice, but you seem busy at work. There is one weekend that promises to be even better, February 25-25 (Jupiter meets with the Sun) and possibly over February 28 (when Pluto contacts the Sun). These heavy-duty planets will be very active and intent on helping start a new relationship or improve an ongoing one.
Your happiest romantic dates this month includes: February 1, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 (maybe), 16, 25-26 (four stars), and 28.

Capricorn Summary

Since 2009, you may have experienced a number of radical career changes, setting off a process that required you to reinvent your career in some substantial way. As you enter February, you are adjusting to changes you have instituted since then. Your career still will require tending, but you seem to have a grip on things, and your natural sense of practicality and rational thinking is accelerating your adjustment.
Now, after the new moon of February 21, Mars, working with Jupiter and Pluto, will collectively provide you with a break - one you've needed but didn't expect would come. Jupiter will amp up your creativity; Pluto, your confidence; and Mars, intellectual stimulation from foreign cultures and institutions of learning (academia), as well as from and purveyors of news, including publishing and broadcasting sources.
Big ideas often require big funding - the kind that is beyond the normal person's ability to tap from their own reserves - so you may be seeking money from banks, investors, and people who owe you (and have not paid). If so, the full moon February 7 (plus or minus four days) will be a time to hear back news about those funds. It may alternatively be when you need to send off your final applications, pay off obligations, and generally take care of business. In a different manifestation, you may simply finish off your tax return.
Your daily life is likely to get busier once the friendly new moon of February 21 arrives, bringing with it a bushel full of inspiration, phone calls, meetings, and lots of points to discuss. Suddenly, your mind will be abuzz with ideas, and you'd be wise to write them all down, lest you forget any of them.
On February 3, Neptune is about to make a landmark move into Pisces and your third house of thinking and communication, to stay an astounding fourteen years. Neptune has not been in Pisces since 1847-1862. Neptune will gradually set off a trend of huge proportions that you will enjoy the fullest. Neptune blends beautifully with your Capricorn Sun and will work to enlarge your imagination and your ability to transmit imagery of great beauty and originality. If you write novels or poetry, compose music, create software, or work in the graphic arts, as a few examples, this trend will be an amazing benefit to you. The third house is associated with words and math, more than design, so that may give you clues about how to use this sparkling energy.
After the new moon of February 21, you might start work on a book, or on a smaller scale, redesign your Facebook, Twitter, or blog pages. On February 16-17 and 24-25, you will be at your creative, imaginative best, surpassing even your own expectations. Those are certainly days you should reserve time to tinker with a project. Stick with it at least 90 minutes - scientists say we have creative bursts in cycles that run 90 minutes, but we never know where in the cycle we are entering when we begin.
Romantically, you are holding all aces. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is now moving at strong speed through your love sector, a good sign that the universe is getting ready to help you find the love you deserve. Valentine's Day should be a standout this year if you have someone close - it may be time to get engaged or if you are already attached, to talk about having a baby.
The weekend of February 24-25, when the Sun will align with Jupiter, will be the weekend most likely to allow you to spin a magical love memory. You may fan the fires of romance on a short trip, or find new love by simply going through your appointed rounds in your own neighborhood. Life will be full of surprises when it comes to finding love - and for you, most will be very, very positive.
Two other dates may prove to be brilliantly significant too. The first, February 16 or 17 could also bring a happy love connection while you are out, showing your face to the world.
If you'd like to give a party at home, do! It's a good idea because Venus will brighten your home area from February 8 onward. Your best day for a fun, romantic evening at home will be on February 9, when Venus will ride close to Uranus, planet of lightning bolt surprise.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Your most romantic dates include: February 8-9, 12, 16 (great), 17, 18, 21, 22, 25-26 (gold star), and 27.
Financial issues involving others' monetary resources will be settled by February 7, plus or minus four days.
February 3 is a landmark day, when Neptune enters Pisces, to stay until 2026.
Neptune will stimulate your imagination and ability to communicate in ways you've never experienced in your lifetime in the coming years. If you write, work in an advertising creative department, or do graphic design, go for extra classes - encourage your talents!
Romance will be stimulated by travel, especially over the weekend of February 25-26.
Spend time thinking about how to make your home more attractive when Venus comes by for a visit, February 8 to March 5.
Your ruler, Saturn will retrograde from February 7 to June 25, so in the Monopoly game of life, if you "Go to Jail," know it is only temporary. Spend time reviewing assumptions and estimates and refine them, in all phases of life.
Give a party at home on February 9. It would be a major success! It's also a great day to find the perfect item to buy for home!
Fix up your home with beautiful new furniture or accessories, or paint, revitalize with paint or other means, when Venus tours Aries, February 8 to March 5.




Sunday 01st January 2012 10:02:50 PM
Horoscopes for January 2012[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

You may still feel the glow of special closeness with your partner, having spent quality time together over the holidays. Those lyrical feelings will carry you into January. The new moon of December 24 was ideal for planning your future with your one and only. If you got engaged or married, or drew up new goals that you can work on together, your chances of success as a couple are stronger than they've been in months.
If you are dating someone but happy in the knowledge that you are not meant for each other, the eclipses that came by from July 2009-July 2011 started to make this reality clear. The first two weeks of January would be the right time to decide whether to stay or leave. Often this is not an easy choice, as other factors play into the decision. Still, you seem ready to start the New Year on the right foot romantically and leave the frustrations of the past behind you. If you are unsure, but feel there's hope for this relationship, you always have the option of trying reconciliation, perhaps with a couples therapist.
Are you not dating at all and have not for a while? Your luck will change for the better once Venus enters Pisces in mid-month. Travel of all kinds will increase your chances of meeting someone special. Happily, short distance journeys are possible now, all most likely in connection with your work. This is a long-term trend, so you'll be in lots of new settings, and each one will invigorate your mind and heart. One promising day to experience new love, or fan the fires of present love, will be January 21.
On January 9, the full moon in Cancer will arrive, bringing to fullness something of enormous importance to you, in any phase of life. This will be a key moment, so watch events to crystallize within four days of this date. If your birthday falls on July 11, or close to it, you'll feel the energy of this moon powerfully. If you want to talk over an imminent decision or action, a friend, or your sister, brother, or cousin will happily deliberate your options, on any topic, so feel free to ask.
At the new moon, January 23, you may be trying to decide how to make more money. Thanks to the angle of Uranus at the same time, you will likely experience a stroke of luck when emerging opportunities compel you to look closer. You will likely be excited about new career options you never anticipated. Show enthusiasm! There will be no reason to rush a decision - enjoy the process of being fussed over. They will want you, and you'll know it.
Dates to Note for Cancer
You may be getting very serious about your significant other these days, and feeling the closeness of love, a spillover from February.
If it is time to break up, you will do so now to free yourself to meet others.
Venus in Pisces January 14 to February 8 is great news for single Cancers - Venus will work hard for you, so meet her halfway by circulating.
A full moon in Cancer brings to fruition all that is important to you January 9.
Finances need tending after January 23. You may be working on your taxes or finding other sources of income. Career opportunities will be excellent then too.
Most romantic dates and generally favorable for other purposes too: January 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 (January 9 could go either way as a full moon, but is generally bright), 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 25, and 31.

Summary for Capricorn

You may be traveling a great deal lately, or else working in the international arena from your own base, but you may have discovered recently that your plans or negotiations have proceeded slowly. You may be blaming that on year-end vacations and recent holidays, but in truth, the pace you are experiencing is due to Mars' impending retrograde orbit on January 23 to April 13. (You have been feeling the slowdown as early as last month, and the lackadaisical pace will now accelerate more noticeably.) Be patient if you should encounter more snags; it's all part of the process.
A very important close relationship, most likely a romantic one, will come to a decision point within four days of January 9. Your long hours at work may have become a bone of contention, leaving your partner feeling lonely or alienated. Talk things out - it's never wise to dismiss a concern. If the relationship in question is business-oriented, you may not agree with your agent, manager, or business manager about taking (or vying for) a career opportunity. You have enough planets protecting you in January, so present your case, for you can turn others to your side. The potential financial rewards should be generous.
This month would be an ideal time to ask for a raise, to negotiate a salary for a new position, or if self-employed, to work hard to pitch a new, lucrative client. With Uranus so active and positive, the news you get will be completely unexpected! Time your actions for just after the new moon of January 23.
If you are trying to sell your house or buy a new one, you may need to put that idea temporarily on ice for a while. With Mars going retrograde on this same day as the new moon, January 23, you won't get your price, as Mars rules your real estate transactions. It may take until April or May to actually finalize the sale. Start in late March and you will initiate your effort at the right time and should get the best possible result.
In love, the full moon January 9 could be a moment of a magical culmination - you may get engaged or married, or are finding ways to grow closer in an established relationship. It is possible that if you are not happy, you will leave a relationship at this time, but let's think good thoughts. This full moon seems to be happy, and one thing is certain: You will be protected.
You have come through many of life's most difficult challenges, and not only survived but flourished. Anyone who assumed you would topple in a storm was proven to be wrong. Now, Jupiter, the great planet of gifts and luck, will be standing behind you and helping you in many loving ways in the coming months. Get ready for your renaissance, dear Capricorn. No one deserves it more than you.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
You are feeling excited about the New Year, and rightly so. 2012 has so much going for it if you are a Capricorn or have that sign rising. The new moon of December 24 in Capricorn was very favorable for you, and is still strong as you enter January.
A close relationship is reaching a very important decision point on January 9, plus or minus four days - time to decide about exclusivity and terms in love or business.
Are you in a legal situation? With Mars retrograde from January 23 to April 13, and already slowing its obit to a crawl, you won't make much progress until May. Trying to find a compromise will be hard.
Ask for a raise or negotiate a new salary or fee just after the new moon, January 23. You may not get much, but at least you may get a small raise.
Trying to sell or buy a house? Wait for a while, until the third week in March, to look at or make a listing. The deal may not happen until April or May.
Most romantic dates: January 4-5, 7-8, 9 (the full moon sets off extremes, either excellent or not so good), 12, 17, 20-21, 24, 30, and 31.




Thursday 01st December 2011 10:04:32 PM
December Horoscopes [ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

The eclipses are back, and discussions or concerns you had in mid-June near the last eclipse (June 15) will be back on your agenda. You have become accustomed to seeing eclipses in Cancer over the past two years, but those made your life stressful. The new series of eclipses, in Gemini and Sagittarius, will be different and far easier for you to adjust to. In fact, by comparison, the one this month may only have a mild influence.
The total eclipse of December 10 indicates that if a secret has been withheld from you, it would suddenly come out in the open. Alternatively, matters of health may be emphasized - yours or that of a friend or family member. You may accompany your mother to the hospital, or, on the other hand, you may check yourself into a clinic to have a procedure done on you that you had put off. If you have been wrestling with a psychological matter, the eclipse will encourage you to seek help to sort out your perceptions with a professional. An eclipse is a strong event - afterward you will be glad for the moves you made.
December is often a big month for family gatherings, but this time your sister or brother will take center stage rather than your parents. This is partly due to the eclipse in the sibling sign of Gemini, and partly due to the position of Mars in your sibling-oriented third house. Check in for news - your sister or brother is coming up strongly in your horoscope, and will likely have important news to share. The only problem may be that you may not agree with your sibling over something, as Mars will be in hard angle to the eclipse. See how things go, and do your best to keep your relationship calm.
In your career, Uranus will turn direct on the same day as the eclipse, December 10, a happy development. If you've been frustrated that your career has not been moving at a fast clip, or if you have experienced a sudden reversal, you will see a wonderful change for the better. You have suffered through a number of false stars in past months, but your new productivity will please you and make you more optimistic about your future. Uranus is in your fame sector, and that's significant. If you got a job offer near November 25, chances are that the move would be a lateral one, not a step up. You may be able to change that with the people you are dealing with now, with the change of Uranus to direct speed, or you may get another offer.
The new moon on December 24 in your partnership / marriage house could bring an exciting proposal (from you or from your sweetheart), and soon you'll be shopping for rings and looking at honeymoon brochures. Pluto, a rather powerful planet, has been moving in strong, direct speed since mid-September, indicating that you feel sure and seem ready to make a big decision about your one-and-only now.
Romantically, if you are already married or living together, you can look forward to taking a trip together or to drawing up new exciting goals to work on together. With Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune all in positive angle to that new moon, you'll gain stability, happiness, AND inspiration from all that happens in the two weeks to follow. If you are not taking a trip, it is alternatively possible that your partner may have exciting news to share, or you may decide to work on a new goal together. Uranus is in tough angle, however, so career demands (yours or your partner's) may bring an unexpected obstacle that you will have to solve first, before you can go.
On the following day, December 25, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will turn on full power, after months of being retrograde, just in time to spark a busy social season. The happy holiday events you attend will be perfect for making powerful new associations. Invitations from friends will begin to pour in, and you may have to choose the best among all the exciting offers, an enviable situation!
Cancer Dates to Note
The eclipse of December 10 will not affect you as strongly as previous eclipses have this year (think: July 1). This eclipse will make for a good time to address psychological matters with a therapist. It's also a time when secrets will come out in the open, only to protect you.
Getting engaged for the holidays? Your timing is perfect! The new moon December 24 will help you crystallize all. 
Mercury will be retrograde until December 13, and because it is going backward in your workaday sector, you may find you have to redo projects due to errors, or because your boss or client changes his mind about certain elements of the project. Be careful about any negative health diagnosis you get in the first half - it may be wrong. Have a second test.
Travel may occur at any time this month. If you feel a need to hop in your car to enjoy the holidays in a new location, Mars will see that you can.
The move of Jupiter to direct speed on December 25 will bring you additional support from friends in the months ahead. They've been preoccupied, but not for long.
Your career has been going through fits and starts, and the progress has been maddeningly uneven. Once Uranus goes direct in Aries on December 10, the pace will become smoother and more reliable.
Mars will highlight the activities of a sibling, and so will the eclipse: all month. Aim to keep your interactions cordial.
Most romantic evenings: December 1, 3, 4, 7, 19, 22, 24, 25, 29, and 30.

Capricorn Summary

One - or even two - work projects you have centered your attention on lately are about to reach a final stage due to the total eclipse of December 10. Concurrently, a trusted subordinate you depended on to get your work done efficiently may suddenly quit as a result of this eclipse. Hopefully you have been saving resumes of those you've interviewed previously for future reference. This month you may need to have that file handy at your fingertips.
December will be a busy month for everyone, so make a concerted effort to stay back at home, but particularly as you get closer to December 10. The eclipse will exert strong demands and its vibration will be partially focused on your health. You may be tempted to work beyond your limits, and therefore become susceptible to colds and flu. If you notice something about how you feel seems a bit off, don't delay - go for a medical checkup and you'll soon be on the path to health again.
You may lose an assistant or a project many wind down to an end. We need to expect these things to happen in life, but somehow when they do, we are always taken off guard. It does not appear that you will leave the job, but rather that a woman in your group at work or who helps you at home will leave.
You are fortunate in that Mars in compatible Virgo is now in your ninth house of travel and foreign relationships. Virgo is a compatible sign to yours, so you may travel more than usual. Alternatively this same area of your chart rules information - how it is dispersed, say, through publishing or broadcasting projects, or taken in, such as through university study or investigation. You will find that you can make progress in any one or more of these areas. Be aware, however, that Mars will slow its orbit beginning now in preparation to go retrograde next month on January 23, so you will need to be satisfied with slow, gradual progress in these areas.
Birthday time of the year will arrive once the Sun moves into Capricorn in the last third of the month, and at that time, you will come into your own. Your annual new moon in Capricorn will arrive December 24 and is filled with promise. While Uranus, planet of disruption and sudden change, will bring you into a new realm regarding a living situation or a home / property or family (parental) question, you seem more than qualified to face any challenge with your characteristic sense of resourcefulness and practicality. Step forward courageously toward into your new life.
Venus and Jupiter will be cooking up all sorts of wonderful romantic surprises for you, and so you will be set socially all month. Your big moment will come December 25 when Jupiter turns direct and begins to help you in a far bigger way from now through mid-June. Wow! What a way to begin 2012!
Most romantic dates: December 1-4, 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25, 28, and 29.



Wednesday 02nd November 2011 05:39:24 PM
November Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

You're in the mood for love, and with four tender planets filling your fifth house of romance, early November should bring thrilling opportunities to find your one true love if you are single. The new moon that appeared at the very end of October will still be working its magic for you in early November. You may have assumed you couldn't possibly feel eighteen again (not that that age was so long ago), but just watch and see the power of Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon and what these heavenly bodies are about to cook up for you. When you feel the rush of love now, it will make you feel brand new.
In the start of the month, parties will be a good place to find romance, but so will short little trips around the neighborhood. As the month goes on, you will also be able to add your office environment, too. After I wrote the main portion of your forecast I kept thinking about the person you might meet. Keep your eyes open for a very attractive man or woman who will be calling on your firm, possibly who speaks with an accent or who travels a great deal. It could be love at first sight.
Near the "Snow Moon," as the November 10 full moon has been called by the ancients, you are likely to be invited to a party attended by many stylish, cultured, and warm individuals. You may make a new friend, or this may be a good time to find love. As a Cancer you are ruled by the moon and sensitive to its gifts, making November 10 a doubly important point of the month for you. Pluto, the planet that governs your house of new love, will be supportive too, a good sign that a development could come up. Married Cancers may have good news to celebrate concerning a baby or existing child. All around, this will be a special time for you.
Financially, you have been in a high spending phase, but this month your check writing will soon abate. Cancers are family oriented, so perhaps you were buying holiday gifts for your relatives. If so, your timing has been on target, for Mercury will begin to retrograde from November 24 to December 13. When Mercury will be retrograde, our judgment is off, including choices in selecting gifts. Shop your favorite shops and department stores early in November for best results.
Travel is a big theme that is starting up now, due to Mars' entry into Virgo on November 10. This trend will have you visiting nearby cities, so you may need a car if you don't have one and a good sturdy suitcase.
There is another reason travel may occur more often from now on, one that I did not mention earlier in your report. Neptune, the natural ruler of your ninth house of long distance travel, higher education, publishing, and broadcasting, will go direct on November 9. This means all the areas of life that this house rules will get a nice jolt of energy from now on. See what happens in the days that surround November 9 for clues of what Neptune's newly stronger orbit will bring to you.
The friendly solar eclipse of November 25 will bring shifts in your workplace. No need to be anxious, however, because the changes will benefit you over time. A surprise assignment could come up, or you may be given new computer equipment or software to make your work easier. With Uranus in perfect angle to the Sun on November 23, your ability to impress bosses and to rise through the ranks will be strong. Cancer tends to prefer that things stay "as is" but after this eclipse occurs, even you may say later that these changes were all for good.
The only down side to the eclipse might be that you lose a trusted assistant at work or at home (in the latter case, say, a nanny or housekeeper, for instance). Indeed, eclipses often "eclipse out" certain people from our lives. Just in case, have a reliable substitute lined up and ready if needed. Keep eating right and staying strong - this would be no time to get a cold. Others will be depending on you to show up and keep working!
Romantically, if you are attached, the end of the month could be exciting, once love-me Venus enters your house of relationships, November 26 to December 13. Venus sweetens all it touches, so your relationship should go remarkably well from then on.
Single Cancers will do best November 1-10 when meeting a new, intriguing person may prove to be as simple as pie, thanks to the new moon acting like a little matchmaker for you. Dear Cancer, I am so happy to have all this good news to tell you!
Dates to Note for Cancer
Most romantic dates: November 4, 5, 9, 10-15, 19-20, 23, and best of all, November 26-29.
Venus in Capricorn should bring sweetness to the interaction with your close relationship November 26-December 20.
A gorgeous party may be on your list November 10, plus or minus four days. This one is not to be missed.
Your career may get a boost from Venus and Uranus, in terms of a fine assignment or sale, November 3.
Your career is also due to bring exciting news November 16, 22, and/or 23.
A lot of travel is due from now on, but only for short distances, thanks to Mars in Virgo from November 11 to July 3. You may need a new car during that time, as you will be burning the rubber on the road.
One day that may bring exceptional results from any short trip, or a happy communication from a friend, sibling, or client is November 16.
Neptune will go direct on November 9, until June 4, 2012. This will help your ability to travel long distances, possibly overseas. Long-distance relationships improve.
Mercury will be retrograde: November 24-December 13.
A new assignment may come up November 25 or in weeks that follow this solar eclipse. However, you may lose a trusted assistant or other worker who reports to you.
Watch health developments and attend to anything you need to do on or just after the new moon solar eclipse on November 25.

Summary for Capricorn

Lately you may have been concerned about a temporary shortfall of cash. True, your expenses have been rising since mid-September, but the good news is that your financial picture is not as bad as you feared. Your expenses will begin to calm down once Mars leaves your house of credit on November 10, and from then on, you will be able to get a better grip on things.
Although your financial picture will begin to steadily improve, be careful over November 2-3, and also over the weekend of November 19-20, when Neptune (confusion) will challenge the Sun, and you won't be able to see a certain situation clearly.
A few days later, on November 22-23, you will suddenly get good financial news, and it will come out of left field. Still, due to Mercury retrograde from November 24-Decemer 13, it won't be the proper time to sign papers or make big financial decisions. Put off any major announcements until next month, during the second half of December or in January.
Once Mars enters Virgo on November 10 to stay until July 3, Mars will light your expansive ninth house of big dreams and wide horizons, a wonderfully intellectual and stimulating part of your chart that encompasses learning, study, philosophical thought, and travel. You may decide to journey overseas, for pleasure or to do business with foreign people. In the latter case, you may be planning an exchange of services, goods, or information. You may conduct business with those abroad without ever leaving home, of course, and that too is possible now and in months to come. If you work in a creative field, present your ideas to people in the international arena on November 16, your very best day to reach accord or get approvals. If you want to go to graduate school, or if you need to take a qualifying exam like the law bar, you should be able to ace your tests.
On another note, the solar eclipse of November 25 will fall in the most hidden part of your chart, illuminating a secret or a matter you failed to notice before, but that now you will need to do. You may, alternatively, go into therapy to talk over a psychological problem you've not had luck in solving on your own, and if so, it's a good time to do so.
When it comes to love, you can expect a bewitching moment at the "Frost Moon" November 10, sure to bring a love to fullness. You may meet someone new on this moon, or help you bring an existing relationship to a new level of tender closeness. If you are attached and have been hoping for a baby, this graceful moon will summon the fairies to help you have your wish come true.
More good news about love will occur once Venus enters Capricorn on November 26, and on the following day, November 27, Venus will signal good fortune Jupiter. Together, Venus and Jupiter will bring on a thrilling encounter you may long remember. You've been through many trials and tribulations in matters of the heart over the past two years, but this month will prove to you that finally, the tide has turned to your favor. You are about to get your love life precisely right at long last, and when you do, you'll feel all of life seems bigger and brighter than it's been in ages.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
Most romantic dates: November 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, and gold star: November 26-27.
Venus in Capricorn from November 26 to December 20 will help your love life and your looks, just in time for holiday parties!
Watch November 26-27 for a highly romantic weekend, just made for you.
The full moon November 10 should be outstandingly romantic and tender, one of the most exciting moments of the year for love.
If attached, a pregnancy or a child you have now may be the source of very exciting news.
Another sparkling day for romance will be November 16, when Mars and Jupiter will be in perfect sync. Outstanding!
A real estate, domestic, or family matter should bring outstanding news November 22.
Mercury will be retrograde: November 24-December 13. Do not buy anything expensive or electronic (including gifts), and be prepared for delays.
Travel could be amazing November 15-16, for any purpose, thanks to the cooperation of Mars and Venus.
The November 25 solar eclipse will fall in your twelfth house of psychological matters. You may seek a coach, therapist, or advisor for help with a problem you have not been able to solve on your own.
If hoping to solve a home or family-related matter, November 22-23 could bring you a surprise answer.
Mars in Virgo from November 10 to July 3 will light your house of long-distance travel, relationships with people abroad, citizenship, higher education, and the media. One of these areas will be vital for you in weeks and months to come.



Saturday 01st October 2011 01:10:45 PM
October Horoscopes[ 318 messages] 

Cancer Summary

A home or family matter will require a great deal of pondering in early October. You will be somewhat familiar with the questions being presented now, but that does not make the answers any easier to agree on and set in motion. There appears to be an urgency to fix the situation now, so you will be concentrating hard on domestic or family matters during most of the month. If you lease, buy, or sell a house or apartment, a broker or partner will be quite helpful. Pluto's position in Capricorn suggests that working with a middleman will get you a far better bargain than if you try to do things alone.
Residential and family decisions that you make will be final and very long lasting, with very little probability that you will change your mind later. That's because Saturn is acting like a very stable rock at the very bottom of your chart - hopefully, this will be comforting news. You may additionally (or alternatively) be thinking about the welfare of a family member, most likely either one of your parents or a male relative. You will be needed to offer advice and comfort, so be sure to keep your schedule flexible enough to allow time with those who need you.
You will be spending quite a bit of money now through mid-November, but no need to become too concerned, because you are likely to receive good news about money within three days of the full moon October 11. You may get a raise or new position that pays well. Plan to conclude financial negotiations in mid-month, for that will be one of your best moments of the year to do so.
The full moon that will occur on October 11 will be in your reputation sector, indicating you will hear or make a final decision about a position. If you do take a new post, it will come with considerable responsibility, for this job certainly involves taking a leadership position in your field. Fortunately, Mars, the ruler of Aries, the place of the full moon - your professional achievement sector - will be harmoniously positioned. (Mercury will retrograde from November 24 to December 13, so that would NOT be the time to accept a new offer.) Moreover, if you accept a position in mid-October, a big jump in status will accompany the positive financial news. If you can't take it, don't fret - there will be many more offers down the line. What matters most is what is going on at home.
Although life may seem consumed with serious overtones in the start and middle of October, the romantic, fun part will arrive later.
You'll be bewitched by the new moon, October 26, for it will usher in some of the sweetest opportunities in the weeks and even months to follow for enjoying love in all of 2011. On top of this, Venus will enter Scorpio October 9, a highly compatible placement for you, and will remain in Scorpio all month. This is great news, for this is precisely where you want Venus to be. Venus will increase your magnetism and confidence, and help you attract love your way, with a charm few could do.
Friends will invite you to all sorts of events in October and it would be wise to consider accepting many of them. Pay special attention to any invitations that fall on Friday, October 28, the day Pluto and Jupiter combine energies for a truly magical night out. If a friend wants to play matchmaker, agree! This match could be quite special. As they say, it only takes one, dear Cancer.
Financial deals sealed on October 28 have an outstanding chance for success, so remarkably so that you'd be wise to put off signing any and all documents for this day. (No matter where you live in the world, this is your day - it gets my vote for five stars!) Also a personal wish, so personal you may have never told anyone about it, may be ready to fall into your hands. Be ready, dear Cancer - no one deserves to get that desire realized more than you.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
Early October will bring an enormous emphasis on family and home-related matters, October 1-11. Decisions will feel heavy and be in place a long time. The news on October 13 seems somber, due to Saturn conjunct the Sun.
Your career will bring news too this month. It will happen at the full moon October 11 plus or minus four days. If you take on a new position, the axiom that goes "Heavy is the head that wears the crown" would fit here. You will work hard, but you will be glad to have the opportunity to do so.
Your spending will be high in October, and levels may concern you. No reason to freak out, however - you have a good outlook. Money will come.
Love will brighten once you reach the new moon October 26 and the two weeks that follow. Before this happens, Venus will be in Scorpio, a great spot for you, from October 9 to November 1. Venus will help you in all your efforts to upgrade your look and to become more alluring.
Friends will have a strong, upbeat affect on your life on Friday, October 28, a four-star day due to the beam between Jupiter (luck) and Pluto (massive power).
Best romantic days for Cancers: October 7, 8, 18, and 26-30.

Capricorn Summary

As the month begins, you will soon see October to be a critical one for making a key professional victory. Saturn, your ruler, will meet with the Sun, so a new and quite responsible position could now be in the cards. The new moon that appeared on September 27 had set the wheels in motion. Be prepared to show your resume or bio. If self-employed, pitch new business and consider launching a publicity campaign for your business. Because the position you'll discuss will be high level, interviews may go on for weeks or even months. October will be your best month of 2011 to open talks, so take your time and let nature take its course.
With Saturn conjunct the Sun October 13, during the course of your talks there will be one possible drawback that may surface. You may not get the salary you want, and you may have to think about whether you would be willing to do a considerable amount of work for less. Budgets will be tight, so if pitching new business in your own shop, you may be disappointed to hear the client wants you but isn't willing to meet the full fee.
Your spending on credit cards will be high in October, but will subside in mid-November - but your frame of mind may be that you need more money. Unless you get your salary demands met, you may think about whether to take the offer or not. Nevertheless, this position (or new business) would come with considerable prestige and will allow you to trade up to an even higher spot in time. Only you can decide about whether to move forward or not, but you may be willing to overlook these financial downsides in favor of future possibilities.
At home, a matter will finish or culminate on or near the full moon October 11. Whatever you will be doing at mid-month will require a lot of detail and concentration. Considering that your career will be so busy, you will have your plate full. The good part is that you can wrap up home or family-related decisions quickly - things won't drag on. If you need to sign a lease or buy or sell a house, wait until month's end, near October 28 to sign, for that's when you will see the best results.
Although early to mid-October may at times have a heavy-handed feel, the month ends with a gorgeous new moon that will help you let your hair down and socialize up a storm. By the new moon October 26, planets will migrate into Scorpio, away from serious Saturn in Libra, and provide you with an instant feeling of joy and expectation. The main work of the month will be done, and you can kick off your shoes and unwind. With Venus in your house of friends, you'll find your pals supportive and enthusiastic, brimming with good ideas for things to do. Socializing will have a carefree, fun, sensual air - you'll enjoy it because the new moon will be so friendly to other planets in the sky, and to your Capricorn Sun.
Keep in mind that you will be holding the ultimate ace - good luck Jupiter in Taurus is in your fifth house of true love - perfect for finding new love or for fanning the love you already share with someone special. Jupiter will remain in this house until June 2012, so you have plenty of time to benefit by meeting the right romantic partner for you.
Watch what happens on your most romantic day, Friday, October 28, when Jupiter and Pluto will be in perfect sync, sure to be a divine date night to remember.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
This will be a huge month for your career. You seem to be moving in a new direction, one that will require concentration and hard work. Still, any position you entertain in the first two weeks will be a big step up in reputation and power.
Spending will be high in October, until November 11. Benefits offered with any new position may be lackluster. (The same is true if you are negotiating a severance package. I am not saying you will, but if you must.)
Don't let the criticism of a top VIP undermine your confidence on October 13. Take the advice to heart, but don't let it undermine the faith you have in yourself.
Home and family will temporarily divert your attention at the full moon October 11, plus or minus four days.
In love, you have some of the best possible help possible from good fortune Jupiter in Taurus. This will last a long time, from now through mid-June 2012 next year. You are very likely to find the one for you, so keep circulating.
The new moon of October 26 will help you get out and socialize! It'll be your best time of the month to do so, so work first, and then plan to relax.
Also when it comes to love, things only get better on Friday night, October 28, an 18k gold day if there ever was one!
Your best romantic dates will be October 26-31. You may have a pleasant evening on October 8-9, and 22-23.




Friday 02nd September 2011 03:32:42 PM
Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

As September opens, you'll be feeling strong. Last month brought frustrating delays but by comparison, early to mid-September will be a breeze, and far more productive. Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, will no longer be retrograde.
September 1 to 18 will be your strongest part of the month, because Mars will tour Cancer, indicating you will be starting a whole new two-year cycle. You'll be more likely to get things your way in the first 18 days of the month than you will at month's end. This behooves you to draw up your agenda and attack your plans passionately, with a sense of purpose the very moment September dawns.
Travel would be exciting, whether done for business or pleasure, so spin your compass to choose to see a city near or far. If you travel for business, make your appointment for a few days prior to the full moon September 12 and aim to reach accord by then. You'll do well.
As you go through talks, your deal will enlarge, much to your surprise. A friend may have recommended you for this opportunity, for it appears your reputation will precede you, the reason you will find talks go so well. Although your client will play tough-guy at first, your wit and charm will prevail, and talks will go smoothly in the end. With Mars so favorable near September 12, your persistence will pay off and you may crystallize one of your most successful deals of 2011.
By September 23, another career victory will be in your hands, thanks to the rare and special interplay of Mars and Uranus.
There is another reason you would be wise to prioritize your career in early to mid-September. By the new moon September 27 (and even a few days prior, on September 25, when the first hard aspect will strike, involving Uranus and the Sun) a plethora of planets will fill your fourth house of family and home and clang and rail against one another until you pay attention. The noise they make will become deafening.
In truth, you'll have no choice but to focus intently on a pressing situation that will emerge there and you will find it necessary to take time away from your career. Your home or family situation will be difficult to solve, so you will need all your faculties to be alert and focused. This won't blow over quickly - this situation seems to be complex, and so the first half of October will find you meditating about how to get a handle on things. With the Sun, new moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn all in hard angles to your Sun, you will need to face things squarely, but if you do, you will turn a corner, and be at peace with what you decide.
Money for a mortgage or a major repair (as two of many possible examples) could be at the heart of the problem, for Uranus will oppose the Sun, and Uranus rules your finances in your chart. You seem to be facing a lot of opposition, but that only shows the condition, not the outcome. The outcome is up to you. You get to write this script, and you can outwit things if you think outside the box.
In many ways, the situation you will be facing is not new, as you have coped with Saturn in Libra for nearly for two years straight. You have one more year to go, until October 4, 2012, so the hardest part - your adjustment - is over. You can step to the plate this month and solve domestic challenges with all the experience you've gained over those past two years.
Finally, when it comes to love and romance, the news is positive. Mars will be in Cancer until September 16 and will showcase your unique and most lovable qualities, as well as raise your profile socially, all wonderful developments. Your love life will get even better when Pluto moves direct September 16.
Pluto has been retrograde since April 9, but now that this major planet will move forward, your love life will, too. Watch the days that surround September 16 for a clue. If you felt that lately all you've been doing is thinking of a past love or focused too much on a past disappointment, all that will end when you'll be ready to start a whole new chapter in your romantic life. Just don't plan on moving in together at month's end when home-related planets will be acting NOT like a cheerful group of little elves playing matchmaker, but rather an out-of-control, lunatic flash mob!
Dates to Note for Cancer:
Best days for romance: September 2, 10, 11, 12, and 16.
Time with a friend or a social event over September 2,
Travel may take you on several small trips in the first half of September - go - those trips will be good for you.
At the full moon, September 12, you may be returning from a long, possibly foreign trip.
With Mars in Cancer September 1-18, you will have exceptional opportunity to get things the way you want most. Make your key initiations in the first two and a half weeks.
Pluto goes direct September 16, having been retrograde since April 9. This will help perk up your love life enormously, and help heal a difficult marriage / close relationship (if that applies). Also, any matter related to children or pregnancy will improve, too.
Mars in Leo will force up your costs and expenses from September 18 to November 11. You may have many things to buy.
The end of the month, starting on September 25, will bring enormous pressure on you to take hold of a family, home, or real estate situation.
Once the new moon arrives, September 27, you will need to respond to the challenges that arise over the preceding weekend, September 24-25. You won't have many options or much time, but you must make a plan and be ready to announce it quickly.

Summary for Capricorn

Developments going on at a city based at a distance will be intriguing, so you will want to look into any situation that comes up in early September (or that did already during the final days of August).
Opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, legal, and academic matters / opportunities will also be shining brightly. With Neptune playing a prominent role, however, you will have to separate fact from fiction. Still, there will be highly creative elements to a plan you are considering, and those will help you learn about yourself as you show the world deeper sides of your talents.
Travel will be such a strong theme that it may be impossible to ignore, so have your bags packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. It seems that all the most vital news will take place outside your usual base. Taking business trips to meet in person will boost your success rate.
Your partner in business, including a possible agent, publicist, collaborator, or other middleman, is apparently playing a bigger than usual role in your life these days. You will likely benefit from this person's efforts, so help your middleman or partner do an even better job by listening enthusiastically and suggesting ways you can add to the effort. Energy attracts energy - your interest will fuel things beautifully.
Big news about your career will be due just AFTER the new moon September 27. If you are seeking a new position, or if you want a promotion, keep your cell phone powered up. Even if you've not considered taking on any new position, an opportunity to take on a new post with considerable responsibility attached to it may be offered anyway. Entertain all offers, and if any interest you, aim to get a very clear indication of the salary being offered. With Mars forcing up your expenses this month, you may be tempted to jump at any interesting offer a little too quickly. Take your time to be sure you are properly compensated.
Good luck planet, Jupiter, in earth Taurus all year, suggests a creative enterprise that would allow you to make an important artistic or creative contribution that would be deeply satisfying to you. If you find you are unsure about which offer to accept, among several, look closely at the position that offers the most creativity, for chances are, it will please you most.
Romantically, you have a wonderful long-term outlook, but this month could be a bit rocky, with Venus orbiting so close to responsibility-oriented Saturn, your ruler. Love may have its privileges, but this month it's clear it has obligations, too. You'll need to live up to certain past promises that you made. Work will take a great deal of thinking, so you'll be preoccupied by pressing matters and have less time to think about love. Your best chances for enjoying love will come early in the month, and especially so on September 1 and 2. Travel with your one and only if you can - a new setting will fan the fires of love.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Best days for romance: September 1, 2, 6, 7, 10-12, 14, 15, 16, and 22.
Love could be especially strong September 2 and 14, thanks to Jupiter's orbit.
Your career will become very important at the end of this moth and into October. Get your resume ready now.
Pluto's turn direct in Capricorn on September 16 will be a big help to your ability to make progress in the future.
Travel is quite likely all month. Center most of your key initiations in the first half when your favor will be strongest.
Over the weekend of September 10-11, as the full moon reaches fullness (September 12), you may be returning from (or taking) a short, fun trip.
Good news about money is likely to come up September 23.
A career, family, or home matter will bring a need for an urgent, fast solution - it's turbulent - September 25. You will need funds to fix this, so be prepared.
The new moon September 27 brings up a new career situation or offer, but you'll likely have to fight to get the benefits or other financial elements the way you like them to be.
You are likely to enter into a high spending period from September 18 to November 11, due to Mars in Leo. This will be a good time to review investments and insurance needs.



Monday 01st August 2011 07:01:13 PM
Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Horoscope for August 2011
By Susan Miller

You appear to have reached a point where some of the things in your life that have not been working need to be changed. You have long passed the point of hoping that situations would improve on their own, without your direct intervention. In that respect, the July 1 eclipse got you moving forward again. You suddenly know your own mind and what you need to do to be happy, and once you had that epiphany, you felt energized. If you did not see much difference so far, now that the eclipse arrived on July 1, there will be days to watch in August.
First, keep your eye on August 1. Often an eclipse will deliver its news one month to the day later, plus or minus five days. If you did already receive news last month, you may, then, not hear much on or near this date (other than hear financial news, which is indicated, but more about that later).
A more important set of dates to watch for news will be August 16-17, for those are trigger points for the July 1 eclipse in Cancer. You may have already received news about a lifestyle or career change you want to make, or in regard to a partner or competitor in July, but if not, news may reach you on one of these two days, plus or minus a day or two. If you DID have dramatic events in July, these dates may bring things to a new, more sophisticated phase.
That July 1 eclipse was not an easy one. Because it was a solar eclipse, it should have been a smooth event, for generally, solar eclipses bring good news. The problem was this particular eclipse angrily lashed out at Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, and the Sun, all at the same time. Situations that were stuck, outworn, or in need of collapse (rather than just a quick cosmetic facelift) suddenly attracted your urgent attention. Alternatively, your health may have been in the spotlight, but if so, you needed to attend to whatever came up. I should add that if your birthday does not fall near July 1 (within five days) or if you don't have a planet at 9 degrees Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn (all cardinal signs), you may not notice much at all. All astrological events have to be within tight mathematical tolerances.
Why might August 16-17 possibly be important to you? I will explain.
Let's pretend that a solar eclipse burns a hole in the sky when it appears (it doesn't, but only in the poetic sense here, for our purposes.) Afterward, the sky forms a scab. Later, when Mars, the warrior planet, takes the same straight line road as the eclipse did previously, and reaches the scab at 9 degrees Cancer, being the rough and tumble guy that Mars Is known to be, he will break it open - and the news of the eclipse would be released. This is what will happen (so to speak) on August 16-17, so you should pay close attention to those dates.
You are fortunate to have Mars in your sign, for it indicates that you are poised to start an important two-year cycle on August 3, and you will have this advantage until September 18. You will have plenty of get-up-and-go these days, and something or someone seems to have energized and motivated you in a big way. Everyone wants Mars in their sign, for it means you will be the leader of the zodiac until mid-September, an enviable position. You'll have courage and drive, and no challenge will seem too big or too daunting to tackle.
Mars is the natural ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors, so it is in your career that you will be most assertive - you will be the general leading troops into battle. Normally I would say it is time to start something new, such as start a new position, or open a new business, or do something exciting in any phase of your life, but now I have to add, "Just not in August."
Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, will be retrograde from August 2-26, so very few things of importance will happen in August. August is not the time to start any venture, because if you do, you will find many of your assumptions will later prove false, and you'll have to make many corrections. You should not accept a new position in August, nor sign any sort of legal documents. Do not open a business or close on a house.
By all means do not install new software at work or at home (Head of IT, please note!) Mercury rules digital media as well as the moving parts in a machine. You should not purchase anything vital to your needs either, and that ranges from an expensive car to an affordable, but fun, smartphone. Actually, among the very worst things to buy in August are electronics, appliances, or machines. You may also notice that you are heading to the repair shop to fix something, for parts tend to show wear and tear when Mercury retrogrades.
There is one exception to the rule of never acting assertively during Mercury retrograde. That is, if you have an ongoing relationship with a company or a person, and you are simply continuing that relationship by working together, even if there was a pause of many months (or even years) since you last talked. If you knew the person previously and are given an offer by this person, you can accept - things will go very well.
I often get questions about giving birth to a baby during a Mercury retrograde period - not to worry! That is fine. It is always good to be born! I was born with Mercury retrograde - this simply makes a person more philosophical, a good thing.
So to sum up, things you start, announce, present, or display, or relationships you formalize for the first time will not likely succeed in August, so hold off taking action after the new moon August 28. (This will give two days space between the date Mercury goes direct and the date of the new moon). If you make your move sooner, you would only have to renegotiate anything you begin during a Mercury retrograde, assuming you would even want to continue the relationship or venture - most people just want to leave it and cut their losses!
What we start when Mercury retrogrades simply does not fulfill its intended promise. This would become obvious either immediately or months or years later, but you would most likely experience regret.
There are some specific things I would like you to watch this month involving Mercury. Make sure your automobile is in top working condition before you set off on a trip as Mercury will retrograde part of the time in your transportation house. Mercury will also spend quite a bit of time in your financial house. This suggests that if you are self-employed, you might be frustrated by client payments arriving late. In this case, the squeaky wheel will get the juice - keep sending reminder statements, early on! You also need to keep close track of your credit card statements, to ascertain no unauthorized charges show up. We often deposit checks in the wrong account, or misplace checks that do arrive. At the start of August, we all are already close enough to the retrograde to feel the affects of this planet out of phase.
We become forgetful during these periods because often a lot is going on, even though many meetings will be cancelled. Label your laptop by taping your business card on the bottom. Slip your business card into the case holding your cell phone, eyeglasses and sunglasses, digital camera, iPod, iPad, and other treasures you'd be heartbroken to lose. Lastly, this is the time to back up your cell phone and computer, write down all your credit card numbers, and photocopy your license. Now, that was easy, right?
Now let's talk about finding ways to make more money, for you have rare and special possibilities to increase your income. The new moon that appeared just two days before the start of August, on July 30, is still full of power and strength for ten days - use it! We only get one new moon in each of the 12 houses every year, and this is your annual new moon in your earned income sector. It is imperative that you grab this sterling chance to ask for a raise, pitch new business, or look for a new job. The actions you take during the first ten days of August will be very potent and have the power to affect you for an entire year to come. While you should not quite set things in stone yet - you are likely to see your money next month, not this month - you can get the ball rolling now. I will add that August is not the time to incorporate or open the doors of a retail store - do so in September.
Jupiter is about to go retrograde on August 30, and that suggests that if you have a massively big, important venture to lift off, or a new product to introduce, you may want to wait until Jupiter goes direct to do so, due to happen on December 25 of this year. When Jupiter is direct, you have a shot at the very largest profit potential. If you have to lift off in September, profits will be slow to develop, and you may not see any until January.
I don't like starting a new business venture with Mercury or Jupiter retrograde, nor do I like to do so when Saturn is retrograde either. (Right now, Saturn is moving in sure, strong orbit until early February). If you already started a business some time ago, then you are generally safe, but I still would not make a new product or service introduction until September.
If you are in the innovation / science / technology business, you need the high-tech planet of genius moving direct too - Uranus - and unfortunately Uranus is currently retrograde until December 10. December 10 will be the same day as a coming full moon eclipse in Gemini, so allow some space from that date as well. After December 10, Uranus will stay strong for seven months. You see how complicated this becomes? Guess what, in the first 22 days of January 2012 we will have NO planets in retrograde, and no eclipses either! How do you like that? I love it!
Finances will also be on your mind at the full moon, August 13, plus or minus four days. This full moon will fall in Aquarius, 21 degrees, near Neptune, so there are two very different ways this full moon could manifest for you. One way would be that you might make a large sale of artwork or get funding for an artistic / creative project. Your "sale" may be very lucrative and give you cause for celebration.
On the other side of the spectrum, you may have been unclear about a fact of a financial matter that suddenly comes to light - you may find news distressing. Neptune sometimes is indicative of "fog" but at a full moon, full disclosure often comes out, either immediately or in time. It would be a really bad time to sign any contacts, not only due to Mercury retrograde, but due to Neptune's foggy closeness to that full moon.
It may help to know you are about to enter into a high spending period from September 18 to November 11, due to the entry of Mars into your second house of earned income. Perhaps you already know this, and have planned for it. If not, it may be good to know your expenses are due to rise during that seven-week period. Still, Mars will make you very assertive about going after more money, and if you are in sales or marketing, you may be very fired up about finding new sources. In that case, it could be a very productive time!
There are three days to avoid for any big initiation in your life, not only pertaining to money - anything. The two tough days come first, August 9 and 11, when Mars stirs the pot and taunts first Uranus and then Pluto. You may see a temporary career setback on August 9 and later that week feel you are getting absolutely no cooperation or support from a partner on August 11. Obligations at home may press on you August 25. I would not schedule any key meetings on these days, at work or in your personal life.
The second half of August will be infinitely more fun. You have one spectacular day to use any way you wish when Mars sends a beautiful beam to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, on August 18. August 18 is a three-star day - use it for fun!
Once the Sun moves into Virgo, a better place for you, on August 23, you'll feel lighter and happier, but the best is still yet to come!
There will be an exceptionally sweet new moon on August 28 that I am very excited about, and it will help you travel and unwind.
This new moon August 28 is special because a golden triangle will appear in the sky at the time, linking Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in your friendship / people / events sector, and Pluto, planet of massive power that works from within you, currently in your partnership / marriage sector. It certainly looks like if you go away, you will be going to see friends or have a good time. By the time this new moon arrives, as you know, Mercury will no longer be retrograde. Best of all, Venus, planet of happiness and fun, will be in Virgo and send a beautiful beam to Jupiter on the following day, August 29. You really can't fail by traveling in the last week of August. If you are attached, then bring your partner with you.
If you simply can't get away, keep in mind that all sorts of communications and agreements will start to perk up in the last day or two of August, and by September, everything will pick up steam. I would keep my eye on September if I were you, for early September is simply packed with goodies to help you succeed.
This won't be an enormously special month for romance, so I would say it's steady. If you are attached, your hardest day will be August 11, for your partner may be quite demanding or domineering that day. It's not a day to sort things out - it's a day to stay happily alone.
Your best romantic days will be August 18 and August 29-30, just made for traveling a short distance with the one you love, for an outing during the day, or an overnight jaunt. Being out of town will certainly lift your spirits at month's end, so why stay home?

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2011
By Susan Miller

You certainly have experienced massive changes in your life over the past two years, including shifts in one or more of the following: a key relationship, your health, living arrangements, and your work or work environment. Chances are, you will welcome the news that August will be a peaceful, quiet month. Use this month to follow your favorite activities and most interesting projects, for you need not worry that you'll be blown off course at a moment's notice. You can be quite productive, with the caveat that you focus on unfinished business. It's not the time to start anything new.
The solar eclipse of July 1 in Cancer (9 degrees) last month may have brought developments in regard to your closest romantic or business relationship if your birthday falls on or within five days of December 30. You may have also felt this eclipse if you have planets or a rising sign in Cancer, Aries, Libra, or Capricorn (4-14 degrees). If you have this birthday or these signs prominent in your chart, and did not notice news last month, radical news may reach you when Mars travels over the same part of the sky as the eclipse traveled on August 16-17. Watch those dates for news.
Now, as August opens - no matter what day your birthday happens to fall - you will notice the pace of activity around you slowing down. Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, is about to take a nap, for Mercury will be retrograde almost all month, from August 2 to 26.
Talks you are in now will be delayed, and as you go along, you may change your mind about a certain course of action you were thinking of taking. Higher ups will be hard to reach for answers and approvals, but even so, let nature take its course, and don't press for answers just yet. Nothing will be settled until after Mercury goes direct August 26. It would be wise to wait a little longer, at least to August 28, the brilliant new moon in Virgo. This will be a new moon that is so special that I feel it will be one of the most brilliant diamonds of the year for you - a cosmic gift. It is always wise not to come to close to the start and finish days of any Mercury retrograde period. This month you will have the time to wait, and because you will lose nothing by hanging back, you can occupy yourself in other ways.
If you make a deal while Mercury is still out of phase, you will only have to renegotiate the deal later, if you would even want to do so - chances are you will be so turned off by the way things go you'll probably want to cut your losses and throw in the towel. Conditions around you will change dramatically and morph into something different, but this won't be apparent yet. In fact, it would be easy for you to think that everything is the same, and quite stable. They are not. Only later you will see that few of the criteria you would have used to make a decision will hold true later, and if you make a deal, you will later regret having been so hasty.
Make sure you don't lose any items in August - label everything with your business card, even your laptop. Be very deliberate about where you place things, as you can get easily distracted this month. You should not buy anything expensive either, but especially not electronic items, as Mercury rules electronics, as well as all machines with moving parts.
The first half of the month you will be very involved with finances. The new moon that occurred just a few days ago on July 30 will be strong for almost two weeks and will light your eighth house of other people's money. You might want to look at your insurance needs to see that you are covered, and to examine your phone bill with the representative to make sure you are on the right plan. It is a good time to pay attention to ongoing financial matters but not to start new ones.
You may be planning to open talks about the terms of a new contract, or the division of property in a divorce. You may be ready to apply for a loan, line of credit, scholarship, mortgage, or refinancing plan. Normally it would be a good time to do so.
The problem is, Mercury will be retrograde while in the same financial house that you and I are speaking about. This means you will have one of three outcomes: 1) You will not reach accord in a deal, or 2) you will find out later about errors made in the documents you signed, or 3) that you realize by information you get later that you made a bad deal. No matter how you look at it, the deal would not be in your favor. It would be a bad time to make application or sign.
Sometimes however, you have no choice but to sign and move forward. In those cases you have to do your best to be alert for errors, but even so things can slip through. Here is what happened to me during a Mercury retrograde. My rental apartment was changing from rental to condo, and the landlord was giving the tenants a good deal. I signed my mortgage agreement with my bank for my condo several weeks prior to the official closing on my condo, at the time while Mercury was retrograde, but I had no choice. My landlord wanted each tenant to have a mortgage in place far in advance of the closing date (which thankfully, was when Mercury was no longer retrograde). If I didn't sign, I would have to move out immediately.
I did sign, but two months later the bank called to say they made a large $20,000 error in my mortgage, and could I please send over a check to cover for that amount? I told the bank I didn't have an extra $20,000 just languishing in my bank account - I couldn't do it, so now what could we do? They said, "Okay, this was our fault, so we will simply tack an extra $1,000 to your mortgage payment each month for 20 months." This news horrified me, but I had to agree to it. At the time, I was a single mother, no child support, and paying for my children's colleges by myself. I was new to paying mortgage and common charges, and those were higher than my previous rent, in the same apartment. The news of this bank error made me terrified. I got through this nightmarish period, but just thinking about it still sends shudders through me. Banks do make mistakes - even big, established, good-name banks.
Mercury retrograde will always come and bite, sooner or later. My daughter signed her lease on her apartment in LA during a Mercury retrograde, thinking, "It's only a renewal of my present lease." The landlord suddenly sold her building and told her she had to move out within a month. This happened when she was only four months into the lease. She might have negotiated more time, but did move out quickly anyway. It was very expensive to move, but my sweet Diana fortunately found a new place she loved. This is how it goes. It would be best to wait until after August 28 or even longer to sign, and if you can't, keep your antenna up.
On Facebook ("Susan Miller Astrology Zone") and Twitter (my name is @astrologyzone) I will invite you to offer examples of things you experience during a Mercury retrograde period, and you can read all the posts!
One possibly tough day for your relationship (business or romantic), dear Capricorn, will be August 11, when Pluto in Capricorn will oppose Mars in Cancer. On this day you and your partner may clash intensely, and you may be incensed by what you hear from your partner. See how you feel. This is not a day to choose to find accord with an adversary or a partner / collaborator. Lie low and see what happens. Try not to overreact, but it will be hard not to want to do so!
Financial considerations will come up again, this time for finalization, at the full moon, August 13, plus or minus five days. Check facts and figures carefully before you write any large check. Neptune will be in the vicinity of that full moon and could cloud important information. The part of your chart that will be lit will be your second house of earned income, so you may buy something expensive, or send in a large check you knew would be due at this time. Another way things could work out is if your boss promised you a raise some time ago - if so, you may get it near August 13, the full moon. (As you see, Mercury retrograde periods can be a bonus at times too.)
Once you get to August 18, you will have a super day for money. You may be able to sell a creative idea to a client. You may need an agent to help you, as Mars is in your seventh house, giving a collaborator a dominant role in your life now.
If you have your calendar out, looking earlier in the month, I also like the very first day of the month, August 1, when Venus and Uranus will trade signals - it's a great day for hearing very good news about money. You may want to put a star on that day.
The whole tenor of the month will improve enormously once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 23. Virgo is an earth sign like yours that blends so beautifully with your Capricorn Sun. Your mood will brighten, and you'll be happy not to have to deal with financial matters anymore.
The new moon August 28 is the date to keep your eye on, for it will be simply sensational for you. You will have a chance to travel from this day forth, continuing for two weeks, so if you would like a vacation, this would be the time to go. Because your ninth house is being lit, you may be traveling abroad, or to a distant city within your own country. With Venus in Virgo too, from August 21 to September 15, you will have a successful, happy trip (even if you go for business).
Keep in mind Mercury will change gears on August 26, two days prior, so this new moon will give you an open road to do as you like. It really would be a great time for a vacation.
Alternatively you may hear about a publishing or broadcasting project that you will want to get started on. If so, there will be something special about this one. Academic pursuits will shine too, so if you are preparing to start a new semester at college or graduate school, you will enjoy the classes you take, and something about these classes will help you in the future.
I am excited about this new moon because the new moon will arrive with Venus and the Sun in Virgo (5 degrees Virgo) and send a lovely beam to Jupiter in your fifth house of creativity and love, and well as to Pluto in Capricorn, in your first house of personality and identity. What a marvelous new moon this will be for you, one of the best of 2011! This moon will open your mind to all kinds of new ideas and concepts, and also stimulate your creativity in a way that will allow you to make very individual expressions of your artistic nature.
The ninth house, where this new moon will fall, also rules philosophy, theology, religion, so the end of August would be an ideal time to go on a retreat or study the work of great philosophers. This is the area of the chart where we think about the mysteries of life and our place in the world. You may want to spend a little time thinking about what life means to you, and how you can best make your own contribution. With such a friendly, encouraging new moon, one that will get you to think in large terms, you may be changed by the thoughts that come to you.
If you were born on December 28, plus or minus five days, you will benefit most from the energy of this beautiful new moon. Also, if you know your chart, see if you have any planets within five degrees of 5 degrees Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, or Scorpio - if so, you will benefit too.
Romantically, I love August 18, when Jupiter, in your house of true love, will signal Mars in your house of partner / marriage. If your long-time partner has gotten on your nerves earlier this month (possible, around August 9 or 11), this day will be your divine make-up day, when everything will start to go magically right again. I am so happy to have this to report! It could be quite romantic!
Things will only keep getting better. From August 21 to September 15, Venus will tour fellow earth sign Virgo, a perfect sign for you to host Venus! Things will improve more August 26, when Mercury goes direct, especially if you hope to start a relationship with someone new - after that, you'd enjoy better communication and get off on the right foot. You already know I adore the new moon, August 28.
The month ends with Venus in Virgo, in perfect angle to good luck Jupiter in Taurus, August 30. Taking a vacation in late month would be a wonderful way to fan the fires of love. If you can travel, plan your adventure to a distant city, but if you cannot, at the very least on this lovely day, August 30, do something together - a great dinner, a long walk under the honeysuckle - and celebrate your love for each other.
If you have no one special, on August 30 do for yourself - a salon massage or other spa treatment. The world will look very, very bright at the end of August, dear Capricorn, and you will enjoy every minute of what's to come next month.



Saturday 02nd July 2011 10:11:04 PM
July Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

The solar eclipse in Cancer will bring changes, and they will be even more dramatic if your birthday falls within four days of July 1. You will begin to see yourself through a new lens, and your whole life's direction is likely to evolve and morph into something new. Your past is done, and you will turn away from that - a new chapter is forming. You'll want to set new priorities and revisit old goals. Eclipses bring information and enlightenment, and it will be a very busy time. Cancers not born close to July 1 will feel affects in a milder way.
This eclipse will be at hard angles to Pluto, so your relationship with someone close may be quite strained and you may feel pushed to the limits by this person's attitude and assertive stance. The person in question may be a romantic partner, or one you work with in business.
Saturn is not due to cooperate either with the July 1 eclipse, so home / family or concern for a child may come up and add another twist to all that is being discussed. A property or family situation will need to be considered. Nothing will be easy to solve, which is why you must not have an overly packed schedule - you will need an elastic schedule to simply sit down and think if necessary.
All month, protect your health carefully, as eclipses in your own sign always highlight latent weaknesses that must be addressed.
By the full moon July 15, you will need a plan to deal with the relationship in question. If you feel you cannot suggest a plan, your partner will suggest one, or things will be decided for you, a less attractive option. One way or another, things will be back on track. Matters will come to a very quick conclusion, and although you may not be completely satisfied with the way things end, they will, and you can move forward.
In another manifestation of the full moon, July 15, plus or minus five days, you may sign a new client or business partner, or you may get engaged or married. It's a good time to do so. Did you know that 80 percent or so of brides marry within six weeks of their birthday? It's because the Sun conjunct the Sun is so powerful and favorable.
A lot will be expressed behind the scenes this month, in confidence, either without your knowledge or with it, but if you are included you will want to keep what you hear under wraps. Once Mars moves into Cancer early next month, you will be fully informed of all details and can sort out all the changes gradually, with the aim of having plans in place by September.
The new moon July 30 will be great for seeing an increase in salary. Just after that new moon arrives, be quick to discuss possibilities for a raise. If you need to make more and there are no options where you work, then go and entertain offers from other firms. This new moon is an unusually lovely one, positive in every way. More money is earmarked for you, but to get it you will need to reach for it. Make calls, have meetings.
Single and unattached Cancers may or may not sidestep the difficulties of the July 1 eclipse. Venus will do her share to help your love life by moving through your constellation of Cancer, from July 4 to July 28. This will keep you feeling attractive and loved. When Mars moves into Cancer in early August, you will make even more waves. Your time is coming, and if you should break up with someone, know that others down the road will appreciate you so much more.
Cancer Dates to Note
Most romantic evenings: July 4, 9, 10, 15 (wild card, full moon), 23-24, and 27-28.
Venus tours Cancer July 4 until July 28.
The solar eclipse of July 1 may affect you very directly if your birthday falls on that date or within four days.
This July 1 eclipse will help you see yourself in a new light, when one or more elements of your life dramatically change. Watch these areas for one to become active: relationships, career, money, health and/ or home-related issues.
A partnership promise or negotiation will be settled by the full moon, July 1. What happens now may be related to the events of the new moon July 1 or the earlier eclipse six months ago, January 4. It's time to make a pact or promise to a partner, or to decide to leave.
In your career, Uranus' turn retrograde on July 9 may hold up progress a little while. Spend time tweaking what you've already built until Uranus normalizes his orbit December 10.
When the Sun and Uranus trade friendly signals, expect fabulous career news that you've had in progress: July 27.
If you are hoping to increase your income, the new moon eclipse of July 30 will be your moment to act. Be fast, as Mercury will retrograde August 2, so the sooner you initiate your request for a raise or negotiate the salary for a new position, the better.

Capricorn Summary

You have been through a series of eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer over the last two years and those have created sweeping changes. The job of an eclipse is to methodically test various elements in your life, and quickly point out any weak links that it finds. Now you have one more highly personal eclipse in this series: July 1, in Cancer. After this, there will be no more eclipses in this series for seven years, so you will get rest.
The July 1 solar eclipse will test the strength of your closest relationship and also your health. You will get to decide what you want to do with whatever the eclipse finds. If your partner has been dishonest with you, you may see a side of his or her character that will be painful to see.
If your relationship is strong and healthy, you will be asked to do something more with your union, perhaps by committing to a goal that's bigger and more important than the two of you have committed to so far. One way or the other, you will need to make a decision and an initiation, for an eclipse will not abide passivity. Eclipses makes us move forward, not remain static. It matters not if your partner is business or personal in nature - one relationship will be tested and revealed.
This eclipse will come with a number of crosscurrents, for Uranus will simultaneously shake up your home life, while Saturn will bring shifts to your career. At the same time, Pluto will make you feel you have to take control and let the chips fall where they may. This eclipse is a new moon, indicating that you will be dealing with whatever situation that comes up for some time into the future, for weeks or even months.
You'll have a short time to decide what you want to do after the eclipse brings news. Still, by the full moon, July 15, in Capricorn, you'll know your own mind. While in early July, others will have their say, but by mid-month, it will be your turn to speak. Fortunately, Venus will be in your partnership sector all month, spreading her soothing balm, and will help you find the right words to say under any circumstances.
This is all coming at a time when your workload will apparently be heavy. On top of that, last month you had a number of departmental changes that you are still coping with now. To say the least, your plate is full.
You will need to prioritize your time and energy for those work projects, as well as in other spheres, for your health may be under strain. If anything seems not quite right with any part of your body, it will be vital that attend to those medical or dental matters quickly. Eclipses point out all kinds of weaknesses, including those of the body.
The brightest spot in your chart is Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in your fifth house of romance since last month and set to last until June 2012. Rarely have you had such an ideal time to find your one true love. If you break up with someone now, you have the comfort of knowing you are likely to find love again.
If you feel you already have met your true love - a person you have been dating for some time - and you both come through the July 1 eclipse together with flying colors, you may decide to marry. If you are already in an established relationship, you may decide to have a baby. Your chances for conception now and in the coming 12 months have never been better. As you see, the private side of your life is glowing, dear Capricorn!
Capricorn Dates to Note
Most romantic evenings: July 4, 5, 9-10, 15, 18, 19, 23-24, 27, 28, and 29.
The July 1 eclipse will be a strong one and will bring revelations about a partnership to light. If your relationship is strong, you will grow closer. If it is not strong and you don't like the news you receive, you may split. Those born near December 30 will feel this eclipse the most.
You will get your turn to speak at the full moon in Capricorn, July 15. Those born near (within four days) January 12 will feel this full moon most, and should benefit from it.
Money matters get a boost after the new moon July 30. Make an initiation.
With Uranus turning retrograde on July 9, you may change your mind about selling or leasing a house.
Work will be unusually hectic this month, as indicted by Mars in your sixth house, so you will have quite a balancing act to perform.
Jupiter in fellow earth sign Taurus will send Pluto in Capricorn a lovely missive on July 7 making it a four-star day for love, pregnancy, children, and creative projects. Surely, this is a month of high contrast, which is common at eclipse time. Eclipses show us things in black and white terms.
Venus in your partnership sign of Cancer in perfect angle to Jupiter in your house of true love on July 9 will be a magical day for love and relationships.
The month's second new moon (a blue moon) on July 30 will bring an opportunity for you to make a good financial deal.



Friday 03rd June 2011 02:13:00 PM
June Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

The eclipses are on the way again, and with three due in a row, each two weeks apart, you can expect a busy life. A solar eclipse in Gemini starts things off on June 1. This is a friendly eclipse, and as a result of its appearance, a secret may come out in the open that proves very helpful for you to know later. Alternatively, you may be working on an undercover project that you need to keep confidential and away from prying eyes.
The June 1 eclipse will also be a good one for getting help with a habit you'd like to kick. Seek out a professional. After your first meeting, you'll be halfway there. Protect your health and well being in the coming weeks, because you will be under many demands. Do all you can to strengthen your body so you will cope well.
The lunar eclipse of June 15 in Sagittarius will affect you more than the first eclipse of June 1, for as a Cancer, the moon rules your sign. A lunar eclipse like the one of June 15 always has the strength of three full moons rolled into one. This eclipse will focus you on those who assist you at work or at home. One staff member will quit, or if at work, may be diverted to another department, so you'd be wise to have a substitute ready to help you in a pinch. Your office may move to new headquarters, your job description may change, or the people or accounts you supervise may be shuffled.
Uranus is now settling into your career sector for the first time in your life, and will remain in this house for the coming seven years. You are due to see some surprising twists and turns to your professional life, too. For example, on June 27, all surprises will be good ones, when Mars will be in perfect angle to Uranus. However, when Uranus is in hard angle to the Sun on June 24, you won't be pleased with what you hear, and it may rattle you.
If you are forging your way in a new position or an unfamiliar field, be sure to take the time to bone up on company and government regulations, as you soon will be expected to meet new standards. Not knowing what is expected of you from federal laws and industry rules will not give you a free pass - you will need to get expert advice. At home, Saturn is still holding your feet to the fire, so responsibilities must weigh on you. The universe understands, and is about to lighten your load starting this month, not by lessening home-related demands, but by bringing on outstanding social opportunities from now on, continuing for a full year. You will have more lightness and balance in your life, and for that, you'll be grateful!
Indeed, with Jupiter moving into your eleventh house of hopes, wishes, and friends, you are about to enter into a much more social phase, one that will last quite a long time - twelve months! The first part of 2011 had forced you to be quite career focused, and at times, you may have had to act quickly to take advantage of emerging opportunities. If you did, you are now adjusting to a new career situation.
This month, and from now on, generating business will become easier and more fun, because socializing, not writing proposals or doing cold calling, will get you ahead. This month your very best social period will extend from June 1 to 19, when Mars will whip up some dazzling events for you. You will also make many new friends, and some of your older friends will touch your heart by going out of their way to help you.
A third solar eclipse, in Cancer, is due July 1, and that one will affect you the most. Rest up - if your birthday falls anywhere near that date, from then on your life will change substantially and soon will show a new shape and offer a whole new look and feel. You're ready.
Dates to Note for Cancer
The new moon solar eclipse of June 1 and the full moon total eclipse of the moon June 15 will have you thinking about your mental and physical well-being.
Jupiter's move into Taurus on June 4 heralds a much more social life for you in the twelve months to come. You'll love it. New friendships, more events to attend - you are coming out of your shell, dear Cancer!
To make sure you see just how social life will be, Mars will keep things humming June 1 to 19. It'll be a lovely change from all the work pressure you've had.
The full moon lunar eclipse of June 15 will bring changes to your department in terms of rules, personnel, or assignments. Your office routine and possibly your actual headquarters could change. At home, it's also possible you will lose a worker and find another.
Career news may be surprisingly positive June 27, for Mars will signal Uranus.
As you get into birthday time of the month, from June 22, you will feel more energetic.
Watch, however, for a wrinkle in time: July 1 brings the solar eclipse in Cancer and swift changes are due.
When Saturn goes direct on June 12, you will be able to take action on a partnership matter with a sense of certainty.
Best, most romantic dates for you: June 3, 4, 7, 8, 11-12, 20, 21, 25, and 26.

Capricorn Summary

Over the past two years, eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer have tested your courage and determination, as well as your values, goals, future plans, your health, and the strength of your closest relationship. You've seen shifts in your home and in your career as well. In many ways, Capricorn has been under the most dramatic tests and pressures that the universe had to offer and by now you may see a very different lifestyle shaping up as compared with the one you had.
Now, the eclipses are back in June, but in a new family of signs, Gemini and Sagittarius. Only one more eclipse is due in the Capricorn-Cancer series. This one, in Cancer due July 1, is sure to bring changes in a relationship if you were born near December 30, plus or minus five days. You will feel events build speed at month's end. Before you get to the most important part of June - the last few days - you will see first changes in your immediate work environment.
The solar eclipse of June 1 will fall in Gemini, the sign of the twins, so you may be given or offered two major new jobs or important new assignments at once. You may need to hire new assistants or managers to handle the very busy workload that is about to come in. Mars' position in the same house as the eclipse assures that phones will ring, and customers or clients will vie for your goods and services. You may have to hire extra help at work OR at home (or both), say, when you decide you need a new nanny, housekeeper, or gardener, as a few examples. Wait one week after June 1 to hire someone new, for if you do, that person would likely please you and remain loyal to you for quite a time.
The solar eclipse of June 1 will also peak your interest in health and fitness. A solar eclipse has the strength of three new moons in one and so very simply, this moment will be your very best of the year to get involved in a new sport or fitness program. The eclipse will be in perfect angle to Saturn, suggesting you can set up a consistent and highly effective regimen that you will enjoy so much that you will remain faithful to it a very long time.
The lunar eclipse on June 15 might bring news of a female friend or relative who is under the weather, and you may be needed to accompany her to the hospital. The twelfth house, where this eclipse will fall, covers your physical and mental well-being and that of others near you.
If you feel you'd like to get help to end a bad habit that is harming your health, this eclipse would allow you to locate the right professional to help you free yourself of it. Eclipses are very powerful, and they work in your interest, even if that is not always instantly apparent. Part of their job is to show up weak links so you can improve them, or at least acknowledge them.
The month's most important week for you will be the last week, technically not June, but July 1. The Sun and new moon will be in Cancer, shifting your emphasis toward an important person with whom you want or had formed a partnership. This person may be part of your personal life, such as an intended mate or fiance, or someone you know from business.
The eclipse of July 1 will bring all elements of your plan into focus, and you will certainly feel the pace of events speed up as you get closer to July 1. Events at eclipse time usually go to the extreme, so you might be planning a wedding or quite the opposite, go through a breakup. This would happen directly on this day or in weeks to come.
Still, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto - a formidable group - will come at the new moon from different quarters of the sky, like a street gang armed with bats and chains and looking for trouble. Although your relationship might stay intact, few things will go according to plan at the new moon July 1. Just in case, lie low and brace for the unexpected.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
Opportunities to get work start to pick up at the solar eclipse June 1. Freelance work and new business also do well.
The same eclipse, June 1, would be superb for starting a new health and fitness program.
The full moon lunar eclipse of June 15 could bring a secret out into the open. Listen up - it might protect you.
Or, the full moon lunar eclipse June 15 might bring you in contact with someone in the hospital. Be there for that person.
Saturn, your ruler, goes direct on June 12, pushing all your projects, dreams, and efforts forward at long last. Saturn has been retrograde since January 26.
Jupiter's move into Taurus on June 4, 2011 to June 12, 2012, is excellent news for your love life! Wow! You will see the best prospects for love in twelve years!
Mars, now in Taurus too, will work to make sure you see some instant lift to your love life, June 1-19!
Venus will help out too, but only from June 1-8. All in all, however, this will be a strong month for romance!
Best, most romantic dates for you: June 4, 8, 11, 12, 17, 21, 24, and 25-26.



Tuesday 03rd May 2011 03:15:26 PM
May Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You are about to score a huge professional victory this month, and what transpires will be strongly related to initiations and inquiries you made last month, although all your actions this year will play into your good fortune. Your first sign of a breakthrough will be May 1, when fortunate Jupiter and Mars will link in your house of fame. This is the only time in this DECADE these two power-planets will meet in this part of your chart, so consider this day, and the days surrounding it, a gift from a loving universe.
Also watch May 10-11, when Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter will align, setting off all sorts of professional benefits that will help you score a significant rise in status. With a host of planets shimmering and twinkling in your honors and awards sector and a new moon in your friendship sector, your friends will be integral to your success, even at work. You won't be a one-hit wonder either - the victories you make now are strong enough to change forever the way others view you.
Indeed, May will be one of those rare months when everything you've ever done will come together into one big package and help you achieve a dream dear to you. All you've learned, all the experience you've gained, all the friendships you've made, will come together to push you forward. You are a nurturing soul, so all the help you've given others will now come back to you and play a part in your wonderful success. It'll be an exciting, heady time, when the sweet smell of success will motivate you to try forever-higher achievements.
New people will be pouring into your life too, and you may cultivate some into close friendships. This fresh influence begins with the new moon, May 3. There will be a number of social events you'll want to attend this month, so you'll have to balance high-profile work opportunities with networking and socializing. May is one month where mixing business with pleasure will be a breeze, so at least some of the things you schedule will seem "just fun" but actually help you professionally, too. Going to professional conferences, mixers, club events, trade shows, and other gatherings will help you as well.
One of your most romantic moments of the year will be May 17, your full moon in your house of true love. That full moon's influence will be operative on the proceeding weekend, May 14-15, and also over the weekend that follows this date too, May 21-22. This moon will be delicious, as it will be within friendly range of Uranus, adding the spice of surprise. Throw your head back, sway your hips, and dance to the music, dear Cancer. This full moon's just made for you.
Finally, there are other days to circle in red: May 21-22, when Venus (love) and Mars (charisma) will meet up in your eleventh house of heartfelt hopes and wishes. It's sure to be a weekend of heavenly experiences.
On May 24, good news about a career matter comes in as a big surprise - you'll be happy, for sure!
Dates to Note for Cancer
Your career will be blazing on May 1, thanks to the meeting of Jupiter to Mars. It's Sunday, but see if you can mix business with pleasure, or send a proposal via email.
The new moon May 3 marks a far more social, fun time for you in weeks to come! You may make new friends and see ones you have now more frequently.
The day that gets five stars is May 10 or 11 (depending on your time zone) when Venus will visit Jupiter and so will Mercury - your career will be on fire!
On May 12, when Mars and Neptune interact, you may hear from a friend in a distant city, much to your delight.
The full moon of May 17 should be the tenderest for love in the whole year, perhaps surprisingly so.
Need a day to get all your friends together? Do so on May 21-22 when Venus links to Mars in your house of friendship. It's an elegant, fun day!
More fabulous career news could easily hit on May 26, thanks to the beam of Uranus to the Sun.
Romance will be best: May 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21-22, 24, 25, 30, and 31.

Capricorn Summary

Your private life will rule in May. Make finding a new residence or other property your priority, for you have extraordinarily rare, not-to-be-repeated extraordinary help from planets in Aries now. After this month is over, you may think about all that happened and conclude that you were granted a miracle.
If you enjoy your present space, then find ways to fix it up. Alternatively, this month you can change roommates or conversely, choose to eschew roommates from now on, and live alone. You may call in the contractors for estimates to change your kitchen, or find beautiful new furniture or electronics for your space. Family support will be strong now too, so if you need a loan or outright gift of cash, you could get it now.
The window of opportunity will be a small one. Your enormous good fortune with home and property matters come, thanks to a not-to-be-seen-again lineup of friendly planets in your home sector, including Jupiter (powerful luck), Venus (beauty), Mars (activity), Mercury (news and agreements), and Uranus (sudden opportunity) all crowded together in a tight little space, your fourth house of family and home. Of these, Jupiter is your linchpin, but Jupiter will be in his final hours in this area of your chart, due to leave next month. You don't have a moment to spare.
Even a high jinx, against-all-odds family and property matter that may have caused you enormous stress can now work to your favor, so be confident that you will prevail. Last month was a topsy-turvy time. This month will go so much more smoothly, so have faith that you can get things precisely your way.
Your love life is due for exciting developments this month too, thanks to a glorious new moon, May 3, in your house of true love. This will be your only one of the year to appear in your "new love, true love" sector, and is therefore one of your best moments for romance in 2011. This moon's energy will be strongest in the first days following its appearance, and will gradually decrease as you reach the two-week mark. Make it a point to socialize to find a new romantic partner from May 3 to 11, your very best days. May 10 will be a standout, as Venus will conjoin with Jupiter - a five-star day, for sure.
The universe seems bent on making you very happy, for within four days of May 17, the full moon will bring you a dazzling social event that will be attended by many happy people you know, and some you don't but that you'll want to get to know soon! Look your best - this will be no ordinary event! With Uranus flashing a big bright light toward this full moon, you may still not know you'll be attending. When the invitation comes, accept!
Later, Venus will enter Taurus, a fellow earth sign like yours, and bring you more romantic opportunities in the coming four weeks. From May 15-June 8, Venus will smile on you. It will be a superb time to do things to increase your attractiveness in any way you please.
Take special note of your golden weekend of May 21-22 when you will have Venus in perfect angle to Pluto, increasing passion and expression of love, and at the same time, even more significant: Venus will be in rare, prefect alignment to Mars. Venus has not seen her lover, Mars, in a long time, and their next heartfelt meeting isn't due until 2013 in Aries. You now have all the perfect conditions to find true love, dear Capricorn. If you have already found it, on this weekend, celebrate the love you share.
If you hope for a baby, or are concerned about the welfare of a child you have now, angels will conspire to help you. This month, it seems no wish of yours will be too grand to be granted.
Hopefully, you won't have any pressing business to do career-wise, for your mind won't be on your work. Actually, it shouldn't be! There is one exception, however, and that is if you are paid for your creative ideas, carve out time to concentrate on your project. This month your imagination will be on fire, so set aside time to devote to your craft and hone your skills to a new level of sophistication. With a new moon May 3 in fellow earth sign, you'll enjoy your creative project, and may even be able to find a way to concentrate on it at your lucky place - home.
A new life is shaping up for you, dear Capricorn, and it's one you'll like far better than your old one.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
Love is in the air! Be determined to socialize from the new moon May 3! This one's made for you! Single? Be out there, for this is the best month for improving your love life.
When Mars enters your love sector from May 11 to June 19, you'll get an extra boost to your romantic life.
Venus will be in your true love sector too, from May 15 on. How lucky can you get?
One day you must try your luck in romance: May 23. Venus and Mars will embrace in a rare meeting!
It's crazy how sweet May 11 will be! Travel, interview for a top job, or have a romantic date. So many dreams come true on May 11!
A beautiful social event that will bring you closer to many people will occur at or within four days of the full moon May 17.
Are you interested in buying, selling, or leasing property? Are you interested in fixing up your present digs? Good fortune Jupiter is still in your home sector, but leaves in June! Hurry! On May 1 you should find the right options!
Another day to look at home, family, and property options is May 25. Expect surprise results - happy ones!
Most romantic evenings: May 1-4, 6, 11-12, 15-18, 20, 24, 25, 29, and 30.



Saturday 02nd April 2011 11:36:33 PM
April Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

This will be one of the most powerful months of 2011 for your career, for you will have Uranus (surprise), Mars (energy), Mercury (news), Jupiter (powerful luck), the Sun (favor from authority), plus the new moon April 3, all in your house of honors and awards, an extraordinary situation that has never happened before.
Things will start to percolate briskly just after the new moon appears April 3, and with Mars conjoining Uranus on the same day, things will happen fast, in unusual or even strange ways. Entrepreneurial, unexplored paths will beckon that will allow you a great deal of freedom to run your own show. When you hear the offer, you will "catch fire" almost instantly. Don't rush ahead too quickly, however, because it will be critical that you look at the details and be knowledgeable about all industry and government standards and requirements. Not knowing could bring problems later, so you'll have to do your homework thoroughly.
The most important heavenly body in this gang of six, based in your prestigious tenth house of career, will be Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Remarkably, Jupiter will meet with the new moon on April 3, and the Sun on April 6, and the latter day is the day that could turn out to be your luckiest day of the year. Due to a void moon on April 5, circle April 5 as your best and luckiest day of the month, possibly of the year. Wow! You can talk, but don't put anything in stone yet, as Mercury is retrograde. Progress will delight you near April 5.
Saturn's opposition to the Sun at the very same time will steal some of the thunder, but it shows that your responsibilities would be heavy at home. The compensation for the new offer may be low, or it may be that you have a great many expenses, and writing checks might be painful at this time. Thankfully, Neptune will move out of your financial house this month on April 3 for the first time in fourteen years, and you will be thinking more clearly than ever when it comes to money.
Still, you may not take this particular position as it is presented. Mercury will be retrograde most of the month and will create delays and confusion over facts and details. Don't rush. You will need to wait until after Mercury regulates its orbit on April 23 before you can settle deals. Lingering concerns about the salary or about promises you've made to family may cause you to hesitate about jumping at a new offer. If you decline something in April, it seems you'll get a second chance in May.
Certainly this position seems special, but you'll find that nothing is quite easy. You may have to move or put up with a long commute. Family members who depend on you may be alarmed by the prospect of you not being there for them, and their concern may weigh heavily on you.
The conflict you have regarding your home or family situation will be resolved by the full moon, April 17, plus or minus four days. It is anyone's guess what you will decide, but the situation will become complicated by a difficult partner who will pressure you to accept a certain course of action that you won't like and will strongly resist. No one can tell you what to do - you know your own mind, so keep your own counsel. Keep talking with your partner, and try to stretch out the decision to make it later. You'll have a far better opportunity to come to a compromise on April 27, when Pluto is beautifully angled to the Sun.
Romantically, the move of Pluto, ruler of your house of true love, to retrograde April 9 to September 18 suggests the one for you may well be someone you already met. Concentrate on those who you love now, not someone new you might meet in the future. You may be overlooking sterling qualities in someone you love now, or used to love a while ago.
The move of Neptune to Pisces will herald a new area of clearer thinking in regard to your finances. Although Neptune will only spend a short time in better-for-you Pisces from April 4 to August 4, you will quickly see the benefits of Neptune's new placement in your chart. On August 4, Neptune will slide back to Aquarius for a while, so the important part to remember is that the future is bright. Neptune will return to beautiful Pisces in February 2012, not to leave until 2026. You'll love the change. Those difficult financial days you suffered, starting as far back as 2003 through today, are almost over. More fun is in store for you, too.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Career opportunities that are very entrepreneurial in feel will start to come at the new moon, April 3.
Events will come to you so quickly that you will have to slow yourself down, lest you become too impulsive: April 3.
A family or housing concern may complicate plans this month, but will be decided at the full moon April 17.
A partner will be strangely pushy - keep talking and try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. By April 27 you will reach a better time to pacify your partner.
The most romantic times of the month will occur when Venus tours Pisces, from April 1 to 19.
Mercury will be retrograde April 1 to 23, causing delays and forgetfulness, lost items, and a need for repairs. Do not sign contracts at that time.
Neptune will enter Pisces April 4 to August 4 and add clarity to financial matters. Neptune will be back on February 2012 to stay for fourteen years.
Venus in Pisces will be divine for love, especially if you travel together to a foreign country (Canada and Mexico "count" too for US citizens, as would island adventures). Go away anytime from April 1 to 20.
Pluto's turn retrograde from April 9 to September 16 indicates you may have already met "the one for you."
Although you may find it hard to get along with a spouse or a business partner all month, by April 27, you'll enter a sweeter phase.
Your best romantic dates include: April 1, 6, 9, 20, 23, 27, and 28.

Capricorn Summary

This month will be all about your home and making it just as you always wanted it to be. Planets are bonding together to help you accomplish your dream in a way you've rarely seen. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime phase, as slow moving planets like Uranus and Jupiter are now on hand to help - the last time Uranus was in Aries, the place you need him to be to create big change, was 1927-1936, and the last time for Jupiter was in 1999! To get them at the same place at the same time is hard, but now, great news, when it comes to home and family - there is almost nothing you cannot accomplish!
You can move or stay and tear out walls, restructure your space, rearrange furniture, design a daring decorating plan, buy beautiful furniture or appliances, find a roommate or dispel one - you decide! Possibly for the first time, with generous Jupiter and the new moon, April 3, supporting your every move, you can make more progress now than you have ever seen. Be patient though, because for the first 23 days of April, Mercury will be retrograde. You will not miss your chance - in fact, by going slowly, you'll accomplish even more.
You will be thinking big, and should you need financing, say, in terms of a mortgage or home improvement plan, you will find you can get approvals. I didn't mention this in your main report, but thought of it now, and this news should be comforting. This doesn't mean that bank examiners or other financial types won't be tough on you - with Saturn challenging the Sun at the new moon April 3, they will be - but if you make sure your paperwork is perfect, you will likely see success. A major expense or overrun may come up, but don't let that news unnerve you. You can find a solution, for Jupiter, now in your home sector, will protect your interests, so press forward.
In the first few days of April, create a safe home environment, as Mars will conjunct Uranus on April 3. Don't overload electrical sockets, avoid standing on the top rung of the ladder, and keep walkways clear, especially at night. Mercury will be retrograde until April 23 so also, don't sign papers, close on a house, or buy electronics or furniture until you get beyond April 23.
Pressures at work will be prevalent as well, and trying to keep your domestic plan on track while you keep VIPs happy on the job would be a challenge to Houdini, but, dear Capricorn, if anyone can do it, you can. Capricorn excels in times like this, for you always keep cool under pressure, and that's why you make such a wise leader.
You'll likely be feeling split between home and work as the month opens, but professional demands will become much more pronounced at the full moon, April 17, plus or minus four days. As vital as it will be to keep your eye on home and family matters, you'll need to switch your attention quickly to work-related deadlines, meetings, and developments. Happily, once you get through the full moon period, you can revert back to what's going on at home, which will likely continue very productively through May.
Your outlook for romance will be very strong during the second half of the year, but for now, it will remain on a back burner to other priorities. With Venus, the ruler of your house of love now in your travel sector, your best hope of finding a way to relax and enjoy romance will be to take a short, three-day trip from time to time. Your best weekend to flee will be April 8-10.
Later, after April 20, the Sun will move into your house of true love, so that will make the coming weeks brighter for love. The month of May will give you a lovely prologue of more romantic life to come, and things will only continue to improve for love as you progress through the year.
Feather your nest now, and love will follow you there, dear Capricorn!
Dates to Note for Capricorn
With six planets filling your home sector, chances are miracles will happen at home, starting at the new moon, April 3. With Mars conjunct Uranus, you could have arguments or cost overruns, or trip over something. Avoid all!
With Mercury retrograde, you cannot close on a house or buy furniture or electronics from April 1-23.
You can get lucky on April 5 or 6. Might your family offer a check, perhaps for a proper down payment?
Neptune will visit Pisces this year for only four months - April 4 to August 4 - but will return in February 2012 to stay until 2026! Your writing, if you write, will become more spiritual or creative. Screenplays and poetry will be favored.
Work will be very pressing at the full moon, April 17, and it appears you'll be expected to deliver the goods within four days of this date.
Romance will be best while you travel out of town during the first three weeks. You'll be busy, and it appears you will need to be in a new setting to unwind enough to enjoy love.
Best romantic dates: April 5, 8-10 (for travel), 14, 23-24, and 28.



Thursday 03rd March 2011 07:02:20 PM
March Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You've been working hard on your career, and at times, you had to press forward in blind faith that things would eventually work to your favor. Those efforts have not been in vain, dear Cancer. This month you will start to see reward, and in coming weeks, even more will be on the way. You may want to consider developing work overseas, or with an international company based in your city, for in March, international trade or relationships will bring you untold success and quite a generous salary.
Entrepreneurial projects beckon brightly, too, but you must be careful to study all rules of your new industry before you jump in, as the opposition of Saturn to Jupiter on March 28 could bring consequences for a misguided assumption or being ignorant of certain rules. Jupiter in Aries brims with enthusiasm, but you really do need to balance it with practical knowledge and approaches, too.
If want to spread your wings and travel to a city abroad, you could not wish for a better time. With Uranus, Mercury, Mars, the Sun, and new moon, March 4, all in fellow water sign Pisces, those planets will make any travel wish you ever had possible now. Go as soon as the new moon arrives, March 4, for fun or profit, or combine both. Home responsibilities have been heavy and have required sacrifice - and will again in March's last week - but while you can travel, take your chance to do so.
Mercury will retrograde on March 30 to April 23, a time that will be fraught with delays, miscommunications, and a need to backtrack. Get all your important actions and papers signed as early as possible, leaving as much space as possible between your actions and March 30. You won't want to work too close to that date.
If you are negotiating a deal near March 19, you may run into problems finding accord. It would be far better to finish up talks March 9 or 15 - both excellent days - but no later.
In a month that will open your mind to all sorts of new possibilities, this would also be an ideal time to sign up for a university or continuing education class, or to take qualifying exams. In either case, you'll shine. The dissemination of information will also be favored, so publishing and broadcasting projects glitter, too. If you work in one of those industries, send out queries for assignment possibilities - you'll be amazed at the strong response you get.
Romance will be linked to travel - that's VERY clear. See if you can steal some time in the last week of March, after Venus enters Pisces, a fellow water sign, for a wonderful time with your sweetheart or spouse, or to meet an interesting seatmate on an airplane to a distant locale. If you simply cannot travel, and you are single, see if you can sign up for a weekend class or seminar this month - try March 5-6 or March 26-27.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Uranus' entry into your house of professional success, from March 11 to stay seven years, until 2019, is a massive event sure to change the direction and nature of your career. If being self-employed is important to you, it will be possible, but so will other positions.
The new moon March 4 will allow you to travel oversea or to generate business opportunities abroad. It's a sensational time to think global, not local.
You may be traveling very unexpectedly March 9.
There's money to be made March 10.
Expect to hear of a big surprise that could also net you cash on March 20 or 21, thanks to the conjunction of the Sun and Uranus in your house of career.
Make money from an artistic endeavor March 26.
Home or property investments will be excellent on March 14.
Great, sensational news about your career: March 15, thanks to Mercury conjunct Jupiter, a rare aspect.
A short trip or a contractual negotiation could prove to be troublesome March 19.
Publishing and broadcasting opportunities abound all month. If this is your industry, look for a new position or a new assignment!
Venus in Pisces will help your social life from March 27 to April 19.
Romance and travel are linked, but so is study and romance. March 3-5 and also 26-27 will be sweet.
Romance will be best: March 3, 4, 5, 14, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30, and 31.

Capricorn Summary

Spring is just about ready to burst forward in northern hemispheres, and fall days are around the corner in southern ones. The last thing you want to do is to stay cooped up inside. Five happy little heavenly bodies are acting like friends who are coaxing you to pack and go, and they won't abide any of your usual excuses. You have Mars (action), Mercury (travel), Uranus (spontaneity), the Sun (focus), and the new moon, giving you plenty of choices, starting March 4. Exciting!
A short trip, even to a nearby town, will be motivating and liberating, and give you the breathing room you may need to generate a new slant on current life shifts and any pending decisions. Although as a Capricorn, you are not prone to make spontaneous choices, this time, take a dart and throw it at your map - chose a city and go.
Your best weekend to be away will be March 5-6 and 26-27. You'll come home refreshed, and glad you had the time away. Most of your trips will be taken for business this month, but you can work in some romantic time too, if you like.
A longer trip may also be on your agenda too, on the full moon, March 19, but this time, you seem to be going for business. If so, you may want to have a face-to-face meeting with a client in a distant city, even possibly overseas. With a full moon cresting, your aim will be to finalize plans. With Uranus opposed to that full moon, however, finding accord may not as simple as you suppose, so travel with the attitude that you'll need to be ready for anything. It is also possible that this full moon will create transportation delays instead of problems in negotiation, so allow for plenty of time. Call ahead to confirm the appointment, for the person you plan to see may not be available at the last minute.
If you write, speak, sell, teach, do research, edit, translate, produce television, or work in any other phase of communication, your services will be in hot demand. At the start of March, if you are self-employed, grab a telephone and begin to dial for dollars - inquiries will bring sensational results.
No matter what you do for a living, March 15 will be your best day to negotiate an excellent deal, thanks to a lovely team-up of Venus and Jupiter. This will be money you earn, not win. Still, it's good to know you've got the cosmic edge on this important date that comes by only rarely. You may want to sign a contract on this day, too.
Real estate deals are beginning to interest you; start looking at options: March 9, 10, 14, and 15. (Vacation home rentals are included here!)
Mercury is due to retrograde from March 30-April 23, so deliberately wrap up all important paperwork well in advance of month's end. Mercury will retrograde in your travel and home sectors, so these are the areas that will bring the biggest delays, mix-ups, and need to redo things in your life. It would be best to wait through this period.
Romantically, travel is forming a very important theme this month, so plan a trip with your one-and-only to fan the fires of love after Venus enters your house of short distance travel, March 27 to April 19.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
It's time to travel to a nearby city. Go just after the new moon March 4, or before March 12 for best results. Most fun weekend: March 5-6.
Your sibling may be on your mind. Check in to find out news.
A long trip is due later, at the full moon, March 19, possibly overseas. This trip could have difficult elements to it, so you must prepare for anything and everything.
If your talents are connected to any phase of the communication arts (writing, speaking, producing, editing, research, and so forth) you will do exceedingly well this month. Make calls, write notes - inquire - for you will find assignments.
Mars and Pluto will be beautifully oriented and helpful to any interview, presentation, or negotiation you may need to make on March 3. You will be powerful!
Mercury will go retrograde from March 30 to April 23 and will affect your home. Don't buy expensive items or sign contracts at this time.
Sign a contract on March 15, a truly wonderful day.
Best weekends to have a romantic weekend away: March 5-6 or 26-27.
Best romantic dates: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 22, 25, and 26-27.



Wednesday 02nd February 2011 12:30:38 AM
February 2011 Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Your finances will get a lot of attention this month, but this time, rather than you feeling stressed about money (like certain moments that happened last year), you seem to be seeing some very upbeat developments. Still, with Neptune close to the Sun, untangling a financial mystery may prove difficult, and you will have to be patient and methodical in your approach. Ask hard questions and dig deep before you agree to anything, and if filing paperwork, keep checking it for possible errors or omissions.
Saturn, now in your home sector, will be in perfect angle to Mars and also to the new moon, February 2. This suggests you may get approval on a mortgage, refinancing plan, or home improvement loan, or alternatively, your parent or other family member may give you money to fund a dream or to help you over a difficult financial patch.
Whatever is happening in your financial life, you will finish talks or actions within four days of the full moon, February 18. If you have to sign a contract, however, I would suggest you do so on February 14, when Saturn will help you finalize things in a lasting way. Any later and you will get all tangled into Neptune, which will be prominent from February 16 to 22. If you sign when Neptune acts in a strong way in your house of credit and money (as you will have this month), the financial elements of the plan may bring problems later. Get advice from a lawyer or accountant, or both, and sign on February 14 if possible, or from February 23 onward.
Your expenses will run high during the first three weeks but will calm down beginning February 22. This month would be ideal for getting taxes ready, so gather up your receipts and statements for your accountant. If you get that work done now, you will be able to move on to more fun things in weeks ahead.
In your career, things could not be better. Jupiter, plant of good fortune, has arrived at the pinnacle point in your chart. Not since 1999 have you had such an extraordinary career favor from Jupiter, and your good fortune will last until June 4. This means you have to plant the seed during that phase, specifically, start to interview for a new position, or open the doors of your new business. If you already have your own business, then you may want to think of ways that would allow you to spread your influence.
Make every day count! By April and May you will be in full swing, and career offers and positive feedback for work you've done should be heartwarming. Entrepreneurial enterprises, if well scoped out, will be fortunate for you, but just be sure not to rush in without knowing your industry's rules and standards for businesses. Doing your preparation will help you ensure that you can avoid losses, fines, and backtracking, and can ensure success later.
Exciting reasons to travel will come up in late month, and if you can possibly take a trip then or at any point in March, it would be a splendid idea. It looks as though you can go quite far if you like, so look into bargain packages to far flung, exotic locations.
In love, with Venus touring your seventh house of partnership and marriage, you will have an opportunity to bond closer to your established partner or to mend a fence (if needed) from February 2 to 28. Valentine's Day falls Monday, February 14, and finds the moon in Cancer. Lucky you, that is the perfect place for the moon to be for you, so be sure to go out! You have a romantic night ahead! While it is true Cancers who are attached will have the edge this month, as we all get closer to month's end, singles will get their share of sparkly love vibrations.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Financial talks will dominate most of the month, starting February 2. Talks will finish up within four days of February 18.
You may be getting a mortgage or home improvement loan. Or, you may receive family money sometime in the first three weeks.
Venus in your house of partnership / marriage will be a blessing for your relationship, if attached. Singles do better in February's last week.
Valentines Day, February 14, has the moon in Cancer. Celebrate on this day!
Travel abroad or to distant cities could come up now, and it would be an ideal time to go at any point between February 22 and March 31.
Your career is gaining momentum and getting you all the right kind of attention from influential people. It's a great time to make a move up the ladder of success. You will have the edge over the competition.
You may also decide to start a business. If so, learn the ropes first - not knowing the rules and standards could prove problematic later, and be costly. Preparation will insure success!
Romance will be best February 4, 5, 9-10, 14, 19, 22, 12, and 26-28.

Capricorn Summary

Recent eclipses in Capricorn have caused the tectonic plates of your life to shift. Over the past 18 months, many Capricorns saw immediate changes come up, often involving a close relationship (personal or business in nature.) News was either joyous or jarring but it was clear that your life was quickly morphing to something very new and different from what it used to be. Your career was also moving into a whole new phase, something you saw very vividly last October and that has continued to evolve ever since. Often when vast changes take place, financial ones do, too. This month you can work on rebuilding your financial future, or at the very least increase your cash flow.
The new moon in your income sector, February 2, will help you negotiate either a raise or a better salary for a new position. You must, however, act immediately, for the window of opportunity will only be open for two weeks from this date. What makes this new moon special is that Saturn, your ruler, will be so perfectly angled to the new moon, the Sun, and Mars, making this an ideal time to get a new position that provides you the stability and security that you crave. This is a rare moment!
Your expenses will continue to run higher than usual until February 22, the date Mars will exit your personal resource sector. Still, with the need to spend more, you'll find the need to make more, and that may give you the impetus to assertively look at your options.
The full moon February 18 also seems to bring an important financial moment, as it appears you will owe someone money within four days of this date. Alternatively, by February 18 you may have assembled all your tax records for your accountant, and if so, you will feel very accomplished, and that would be a good way to use the full moon's energy. No matter what happens at the full moon, you will be motivated to make more money. Although you may assume it will be hard to find a new pot of gold, you will actually have a bit of luck on your side. Keep searching for ways to increase your income - you are likely to hit on the answer.
If you have to sign a contract, you should not sign close to this full moon, February 18. Do so on February 4-5, 9, or at the latest, February 14 when Saturn and Mercury will be beautifully oriented, sending you gifts of stability.
One of the best areas of your life right now concerns your home, and family and real estate investments. On February 25, however, you may have to make an adjustment to a negotiation concerning a sale, purchase, rental, or contractor deal. Someone may try to negotiate a hard deal, and you may feel a need to resist and stop talks, as you push away from the table. Or, it may be that you have a venture or piece of property that needs more investment - the choice now is whether to give it more, or leave.
Romantic relationships for you are likely to be either deliriously happy or quite awful these days, as Capricorns are feeling emotions in the extreme. Hopefully you are among those in the former group. If so, and you are dating or in an established relationship with someone special, Valentine's Day will allow your significant other to lead the way, as the moon will be in your partnership sign of Cancer. Let him or her do so, for you will like the results.
If you have been unhappy with your partner, you may have just recently broken up, or soon will. Keep your chin up - later this year, you will be overjoyed with how quickly a new relationship develops, and it will likely be quite stable, too. For now, be patient and show faith. Your romantic luck starts in May and grows bigger through the balance of 2011.
By February's end, travel will beckon, and you'll have the time to take small trips away. You will be content to go to a place close, not too far from home. Little trips will be less demanding to prepare for and provide just as much fun. In fact, you may become quite spontaneous - do!
Dates to note for Capricorn
You have your opportunity to ask for a raise or land an important new position that will pay well within days after the new moon, February 2. With Saturn so friendly, you have a rare chance to stabilize your career in just the way you had hoped.
The full moon February 18 may find you paying a large bill or getting all paperwork done for taxes.
Mars will keep your expenses high, a holdover from last month, until February 22. After that, things will improve.
Romance is extreme for Capricorns, either very good or very bad - see how you feel. Your long-range outlook for love is excellent, and one of the best of any sign - keep that in mind!
Valentine's Day, February 14, puts the emphasis in the hands of your partner, so sit back and enjoy having your partner take good care of you.
Your home and real estate should bring good news this month, although you may have to revise arrangements near the challenge of Pluto to Jupiter, February 25.
Travel could bring spontaneous fun in the last week, February 22-28.
Your best romantic dates if you are single and not dating, or attached and happy: February 4-6, 9-10, 14, 15, 19, 22-23, and 26-28.



Sunday 02nd January 2011 11:24:34 PM
January Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

This month will bring some important changes to a current partnership, or to one that you would like to create. If you've been thinking about getting engaged or married (or forming a business alliance) for some time, this is the time to sit down at the table, talk over all the points, and make a decision about how to proceed. Last month was a busy month for you, but held many frustrations, and it was not the time to get into these talks. Now, everything will move at the speed of light, for the new moon solar eclipse of January 4 will see that it does.
Think of a solar eclipse as a super-powerful new moon. You can't have a solar eclipse without a new moon, for they always come together. A solar eclipse IS a new moon - a super powerful one! Solar eclipses are not as emotional as lunar eclipses, for the latter ones end things. Solar eclipses are generally more exciting because they open new doors. Not all solar eclipses are positive, for if things have been hard for a long time, an eclipse this powerful does have the strength to break a relationship apart. View this eclipse as your friend, for even in that circumstance, the eclipse would afford you the freedom to find someone who is infinitely better for you.
Mars has been in your seventh house of partnership since December 7, so if you've had arguments with your partner - even if you love one another very much - that's only a sign that Mars wanted to get everything up to the surface where you can talk about things so they won't fester. Sometimes Mars brings up things that you'd not necessarily expect, and you may have found yourself saying, "I never knew you felt that way!" If this should be the case, now you do know, and you can decide if this is a major moment or not for the two of you. Eclipses work in the extreme, sending emotions to both ends of the spectrum.
The best news of the month will be when Jupiter, the benefic planet, lights your career and honors sector once he moves into Aries on January 22, to stay five months. While April and May will be your biggest and most dramatic months for professional progress, this month you start to see those opportunities begin to build and doors will open for you. Aries is the sign of the entrepreneur, so you may decide to open your own business. If so, this month would be the time to get started.
Be good to yourself and make sure you keep your health strong. Months that hold eclipses in our sign or opposite sign will sometimes bring out a latent health difficulty that can be quickly fixed. If anything feels "off" get medical help and you soon will be back to your old self again.
Travel is also coming up as a source of happiness, and your journeys will be done either for business or pleasure, but will most likely be decided upon spontaneously. The first three weeks of January will be remarkably special for travel, but you should watch the following days as ones that will offer a double dip of fun - January 4, 12, 13, and 17. If you can get away, do, for star vibrations this special will not be repeated any time soon, and possibly never again in your lifetime.
If you are single, you will enjoy Venus in Scorpio during January 1-6. Start the New Year off right by improving your appearance and by making an effort to circulate socially. Venus in Scorpio is a perfect placement - changes you make to your looks will be sure to turn heads. Mars in Capricorn is a wild card - Mars will be compatible to Venus, but Mars will at times challenge your Sun. Think good thoughts! Who could resist you, dear Cancer?
Cancer Dates to Note:
Single? Venus will tour your house of true love while in Scorpio from January 1 to 6.
Travel, perhaps done spontaneously, could occur for any reason on January 4, 12, 13, and/or 17. All are spectacular days.
Jupiter will enter your house of career status on January 22 and stay until June 4. Make the most of it! This is a rare phase not to be repeated for twelve years.
The solar eclipse in your opposite sign of Capricorn on January 4 will show you the truth of your relationship.
Watch your health all month but mainly near January 4 and 19.
Your most romantic evenings if single will be: January 1 to 6. (January 4 gets four gold stars.)
Runner up dates: January 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 (wild card), 25, 26, 27.
Something of enormous importance will reach fruition on January 19, plus or minus four days.
Travel far and wide: in the first three weeks of January, but especially on January 4, 12, 13 and 17. Can't go? Work on international commerce or projects involving publishing and broadcasting.

Capricorn Summary

A new day is dawning, dear Capricorn. It's time to decide what you want to happen next in your life, for the solar eclipse of January 4 in Capricorn will help you put the pieces of your puzzle in place. You've been through quite a number of eclipses last year and the year before that, and since July 2009 you've seen your life change, possibly radically.
With this eclipse, you will see your talents and abilities in daylight and can plan your new life with greater certainty. Your career may be on your mind now too, and you may have to plot a new course in the light of changes that occurred as far back as mid-2009. It's never too late to start anew, so forge ahead with a spirit of adventure.
Keep in mind that your ruler, Saturn, is about to retrograde from January 26 onward. Complete the plans that are dearest to you now while your aspects sparkle brightly. After January 26, you will need to concentrate on projects you have already put on your plate, and not new ventures. This will be true until Saturn goes direct on June 13. If there is someone new you need to present an idea to, hurry! See that person VERY soon!
A surprise trip may come up on January 4, 12, 13, or 17. Alternatively, you may receive an important communication to read or contract to study. You may also be sending out key documents. Anything that comes up near an eclipse (January 4) has greater import than at other times of the year, so take all the offers you get seriously and investigate the details. Those Capricorns born in the first week of January and near January 19 will be the most affected by events this month.
Financially, you appear to be going into a high spending period from January 15 to February 23. If you are going through a lifestyle change, such as to get married, buy a new house, move, start a business, or have a child, you already expect to spend more than usual. If you have no idea what expenses may come up, you may want to scale back until this phase is over. You will have one sensational financial day, January 17, when you may hit a breakthrough when you least expect it to happen.
Romantically, your best time of the month will come in the first week of January, when Venus, ruler of your fifth house of love, will be in compatible Scorpio. If single, your friends will be willing matchmakers but you must enlist them to your cause. If you are attached, you will get the closure about an issue you've discussed with your partner within days of January 19. Although your relationship seems not to have always gone smoothly in the past, this full moon will be friendly, so you will probably be happy about the way things turn out.
Capricorn Dates to Note:
The solar eclipse will allow a new road to open before you, and you will now begin to see yourself in a new light. Pay special attention to all that happens in the days clustered after January 4.
If your birthday falls near that date, you will find your whole year is filled with fresh starts.
Spend time thinking about the next steps you want to take in your career. This is the area of greatest change, as well as greatest potential growth. Adjustments may be hard at times, but well worth the effort if you are earnest in your intent.
Spontaneous travel is one of the happy features of January. When opportunity strikes on January 4, 12, 13, or 17 - go!
You will enter a high spending period while Mars enters Aquarius, January 15 to February 23.
Good financial news should come January 17, out of thin air!
Your ruler, Saturn, will go retrograde on January 26. Get all-important business done prior to this date.
A relationship will culminate or bring closure on January 19, plus or minus four days.
Your most romantic dates will occur in the first week, January 1-7. Other good days will occur on January 8-9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, and 25.



Thursday 02nd December 2010 05:41:26 PM
December Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Partners and others will have a large say in the way events proceed, so you might simply want to go with the flow. Trying to grab the reins won't work and will only frustrate you, for Mars will give preference to the part of your chart ruling your partner(s) from December 5 to January 15. Keep in mind that Pluto and Mercury will be well angled to Venus, so your partner will tend to be working in your interest. Once you realize this, you may be content to play a passive role for now. The one day when sparks may fly will be December 13, when Pluto and Mars will conjoin, and you may feel pushed into a corner by your significant other.
Whether you are single or attached, you'll have the joy of Venus gliding though your fifth house of true love throughout December! Venus will give you opportunities to enjoy yourself, despite your hectic schedule and the unexpected events that will take place late in the month.
December 8 might become one of your favorite days, when Venus will link with Pluto. At that time, you could feel swept off your feet by love.
As the month begins, the new moon, December 5, in your sixth house, will bring new work opportunities, but they'll be assignments and not represent a chance to aim for a new position - for that you'll need to wait until the first few months of 2011. In the New Year you will have all the chances you need to reach for the stars, so don't jump the gun and take something average and less exciting now. Hold out for more, which will arrive on a silver platter. Still, this new moon will bring interesting projects to showcase your talents, or new business if you are self-employed. Do your best and those projects will only enhance your ability to stand out.
On December 5, Uranus will go direct and will encourage your relationships with people abroad, as well as in regard to court cases and the media. Your sector ruling commissions and bonuses will be well lit, too, so this new moon could put a tidy sum of money into your pocket.
Mercury will be retrograde all month, however, so you may want to put off elective surgery until mid-January - of course, that includes plastic surgery of all kinds. If travel plans change, think of it as par for the course.
The most difficult part of the month will be at the lunar eclipse, December 21, operative plus or minus one week. The moon rules Cancer, so full moon lunar eclipses are doubly important to Cancer. You may hear that a relative or friend is not well and needs medical care in a hospital or other facility, so it would be best not to be out of town at this time. Alternatively, it could be that a secret that someone withheld from you will now be revealed, which, of course, would be upsetting.
This eclipse falls in the last degree of Gemini, so if you were born June 21 or within four days later, you will feel the effects of this eclipse because it will fall close to your Sun. Something of enormous importance to you is ending, and this phase is not likely to be an easy one. This eclipse will help you see yourself and your own needs in a new light, and you are likely to make yourself a priority at this time, rightly so!
New Year's Eve may prove pivotal, because the approaching eclipse, January 4, falls in your marriage sector and will bring news about your relationship, especially if you were born on or within days of July 4. You may get a proposal, or you may make an extreme decision about a close relationship, one way or the other. See how things go.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
With many planets filling the western side of the chart, you won't have the ability to get things done as you would like, so be content to let others take the lead. Compromise where necessary and don't try to get full control - this month that won't be possible.
Long distance travel would NOT be wise December 3 and 17. Give a plus or minus three days to those dates.
The new moon of December 5 will bring a new assignment at work. You may be working long hours - into overtime. It's nice to have a job.
The same new moon can offer you the ideal time to start a new fitness program - take it! Do not wait for January 1, for by that time you won't have the good fortune you have now to get started.
The turn of Uranus direct on December 5 will help you in all ninth house activities including issues related to court cases, relationships with those involved in academia, the media, and in global settings. Your prospects for making a royalty or commission have never been better, too.
Mercury will be retrograde December 10-30, but you will feel the slowdown from the moment the month begins. Do nothing of great importance this month. Wait until mid-January for your key initiations. Conditions are changing - fast.
December 21 marks the lunar eclipse, and it will bring a jolt to one and all. Keep plans very loose and elastic, for it seems sure that your holiday plans will change, perhaps when someone you know is infirmed. Alternatively, secrets may come out in the open and shock you when they do. Keep your eyes and ears open.
Best romantic dates: December 2, 8 (great for those attached), 12, 13, 25, and 30.

Capricorn Summary

With Mars moving into your sign on December 5, to stay until January 15, you will be raring to go. Even so, you will have to be patient, as the world won't be ready for your ideas and plans just yet. Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn from December 10 to 30, and you will feel things slow down all month. Mercury rules all the things that the world spins on - communication, negotiation, contracts and agreements, travel and shipping - but when retrograde, all these areas become confusing and out of sync. It's not the time to set anything new into motion.
You will be feeling energetic and in a festive mood, so direct your actions toward socializing while you have time. Jupiter and Uranus in your short-distance travel sector will allow you to pick up and go at will, often for work, but at other times for personal fun.
Have your car tuned up by a professional mechanic this month, because with Mars and the Sun in hard angle to Uranus and Mercury in retrograde, you could experience mechanical problems or a flat tire if you aren't careful. Your most problematic days will be December 3, 17, and 21.
The new moon December 5 will fall in your most private part of your chart ruling meditation and reflection, and will be the perfect time to begin to plot your course for the coming year, but include in those plans what you want to clear out, both physical and emotional. Keep plans flexible until January when you can firm things up. Early January brings an eclipse in Capricorn and until it has spoken, you would be wise to wait.
Before that happens, there will be a full moon lunar eclipse December 21, in the last degree of Gemini, adding a note of pandemonium in your workplace. A key co-worker or subordinate will leave the company very suddenly. (It is also possible someone you hire at home could quit, such as a babysitter or housekeeper.)
This will add more work to your shoulders in the practical sense, of course, but the real impact will be the emotional effect it will have for losing this person in your everyday environment. You may be shocked that this person (most likely a woman) didn't tell you she was leaving. Assignments are likely to change too, and you may lose a client, but you may also gain a new one later.
If your birthday falls within five days of December 21, this lunar eclipse could have another, second manifestation, because of its direct out-of-sign opposition to your Sun. You may see a close relationship reach fullness, either bringing you both to greater closeness or to separation or breakup. Eclipses are very black-and-white, depending on conditions they uncover. As is always the case, an eclipse will bring truth to the surface and help you make sense of past events.
Uranus will be in hard angle to the Sun and moon at the time of the eclipse December 21, suggesting that a clear communication will be in short supply. It also suggests that something you wrote or said could come back to haunt you now. Don't write anything in email or social media that you wouldn't want the world to see, because at this eclipse, everything will become public.
Romantically this is a wild card month, and because you have been through quite a bit with a relationship in 2009 and 2010, you may want to take things slow and easy. Certainly with Venus in your house of social events you will have more than your share of holiday invitations from friends and family, and by all means, you should accept.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn from December 10 to 30, but you will feel the effects of Mercury out of phase from December 1 onward.
Bring in your vehicle to your mechanic for routine maintenance this month. You could have car problems on the road due to Uranus square Mars (December 3) and square the Sun and Mercury (December 21) and Mercury retrograde all month. Pack a spare, too.
Although you should not initiate anything this month, you can start to think about changes and initiations you would like to make in January. Sketch your plans in pencil, for you will need to change some, many, or all of them later.
The lunar eclipse of December 21 will fall in your sixth house of work assignments and seems to bring news of a co-worker or subordinate's departure. This person may be part of your office or home life (such as a nanny). Projects will change at the last minute at the eclipse. A client may leave, but later a new one will arrive.
Strive for very clear communication all month, but doubly so near December 3, 17, and 21.
Those Capricorns born early in their sign (within four days of December 21) may additionally see some relationship turbulence. A miscommunication could light a fuse, so make sure you say what you mean. Write no emails or messages on social media that can hurt you or another.
Your best romantic evenings will be: December 2, 7, 8, 11-12, 16, 17, 25, 30, and 31.



Wednesday 03rd November 2010 12:30:47 PM
November Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Your work life will be demanding all month, but you will have such magical opportunities for love that will keep you delightfully engaged and gleefully distracted during your private time off. Your time for love will begin after the new moon appears, November 6, for that moon will come brimming with social invitations. If you are single, you'll have some of the best opportunities of the year to meet someone you'll want to know better, and if attached, to find quality time to relax and spend with your one and only. The idea of parenthood may now beckon, and if so, it's a perfect time to make a plan.
Venus went retrograde last month on October 8, and brought you into a more serious mood. When any planet retrogrades, it weakens. Venus provides the fun of life, so to everyone's relief, Venus will be back in fine shape after November 18. On the same day, November 18, financially powerful Jupiter will also go direct and turn on the power. If your efforts to make money or seal deals were met with delays and problems, the road will be cleared after that.
Near the full moon, November 21 will bring a lively social event, and it will be luxurious and special. It's a date not to miss, for you will meet many new people and also be able to reconnect with friends from the past. It appears the invitation will come up at the last minute - increasing the fun.
Mercury will retrograde during most of December, so plan to complete your shopping for gifts and things you need in November while you still have a positive time to do so. That will leave you footloose and fancy free to enjoy December, a perfect way to end the year.
If traveling over long distances, you will get the spark for new creative ideas. A trip could also open your heart to adventurous new experiences and possibly a new romantic interest. Romantically and creatively, changing your setting will be the right idea, for doing so will bring you to a new place of the mind and heart.
At work, things will be busy. Although you'd rather think about love and fun, your boss or clients will be expecting your full attention - don't let them down. Mars in Sagittarius all month will require a steady effort, and you'll need to keep up with the rapid pace. Keep up workouts at the gym to keep sane. Don't skip them.
You've been through a long year, with relationship ups and downs, heavy responsibilities at home, and for some, tumultuous changes in your career. Considering all you've been through, November will be a glorious gift, allowing you to regroup, relax, and let go. Congratulate yourself on all you've accomplished in 2010, often against all odds. You not only survived but flourished, dear Cancer, and you will be all the stronger for all you have experienced.
This month will bring back the love in your life and allow you to feel adored and pampered. Having such a strong show of love from friends and possibly a new romantic partner, too, will strengthen your confidence and make you feel like a million dollars. In November you will get the breather you need to be able to think and to plan your next steps. In 2011, big career opportunities are due and you will love what the universe has in store. For now, have fun!
Dates to Note for Cancer:
This is your month to find love or to enjoy the love you have now! Wait for the new moon November 6 before socializing. From that date onward, your luck will be excellent - the best of 2010 - for finding love!
Not only that, it looks like a social event is on your calendar - or soon will be - on November 21, plus or minus four days.
Hoping for a baby? This is your best month of the year to try. Do so on any day that follows November 6 (plus two weeks if possible), in accordance with nature's cycle.
Long distance travel that had been delayed earlier in the year may happen on or very near November 7, thanks to Neptune going direct.
Want to give your home a facelift? Venus will enter your home sector on November 7, to stay all month. Start shopping then, for your selections will be simply beautiful.
Shop for holiday gifts now, not in December, when Mercury will be retrograde.
From a creative standpoint, you're at a high point. Set aside time to brainstorm on a project dear to you from November 6 to 20 for best results. Traveling for pleasure will also help spark ideas.
Travel for business could require effort. With Neptune acting up, you will have to dig deeper for answers and negotiate harder for a better deal.
Even though you'll have your mind on a love relationship, you will have to get many work projects done at work. Don't completely zone out - Mars' position shows you need to pay attention.
Romance will be best: 1, 6-7, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, and 25.

Capricorn Summary

At long last, November will be an easier month than you've seen in some time. You may chuckle, but you've practically become used to living on the edge of a war zone, so it would be understandable if the lighter feel to November may take you completely by surprise.
Mars Is now in your twelfth house of privacy until December 7, so for now, takes things slow and easy. Once Mars enters Capricorn December 7, there will be no time for rest - events will be moving very quickly. You will need to be rested so that you can start to put the pieces of your puzzle in place. In truth, you should wait until the new moon eclipse of January 4, 2011, has appeared and delivered its news before you make even more changes.
Your activities in the coming weeks will be complicated by an upcoming Mercury retrograde next month, and Mercury will bring frustrating slowdowns in December. You'd be wise to complete all your most serious plans, as well as all of your holiday shopping now, in November.
For most of November, the two sweetest and best parts of life will have to do with being with friends and travel. In fact, you might combine the two and go on a short trip to see a friend, or to ask one to come along with you on a quick trip. If you don't have a friend who is free to go out of town with you, don't let that stop you. Treat yourself to a long weekend alone if you feel the urge, perhaps to a spa, for you do need rest. A new setting, even close by, could work wonders to recharge your batteries in very short time.
The new moon, November 6, will bring at least one friend into a prominent role in your life. Due to the year's eclipses, you've had a lot of adjustments to make and challenges to meet, so you shouldn't feel guilty about taking time off to kick back with your friends occasionally.
Your private life will become more exciting in the two weeks following November 6, thanks to lovely support from generous Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus. In fact, November is likely to be busier and more social than December, so as invitations come up, accept them!
Your very best weekend for romance will be over November 20-21, when the full moon will arrive in fellow earth sign Taurus in your house of true love. A tender episode will come up then, and surprises abound. This is my favorite full moon of the year, and for you it could prove downright life changing. You may hear a confession of love, or if you are single, meet someone new that you find unforgettable. Follow your heart! This full moon will be worthy of four stars!
Venus, the natural ruler of your fifth house of true love, will have turned direct by then, just a few days earlier on November 18, ending an all-too-serious, no-frills phase that first began in early October. Finally, life appears to be returning to the way you want it to be and you couldn't be happier.
Your career progress may have temporarily slowed over the past few weeks, but by mid-November, any snags that you may have encountered will begin to untangle with a little bit of effort. During November's first two weeks, re-consider your job strategy and decide what you hope will happen next in your profession. Plan to enact your plans in January, which will be your best time, when Mars in Capricorn will be staunchly behind you and Mercury will be in top form, too. Venus also rules your house of fame, so from November 18 on, you'll start to see gratifying progress, even if you almost were ready to give up!
For now, November will be made for fun, love, and creativity. Rather than try to cram too much into your life now, let things unfold naturally. Although it may be hard, you must resist the urge to press higher ups for answers because honestly, this month, they probably don't yet know the answers you seek. You may have better luck after November 18.
Neptune will turn direct on November 7, so you may be surprised to see your finances improve soon after, with the promise of better things to come in February.
Admittedly, if you have something truly important on your agenda, you will have to attend to it now, for as said, Mercury will be out of phase and making a mess of December, sending everything into a holding pattern.
If you are ready to make an initiation, act on November 19 when Venus, a planet linked to career and profit, will be strongly positioned to help you. On November 19, you will also have the powerful full moon reaching fullness soon, giving everything stronger impact.
Dates to Note:
With Mars in Sagittarius, you need to wait a bit before it will be your turn to initiate more changes in your life. You've already had a number of radical changes. Wait until the January 4 eclipse has spoken first before you do more.
Travel will be very likely, all month, and lots of fun. You will go over short distances, not long ones.
Rest is on the agenda in November, so before the holidays come, take a weekend off, perhaps to a spa, to catch your breath.
Friends will take on a big role in your life in November, after the new moon, November 6. You'll enjoy the change. Accept invitations, for November will be more exciting socially than even most of December!
For love, it may be hard to beat the heart-stopping effect of the full moon over the week of November 20-21. It's four-star!
Finances will get a boost too, in this lovely month, after Neptune goes direct November 7.
You must act in November, because December will be a month rife with delays and problems.
Your best day to make an initiation: November 15, when Mars will support your ruler Saturn, and Jupiter will support the Sun. It's good for signing a contact, too.
Another day to make a big action: November 19, especially ones involving money and profit.
Romance will be best in January, but in the meantime, your best days for love will be November 1, 4-6, 9, 14-15, 19-20, and 21.




Sunday 03rd October 2010 02:08:40 PM
October Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Your home or family situation caused you considerable concern since late October 2009, and seemed to have eased in early April when Saturn retrograded into Virgo, but in late July, the situation seems to have come back. It's possible you got used to your challenge, and into a routine, and coped better with things during that time. But in late July, Saturn returned to your home sector and is not due to leave until October 2012. This means that you will be firmly anchored to your home or family situation again, and this time, it will continue for quite a while, uninterrupted, before it's due to end.
Still, there will be developments in this area. The new moon of October 7 will make it clear that when it comes to this home, property, or family matter, you will need to revise your thinking and see things from a new angle. New conditions will nearly force you to craft a long-range plan. Part of the problem seems to be a shortfall of cash, as indicated by the placement of Saturn close to the Sun. Having too few resources would limit your choices and might make this month a tense time.
Dear Cancer, you can only do what you can - don't torture yourself by wishing things were different. When viewed in the context of your life, this will be a temporary situation that will ease as soon as you change your strategy and question your most basic assumptions. Saturn always wants us to be resourceful, so once you change the way you view and handle the situation, you will likely be gratified by the progress you make.
A career matter will come up for closure at the full moon, October 22, plus or minus four days. Any pending situation will be resolved. Perhaps you've been interviewing or trying to negotiate a deal and will get your answer back. Pluto, probably one of the most influential planets in our solar system, will give you all the support you need. This means you are about to get a leg up from a higher up who has become impressed by your performance. It's a moment to toast - mark it!
Are you taking a vacation this month? Schedule it for either the first weekend or the last. October 20 and 23-24 could bring amazing fun in a foreign city, thanks to Mars first, in perfect angle to Jupiter, and the latter case, in perfect angle to Uranus. Business overseas should sparkle, too.
Against this background, your love life will be quite spectacular. Venus and Mars will meet in rare conjunction on October 3 in the passionate sign of Scorpio. Both planets will work to light your house of love all month. It looks like you'll have a tender partner to listen to your cares and who will help you sort your options.
Venus will retrograde in Scorpio (a good place for you) from October 8 to November 18, a fairly rare occurrence, and during this time will be weak. It's not the time to have a first date or a party, or to do anything new to your looks (for Venus rules not only love and fun, but beauty, too.)
If you have no one waiting for you at the end of the day with open arms these days, that won't necessarily be the case for long. October's bright vibrations will be all about finding stable and lasting love. If you are in love and ready for a baby, that discussion will come up very soon and a plan made. If you hope to conceive, October and November will be your most promising months of the year. Next month, in November, the universe will continue to be on a mission to improve your personal life, dear Cancer. Venus will retrograde in Scorpio from October 8 to November 18, but that will only delay, but not prevent, the goodness to flow to you. Have faith, dear Cancer - your time for love is coming soon.
Your best romantic dates this month will be (acknowledging that Venus retrograde will emit a weak vibration) October 3 (best!), 8, 9, 18-19, 23-24, 27, 28, and 31.
A note to my readers who live in time zones that are based far (12 hours or more) from the US:
I had a young woman ask me on Facebook if the dates I write each month applied to her, as she lives in Australia. Yes, they do, but you should add one day to the date I give you. The reason is that the dates I give here are for the United States time zones. If you live 12 hours ahead of the USA, then you might need to add one more day to the dates I give you. If I say October 3 will be special, mark your calendar for October 4.
Having said this, you may feel the energy on the dates I mention here as well. All aspects are strongest as they are growing in strength. Once they reach a peak (on the day I give you) they begin to decline. So if you live in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, or Japan, for example, you will see dates mentioned that are still on their way to peaking.
Generally you can add one day to the dates I list each month, but sometimes the dates I give you will be precise to the day. There are always mathematical tolerances, because astrologers use bell curves. Full moons, no matter where you are located, will have a plus or minus of four days on either side. It all sounds complicated, but it is actually not. You will enjoy your forecast, dear reader, as long as you realize all aspects have a bit of plus or minus associated with all of them, and that includes my readers in the US.
Dates to Note
Home and family has limited your movements. This will be a slow to change situation, so be patient.
The new moon of October 7 will help you change your approach to this limiting home-or-family condition.
Your tight cash situation is unfortunate - you'd have more options to solve the home / family situation if you have more cash but you seem to be a victim of a troubled economy.
Don't sign or agree to anything verbally on October 2 when Mercury will be at odds with Uranus.
Watch for a career matter to bring closure at the full moon October 22 plus or minus four days.
Your best romantic date of the month will be October 3, hands down. Actually this day will be lovely for career too, and you will feel the energy build from October 1 onward.
Venus will retrograde in Scorpio from October 8 to November 18. When Venus retrogrades, life becomes more serious and no-frills. It's not a time to have a major party or benefit, or to have any plastic surgery.
With the moon in Virgo on Halloween, the costume winner will have perfect details on his or her creation.
Your best romantic dates this month will be (acknowledging that Venus retrograde will emit a weak vibration) October 3 (best!), 8, 9, 18-19, 23-24, 27, 28, and 31.

Capricorn Summary

The eclipses in 2010 have caused changes within your closest relationship and also likely completely changed the way you view yourself. Sometimes we keep an old image of ourselves in mind, but that's where the eclipses come in - the recent ones in Capricorn have brought you up to date. On top of that, at the same time that the eclipses were going on, Saturn has been working on changing the nature of your career, and Jupiter is aiming to change (and improve) your living situation. There has been no area of life that has remained untouched, so that's a lot of adjustment to ease into. Life may have seemed quite strenuous lately, especially if you are a December-born Capricorn.
October brings more decisions to bear, but mainly having to do with the planning of your new career path. If this sounds weighty, it is. Saturn only comes by two or three times in this house in your lifetime and Saturn is now tutoring you on how to reinvent your career, a process that will take two years but that will bring big opportunities in October if you look for them. Keep in mind that Saturn rules your sign, so you are capable of absorbing Saturn's tests and lessons better than most.
If you find that saying goodbye to your familiar career path makes you sad, you haven't yet grasped how much bigger - and more relevant - your new professional incarnation will be. The new position in your industry that you will soon accept (or already did recently) won't be easy, as there will be many new elements to learn and master, but your effort will be rewarded in a big way in time. You seem to already know this, which is why you will be attracted to this opportunity in the first place.
The new moon October 7 will provide the path, and if you choose to take the first steps by accepting the interview, you will be on your way. If not, other opportunities will come up later, in April, but the ones in October seem very special.
Once you chose a career and commit to a new position, the die will be cast - with Saturn so prominent now, you will be choosing a direction that will be long lasting. We rarely realize the true import of what we are doing when we are doing it. That comes later, in hindsight, and this seems true for this situation, too. By the end of 2012, your learning process will be over, and by then you will be a force to be reckoned with in your industry. The times call for courage - show it!
Your home will bring good news within days of the full moon, October 22. If you want to buy, sell, lease, or refurbish, this will be your moment in time to act! With Jupiter and Uranus in your house of negotiation, you will be at your most articulate best. If you need to sell property, take bids - one will please you near October 22.
This will be the only time in a long time that all conditions regarding a home situation will be absolutely perfect for success. Don't delay - make those home-and-family related goals a reality. No matter what you hope to do, you will see a finish to that home-and-family endeavor at the full moon of October 22.
Your love life should be incredibly strong over October 2-3, a four-star weekend. Venus rules your house of true love and remarkably, Mars will link with Venus and light up the night sky in a way you've not seen in years. Capricorn, in all ways, your life seems brand new. Live it to the hilt!
Venus will go retrograde from October 8 to November 18. Because Venus will be looking back over your recent past, if you felt a new romantic relationship has galloped forward too quickly, you can use this phase to adjust and slow the pace.
If you suspect the person you are dating is not for you, later this month you will announce you both need to go your separate ways. This whole year has been about clearing the decks and sticking with all that is strong and vital in your life.
A note to my readers who live in time zones that are based far (12 hours or more) from the US:
I had a young woman ask me on Facebook if the dates I write each month applied to her, as she lives in Australia. Yes, they do, but you should add one day to the date I give you. The reason is that the dates I give here are for the United States time zones. If you live 12 hours ahead of the USA, then you might need to add one more day to the dates I give you. If I say October 3 will be special, mark your calendar for October 4.
Having said this, you may feel the energy on the dates I mention here as well. All aspects are strongest as they are growing in strength. Once they reach a peak (on the day I give you) they begin to decline. So if you live in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, or Japan, for example, you will see dates mentioned that are still on their way to peaking.
Generally you can add one day to the dates I list each month, but sometimes the dates I give you will be precise to the day. There are always mathematical tolerances, because astrologers use bell curves. Full moons, no matter where you are located, will have a plus or minus of four days on either side. It all sounds complicated, but it is actually not. You will enjoy your forecast, dear reader, as long as you realize all aspects have a bit of plus or minus associated with all of them, and that includes my readers in the US.
Dates to Note
You are in the process of making a whole new life for yourself as a result of recent eclipses. The new moon October 7 will help you make a long-lasting decision about a new direction your career will take shortly.
You have a remarkable opportunity to make a difference to others now, for Saturn is giving you depth and a serious sense of purpose. This cycle only comes 'round every 29 years.
When Saturn meets with Mercury on October 8, watch carefully for signs of anything not working in your career, let go of that, and try something else.
On October 12, the Sun will move over a sensitive mathematical spot that is tied to the last July 11 eclipse, so you may notice important news emerge on or within a day of that date. This may have to do with your spouse, steady romantic partner, or a business partner. See what comes up.
Soon you will make changes regarding your home and in regard to a steady partner (romantic or business in nature), if you haven't already done so.
Your home, other property, or a family matter will bring exciting closure on the full moon, October 22, plus or minus four days. If you want to wait, you will have the first five months of 2011 in which to act - with April your best month.
Your most romantic date of the month will be when Venus, the ruler of your solar fifth house of love, meets her sweetheart Mars on October 3. This will be a sensational weekend!
Venus and Mars will meet in conjunction in your house of quick, short travel on that weekend, so choose a sweet place to go together for a romantic rendezvous.
If you are not sure the person you are dating is for you, later this month you will announce you both need to go your separate ways.
Venus will retrograde between October 8 and November 18. At that time you can adjust or leave a relationship if you feel it's necessary. During that phase, Halloween, with the moon in Virgo, will be your most fun date night, October 31.
Realizing that love may be a bit up and down in October, here are your best romantic dates (no promises!): October 3 (very best), 9-10, 13, 18, 19, 23-24, and 31 (Halloween fun).



Wednesday 01st September 2010 11:07:07 PM
September Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

The first part of September will be your happiest. You will be able to travel a little, and if you can squeeze in the time, you should take full advantage to pack and go. The new moon of September 8 will set off a few offers - chose one!
Keep in mind Mercury will be retrograde as you begin the month, causing delays and confusion. If you do travel, have the necessary maps and directions, and keep track of your personal electronic devices, lest you leave one behind. Be kind to yourself and don't sign contracts until after Mercury turns direct on September 12.
A lot has been expected of you from your family lately. Or, alternatively, you may have been charged with overseeing a certain residential or property project of your own. Either way, the responsibilities you've been faced with have been considerable, and there seems no end in sight for the short term. Even so, you've shown grace under pressure, and now, when Mars leaves your home sector on September 14, you will feel some relief. From that point on you'll have more fun and love - that will make all the difference in your outlook.
Indeed, Mars in the divine-for-Cancer sign of Scorpio will light your house of true love for the first time in two years. If you have felt a little lonely and have wished you could find a special someone to share the joys of life, your angels may be listening. Venus will enter this same romantic part of your chart, and when Venus and Mars are together, it's exiting - expect a few fireworks! Your popularity continues to increase as you move through the month. Also, with Jupiter back in Pisces, a fellow water sign, supporting your Sun, you will be dealt a very strong hand for fun and love this month. Of all the signs, you have some of the very best for finding true love or for fanning the fires of love you already share with someone.
If you are married or in other ways committed to a person romantically, the turn of Pluto to direct speed on November 14 will help you plan the future with greater certainty. A number of Cancers have had meditations about their current relationship lately, for the eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn have asked you to clarify your plans and intentions. Some Cancers are done and are heading in a new direction, and others are staying and fixing areas that may have gone off course. If you are still in limbo, Pluto's stronger orbit will help you see progress.
You will need to get through two very turbulent days that will involve money, first on September 21 and then later on September 30. On the first date, Uranus will oppose the Sun, so you may have an unexpected expense or demand for payment. On September 30, you will have to find a way to keep a creditor satisfied, and you won't get much warning this is coming. You may have been trying to help a family member in a financial way - such as one of your parents - and this may be why you are feeling the financial squeeze.
On both of these days, September 21 and 30, keep an eye on the men in your life, such as your father, husband, boss - the Sun is always read as "male."
Still, your career may bring exciting news at the full moon, September 23, when your house of honors, awards, and achievement will be brilliantly lit. Within days of this date, your reputation will shine, and news you get back seems to be precisely what you'd hoped to hear. You may get a new job or promotion, or you may make the decision to open your own business soon. It's a key moment in time, and very possibly a moment you'll never forget. Jupiter will shower this full moon with radiant luck, so expect the best - this news seems to come just when you need it most.
One of your favorite days of the month will happen September 18, plus or minus one day, when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will conjoin Uranus, planet of surprise. This is a rare aspect, and it just brims with spontaneity. You may travel or get some excellent publicity from the media. You also may get some good news concerning an educational goal. This day is delicious, and if your birthday falls on or within days of July 20, you will love it even more.
Dates to Note:
If you can travel on a mini-trip just after the new moon September 8, do. You will find the peace and relaxation you need.
On September 7, Saturn will reach a mathematical point that will trigger the eclipse of last June 26. News will concern your relationship to a present or former partner. Don't bring up any controversial subjects - let the day go as it will, but be ready to handle something sudden should it come up. Those born near June 26 will likely notice this more than other Cancers.
Longer-distance travel may come up over the weekend of September 18-19, and if so, it will arise suddenly. Just in case, have your passport ready.
You may be huddled with a sister or brother after September 8, too - a plan may begin to jump to life soon, one that the two of you have cooked up.
Mars' move into your fifth house of true love will be a great help to your romantic life, so no matter what your status, you will benefit from Mars from September 14 to October 28.
Be home by the full moon, September 23, plus or minus four days, when career news should make you jump for joy.
Financial details and arrangements will be settled on or near September 23, too.
Home-related obligations will press on you on September 30. You'll be needed, so keep your schedule light. Pay special attention to your father.
Romance will be best on September 4, 8, 11-13, 17-18, and 27.

Capricorn Summary

Your career has been consuming a lot of attention, and rightfully so - you are in the process of reinventing yourself. October will bring more developments, and although at times you may feel unsure of decisions you are being asked to make, you will be right more often than not, so proceed. Keep evaluating feedback from higher ups, as it will be helpful now. They want to see a steady, practical executive in you, not an impetuous one, but being steady is your specialty, and so you're sure to please.
Your best day for a fortunate break - and a bit of fun - will be September 18, which will be quite special, as Mars will work with Pluto. Surely you'll see that on this day determination meets action and produces exciting results.
By now, you may feel you need to take a rest, so if you can, consider taking a vacation. The universe has sent a lovely new moon in compatible Virgo on September 8 to your expansive house of big sky, broad horizons. This new moon will be to open your world to new information, greater possibilities, and to encourage your need for learning and discovery.
You may now head overseas or go back to college this fall (for Northern hemisphere readers, spring if in the Southern hemisphere). You seem eager to study and participate in all kinds of debates with others, both philosophical and political in nature, and you may even change your stance on a key issue as a result of what you learn now. With lots of stimulation coming your way, you'll be eager to take in all the sights, sounds, and colors around you.
Your home will bring all sorts of good news at the full moon in Aries, September 23. With Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, standing close to that moon, you will find all sorts of family and home or property-related goals can be achieved. Mercury will go direct on September 12, so you can sign a lease or close on a house at this time if papers are presented. Whether you are buying, selling, renting, or decorating, you'll have that special twist of luck with you to forge a happy ending.
Just two days earlier, however, won't be so congenial. Uranus will oppose the Sun, September 21, a rather separating influence. It will be a tough day to achieve any sort of intended result.
Your career will come back to consume your attention at month's end, September 30, when Saturn will conjunct the Sun in your house of career reputation. Work may seem arduous, or it may be that someone may criticize you. Financially this is not a good day either, so avoid asking for favors and do not sign papers. In just two days you will have enough distance to take the episode with a shrug and a smile. Be good to yourself on this day, above all. If you do start a new job on this day or the following day, you will certainly rise very high and grow into a position of great authority.
All month, your friends will surround you like twinkling fireflies in the night, always there to remind you that you're not alone. This month, after September 14, your friends will be calling, with plenty of ideas of things to do and places to go. You will feel loved, for sure, and your pals will have your best interests in mind. Bless their hearts!
Dates to Note
You may decide to go back to college, take graduate school classes or indulge in some adult continuing education after the new moon September 8 or in the two weeks that follow.
Wait just a few days for Mercury to turn direct on September 12 before you sign on the dotted line in love or business.
Attend to home and property (or family) matters at the full moon, September 23 - all the news should be quite upbeat, but there will be crosscurrents. A partner seems not convinced that you should take the course of action you've chosen.
Your hardest day will be September 21, when few things will go right. It's due to be a very draining, jarring day, and you will need to carefully protect your health and well being.
An authority figure at work may be harsh or demanding on September 30 - don't let this person crush your spirit.
Your happiest day will be September 18 when Uranus (unanticipated events) and Jupiter (happiness and expansion) conjoin in Pisces. News that comes in through text, phone, or any other way should be exciting.
Once Mars enters Scorpio on September 14, you'll enter a more social, fun period and will have more time to relax.
When Venus and Mars draw closer at month's end, you'll find great comfort in being in the company of friends. Love will be in the air at that time, too.
Your best romantic days will be: September 4, 8, 11-12, 17, 18, 26, 27.




Sunday 01st August 2010 11:00:06 PM
August 2010 Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Lucky Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus are in your tenth house of fame and honors, so you may be getting the career offers you used to only dream about. Both are in Aries, so entrepreneurial opportunities shine. This is the number one area of your chart, sure to give you happiness and gratification, so keep your focus on your career.
This month, you'll be on a mission to make more money and will do whatever it takes to find a lucrative new source. To that end, the new moon August 9 will help, but because Neptune stands opposite it this time, you need to be careful not to let enthusiasm cause you to overestimate your earning potential from any venture, especially if you will work on commission, royalties, or licensing fee basis. By all means ask for a raise, or dive in to negotiate better benefits after the new moon arrives, but all the while keep your expectations realistic. Fortunately, Neptune is in what astrologers call "wide" mathematical vicinity, meaning this is not a tight aspect, so you can proceed, but just be careful.
While your career buoys you up this month, your home situation seems to have deflated or overwhelmed you lately. Growing responsibilities may be weighing you down or it may simply be that you are a bit tired of a situation that seems to be changing very little over a long time. Family obligations may be a consideration, or you may be temporarily struggling with home-related costs or the payment of a high mortgage. Career opportunities will be wonderful so you will have to keep your focus there. There's no doubt that this month you'll need to split your attention evenly between home and career. It won't be easy, especially near August 6-8 and 13.
Everything will be complicated even more by the dictates of a partner or go-between who seems not to agree with the direction you want to take. This person is making everything a battle and you may wonder why life has to be so hard. Don't give up, even though the first three weeks of August will seem like a near-endless period of conflict with this person.
After the Sun moves into Virgo on August 20, you'll find navigating life - and negotiating with this person, too - to be easier. You will be able to articulate your views and bring your opponent to a more sensible position. In this case, your persistence will pay off.
By late month, you may decide you need a vacation, and certainly by then you will have earned the right to go. It's a good idea! The full moon, August 24, which will be operative within four days of this date, will help you pack your bags. Cancer is soothed by locations near water, so consider a seaside spot.
If you want to go farther afield than usual, all sorts of opportunities will pop up on foreign shores, and may also include a chance for you to study, publish, or trade goods or services abroad. In this sense, you may be able to combine business with pleasure quite effectively.
If you are going back to college or grad school, you'll be at your new location by August 24, setting up your new living arrangements for the coming semester. Sign up for your most coveted classes the minute you can, as early as possible to avoid being closed out, for with Mercury about to retrograde, you may have to arrange a quick change in plans.
Broadcasting offers will glitter too, possibly as a guest on TV or radio, with excellent possibilities for publicity. With Neptune so prominent, the image of your face is likely to be "out there," so investigate what's on tap, for your world is rapidly expanding, dear Cancer!
Mercury will be retrograde from August 24 to September 12, so be sure you make your biggest initiations early in the month, or else table things for mid-September. Actually, the option to pick up the thread in September would get my vote - that's a better month to do almost anything.
Romance will be best August 14-15, 19-20, 24, 25, and 29-30.
Dates to Note:
You are in a solid career period, but don't fall for get rich quick schemes - with Neptune playing havoc all over your chart, even the savviest Cancer may be taken in.
The new moon in Leo on August 9 would ordinarily be a blessing to your finances, but again, Neptune is obscuring key facts, and Mercury is about to go retrograde August 20 to September 12. Be skeptical of anything you are told. Play devil's advocate by asking the hard questions.
Ask for a raise in the week August 9 to 13, but again, be realistic. If you overestimate your worth, it may backfire and you may get nothing. Be happy with small gains. In a month where information will be hard to get, realize that there may be many reasons your salary demands are not being met, and none may relate to how much you are appreciated.
Concern over the care of an elderly relative or a home or property matter will play out in the background all month. You can make progress, however. Your hardest weekend: August 7-8 and the time near August 13 when you'll need to do some quick thinking to keep career and home running smoothly. It'll take all you have to give.
Beautify your home or look for bargains in a white sale on August 20 when Venus and Mars cook up ways for you to pretty up your home.
Romance will be best August 14-15, 19-20, 24, 25, and 29-30.
Within four day of the full moon August 24 you may travel far and wide. Or you may be on a college campus to set up your living arrangements for the coming semester. It's the right time to do so. The minute you can sign up for classes, be the first in line - you may get closed out if you dally.
Consider going on a foreign trip in the last part of August, to coincide with the full moon, August 24 plus or minus four days.

Capricorn Summary

Recent months brought all sorts of meditations about the role of a certain partner in your life, so as you enter August, you'll still be thinking of how to handle recent revelations and what to do about all the talks you've had.
The cardinal cross on August 6 and 7 (plus Mars reaching 5 degrees Libra on the same day) could easily trigger startling news of the eclipse June 26 in Capricorn, especially if your birthday falls December 21-26. Theoretically, any Capricorn could hear news. If you have planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn at 1 to 5 degrees, you will be named in this month's events.
It looks like financial negotiations and appropriations will be first on your list to do. Ordinarily a new moon in your eighth house of side income would help you get a lot accomplished. Yet, this time the once-a-year new moon, coming August 9, won't help as much as you might have hoped.
Neptune will widely oppose the new moon, so facts could be obscured and you'll find yourself trying to get through an environment of smoke and mirrors. You may or may not sense that things are off kilter, however, so you will have to be extra careful to avoid potholes.
If you are in a court case, or trying to settle division of property in a divorce, for example, the other side may keep financial details concealed, or your partner may be a person of integrity, but the figures may simply contain unintentional errors. Either way, you can't quite trust all the reports you get now, so postpone decisions until next month to give yourself time to ask questions and to do more digging.
Saturn is now back in your lofty career sector and urging you to reinvent yourself in a completely new way. Using the same old formulas that worked in the past won't yield the same results, for conditions are shifting rapidly. You'll discover this soon enough (if you haven't already). It's time to move to a new beat and for the little goat to climb a new mountain. You won't have to turn your life inside out necessarily (i.e., change careers), but you will have to expand your base or reach for a more senior position, simply because it's time you showed the world what you are capable of doing.
August 20 could be a day when you impress the VIPs at the top, for Mars and Venus will embrace in your career sector, creating an enormously bright light on you and your accomplishments.
Mercury will be retrograde from August 20 to September 12, so it's not wise to enter into anything new during that phase, UNLESS the offer comes from a former boss or company you worked with in the past. In that case, be my guest - you can take it!
The last part of August will be made for travel, most likely for business. This month will be so busy - it seems to be a hard one to get away for fun. Alas, sometimes life is that way, but even so, you will be able to combine business with pleasure.
If you CAN be the exception to the rule and get away for a few days near August 24, choose an enchanting location that will inspire and center your spirit but that is based not too far from home. With a full moon in Pisces, chances are, you'll choose a cottage by a lake, the sea, or other body of water.
Dates to Note:
Financial developments and other news on August 6-7 and in the following week, as late as August 13, could be startling. Take in all that is going on, but don't rush. You will need time to think. Next month you will have the whole picture.
Your career may also bring news near the same dates, August 6 and 7, into the following week.
The time near August 20 may bring praise and a feeling of accomplishment.
It would not be wise to accept a new position now - wait until the dust settles. You will be better able to sort things out in October. You may feel an urgency to act, but - resist it.
The new moon in your eighth house on August 9 would ordinarily help matters of money but this time may bring more financial questions than answers. Neptune, the planet that spins fog and confusion, will be prominent, so if you are given checks from others, ask questions and demand honest answers.
Mercury will be retrograde in your travel sector from August 20 to September 12. You may need to delay or revise a trip. Call ahead if you have appointments - they may change. Get correct addresses and travel directions, too.
You may need to travel for work, but try also to give yourself some leisure time. Travel will be inspirational and soothing if you go near the full moon August 24.
Romance won't go well the first week of August, so keep a low profile.
Opportunities to have fun and find love will increase once the Sun moves into Virgo, August 23.
Best romantic dates: August 2, 23-25, 29, and 30.



Friday 02nd July 2010 11:26:26 PM
July Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

Last month's eclipse on June 26 might have brought up difficult relationship questions that will need to be solved in July. You may decide to talk with your partner, or you may simply get up and leave - the choice is yours. Before you can fully digest all that has happened in June, a new moon solar eclipse in Cancer will barrel forward on July 11. This eclipse won't have as powerful an emotional punch, and will be quite welcome because it will open a whole new path.
Career opportunities are shining brightly and seem miraculously suited to your qualifications. Life is rarely this way, but now that it is, use the coming weeks to look at your options. Fight for the job that attracts you. You are being given a lovely and unexpected chance to make a name for yourself. Be confident and explore all offers.
Home-related matters are again pressing on you, and just when you thought the situation might resolve itself without your intervention, you see that it won't. You will have to figure out how to integrate rapidly changing career conditions with shifting responsibilities at home. This is coming about because of Saturn's return to your home and family sector July 21. Saturn will stay until October 2012, so when you weigh your career options, realize that your present home or family situation may be ongoing for a much longer period than you now can imagine. Two years seems to be the operative number.
Although getting things "just so" may involve some juggling, you can find happiness. Those who depend on you are grateful for your help. Draw up a new blueprint for the future in the light of the June and July eclipses and the revelations they revealed. When Mars moves into your home sector on July 29, you will need to be ready to swing into action. You'll see a strong emphasis on home and family until mid-September. On July 30 and 31 you may feel overwhelmed, but realize it's only a temporary feeling.
One very good piece of good news is that a generous check may come in suddenly, within four days of the full moon July 25. It may be a commission, benefits package, venture capital investment, scholarship or financial aid, divorce, child support or other court settlement, mortgage, or other bundle of cash. You may win a prize or receive a belated birthday gift - and whatever it is, you'll be smiling.
Throughout July, travel could bring you instant relaxation. Venus will be in Virgo from July 10 to August 6 and will ensure more fun and love on your travels. If you're feeling worn down by life's demands, treat yourself to a soothing few days off in a waterside setting and plenty of sunshine. Take along a friend - one pal will be very supportive of you now.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
As the month begins, last month's full moon eclipse of June 26 may have rocked your world. As you begin July, you will need to decide what to do about what you learned. Eclipses bring truth - if there was none to show you, you won't feel that lunar eclipse.
Your career choices will be exciting now and could represent the best part of life due to the link of Jupiter and Uranus. All month opportunities glow, so investigate them. In a way, they can be described as once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
Your home situation will again need attention, so you will have to consider needs of family or residential questions when deciding on a career choice. You will especially see the truth of this after July 21, onward.
When Mars enters your home area for two months, July 29 to September 14, you may find developments on the home front to be intense and impossible to ignore. Be philosophical: At least things will get settled.
Buy a raffle ticket on the full moon, July 25 plus or minus four days. You might win, or then again, you may receive a generous gift.
Travel is the one area of your life sure to thrill you, and it could help engender love. Plan your trip anytime from July 10 to 30.
Most romantic dates: July 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 11 (wild card), 13, 18-19, and 28-29.

Summary for Capricorn

Years when eclipses fall in your sign and your opposite sign of Cancer are never easy. You've been dealing with plenty of surprising news and shifts since this series of eclipses first began in July 2009. Two appeared then, and two more eclipses came by on New Year's Eve and in January 2010. Now another pair of eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn is back. You felt the first on June 26, plus or minus five days, and that one was to be the hardest one in the whole series. Your closest relationship will now be tested. Any elements in your life that are not firmly bolted to the floor will instantly flap off and fly out the window at eclipse time.
It's always disconcerting when people and elements in life that we assumed were permanent prove not to be. For that reason, the June 26 eclipse may have proven to be a difficult point of the year, and as you enter July you will still be dealing with all the issues that came up before.
Last month's eclipse was in Capricorn, so you began to see what you really wanted in life.
This next one due July 11 will light your partnership area in Cancer. If your relationship is strong, you'll know that to be true, but if it is not, you will have to decide what to do about it. It takes two to tango, so both of you will need to be on the same page. These eclipses are strong, so if you leave, it is unlikely you will mend things later - eclipses have a finality about them that is undeniable. Should that happen, be philosophical. Not all relationships are meant to endure. In the meantime, you may need to negotiate a settlement, and if so, with the Sun in Cancer, your opposite sign, it's clear your significant other has the upper hand. Don't even try to gain control - it won't be possible, for that's not the natural order of things this month. You will get further by being cooperative and conciliatory than you will by being demanding or difficult.
Through July, take very good care of your health. Sometimes an eclipse will show up a problem in your mind-body-spirit (or teeth) that needs attention. See a doctor or dentist and you'll be on your way to feeling better.
There'll be money questions or actions you'll need to take too, and those will come up on July 25, the full moon, plus or minus four days. If you need to lease or buy a house, you will be ready to sign papers. Real estate opportunities sparkle for you thanks to the rare presence of Jupiter in your house of home and residence. You'll enjoy enormous family support too, so if you need help - even on a financial level - ask for it.
Mars will be moving through your long distance travel house until July 28, so if you are hoping for a vacation, see if you can go now.
Your career will catch fire once Mars moves into your tenth house of fame and honors on July 29 until September 14, so that phase will represent your most important time this year for impressing VIPs of your credentials for a new position. You won't be able to leave your desk in August or for the first half of September, for too much will be going on that you won't want to miss. You'd best not book a trip, for you'd later regret not being back home when so much was going on.
On top of that, Saturn, your ruling planet, will move into your house of honors, too, a clear signal that between now and October 2012, a period of two years, you will be groomed for more responsibility and a position of leadership. The coming learning process can't be rushed, but you won't have to learn everything on your own. You will have someone older and more experienced help you gain mastery over your area of expertise. Saturn will give you long-term potential, and Mars will help you get started in the here and now.
Once you get to get to October 7, you will be ready to add your name to a list of candidates for a very responsible job. Knowing this, make certain your performance remains letter perfect now, because everything you do these days will be examined later when that big promotion or new position comes up. It's all very exciting, but just remember - your name must be sterling and above reproach.
Dates to Note: Capricorn
The eclipses this month (and last) mainly affect those Capricorns who are attached, so if you have an established romantic or business relationship, pay special attention.
The eclipse last month, June 26, sent a jarring test to help you see if your relationship was strong or not.
The new moon solar eclipse in Cancer (the sign directly opposed to yours) on July 11 will open a path and allow you to initiate a plan soon. How do you feel about your partner? Do you want to leave or stay and fix any difficulties you found? Take your time - wait a week or more to act.
If your closest, most serious personal and business relationships prove to be solid, make sure your health is also strong. Sometimes an eclipse will look for a weak link in health. If you need to see a doctor about any concern, do so now so that you can feel better quickly.
Saturn, your ruler, is moving into your career house on July 21, a sure sign you will soon be considered or groomed for a very big job. Saturn's move into any house always suggests change, but it will be change you volunteer to accept, rather than change that is imposed on you. Be excited about this once-in-29-year trend - it can put you on the top of the mountain with a very enviable, powerful job.
From July 29 until September 14, Mars will work with Saturn, and you will enter into a key time for career progress - be assertive! By October 7, the new moon in your fame sector, you can find the right opportunities to make the big step up.
If you've been going to college / graduate school, Saturn's exit means that the course of study, and the whole academic experience, will get easier for you. You'll adapt more easily to the demands placed on you, and find you'll make friends more easily, too.
At the full moon, July 25, you'll need to conclude a financial obligation, purchase, or deal. You may write a check, but you may get a check as well. If you have put in for a raise, you would hear back about it at this time. Be optimistic - this full moon is friendly and could even be generous.
Real estate options glitter and glow in July, August, and early September. If you need to move, it appears a bank would be willing to offer you a mortgage - you'll see this to be true July 26, plus or minus five days. Your very best day to seal a deal for a lease, purchase, or sale will be July 26.
If you feel that stress has been high - and it seems to have been unusually high in late June - then see if you can use frequent flier miles or find a bargain package to go away. It looks likely you'd find it with Mars and Venus helping you now.
Best dates for love: July 1, 2, 5, 6, 11 (wild card, could be either very good or very bad), 15, 18, 22, 24, 28.



Friday 04th June 2010 12:44:15 AM
June 2010 Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

This month and next may bring massive changes to your lifestyle. Several planets will be making moves to new positions - ones they have not been in for decades - and will bring you both challenges and opportunity. You'll need to stay alert to keep up with rapidly changing situations. Keep a clear calendar to attend to whatever comes up. If you take your eyes off the road, even for a moment, you may miss an important cue.
The big news of the month concerns the lunar eclipse June 26 in your opposite sign of Capricorn, one that will affect all Cancers, but doubly so for those born on or within five days of this date. The focus will be on a partner - someone with whom you work with in a collaborative or committed way - or a person you are attached to in a serious love relationship.
I have written a special article for you called "How to Deal with Eclipses" that may help you navigate this month. Use this link to access the article:
At this time, your relationship will reach a make-it or break-it stage, but you will need to let the events play out and facts unfold before you react. Be an observer, but make no key moves yet. Your partner may be quite assertive and pushy at this time, and this may put you off quite a bit. Even if you've accepted your partner's behavior in the past, it looks as thorough you won't take so kindly to this behavior this time. If pushed hard, you may leave.
Alternatively, if you are not in a relationship, your health may need tending in late month, so you'll need to keep yourself in top shape. If you should notice that something is off medically, see a doctor to nip things in the bud rather than try to self-diagnose. Eclipses bring our attention to areas we need to work on to fix, so there's no reason to fear a doctor's consultation. In fact, you'll be glad you went for advice when you did. Protect teeth and bones in particular.
In your career, if you are looking for a new job, much to your surprise, you may hit on a sudden breakthrough especially near June 8. If you have a headhunter, agent, representative, or other middleman, this person seems to be quite helpful. If setting up your own business is a goal, you may get that chance too, but delay signing papers until you have all the facts. Wait until Mercury is done with difficult aspects, at least until June 30 / July 1, as you will want a strong, supportive vibe from this planet of agreements.
Dates to Note:
This month will bring landmark changes near the eclipse, June 26. This could turn out to be a difficult eclipse requiring change without a lot of options. Don't look back - the only way is forward.
Those born within four days of June 26 will feel the effects of this eclipse more than most.
Protect health. If you discover something is amiss, seek medical advice rather than wave off problems.
A relationship may be your biggest focus this month - what to about what you learn will be the topic of meditation.
The one thing that will go positively right will be your career. With Jupiter and Uranus moving into your house of professional standing and acclaim, buckle up for an exciting ride - to the top! All news should be good news!
If single and not dating, romance will be best in the first half of the month, while Venus tours Cancer, June 1 to 13. That's the time to buy new clothes, and for women, makeup.
Most romantic dates for those not experiencing turbulence in a relationship due to the coming eclipse: June 3-5, 8-9, 12-13, 17-18, and 30.
Work will become more intense in June and July. You may take on a side job, or seasonally this is normally your busiest time of the year. Even so, the coming two months will require a large degree of organization so that you don't miss the details.
Your career may bring sensational news due to Jupiter conjunct Uranus, an aspect that occurs rarely in your solar tenth house of fame. The only times in recent history this has happened: March 1679, February 1762, February 1845, July 15, 1927, August 11, 1927, and January 25, 1928.
Don't sign papers on June 9, 11, 25, or 26 - when Mercury is in an angry mood. Initiations, agreements, and launches don't work out as planned.

Capricorn Summary

How you will feel about June will depend almost completely on the direction that things have been going over the last six months. Events this month will advance discussions that come up at the start of the year and proceed in a more extreme direction. A positive outcome is possible, but even strong relationships will feel the strain of the angry planets this month.
A major full moon lunar eclipse on June 26 will appear in Capricorn, and it may end or change the complexion of a current relationship. You needed to see a relationship in a new light, and the eclipse will provide it. If you were complacent, you won't be. If you were naive, you'll be given information to protect you that will open your eyes. If you took your relationship for granted, you won't anymore in the future.
Full moons bring insight and often endings, but the final outcome will be up to you. Once the eclipse has spoken, you'll need to decide what to do. If you have already experienced a revelation a few months ago, you will have to choose whether to stay or go. Pluto will conjoin your moon, making you feel strong and resilient, which is good, but just don't come across too forcefully (you may be tempted to do so) if you are hoping to stay with your partner.
What will be at stake at the June 26 eclipse - and due for meditation and possible revision - are your home, career, closest relationship, and / or your very idea of who you are and what should come for you next in life. This could be a defining moment, where changes you make will turn out to be lasting ones. If you have remained too long, having made excuses for your partner's bad behavior, you will realize that your trust has been misplaced and you'll leave. If you feel there is hope for a change, you can stay and work together - it all depends on what you hear. If you are happy, you will now have reason to speed up your plans to commit to an engagement to marry, or other form of relationship.
In order for you to understand eclipses more fully, I have completely re-written "How to Deal with Eclipses," which can be found on Astrology Zone by clicking here:
Thank back to late November 2009, then to the time near the last lunar eclipse, December 31, and then think forward to the month of January, for at those times you likely received clues of what was happening in a relationship. What happens at the end of June will hark back to news you received in those earlier months. It will be obvious that you'll soon have to make a decision and stick to it.
You are fortunate in that you have Mars in Virgo in a very positive angle to your Sun. Mars is all about action, so it's a good time for these questions to come up. The new moon on June 12 will sharpen your intuition, so your inner voice will light the way. Mars' position also suggests you may be traveling to see family for advice, and they will be there for you in full force. Rarely have you seen this level of family support!
The new moon, June 12, will open the door to new assignments and possibly new business. If you would like to find a side job, it will be fairly easy to uncover. Start by looking at listings over the weekend of June 12 and be ready to make calls Monday, June 14. The whole following week should be bright.
Are you interested in increasing your fitness? This June 12 new moon falls in Libra and will be made just for you. Pick up some new workout clothes, join a gym, or find a new sport you'd love to learn. If you are serious about seeing results, begin at this new moon.
With Jupiter and Uranus entering your area of home, you may be moving, buying, or selling a house suddenly, much to your delight. Renovations and major re-decorating projects are also possible, and those should be completed by early September. You will get another dazzling chance in the first five months of 2011 to move ahead with home-related goals, yet why not jump on this trend now if you can?
Dates to Note:
A powerful full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn coming your way on June 26 could spell unexpected changes in a relationship. Something is about to crack the surface - how things will go depends on the direction your relationship has been going all along.
A wonderful relationship will glow even brighter, but a dishonest or unhappy one will go from bad to worse. Eclipses demand decisions and progress - be ready.
Keep in mind the relationship on your mind may be a business one, not necessarily a romantic one. Eclipses look for weak links.
Fortunately, Venus in your house of marriage will help you find the words you need, and they will be soft and comforting. Venus will tour your relationship sector from June 14 to July 10.
Those born December 26, plus or minus five days, will be most affected by this eclipse, and events are likely to be tied to what came up in late December 2009 or early January 2010.
Your home, career, reputation, and a close relationship are all due to be under the microscope.
Mars in Virgo will be in positive angle to your Sun. You'll get help from certain family members, such as an aunt or uncle, an in-law, or other relative who loves you.
Expenses will simmer down after June 7. After eight months of elevated expenses, you will welcome the change. If you've been in tight negotiations, those will end now.
Jupiter will move into your house of home on June 6 for three months, ending September 9. This summer will bring your ideal opportunity to make lasting, upbeat changes to your home - ones you may have never thought you could accomplish.
Expect real estate luck to strike suddenly on the extraordinary days June 8-9, but in truth you'll be fortunate with all sorts of property, home, and family endeavors all summer, form June through early September.
With Mercury in a bad mood on June 10, 11, 21, and 25-27, do not sign any contracts or important papers at that time. You'd be best to sign in the week of June 14-18 or wait until late July.
The new moon June 12 will help you generate new business or new assignments.
In love, things might seem volatile. If you are single and not dating, you may do best of all - you may meet someone new and interesting!
Romantically, in the case of strong relationships, your best romantic dates include: June 3, 4, 5, 8, 17, 18, and 30.



Saturday 01st May 2010 10:46:16 AM
May Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

It's May and Mother Nature is awash in pastel blossoms. You seem ready to put your career on hold for just a moment while you enjoy yourself. You can, too - your career will bring big unexpected breakthroughs at the very end of this month through September, so you'll not skip a beat. For now, you can safely turn away without missing a step in your professional life.
The new moon May 13 will send a strong and positive trend of new social activity. You'll enjoy the chance to meet up with friends and to make the acquaintance of new people, too. This new trend will feel like a refreshing breeze, and events that come up will make you feel optimistic and excited about life again.
A thrilling trip may be an option, too, at this new moon, but pressing family obligations may make you think twice about taking off to distant points. Do your best to find a way to go - with Saturn retrograde, this would be the most possible month to do so. Don't go to siblings to ask them to help you, though - they won't be helpful, for they seem to have their own troubles to meditate on. Rely instead on the kindness of friends or hire recruits to care for home-related matters to allow you to find the break you need.
The week of May 14 to 22 will glitter brightly. Then, from May 19 to June 13, love-planet Venus will smile on you when it glides in Cancer. At that time, a relationship could really begin to take off.
The enchanting spell will be temporarily broken at the full moon, May 27, when a major work-related project will need to be finished. Within four days of this date, you may also have a chance to pick up a new assignment. It will come suddenly, and it's a plum spot - you will want to be back from any travels on your agenda so that you can carry this prize home.
The move of Uranus into your professional sector from May 28 through August 14 will show you that work, like love, can produce miracles when you least expect it to. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg - more positive career surprises will come your way in 2011 and beyond.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
* Love is in the air, and this month it seems you will get your share.
* Late last month, the full moon of April 28 may have brought a lovely romantic development. and as you begin May, you may still be thinking about what happened.
* The new moon May 13 will bring in a lively new social emphasis, with more relaxed, fun things to do, places to go, and people to see. You have the heart of a homebody, but in the second half of the month you need to be out and about and open to forming new associations.
* You may have the option to take a trip, but may think twice about going because of family obligations. See if you can get help - you need the rest.
* The week of May 14 to 22 will be outstanding for romance and fun.
* Venus will enter Cancer from May 19 to June 13, extending your lovely period even more.
* May 27, a full moon, will bring the need to work hard to finish a work-related project. You may hear back about whether or not you will get a job.
* When Uranus moves into Aries and your professional achievement sector, your career will take a very different and quite exciting path. This summer will be one to remember - wait and see! Jupiter will meet up with Uranus early next month. Wow!
Most romantic dates: May 3, 7, 8, 13-15, 17 (four star), 20-22, and 25-26.

Capricorn Summary

You're very career-oriented, but this month, you can safely let down your guard. The professional momentum you've built up so far this year will carry you forward through May without needing to push too hard. With Saturn backing into Virgo now, you'll feel less pressure from VIPs to produce, although you will see on-the-job responsibilities climb later, by late July. For now, you can find ways to build a richer, more balanced private life and enjoy social activity.
To that end, watch the phone calls, emails, and texts you get as a result of the new moon, May 13, plus two weeks. This will be the most glorious point of the year for finding romance or for taking time to enjoy the love you already share with a partner. With Jupiter in your travel sector, you might want to sneak out of town to a nearby setting with fantastic results - you'll come home with memories, a feeling of appreciation, and warmth that will be indescribable. When planning your trip, here is a hint: Long distance travel could bring obstacles, so think "near," not "far."
If you have been thinking of reconciling with an old love, do so early in the month, when Mercury will still be retrograde, a good time to go back to see if you can recapture old feelings. If you want to send that text or call, do, but keep in mind you may have had a good reason to break up in the first place. If you are convinced the circumstances were unique and repairable, then get in touch. Love is fragile and precious. If you find it, it is always worth revitalizing for safekeeping.
Your creativity will operate at double speed during the second half of May. This will come thanks to a friendly new moon and the support of good fortune Jupiter and Uranus, planet of originality. Present an idea to an influential person from May 13 to 21 and kudos will come!
The biggest news of all is that Uranus will enter Aries on May 27 to move into your home sector, bringing with it a plethora of unexpected developments. Happily, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will come too to ensure the changes you make are happy ones. These two will circulate only a few weeks, until August 14 for Uranus, and September 9 for Jupiter. If you have wanted to sell a house, renovate, get new furniture - you name it - no matter how ambitious the project, it looks like you can accomplish it now. For Capricorns, when it comes to home and property - as well as family support - sky's the limit!
Dates to note for Capricorn:
Saturn is your ruling planet and has been retrograde since mid-January. Now, Saturn goes direct on May 30 and all your aims and projects get a special push. Saturn will stay direct for the balance of 2010 - so go, go!
Career pressures have been strong, but you've been putting in the hours and your fine work will pay off. Let up a little this month, refuel, and allow your energy to return. You can coast a little bit now - be ready to start up again in June.
The new moon May 13 will be a boon for your love life. This will be one of the most glittering new moons of the year for everyone, but for you, it spells a better love life. It will be up to you to get out of the house to make that fated meeting!
Mercury has been retrograde in your love sector since mid-April and will continue to emit weak vibrations until May 11. Wait until May 13 to begin to make important decisions and purchases.
Mercury has been looking back in your romantic house, so you may have been focused on something that happened in your relationship in the past. From the date Mercury goes direct, May 11, you will turn forward in your relationship.
Your creativity will be very strong in the second half of May - present an idea!
If you take a trip in May, choose a short distance one, close by.
Mars in Leo is still forcing up expenses, a trend that started in mid-October 2009. This will be the last month of this, so hang on. Your financial picture will improve.
The full moon at month's end May 27 will bring you a need for rest and rejuvenation. On the last weekend of the month, plan a very relaxing time, with no strenuous activities on the docket. You need to breathe.
Venus will light your house of relationships from May 19 to June 14. If you need to discuss a difficult topic with your partner, do so then.
Most romantic dates: May 2-3, 7-8, 13-15, 17-21, 25-26, and 30-31.

Pisces Summary:

Mercury will be retrograde until May 11, so if you have an agreement to make, do it after the new moon, May 13. You'll be glad you waited, for Jupiter will bring profits and Saturn will have the power to bring you long-term security. May 17 and 18 will be especially fine days for making any kind of promises in your personal or business life.
The career news you get near the full moon in your house of fame and honors May 27 will be especially exciting. You may get enviable publicity or you may crystallize a big career development. The salary offered should be surprisingly generous, too. Stop to think about how long and hard you worked to see this victory occur and celebrate this special moment.
In terms of love, having Jupiter in your sign makes your prospects some of the best possible. When Venus enters fellow water sign Cancer on May 19 to June 14, the picture will be complete and you will have an even better chance to find happiness. Wow, when you're hot, you're hot! Venus in Cancer will also be ideal for improving your looks and for choosing new clothes - indulge a little, dear Pisces! Choose May 25 or 26.
Your ruling planet, Neptune, will go retrograde from May 31 to November 7, so after the end of May, you will need to concentrate on the projects and relationships that you have already built, rather than seek new ones. Your time to move forward will begin again in mid-September but will step up even more in early November and extend through most of January 2011. You are in a rare time, dear Pisces, for the planets are pushing you quickly to a new lifestyle and a happier place. You'll soon see!
Dates to Note:
* Travel will be a very big trend in May. Watch for sensational opportunities to go to new settings after May 13.
* If you write or communicate in other ways for a living, or if you love to text or blog, you will find that same new moon, May 13 and the two weeks to follow, bring the right opportunities to shine.
* Mercury will turn direct on May 11, allowing your life to take off like a rocket after that date. If you've been frustrated with others' lack of decisiveness, you'll be gratified by how nicely things begin to fit into place from now on.
* A stellar day will be May 17 when Jupiter in Pisces will contact the Sun.
* May 20 will be a very exciting day, too - all sorts of surprises are in store, thanks to Uranus in Pisces in perfect angle to the Sun.
* A fantastic career success could culminate suddenly at the full moon May 27, plus or minus four days.
* Try to get as many key projects done as possible before your ruler, Neptune, goes retrograde, May 31. From May through October, concentrate on what's on your plate and don't develop new ventures until November 7, when Neptune will be direct again.
* If you feel your friends have not been as helpful as you'd hoped lately, or if you found making new friends has been harder than expected, you will love when Saturn goes direct speed May 30.
* Saturn will stay direct speed the rest of 2010, so your social life should step up a few notches, and friends will play a bigger role from now on.
* Venus in Cancer will bring blessings to your love life from May 19 to June 14. Not only will love increase but your chances of improving your look will, too.
* Most romantic dates: May 8-9, 12-13, 17-18, 20, 25-26, and 29-30.



Monday 05th April 2010 11:11:29 PM
April Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Your ability to maneuver a home or family situation has proven to be harder than you anticipated this year. As you enter April, you may have just recently made a decision, but it seems to be a temporary one. Your expenses are either unusually high, or your income unusually low, and that could be at the crux of your difficulty in settling this housing matter until now. Your heavy costs will continue for a while longer but thankfully, only until early June.
The emphasis on home, real estate, and family is a long trend that will extend to October 2012, brought to you by Saturn in Libra. Happily, though, you will have a small window of opportunity to find workable solutions now that Saturn will move back to Virgo for the coming 14 weeks, beginning April 7 and ending July 21. During this period you won't feel the home-related pressures that you have had or the pressing family responsibilities that have been prevalent since late October 2009, the time Saturn first arrived in Libra. If you need to make a choice about your living situation, the right option may appear very soon, so be ready to roll if it does. If you like what you see, be quick to act or the opportunity may be gone in a blink of an eye.
Your career will be poised for major gains, too - the best of 2010! Watch the types of calls and offers you receive after the new moon arrives, April 14 and in the two weeks that follow. Be willing to entertain a variety of offers, even ones that initially don't look all that promising - under closer inspection one might. Entrepreneurial endeavors will be possible, so if opening a firm of your own is an intriguing idea, follow through by showing your business plan.
Whether you work for yourself or you work for others, the new moon in Aries indicates you'd be involved in an adventurous new enterprise, one that would bring you into new realms. In that respect, you may be a pathfinder in new technology, or work on a completely new product or service. Additionally, your housing situation may be heavily influenced by job opportunities and vice versa - you may want to relocate to take full advantage of what's on tap. If you work in a creative field, a very big project will be ready to ship by month's end, and earn you kudos all 'round.
Your home situation continues to be at the very center of all your decisions, and it will continue to influence your romantic experiences, too. When you solve the housing or family situation, your love life will immediately do better. With Saturn temporarily moving away from its hard angle to Pluto (to return by August) you will now have a rare opportunity to make a decision on one of these fronts that will prove helpful to all.
The full moon on April 28 plus or minus four days could bring a romantic or child-related matter to fullness. You may be faced with a decision about the person you've been dating, or if in love, about a present pregnancy or future plan for children. If you are single and not dating, you may have a memorable meeting - be sure to be out. The last week of April would be ideal for a vacation. Cancer loves water - think about a cruise or flying to a sunny isle.
Here is a list of the dates when romance will be best: April 1, 9, 10, 11, 13-16, 20, 22, 23, and the full moon of April 28 plus or minus four days, best of all.

Dates to Note
A family situation continues to press on you, but will bring temporary relief beginning April 7 until July 21.
Expenses are still running high, but keep your chin up. Come June, they will drop significantly, or your cash flow will improve quite a bit. Your career is about to bring excellent news beginning with the new moon April 14 and the days that follow. You will have your strongest period, though from April 14 to 23.
With Mercury retrograde starting April 18, you can interview, but refrain from giving a final word about your decision until mid-to-late May.
You may plan to open your own business, and early June would be the perfect time and the ideal year to do so. You will have a second chance in the first five months of 2011, too.
Consider taking a vacation or time off on or near April 28, the full moon in your fun and romance sector.
Venus in Taurus favors you in an outstanding way, for it will light your house of friends and fun events April 1-24. Lots of new people will pour into your life now.

Capricorn Summary

Recently, at the very end of March, you saw exciting - if not daunting - career opportunities emerge. Or, you may have received news that allowed you to see where you stood in your industry or company.
As you enter April, you will still be musing about the career developments that came up and how to best respond to those shifts. It appears you are about to take on more responsibility, and possibly accept a big promotion. Still, politics seem to have swirled around you, and if you weren't able to surmount them, not to worry - your stock is heading skyward and almost no one will be able to stop your ascent.
No matter what you face in your career, you are ready to tackle something new, for your chart shows it's time. Don't second-guess yourself - follow your heart and you won't go wrong. A strong day for a presentation is April 16 when Venus and Jupiter will combine forces to help you shine in whatever role you find yourself in at the time.
By mid-April, your attention will switch to a home or real estate question. If you need to move, you will be able to find the right space, but your window of opportunity is small. Look at spaces form April 14 to 30. On the other hand, if you simply want to reorganize your space, make repairs, or design beautiful built-ins, you can do that, too.
If you have had problems with water, that problem can now be solved, as the new moon April 14 will be very helpful to watery Neptune. Hold off buying furniture, as Mercury will be retrograde this month - you'd do better in the second half of May. If you need money to make changes, you will find the funds you need. Admittedly, you've been burning through more cash than any time in recent memory, but by early June, your high level spending will calm down.
By month's end you will have a gorgeous social event to look forward to participating in, coming within four days of the full moon, April 28 plus or minus five days. This event will likely occur by the weekend. Because Pluto will be so prominent, there appears to be something very important about this event, and it could bring you long-range benefits or happiness. This event seems to rejuvenate you, too. This event could be a birthday party, wedding or anniversary, club event, or fundraiser, as a several examples. Many smiling faces will surround you, but one face in particular will captivate you and help to make the date special.
Romantically, with Venus moving through your true love house from April 1 to 24, you'll be in a particularly strong position to meet a new romantic partner if you have been looking, and to enjoy the love you have if attached. This lovely romantic influence will play like background music almost all month - and will become even stronger in May - a lovely counterpoint to all the decisions you are making affecting your lifestyle and career.

Dates to Note:
Exciting career opportunities may have emerged. You may be ready to accept quite a responsible job. Now with the move of Saturn back to Virgo, you will see a reduction of professional pressure, from April 7 to July 21.
A home decoration, renovation, or purchase / lease will come to your attention after the new moon April 14. If you have no plans for your home, you can make small changes. Use the glowing aspects on tap in April's second half in some way - any way!
Don't buy furniture or electronic items, however - Mercury will be retrograde on April 18 to May 11, but you will feel the slowdowns that Mercury will bring sooner, as early as April 4. Shop for things in late May instead and you'll enjoy your items more.
If you have a legal issue pending, you may solve it near April 26. Come up with a bold, unexpected offer that no one thought of - or even expected!
Save the date! April 28 (plus or minus four days) - the invitation you get for this evening will be special!
Romantically, with Venus in fellow earth sign Taurus from April 1 to 24, you have a sensational outlook for having fun. One of your best days will be April 17 and April 23-24, thanks to Venus' friendly conversations on your behalf with (respectively), Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn.
Best romantic dates: April 1, 9-11, 15-17, 19-20, 23, 24, and 28.



Tuesday 02nd March 2010 01:12:38 AM
March Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You will be ravenous for information and stimulation now, and the universe will be determined to show you that lucrative opportunities lie just outside your door. Foreign travel is a big possibility now and would be quite thrilling. Or, you may decide instead to take a journey of the mind by going back to the university. One other option is that a publishing or broadcasting assignment that will expose you to new realms will energize you. No matter what, by the time the month is done, you'll think in bigger terms than ever before. With five planets in your expansive ninth house, it could be no other way. This emphasis will be at play will be all month, but doubly so after the new moon, March 15. Finally the world will seem like a friendly place, and even large-scale projects will begin to click.
Meanwhile, Mars will move direct after March 10, so you may finally get a better grip on finances. Your level of spending still seems a bit high however, so between now and early June, find ways to cut back and conserve. Career interests will perk up and stalled talks will finally being moving again, so money will flow in, but it will take a little time to actually see it. No doubt about it, you'll become much more optimistic about your professional prospects, and rightly so! Just don't spend the cash before you have it!
Your home situation has concerned you for awhile too, but near March 21 it will become clear you will have to pay closer attention to what is going on in regard to parents or a housing situation.
By the full moon, March 29, this home or family related matter will suddenly reach critical mass. When it does, it may catch you completely off guard. If you plan to travel this month, be back by March's third week, for being away late in the month will only make things more complicated.
You may need to find a place to live, or to wrap up a major repair or renovation, or to help a parent. Or, your roommate or landlord may confront you with news. With Saturn in hard angle to the Sun, you may feel overwhelmed and wonder how you will handle all you'll be asked to do. You can take care of this, but you will need to be courageous and organized. With Pluto acting up too, you may find you have to cajole a partner to approve your home-related plans, only adding a bit more stress to the picture. The good news is that if you need money to make this problem go away, the amount will appear. Whew!
Dates to Watch
Travel to a foreign country could happen spontaneously and be sensational fun: March 3.
News from foreign shores is also unexpected on March 15 and 17. You may travel there or be on the phone.
Travel to a nearby town to see a friend or sibling: March 6-7
All messages received should make you happy: March 7.
Your efforts to make more money - and collect money due you - should improve now that Mars is turning direct March 10.
If you work in publishing or broadcasting, lots of assignments will come up: March 3 and 4, but especially after the new moon, March 15. Watch the days March 15-17 for sudden news.
If you are in a study program at a university or want to be, these dates listed above will also be important to you. Book appointments for interviews with college officials for the week of March 15.
Responsibilities at work versus those of home seem to be at odds: March 21, causing fatigue or a feeling of being overwhelmed. Take it slow.
A serious home-related matter will reach fullness March 29, plus or minus four days.
Venus in Pisces is divine for you: March 1 to 6, with the best days being March 3 and 4.
Your most romantic dates: March 3, 4, 6-7, 13-15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, and 31.

Capricorn Summary

The weather is getting warmer and it's time to hit the road. With a crowd of planets in your third house of travel, get out your map, pick a spot, and go. Travel would bring inspiration and open your mind to new ideas, if only because you'll be in a new setting and able to forget some of the same day-to-day things that always consume your thinking.
With a packed third house, you may be buying, selling, or signing a long-range contract. As long as your expectations are sensible, you won't have too much difficulty negotiating your price. Planets in Pisces beautifully support your Sun, so you'll find that overall, things will go your way. Just avoid signing on March 18-19 when planets will be out of sorts.
Next month, beginning April 17, Mercury will be retrograde for three weeks. This means this month would be the better time to make decisions and deals, and also to buy things you need or want.
Have you been thinking of starting a blog, redoing your website, starting an advertising or publicity campaign, sending out a self-promotion campaign, or doing some journaling? Do you want to have your own TV show, become a bureau chief, or start a whole network? Think big, dear Capricorn. No matter what your plan happens to be, March will be your month to get your ideas off the drafting board and into reality.
Finances may have been a sore point lately, but things are getting better this month. If you are owed money, you stand a better chance of being paid now. Also if you are in talks concerning a court settlement or in a dispute with an insurance company or other entity, despite your fears that talks would drag on forever, that's not the case - you are close to nailing a settlement. If that does not happen now, it certainly can happen by mid-to-late August. Mars has been retrograde in your house of other people's money since December 20 but will resume strong orbit on March10. Finally, there won't be as much waiting, and you'll be able to move ahead with a greater sense of purpose.
Home-related plans will get a nice push too, and so you may get word back about a mortgage you applied for, or a refinancing plan, or bank loan you need to get started on home improvements. Your plans to renovate, paint, buy new furniture, or move will get a boost too, because Mars is the natural ruler of your home sector and is about to regulate its orbit. The spring is a great time to focus on home, so throw open the windows and roll up your sleeves. Next month your plan will move to a new level of advancement.
The month ends with big news about your career. The full moon on March 29 will illuminate your standing in your industry, your company, or concerning a job you have interviewed for. You will get answers now, and if you get a new job (very possible), the position you will move into is likely to be one that comes with quite a bit of responsibility. It will bring you lucrative ways to make money, too, and it seems to include a performance-based commission or bonus.
Your new job won't be an easy one - you will have to adjust and learn as you go - but this new job will come with power and authority. That's the kind of job that is right up your ally, so snap it up.
If someone else gets the job, there will be more career opportunities for you near the new moon October 7, so don't despair. Over the long range, the smart money's on you, dear Capricorn. Stay strong and confident.
Dates to note:
As you begin the month, you seem to be coming back from a long rip, but it won't end your roaming days.
The new moon on March 15 could set up a chance to travel quite unexpectedly to a nearby city. Business seems the reason for your journeys, and it's a good time to find accord.
Ideas that come to you on March 15 to 17 will have everyone calling you a genius. Speak up!
Consider launching an advertising or publicity campaign in the second half of the month, sometime after March 15.
Late March would be the perfect time to launch a new blog or cell phone app, or to take classes in creative writing.
Finances have concerned you since mid-October, and expenses have been high. When Mars goes direct on March 10, you may get an approval for a loan, mortgage, or line of credit for your business. Continue to keep your eye on spending until early June.
Your spending may be for home, property, or family - there seems to be a link to that house. The new moon March 15 will be perfect to lease, buy, or sell an apartment or house, to make repairs, reorganize, renovate, or redecorate your home. When it comes it will be very sudden, and could come in a very strange, odd way. Be ready.
This month would be ideal for a party at your home (not a club or restaurant). Give it until April 27 or 28, or if you want to do so earlier, March 6 or 7.
Your career will bring very big news at the full moon March 29. You may get a very responsible new position or see another major shift take place. You will have to quickly make a big strategic decision as a result of events that come up.
Romance will be best on: March 3, 4, 8, 9, 12-15, 22, 27-28, and 31.
Romance will heat up once Venus enters Taurus on March 31 - April 25. Lovely!



Tuesday 02nd February 2010 06:01:59 PM
February Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

Recent years have been frustrating, but February seems to show you that you are about to take a major turn for the better. Jupiter, now in Pisces, is in a far better position to support your needs. This month this will become very obvious. You will get a chance to either go back to college or to travel quite far, or work with people in another country on a fantastically interesting project. Your actions could lead you down brand new lanes too, so don't hesitate to start.
Opportunities to do research, write, or edit in media will be astounding, too. It doesn't matter what phase of communication you may devote yourself to, from publishing to public relations, from sales to copy work for advertising, you will have your best chance ever to stand out.
A big breakthrough in one of these areas is due this month, especially over the last days of the month, February 26-28. These dates found late in February are due to be among the most fortunate of 2010, because at that time, Jupiter will align with the Sun.
Earlier, a moneymaking idea that you come up with could be pure genius, February 5-6.
Your cash flow has been very tight lately, but the events of this month should bring positive news that helps you quickly fatten your bank account. This may happen immediately or later, as soon as talks develop to an end point. The Sun rules your second house of earned income, and because the Sun will meet with the good fortune planet Jupiter, you'll see an expansive trend. This is especially good news, for on January 30, you had to write a check or had to make a big financial decision. You will know for sure that finally, luck is on your side, and as a result, your confidence in the future - and yourself - will grow.
This month will be good for your finances for other reasons. The new moon on February 13 will bring opportunities to get funds from outside sources, such as a loan from a bank, investment money from a venture capitalist, a cash settlement from an insurance company, or an outright gift or prize. Just be careful about all fine print and ask questions. Sometimes when Neptune is involved, as it will be at the new moon, you can be sold a bill of goods, so to speak - make sure all that you are told is true and solid.
Working on commission may turn out to be quite lucrative this month too, so if you do work this way, or expect bonus money, you'll have reason to be excited about your financial possibilities. If you work in the arts, in acting or the theatre, your luck will be tripled, due to the prominence of Neptune.
Mars is still in your financial house, showing how obsessed you are with increasing your cash flow, but because Mars has been in this house since mid-October, it suggests your efforts are starting to pay off.
Romance is always on everyone's mind, as Valentine's Day comes February 14, a Sunday. Fortunately, Venus, the goddess of love, will be in Pisces from February 10 to March 7, and Pisces is a sign that has a bewitching relationship with Cancer.
On February 16, Venus will conjoin her energies with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, a once-a-year event that is so special, if you could bottle the results, you'd become a millionaire. You'll feel the radiance of this day earlier, by February 14, so if you are attached, make plans - this day could be outstanding.
You seem to have travel on your mind too, all month. It is not clear if you will be on the phone or Skype a great deal with people at a distance, or if you will actually be going to have a face-to-face meeting. The full moon on February 28 in Virgo could bring a chance to pack and go. With the light getting ever so slightly brighter, and the weather just a touch warmer, even if work doesn't make you go, you'll have reason enough to flee. You may even decide to see a sibling or cousin in a nearby town - a good idea.
At month's end you may launch an important communications project as well. You may show off a new blog or send out a self-promotion advertising or publicity campaign. You may design a new iPhone app or announce the start of a radio show. You may design a logo for your business, or order special stationery for personal use, complete with engraved initials. If you need to sign a contract on February 28 or March 1, and if you have checked out the fine print with a lawyer, do! You'll have Pluto looking kindly on this venture, suggesting the other side will turn out to be an excellent partner.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
Money has been tight, but better days are due. Watch February 27-28 for upbeat news of increasing financial resources.
If you need to borrow money, then the new moon on February 13, very strong for two weeks, could help you raise funds from a bank or other outside source.
The media, university study, and international trade will be big themes this month and next month, but particularly at February's end.
Travel is very likely at month's end, but you will have many other opportunities to pack and go all month.
If you're asked to sign a contract, do so on February 26-28, assuming you've read all the fine print with your lawyer! It's a fantastic time to do so.
Romance will take a back seat to all the other things going on this month, but you will have Venus in lovely angle to your Sun from February 11 to March 7.
When Venus conjoins with Jupiter on February 16, you have a major glitter day for love. This is two days after Valentine's Day, but could be close enough to shower you with pixie dust. With the moon in Pisces on Valentine's Day, if you have someone you hold dear, this year's day for lovers seems destined to be special.
One other day that will stand out very brightly for love will be February 23 and 24, when the Sun and transformative Pluto will cooperate beautifully, and the moon will glide in Cancer.

Capricorn Summary

Life is changing, something you saw at the end of December and mid-January, but February brings a lovely burst of cosmic opportunity. Last year 2009 was likely a strong and positive financial year, but this year seems to have started on an expensive note. You will need more cash in weeks ahead, but this month you may have a chance to do so.
With Jupiter brightening your third house, the way you communicate can now make or break your success. You can become more articulate and masterful with the communication arts and even surprise yourself with your growing sophistication with words. Be open to honing your skills and, if necessary, take classes.
Here are some examples to illustrate this trend. If you have always been in marketing, your company may ask you to become a spokesperson for your company or to teach others what you have learned. You may come up with an idea for a new app or blog or sell a book concept. If you are a writer, you may get an opportunity to host a radio or TV show. As you see by these examples, you seem to be moving into new realms. By doing so, you will broaden your talents and open up new areas for profits.
When Jupiter conjoins energies with the mighty Sun on February 27-28, an aspect that brings of the luckiest phases of the year, it would be the perfect time to see how bright this whole area of communication is for you. You may need to hand in an important document, white paper, or manuscript. Anything that allows you to show off your communication or negotiation skills will be fortunate and highly lucrative for you. February 26, 27, or 28 would be an ideal time to sign a contract. To make sure you enjoy the project you commit to now - and one seems to be coming up soon, if not in February, then in March - Venus, the planet of happiness, will be on hand to help. This will be particularly evident on February 16 when Venus and Jupiter will combine forces in your communication house. Jupiter's presence connotes generous financial benefits from the work you do too, so you will want to pay attention to the opportunities being presented.
Ideas that you come up with will be quite brilliant when Mercury in Capricorn sends a beam to Uranus, planet of genius, February 5-6.
Finances will also be on your mind too this month, particularly after the new moon, February 13. Ever since Mars entered your credit, debt, taxes, and other people's money sector - your eighth house - your expenses have been high. Now, with the new moon, you can find ways to generate more income. If you are in a creative field, or are an actor, designer, director, choreographer, or musician, or do anything else artistic - or work with artists in a support function - you will do especially well at this new moon. That's because Neptune, a planet associated with art, will be quite prominent.
Because the Sun rules money that comes to you through others, you may see a huge sum of cash on February 28, or two-three days prior to this date. This would not be earned income but money given to you as a loan, commission, inheritance, court settlement, or outright gift.
Neptune's presence underscores that you will need to be clear about financial dealings, for you could be led into a confusing situation that becomes unnecessarily complicated or could glitter brightly, but upon closer inspection not be all it first seemed to be. If you are not sure, talk over impending deals with your accountant or financial advisor.
A matter at a distance may come to fruition at the full moon, February 28. Alternatively you may be visiting a college campus, taking a major exam, or handing in a thesis or other key paper. It is also possible you may have to see the passport agency, do jury duty, or have an international matter to finish up. It's a positive time - enjoy it.
Romantically, how you fare will depend on what happened in December and January in your closest relationship. The eclipses were affecting your partnerships quite strongly. If you are still together, happily, you might decide to take a little trip out of town simply to enjoy one another. Grown up time to celebrate your love together would be a perfect idea for Valentine's Day weekend.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Any project involving speaking, writing, editing, teaching, or selling will be laden with opportunity and financial gain if accepted or done on or near February 26-28, the luckiest day of the year, due to Jupiter conjunct the Sun. So much good will flow from the endeavor you start then!
Brainstorm for ideas on any project on February 5-6 when you come up with ideas that stun others, and you, too! They'll be brilliant!
Romantically, if attached, the eclipses in January brought news. If you broke up last month, you may want a very quiet month in the company of friends.
A short trip is very likely for Valentine's Day, February 14, and would be an ideal way to enjoy your love.
Finances may get a boost in the second half, after the new moon February 13. You've had very high expenses lately - this new moon will help you catch up and improve your cash flow. Those who work in the arts will be most favored.
Be clear about financial management and read all fine print in any deals you make. You may not completely understand some of the ramifications, due to Neptune's position.
Fantastic financial news could hit on February 26-28, some of the best ever! Again, it won't be earned income but income that comes in other ways.
Venus will tour your house of communication from February 11 to March 7, insuring you will like the project you work on.
Sign a contract on February 26-27. You will make money and see growth if you do.
A trip, or an overseas deal or one involving academia, will come to fruition at the full moon February 28 plus or minus four days. Finances will be discussed at this time too, but it's all-good!
Best romantic dates: February 13-16 is your very best. Also: February 4, 5, 20, and 24-28.



Saturday 02nd January 2010 01:09:40 AM
January 2010 Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You were looking forward to the New Year, but suddenly a lunar eclipse in Cancer barrels your way, and so the year may begin on a very surprising - possibly jarring - note. Lunar eclipses are highly emotional because they are full moons and this one falls in your sign, Cancer. Those readers born on July 1, plus or minus five days, will be most affected by this eclipse.
Lunar eclipses have the power of three full moons packed into one and bring up hopes, dreams, and memories. That could be why the news lunar eclipses stir us deeply. The job of a lunar eclipse is to bring information and closure. They provide us with the motivation to make a decision and stick to it. You often like to look back to decide if you made the right decision, but eclipses don't work that way - they keep you moving forward, ready or not.
The eclipse will arrive on either December 31 or January 1, depending on your specific time zone. For example, those in Tokyo will feel the eclipse on January 1, but those in New York or Los Angeles will see the eclipse arrive on December 31.
How you will respond to developments depends on how things have been going in your life until now. Eclipses do not operate in a vacuum, but rather work within the context of events of past months or years. This particular eclipse will focus on your needs as well as on your attitude toward a close relationship.
If your relationship has been shaky, then this eclipse will bring a glaring truth that will require you to take action, either to leave the relationship suddenly and quickly, or to attempt to fix things by getting counseling or by talking things out. With many planets piling up in earthy Capricorn, the eclipse will force you to acknowledge certain practical realities. As you examine things, you will look to the very foundation that has formed your relationship for some time.
If you should break up as a result of what you learn over the eclipse, know that the universe was not on a mission to cause you pain, but rather to guard and protect you. Knowing this may not make the agony of a breakup any easier, but you will see that there was probably no way to avoid this result. Eclipses are very non-negotiable, so if you do leave (or your partner does), finding a way back is unlikely.
As a kind and nurturing Cancer, you have a propensity to stay in difficult relationships too long. Your most precious resource is your time, for it is something you can never get more of it once it is spent and gone. Your other precious resource is your capacity for love. The eclipses this month will help you clarify your priorities and devote your affection and time those who deserve it most.
If you are in a strong relationship, the results of the December 31 and January 1 eclipse, as well as the solar eclipse of January 15, have the power to be quite positive. For example, you may get engaged or at the very least, hear a confession of love.
As you see, very opposite results - very good or very bad - are possible when an eclipse appears, for their job is to reveal truths. In your case, you may even get engaged, perhaps much sooner than you had anticipated. This would happen mainly because outside events are shifting rapidly and you may conclude as a result that it would be wise to act sooner rather than later.
Even if you have a good, strong relationship, your chart suggests that your partner may be in the throes of enormous change right now and will soon have big news. In this case, your partner would appreciate your help, or at the very least, a display of sympathetic support. If this does not apply to your personal relationship, then there is a good chance it will apply to a business alliance.
Astrologers deal with bell curves, so it is possible that you already had an "experience" with a partner last month, as sometimes eclipses deliver news one month early. For others, the eclipse will deliver news one month later, most likely at the end of February or in early March.
At month's end, the full moon will bring a financial affair to conclusion. You seem to have been subject to high expenses lately, and at this point you may have to find a way to pay the piper. Mars will be aligned with this full moon, so it seems you will have to decide on some sort of action.
Neptune is still in your house of other people's money, fortunately far from the full moon but still in the neighborhood.
Make sure you look at all aspects of any deal you may be entering into. You tend to be sharp when it comes to financial deals - just take things slow and listen to your instinct. If you see a clause that seems to favor the other side in an unfair way, speak up. With Saturn in hard angle to Pluto, the other side seems to hold the main advantage and have something you want. Still, take care of your own needs - if you don't, no one else will do so.
The move of Jupiter to Pisces is a ray of solid hope for 2010. You've not had Jupiter, the great benefic planet, in such a strong position to help you in years, so the coming year should be quite a change for the better from past years. You will have a chance to travel far and wide, and you will have luck from foreign-based people and organizations.
Also, luck from publishing, broadcasting, and academia (including the college market) will grow very large and be quite obvious as the year unfolds, with February and March big winners for you. While things may be rapidly changing this month, soon you'll see you are moving to a far better place, dear Cancer. It's time to make yourself new and improved. You have been in the process of doing so (perhaps unconsciously), but now the rest of the world will see this in you, too!
Cancer Dates to Note
A major lunar eclipse - a full moon - in Cancer will occur December 31 / January 1. If you were born on or within five days of July 1, you will feel this eclipse and your entire life will change in the coming year.
Spending remains high. Be conservative.
Romance will bring extreme outcomes depending on which side of the spectrum your relationship has been on - either confession or undying love (and a possible engagement) or a complete breakup.
Single Cancers who are not dating may not feel this energy as much as others, but could easily see a development in the realm of a business partnership.
Romance will be best: January 8, 9, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, and 28.
Make no firm plans until a few days after Mercury turns direct January 15.
Jupiter will move into Pisces for the better part of a year on January 17, making the international arena grow like Jack in the beanstalk's beans. Also due for growth: opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, and academia.
A financial matter will reach fullness on January 30, plus or minus four days.

Capricorn Summary

Every once in a while the universe is in perfect sync with our goals, and things begin to slip into place almost effortlessly. Obviously, this will be your outlook once you get to the solar eclipse, January 15 and the days and weeks to come. No matter what has been going on in your life, you are about to get powerful help now. Some of the breakthroughs you experience will come out of the blue, quite unexpectedly. Keep your calendar open in the second half of January because that's when you need to roll, and you'll have to respond quickly to offers and events as they occur. If your birthday falls within five days of January 15, this month could mark a major turning point. All Capricorns, however, will have some very special news to enjoy.
If you could only see the planetary pattern in the sky in mid-January! Venus, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon will all be in your sign. You now find yourself in a transition period, moving from one way of life to a new one. This happens whenever the eclipses travel back to Capricorn and Cancer, which happens once every nine years.
On January 1 (or December 31, depending on where you live in the world and the time zone you are in), you will experience an important lunar eclipse in Cancer, so you may see a major development in regard to a steady partner at that time. If you were born on or near December 31, that eclipse would have been doubly powerful. The eclipse made that decision time in your relationship, to stay and make more of the relationship or to leave.
Be satisfied with whatever decision you made about your love life. If you are in love, then enjoy your closeness and make plans to solidify your relationship. If you broke up, have faith that better things are on the way. The universe is impatient to get you to a more stable place, and to that end, your life is now in a major transformation for the better. If you are single, having Venus in Capricorn until January 18 will be just what you need to help you get noticed - and later, adored.
Mars is still in a strongly financial house, so it appears you are spending a lot of money these days. Mars will remain retrograde until March 10, so try to hold the line as best you can until March. You will have better support from bankers and other financial types at that time too, so you may want to wait to finalize financial deals at that time.
The full moon on January 30 may become a financial watershed moment when you need to decide to settle a monetary matter or make a key decision about one. It appears a large amount of cash will go out of your checking account then. Fortunately the Sun and Saturn, the latter being your ruling planet, will be beautifully oriented to one another, suggesting that you may be buying or leasing a house or apartment, making repairs, renovating, or acquiring furniture in an effort to stabilize your living situation. This could account for the large outgo.
Travel to nearby cities will soon emerge as a major theme, thanks to the arrival of Jupiter to Pisces on January 17 for months to come. If you work in sales, your best clients will be out of town, within 100 to 300 miles from where you live.
In the coming year you will learn to communicate effectively in a new way - you may redo your website, create a blog, get your own radio or TV show, or be asked to write a book or column. It's an exciting trend, and one you'll love!
Capricorn Dates to Note
December 31 or January 1 (depending on your time zone) will bring the emotional eclipse in Cancer. It could be a very trying day, for something will end.
January 15 brings a solar eclipse in Capricorn, your time to state new plans and to make surprising announcements. You will have quite a bit of control on these dates.
Venus in Capricorn January 1- 18 will help you find soothing words, if you need them. This will be a perfect time to see about adding a special touch to your appearance.
Your ruling planet will retrograde beginning January 13 until June 12. From then on, spend time on the projects you have already started, rather than initiate new ones.
Mercury will stop retrograding January 15. Do not sign any papers prior to that date.
Money owed to others or that you anticipate collecting will be your whole focus at the full moon January 30, plus or minus four days.
Depending on what happens with the eclipses, romance may be very special or dreadful, and of course, that depends on what's been happening over a very long period of time.
If love has been good, then these dates will be your best for love: January 6, 7, 9, 12-15, 18-19, and 22-24.



Wednesday 02nd December 2009 10:47:21 PM
December Horoscope[ 2 messages] 

Cancer Summary

This month will be a big one. You've had changes so far this past year, but more are on the way. This month, try not to overload your schedule at holiday time as you usually do, for this month you will find yourself in a serious time squeeze and may feel overwhelmed.
The full moon December 2 will lower your resistance to colds and flu, so make it a point to treat yourself with tender loving care in the first week. You will have plenty of time to recover in time for the holidays.
As you begin December, work will need attention, too. Projects need to be shipped so it will be important to be organized. If you are a manager, others will be looking to you for direction.
Finances seem to be a concern too, so be selective and conservative when making out your holiday gift list. When it comes to shopping, you need to know that Mercury will retrograde December 26 to January 16, but you'll feel earlier the slowdowns that this planet is known to bring when out of phase, from December 9. This means to get the best bargains and the prettiest gifts, you will have to shop early or be faced with a lack of selection.
With work so busy, you'll be able to either work overtime or earn extra money through freelance jobs on the side. If self-employed, new clients will be fairly easy to bring in. This will be true all month, but particularly in the second half of December.
Your biggest moment will be at the full moon lunar eclipse on December 31 in Cancer. This will end a long chapter and set the stage for a new one to begin soon, if not now, then six months from now. Outside events will come out of the blue and make it clear what parts of life are ending and also what you need to do. A relationship may now change, either in a big happy way, or just the opposite, in time for a break up.
No matter what your original timetable was for a relationship ("We will get married a year from now," or "We will first save for a house and be ready to wed in three years,") outside decisions will have to be made quickly. With Venus in your opposite sign of Capricorn, your relationship may be going well, and you should be feeling quite positive about your future as a couple.
Eclipses are always dramatic and they test the strength of endeavors and relationships, depending on the house where they fall. This eclipse, December 31, is in Cancer, lighting your first house of personal dreams and your very core of identity - hence, this eclipse will clarify your feelings and plans. If you've been unhappy for some time, you may now break up with someone you were attached to a long time. If this should happen, be philosophical - the universe has bigger plans for you. If you were born on July 1, plus or minus five days, you will notice the effects of this eclipse more than most.
With Saturn in hard angle, you may be concerned about a housing situation or the welfare of a parent near December 31, too. Or, it may be that your family or your partner's family may have opinions about your future plans, and you'll have to manage those family members' comments, too. Yet this eclipse, in Cancer, should not be about what others tell you to do - it's about you, dear Cancer. Follow your heart.

Dates to note
Most romantic days: December 3-4, 7, 12-13, 16, 21-23, and 26-27
Protect health: Within four days of December 2 and December 24-25
Financially, be conservative and spend frugally: all month
Look for a part time or full time job: December 16-23. It won't be a step up, but it will be a job that can add money to your coffers.
Expect a big lifestyle or relationship development: December 31, the full moon lunar eclipse. Suddenly you will know your own mind.
If you have a partner you love, things will grow closer: After Venus enters Capricorn from December 25
If a relationship has been shaky, things may reach a crisis: December 31

Capricorn Summary

You seem anxious to wrap up an important work project due within four days of December 2. Relax, for you will do so quite easily. With Mars and Saturn supportive, you may find it nearly miraculous how everyone in your team pulls together. Keep up the vitamins - this work project might take a lot of energy from you, and you will want to stay strong for the coming holidays.
You are now one month away from your birthday, a time in astrology associated with meditation and reflection about what you'd like to have happen in the year ahead. With planets filling your twelfth house, dare to paint your dreams on a large canvas. If you can imagine a better life, you can create it. Make your list, be courageous. Don't let your inner critic limit your vision. The universe will give you fresh ideas, so if you'd like to open a new path, you will soon get your chance.
Shop for gifts in the first week, for Mercury will retrograde from December 26 to January 16, but you will feel Mercury in static mode from December 9 onward. If you get all your gifts purchased early, you will have a far better chance of finding gifts that will please the people you love.
While most of the month will be quiet, things will change dramatically at the full moon lunar eclipse in your partnership sector on December 31. Eclipses bring sudden, surprising news that often requires a decision or other response. Your close relationship will be under the microscope, and even the smallest comment could trigger quite a revelation. After this eclipse is over, chances are you will know your partner in a new way.
To know what will happen, look to the past. If you are in love and feel that you know your partner well, you may be ready to get or give a proposal for marriage or make other plans for your future together. This will be true even if you never felt ready before. Married couples, for example, may decide to have a child. If you have been unhappy for a long time, this eclipse may make you see the reason why you will need to leave soon. Those born on or very near December 31 will feel this eclipse the most now and also during the year ahead. No matter what, eclipses work in our favor. Change is good, dear Capricorn - welcome it.

Dates to note
Finish a big project at work: at the full Moon December 2 plus or minus 4 days.
Have confidential financial talks: December 10.
Take time to meditate about your new birthday year: after December 16, the new moon.
Mars will retrograde from December 20-March 10. Financial and home / property and real estate decisions should be tabled until after March 10.
Prepare for extra busy days: December 24 and 25. Recruit extra help this year.
Mercury will go retrograde: December 26 through January 16. Do your holiday shopping early.
A relationship's future will become clear: after the total eclipse of the moon December 31.
Most romantic days: December 3-4, 7-8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, and 31 (wildcard, could go either way, depending on how your relationship has been going).



Sunday 01st November 2009 10:34:57 AM
November Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

As you begin November you seem excited about a very special event that you'll attend and that will draw many of your friends together. This is all due to the full moon, November 2, in your social eleventh house. There's a chance there will be lots of people you don't know, too - if one seems interesting, you could have an opportunity to make a new friend or even get a career tip, thanks to Pluto's good angle to that full moon. Mars will be in tough angle to that moon, and you may be concerned about the cost of participating. Still, this event seems quite special, so going may be worth the cost.
Your sensitivity about money brings up a whole other discussion, which is now an even touchier subject for you than it was a few months ago. These days, Mars is in Leo, urging you to increase spending and will continue to do so through the first half of 2010. You will need to take a safe, conservative route with your finances and get to high ground in a hurry. Perhaps the reason for this outlay is due to a massive lifestyle change you are now creating, one that will require an outlay of cash to make happen. In that case, you probably knew this was coming, so do the best you can and watch your money carefully.
Your housing situation may change dramatically soon, or a serious family question, possibly involving one of your parents, may come up. Saturn has just entered this area of your chart last month for the first time since 1980 to mid-1983. Saturn will stay in your home, property, and family house until 2012. If you feel the question you are facing is a tough one, slow down and break your problem into small, manageable pieces. Look logically at all your options and be creative about finding unusual answers that never occurred to you before. You could see a breakthrough on or near November 24.
The one part of your chart that will be working very well this month will concern your love life. If you are saying to yourself, "WHAT love life?" then be comforted by knowing the new moon on November 16 will act like a little Cupid, hoping to couple you up. Happily, Uranus, the planet of surprises you'd never expect, will send the new moon a shimmering beam - just after November 16, adopt an adventurous spirit and see what the world has to offer you. It looks good for you through the whole second half of this month.
With Venus in Scorpio, filling your fifth house of true love, you'll leave a haunting impression, and Venus will help you find romance almost all month, from November 7-30. If you travel on or near November 11, 14-15, or 25-26, you should find these dates sparkle, and this is true whether you are attached or single.
Dates to Note
Mars in Leo is causing expenses to mount, and this will keep up for several months into the future. Keep an eye on finances and space out big purchases.
The full moon may bring an exciting group event, like a wedding or birthday party, that is quite pampering and special on November 2, although this full moon's energy will be strong from November 1 to 6.
Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio November 7-30 will be a boon for your looks. This will be one of your best months to take a fashion or beauty risk.
Spontaneous distant travel taken on or near November 11, 14-15, or 25-26 should bring a treasure trove of unexpected pleasures - including romance.
Money news may be upbeat November 2, and even more so in the days circling November 4. Your financial picture will get even better on November 26.
Romance could blossom in a big way after the new moon, November 16. Make sure you circulate more.
You may see someone you've not seen in a long time due to a distance of miles on November 25.
You seem to be more concerned over a residential, property, or family situation due to the new arrival of Saturn in your fourth house of home. Watch for news or a deal you make on November 24 that brings you a sense of peace and calm.
Most romantic dates: November 1-6, 14-15, 16, 19, 20, 24-25, and 29.

Capricorn Summary

Your ruling planet is Saturn, so when Saturn makes a shift into another sign for the first time in two years, that's news. Now that Saturn just entered Libra on October 29, you will be given a rare opportunity to make a name for yourself in your career. The new role you will take on at work will represent a major step up, but will require much hard work and focus before you feel fully confident that you are in control of all aspects of the position. The process will be a long one - taking three years - but as the surefooted goat, you have patience and stamina, one of the secrets of your success. Saturn teaches us that the most valuable things we gain in life are those we fought for - not the ones we were given on a silver platter.
You may land a corporate job, or you may strike out and start your own business. The rewards for taking on this challenge will be considerable, more than any you've seen so far in life, so you will likely accept the challenge. You may have already had talks about this new career opportunity in October. If not, sit tight - it will come in the months ahead, possibly in April. You are being studied by higher ups for this bigger role, so keep your work to the highest standards and above reproach.
This whole month will have a strongly romantic tone too, something you'll see at the full moon in Taurus, November 2 plus or minus four days. This full moon will light your house of true love, so if you're dating, you'll see an important development between you and your sweetheart at that time. If you are not dating, you could not wish for a more perfect time to try your luck at a party or other mixer.
This full moon will be in elegant angle to Saturn, so any relationship you start would likely have staying power, and with a nod to Pluto in Capricorn, it could be downright transformative. If you are with someone, this full moon would be a great time to try for a baby if the time feels right for you.
Your best romantic days for all Capricorn, married or single: November 1, 2-6, 14-15, 19-20, 24, 26, and 29.
Later in the month, the new moon November 16 will coax you out to make new friends. You'll see the start of a very social time, and invitations sent to you in late November will likely turn out to become even more exciting than those that will arrive in December.
It looks like money is running through your fingers lately. There are many possible causes, but the most likely one seems to be a rather ambitious home-related project or purchase of property you have planned. Your best days to find a way to make more money, which may arrive quite unexpectedly, would come November 13 and 14, and again on November 25. It would be money earned, not won.
Overall, your prospects for making an excellent salary are very strong. Don't be shy about speaking up for what you are due.
Dates to note:
Look forward to a romantic episode to steal your heart or light your imagination: November 2, plus or minus four days.
If parenthood beckons, this full moon may bring news of a pregnancy or news that an adoption is coming through! If you have children, you will hear something exciting about one of them at this time, within four days of November 2.
If you are an artist or actor, you may now get quite a bit of attention for a project you just completed, also at the full moon, November 2.
You seem to be easing into a new role in your career, due to the new appearance of Saturn in your house of professional honors and promotion. You are ambitious, so this should please you.
Despite mounting career responsibilities, your social life won't suffer one bit. To make this point more obvious, the new moon November 16 will have you rubbing shoulders with many more people, and you may make a number of new friends. Late November will be livelier than early December, so indulge in all the fun and festivities that come your way now.
Your finances seem to be running heavy and will be a determining factor in all you choose to do this month. This is a long trend that will be extending to June 2010, but within that phase, the first quarter of 2010 will bring a measure of relief.
Even though expenses are heavy, if you need to buy an expensive item for yourself, or for a beloved relative or friend, buy it now, not in December. Mercury will go retrograde December 26, but you will begin to see problems crop up with Mercury a full two weeks earlier (if not more!)
Despite the high level of spending you will be subject to these days, and the gloom you may feel about your dwindling bank account, sudden and very positive financial news may arrive November 10, 13 - 14, and again on November 25.
On the minus side, November 30 will be an adverse day for spending, traveling, making deals, or for hearing financial news. Lie low.
Best romantic days: November 1, 2-6, 14-15, 19-20, 24, 26, and 29.



Thursday 01st October 2009 07:30:16 PM
October Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You were career oriented in September, and with the help of Mars, you've been pushing hard. Despite your best efforts, September turned out to be a difficult month, partly because Mercury was retrograde, and partly because planets were clashing in such high contrast ways. Mercury has since turned direct, and angry planets have moved to different positions. This month will be different and better in every way and, in October's first two weeks, you will see gratifying progress on your career goals. The full moon, October 4, in Aries, should allow you to culminate a professional offer. Do so within four days of this date. It will be the most critical moment of the year for career success, so you could have some very big developments to be happy about! Mars in Cancer will send a beam to Uranus, so news will strike unexpectedly, like lightning. When it does, you'll need to mobilize and be decisive. Jupiter will be friendly to this full moon too, and suggests that if you are not able to get the salary you want approved, you may be able to strike a performance-based deal where you would earn commission. If so, you would do well under that way of working in 2009. Benefits, such as health insurance or vacation pay, may prove to be generous too and offset the possibly slightly-less-than-anticipated salary. In truth, the first two weeks of October will be special on many levels, even beyond the professional news you may hear, for Mars will make you the most favored sign simply by being in Cancer. In a romantic and creative sense, Mars will make you sexy and charismatic. Plan to be out and about more from October 1 to 15. When Mars moves into Leo on October 16, it will zoom through your house of earned income for eight months. This is considered a long visit from Mars, for the Red Planet more typically spends 6 weeks in a sector, not eight months. You will notice you will be spending more money in the months to come, most likely to start a business or for other job-related costs. Be careful about what you spend, if only because of the long period that this will go on. If you have planned to make heavy outlays of cash this year, then you are ready, but if you have no idea what this trend is about, it may represent that surprise expenses are coming. To be safe, adopt a conservative approach to money management. Housing is another matter on your mind, and one that you will address soon. The new moon, October 18, will appear in your sector of real estate and housing, allowing you to make decisions in the days that follow. If you need to move, you need to be looking at listings early in October, so by time the new moon arrives, you'll be informed about rental and housing costs. If a renovation or refurbishing project is on the docket, you will be able to sign estimates and get the endeavor going after the new moon. Here is what is about to complicate things: Saturn is about to enter your house of home on October 29, to stay until October 2012. There will be a brief period of 14 weeks when Saturn moves back into Virgo, April 7 to July 21, 2010. Saturn is well known for adding responsibilities in an effort to mature us. Because Saturn will focus attention on your home and other property, after October 29 you may find it harder to find a spacious, sunny apartment or house that you can afford. You may be tempted to pay too much. If you need to move, it would be wise to strike just after the new moon, October 18, but prior to Saturn's arrival October 29. An alternative way this trend may affect you is that you will take on the care of an elderly parent during the coming three years. In this case, you would be the one family member best positioned to offer your parent assistance, and that help will be deeply appreciated by your parent.

Dates to Note for Cancer:
Most romantic dates: October 1-3, 7, 9-10, 13, 18-19, 23, 24, and 27-29.
Mars in Cancer gives you a huge edge in any new initiative October 1-15. Watch October 13 as special for a great day for finding new love due to Mars in Cancer in perfect angle to Venus.
A major career development is likely at the full moon October 4, plus or minus four days.
Travel may occur spontaneously: over the weekend of October 3-4 or near October 12-13. These dates sparkle.
Have a meeting about money and come out smiling: October 9-10.
Money matters begin to look up once Jupiter goes direct: October 13. Be conservative with money nevertheless.
A high spending period is likely from October 16, 2009, to June 7, 2010. You may already know and be prepared for this phase. It looks work-related. If you don't know, brace for many expenses.
Try to settle home and family matters prior to the move of Saturn to your solar fourth house of home: October 29. The new moon October 18 will help you do so.
If buying furniture or hoping to beautify your space, you will find beautiful choices on October 28, thanks to Venus in perfect angle to Jupiter. Talks about a mortgage should go well, too.

Capricorn Summary

October will mark the start of a major shift of emphasis in your life. Your home will be first to draw your attention. The full moon, October 4 (plus or minus four days), will bring a conclusion to a decision or action concerning your family or a home / real estate issue. You may have to get past a disagreement with a partner, spouse, roommate, broker, decorator, contractor, or other home-related person at this time, however, as Mars will be in a tough angle, indicating a negotiation. You are a practical soul, so you know you can objectively find a fair compromise. When Saturn, your ruling planet, moves into your tenth house of fame and honors on October 29, it will signal that change is in the air involving your career, and it will take place in the months and years to come. Saturn's appearances are rare. It takes Saturn 29 years to circle the Sun, so we only get two or possibly three visits of Saturn to the career portion of our horoscope in our lifetime. Saturn spends a little over two years in each house, so his lessons have to be strong enough that you remember and apply them in daily life in the decades to come. The last time Saturn was in Libra - and consequently in your solar tenth house - it was late 1980-1983. You may have been too young to feel the effects of that visit. If you do remember those career years, know that Saturn's visits become increasingly easier, as Saturn has less to teach us the second time 'round. Presumably, we have less to learn the second time. In the coming years, you will be challenged to reinvent yourself professionally, to learn new skills and to take on a position of leadership. As a Capricorn, this kind of challenge is just your cup of tea, so you should be excited by what develops. The rewards you win at these times are ones you earn - but are also ones that remain with you and that you are proud to talk about to others. This is your chance to find your true vocation, dear Capricorn. The new moon, October 18, will also light your house of career, opening up professional opportunity for you in the two weeks to follow. This will be your best moment in 2009 to find a new position or to get a promotion. With Jupiter moving forward on October 13, after having been retrograde since mid-June, you truly have an excellent outlook for career success - and to be paid generously, too.
Be assertive and move forward with energy on all offers. This month simply brims with possibility! If you don't get your job this month, you may in the months to come, but what matters is that you begin the process on or just after October 18. Mars will move into your eighth house of other people's money on October 16 to stay nearly eight months, until June 7, 2010. This means you will be spending quite a bit of cash. You may know this already - you may be making an investment in real estate or be renovating your property. Alternatively, the fourth house also rules your parents, so you may take on the care of a needy parent, quite lovingly. If you are not about to spend money, you may be arguing with someone about money, and if so, these talks could drag on until early June 2010.
Be careful about how you spend money because of the unusually long period this trend will be operating. If renovating, ask contractors to report any anticipated overages to you to sign off on prior to their spending your money. A conservative approach to spending will work best. Romantically, early month, from October 1 to 14, will be best. If you are attached, lucky you, you seem to be favored most.

Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Your home will be the center of your attention within four days of October 4. Sign a lease, buy furniture, sell a house - make decisions.
From October 1-15, while Mars tours Cancer, you'll be very oriented toward creating a partnership or working with an expert or partner in collaborative mode.
Your expenses will rise while Mars moves through your eighth house of money between October 16, 2009, and June 7, 2010. If you haven't planned for a big life expenditure, be conservative with money.
Your career will catch fire once the new moon arrives October 18 and in the two weeks that follow. You will assume a much bigger, more prestigious role in your industry.
A sterling day to interview for a job will be October 28, thanks to a sensational collaboration between Venus and Jupiter. You'll make a great impression AND come back with a high salary offer!
When Saturn enters your tenth house of fame, October 29, you will gradually evolve into a very different type of position or even make a complete career switch. Saturn will remain here until 2012.
Money talks will go well on October 28 when Venus and Jupiter will be so beautifully angled.
Best romantic dates: October 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 12, 14, 20, 23-24, 28, and 29.



Tuesday 08th September 2009 10:24:18 PM
Horoscope for September[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

The past two months have been benchmark months for you, dear Cancer. An eclipse in Cancer (July 21) and in your opposite sign of Capricorn (July 7) and a lunar eclipse in your money house in Aquarius (August 5) have required you to stay alert and to respond to lightning quick-moving events. Those were active weeks, to say the least. Now, in the first week of September, you will get a chance to enjoy being in a new setting. You should take it.
Mercury will be retrograde all month, from September 7 to 29 (but felt as soon as the first day of September). In truth, you've been so busy that you may actually welcome the postponements and slower pace that Mercury will bring.
It may be hard for you to sit still. Mercury will urge you to slow down, while Mars, now in Cancer, will tell you to hurry up. You will want to follow through on all the offers you are being presented, but without making a final commitment. It's a good time to study offers, but not to accept them. Keep an open mind, ask questions, and decide what is right for you. Holding back will be a bit frustrating, of course. It's understandable that you will want to press forward, for you have problems to solve, plans to advance, and people to see.
The middle of September will be draining for everyone. Clashing planets will bring certain troubling information to light during the week of September 14 and cause you to change your attitude and your perspective concerning an important relationship or situation. Do not try to convince anyone of anything during this week - you will be met with overwhelming opposition.
By the new moon September 18, it will be time to accept reality and stop believing in someone or something that you had hoped would change but won't. This situation is what it is, and nothing you can do will have much of an effect. As it's been said, leopards don't change their spots. It is possible that you seem to be at the sidelines and not the subject of the fuss, but that only means friends, family, and even casual contacts will come to you for solutions.
In addition to family relationships, which will likely be a focus, you may have some very trying times with money near September 17. Relationship news that will come up near September 17-23 won't be easy to solve either.
Be aware that this month, but especially on or near September 23, you may say things impulsively that could be hurtful, so be careful of how you deliver your opinions. You won't be able to take those words back.
Life will improve by October. Angry planets will back off and become silent as they sulk. Mercury will turn direct on September 29. Yet despite the swirling atmosphere that September will bring on, you will leave the month enlightened, and possibly even feeling changed forever. By early October you will be able to move forward forcefully - you'll have Mars in Cancer until October 16. Use your power wisely.
Dates to note
Your best romantic dates are: September 2, 3, 4, 12-13, and 30.
Travel over the full moon September 4. You can go as far as you like.
Mercury will be retrograde: September 7 to 29, but don't do anything important in September. Instead, do research, collect information, and get organized.
Expect difficult opposition September 17 when the Sun and Uranus clash.
Saturn will conjoin the Sun on the same day, September 17, bringing a sobering reality to a financial situation.
Siblings and cousins could be a focus of attention near September 15-23.
By the new moon, September 18, you'll need to begin to craft a realistic plan, but don't implement anything until October.
Be careful of what you say: September 23. The wrong words could haunt you forever.
Mars will be in Cancer: from the start of September through October 15. Use this rare cosmic favor later, in October.

Capricorn Summary
You may have heard the word that September will bring a number of difficult aspects and that's true, but as a Capricorn you are an earth sign, so you will be one of the lucky ones who won't be overly tested by clashing planets. You can tame the tigers this month!
It is true that Uranus will come after your ruler, Saturn, on September 15, but because they will be battling it out in Pisces and Virgo, signs that blend quite well with yours, you will be in a better position than most. The universe will ask you to survey your life and to come up with a more accurate, updated way of viewing yourself, and also in the way you deal with partners.
Mars will be in your opposite sign of Cancer until October 15, and that means that you won't easily get your way until that point. Whether you have a mate or steady sweetheart, or regularly partner or collaborate with others at work, you will find you have to try much harder to get your significant other or partner to see your point of view. If you feel like nothing is really easy in September, well, join the club - everyone will be in the same boat.
September 17 through 19 will be critical days to watch and to handle challenges as they come up.
On September 17, perhaps everyone's least favorite day, Uranus will oppose the Sun and Saturn will conjoin the Sun. Jointly-held money, or money you are obligated to pay a credit card company, bank, or other lender, could create a crisis or untoward surprise. Alternatively, if someone owes you money or has promised you a sum, such as an investor, you may discover that the money won't come for awhile, or that it won't ever come. Be very careful about the money you put on charge cards this month and the credit you extend to others, whether in business or personally.
On September 18, you will have a new moon in Virgo, often a very positive, encouraging place for Virgo to be, but with so many clashing planets, you will have to make a number of decisions about the future. One may relate to a foreign-based client or project, or even have something to do with a publishing or broadcasting endeavor.
Alternatively you may be trying to come to accord over an agreement or trying to push a project forward that seems beset with delays and changes in direction. Keep communicating with your client or boss, and assume nothing in a month so filled with mixed messages.
This day also will trigger the same degrees of the July 7 eclipse, so if something came up that involve a partner, collaborator, or even a detractor or competitor in early July - or even if it did not - you will hear something new. Because the eclipse was in Capricorn at 15 degrees, September 18 plus or minus four days could be critical for you, particularly if you were born on or within five days of January 5.
If you do want to stay with a partner, you will need to be prepared to work harder to get your partner on your wavelength and vice versa, even if you normally get along quite well.
Pluto's move direct on September 11 is the one dazzling moment of the month. From now on, you will gain in energy and power, physically and psychologically. Pluto will not retrograde again in Capricorn until April 6, 2010.
Travel will get even worse on September 23 when Mercury will oppose Uranus.
With Mercury retrograde all month, from September 7 to 29, but with delays, mechanical troubles, and setbacks apparent the moment the month begins, you need to adopt a wait and see attitude in September. Clashing planets and many dangers of miscommunication will make this month an obstacle course to traverse.
Call your airline before you depart for the airport to see if takeoff will be as scheduled. If traveling by car, take it in for a tune-up before your road trip. Delays could cause meetings or events to fall like dominos, so allow more time than you think you'll need when setting up your agenda. Go to great lengths to communicate clearly and be sure you've picked up the right message of others, too.
Dates to Note
The full moon September 4 will bring a fun trip to a place nearby, and you'll be back within two to four days. Your trip may be short but it sure will do the trick.
Later in the month you may travel again, but more likely to complete a goal or complete certain business. Be satisfied with small victories.
The new moon September 18 may cause you to view a situation or relationship with fresh eyes.
Distant relatives, such as an aunt or an in-law may need your help beginning at the new moon September 18.
Do not to travel to a distant city from September 15 onward - wait until October to do so.
Mercury will be retrograde from September 7 to 29, so don't finalize anything until October and don't make any big purchases. Check all machines for worn out parts, and don't buy any new electronics. You may find you are visiting the repair shop or calling IT more than usual.
Mars in Cancer may bring up an old issue that you and your romantic partner will need to resolve, even though you assumed that topic had been agreed upon previously.
Venus in Virgo from September 20 to October 14 will be your best period for love and fun, although next month brings better luck than this one.
Pluto's turn direct on September 11 will be like a shot of adrenaline - a real booster! You will have seven strong months ahead to use your growing strength. You can reinvent yourself!

by susan miller



Saturday 01st August 2009 12:00:01 AM
August 2009 Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

If you work in a creative or high tech field, you will be poised to make a substantial commission or other one-time chunk of cash from an idea that you generated, represented, or sold. The tip that brings you this lucrative situation will come from a confidant who will need to remain anonymous. If you don't work in a creative field, then Neptune's position in a key financial sector might suggest someone is trying to hide a few pertinent facts that you need to flesh out. This might be true if you have a court case or are trying to divide property in a divorce, for example. Avoid problems on any new deal by asking pointed questions and doing careful research, including background checks. Not all deals are worthy of your acceptance - make sure this one is, or walk away. You will also have a sensational chance to get a raise in your paycheck as a result of the new moon, August 20. In the two weeks that follow it, be ready to speak up for a raise or to negotiate for a better salary in a new job. Cancer Dates to Note:  Financially, the eclipse of August 5 may bring news of a chunk of money that has your name on it. Your career may bring happy news August 13. With Venus in Cancer until August 27, you'll charm the birds from the trees - easily. It's the right time to improve your appearance and shop for new fall things. Mars will enter Cancer August 25 - time your biggest initiatives for anytime AFTER this date. If you want a raise or need to discuss payment for services rendered, do so once the new moon arrives August 20. Keep talks private. As they say, "Loose lips sink ships" - this could turn out to be a vivid lesson August 21. Take a trip with your partner over the weekend of August 22-23 for a powerful rejuvenating effect on your relationship. Avoid locking horns with a partner or initiating a power struggle on August 26. Romance will be best August 7- 8, 12-13, 16-17, 22-23 (these two rate four gold stars). Also, add August 24-25 and 29-30 (last two dates, special for attached Cancers).

Summary for Capricorn

You may have to give up one source of income after the full moon lunar eclipse arrives on August 5, but it looks like a new and better one will soon replace it. With Jupiter prominent, you are destined to go up, up, up in the world. You may have planned for a job switch, but if not, it all seems to work in your favor. Indeed, you may say afterward that your old company did you a favor by not valuing your talents more because your new income will be substantially more lucrative than your former one. Certain industries will glow more brightly for you than others. Your best potential will center on creative and artistic projects, and in digital media. That would include, but not be limited to, digital games, telecommunications, software and hardware development, and other types of high tech. Add, too, biology, space exploration, and the other sciences. Aquarius, where the emphasis will be centered, also highlights social work and humanitarian and community outreach programs, and those will shine for you, too. With Mars so helpful, you should have no problems generating lots of leads and a final, exciting offer. Of course, it is possible you will stay in your present firm, but if you do, you should ask for a raise just after the eclipse arrives August 5. Money matters may even affect your closest relationship, especially near this same time, August 5, the lunar eclipse. While you seem to be the big moneymaker in the relationship, this could suggest that your partner will feel deficient in comparison. If you sense this could be true, be sensitive to your partner's feelings and go out of your way not to make money a method of control. If on the other hand, your partner has been behaving badly, well, then, you will have to take hold of the checkbook and let the chips fall where they may. In business or in love, it does seem likely that discussions about money will come up at least once this month, and you will know how to handle things when they do. If you broke up in July, the coming months will be strong and sexy. No, you will not be alone - not unless you want to! If nothing happened on July 7 or 21, sometimes an eclipse will deliver its news one month to the day later, bringing us to August 7 and 21, so watch those days. Watch September 17 and October 14-15 for news too, for on those dates Mars will run over the precise degrees of the July eclipses. Mark those dates down! Let me reiterate that if your relationship has been strong and satisfying, you have nothing to fear. You have Venus, the natural ruler of your house of true love, now touring your house of commitment. If you are dating and deeply in love, the eclipses of July 7 and 21 will act like a little band of matchmakers who will want to see you together. You may be walking down the aisle soon - in fact, sooner than you thought!  Capricorn Dates to Note: The full moon eclipse on August 5 will bring financial talks and actions to a head. If you've been waiting for an answer about a raise, you will hear at this time. You may also buy something of great value at this time. Another two positive financial days are due August 12 and 13. Don't press your financial luck on or near August 18 and 21. If you work on commission, or are looking for funding for a project, you may see your venture takes flight after August 20. Work will be very fast paced all month, and won't calm down until August 27 and beyond. Put in a good effort, however - top brass will notice your dedication. Travel could be difficult August 18 and 21 - be sure your car is in good working order. You and a partner may not see eye-to-eye on August 26 - don't push. Still, overall, your romantic relationship with a partner could be rather upbeat in the aggregate, thanks to Venus in your partnership house until August 27. Romance will be best: August 3, 7, 8, 13, 16, 20, and 29-30.



Thursday 02nd July 2009 11:41:31 PM
July Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

Your life is about to be turned inside out in months to come, but changes are long overdue. You are ready for the next phase you are about to enter. When this period is over, even you - the one who claims to like to keep things "as is" - will agree that shifts worked out for the better.
The first eclipse, July 7, will bring a surprise development in a close, serious, and possibly romantic relationship. It's more than you had hoped - are you ready? If your birthday falls within five days of July 7, you'll see big developments. However, if you've been unhappy, this eclipse may be the time you decide, "This is it - I have to leave."
The July 21 solar eclipse will be highly friendly and will open a whole new road. Hold on to your hat because travel, study, or foreign people / international settings will play a large role in your life in coming months. A prominent man may leave your life at this time as well. If you were born near July 22, you will find the effects of this eclipse even more pronounced for you.
Eclipses will continue to fall in Cancer and your opposite sign of Capricorn for the coming two years, putting you on a life course that will change your perception and insights, and evolve you into a more mature person.
Financially, thanks to the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune, you may make a big commission when you sell something artistic - watch July 10.
Dates to note:
Over the past months, you may have sensed that certain important people and situations are ending in your life, and this will be particularly evident at the eclipse July 7. This eclipse is friendly, so even if thing are changing at the speed of light, remind yourself that you are ready for these changes and what's to come will be more suitable for your future.
You may feel wistful or sentimental after the first eclipse, July 7, but stay tuned. The second eclipse, a solar eclipse, will open all sorts of possibilities from July 21 onward. Life will change dramatically and move you in the right direction.
With Mars in your behind-the-scenes sector, you will be able to take the time to map out your priorities and choose a strategy this month and during most of next.
Be ready at the end of August to step vigorously forward into the light. From late August through mid-October, it will be your time to shine! Be brave, for at that time the deck will be stacked in your favor. Mars in Cancer will be a big plus for you.
Outstanding travel is likely June 2, 7, and 16 -18. Those would be great days to be on vacation, or to do study or research in a foreign country.
You may make a major sale of artwork on July 10, thanks to the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune.
If you can travel, do so October 18-19 for an outstanding time.
Romance will be brightest July 3, 4, 7 (this day could go either way), 10-12, 16, 20, 21, 28, and 29.

Summary for Capricorn

July could well mark a key turning point in your life. The decisions you make now and in coming weeks will carry you forward through the coming decade, for you're about to start a vital new cycle. The eclipses in Capricorn (July 7) and Cancer (July 21), not seen since 2000, will help you update your self-image and ask you to reset priorities. You'll also consider whether a close relationship is meeting your needs. If the answer is no, you'll likely leave it near the July 7 lunar eclipse. If the answer is yes, you'll draw up plans for a more committed life together. Eclipses call for final decisions, with no delaying the answer. The solar eclipse July 21 will open a stunning opportunity, so large and all-consuming that it'll leave you breathless. If you want it, reach for it with both hands. Also this month, financial opportunity exists through artistic expression. If you're creative, voice your ideas and show artistic expressions near July 10.
Dates to note:
Hold on to your hat, something highly important to you is about to come to culmination within a week of the lunar eclipse July 7. If you were born near January 6, you'll feel that you've moved into a whole new life.
A female friend, partner, or relative may leave your immediate environment near July 7 for any number of reasons but it appears final, if you were born near January 5. If you are born near January 19, a male will leave.
Financially, sell a creative or artistic idea, for Neptune conjunct Jupiter will help you on July 10. Runner up day: July 29.
Your office life is going to get crazy busy July 11 through August. Plan on a vacation in September.
Travel for work on July 6 - you have a good chance of getting the order. Travel for romance over July 18-19. You may go quite spontaneously in either case.
Romance will be best July 1-10 (thanks to Mars in Taurus) - if you are single, circulate!
Best days for love: July 1, 2, 5-7, 11, 15, 16, 24, and 29.



Monday 01st June 2009 09:46:21 PM
June Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

You've had a lot of career matters on your mind lately, but June will be just made for fun and romance. Venus will be orbiting close to her lover, Mars, in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, a powerful indication of great romantic potential. You have to do your part by circulating about more, but if you do, Venus and Mars will support you in every way. No matter what your current social status - married, dating, or single - you'll feel sexy and desirable, and you are that and more!
With Venus so perfectly angled, you may want to book time in a salon or shop for some new things. You'll get plenty of compliments, especially in the last ten days of June. You will also have a certain optimistic glow that will be irresistibly attractive.
There will be one part of the month where pressures will be evident, however, and those will surface near the full moon Sunday, June 7. You may have a very heavy workload at the office in the days that surround that full moon, and you will likely be intent on wrapping up a major project. Whatever is going on may drain you, so be careful to keep your health robust. Long hours at the office, spotty meals, and not enough rest will be a recipe for disaster. Not only will your health suffer, but you will also have a higher propensity for errors too, so be smart and give yourself some tender loving care. Also, try to plan ahead so that you won't feel overwhelmed by the time you get to June 7-11.
The new moon in Cancer will arrive just at birthday time, June 22. Yet this new moon opposes Pluto, so you may be both attracted and repelled by the dominant nature of the partner (or potential partner) you are dealing with at month's end. This person is powerful, and may offer you strong financial security. With lovely greetings being beamed from Jupiter (happiness) and Neptune (inspiration), this new moon could bring you a better financial picture if you do link with that person. Creatively you'll hit on one idea after another, and each will be better than the next. Still, you seem to have approach / avoidance about this person, so you probably should simply keep talking before you decide.
If you have already decided you do want to move forward, then begin to negotiate, but allow more time than you may have assumed necessary to complete talks. By next month you won't be dealing with the same problems you are this month. This may mean that you will have softened the domineering person or that you've moved on and met another interested party. You seem to be in a good position, so see how things go.
Dates to keep in mind this month:
Most romantic evenings: June 2-5, 9, 13-14, 19, and 23.
A work-related project may bring tension: June 5-10.
Take very good care of your health at the full moon June 7, plus or minus four days.
Travel opportunities will be simply delicious and may bring on a spontaneous decision to pack and go: June 9.
If you apply yourself you might make a financial killing on a deal: June 16-17.
Launch a new venture or relationship: at the new moon in Cancer: June 22 plus 2 weeks.
If things don't go well in regard to serious relationship negotiations, due to a very demanding person you have to deal with at the time, wait until the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 21, and in the days that follow the eclipse.

Summary for Capricorn

You have an enviable chart at the moment, with Mars (energy and enthusiasm), Venus (popularity and love), and Mercury (communication and travel) brightening your house of true love. Romance will be in the air, so plan to socialize much more than usual. That would be easy for other signs, but not so much for the ambitious Goat, who has a habit of staying late at the office perfecting every memo, adding to every presentation, and making to-do lists for the morning. Continual career progress is important to you, but taking time now to relax will allow your mind to clear and refresh. You'll come back feeling more resourceful and creative. In fact, June will be one of your very best months of 2009 to find love, or to enjoy love you already share.
If you were hoping to have a baby, this would be a month to seriously prepare for that child's arrival. If you already have children, find a way to surprise them, for no particular reason. It doesn't matter what their ages - this is the month to enjoy your private life and make it richer, closer, and warmer. So get tickets to the circus or the ballet, or take your child to your corner pizza parlor or for a posh dinner in a restaurant where your child can use all the table manners you so carefully taught. Laugh and be silly together. Your child will only be this age once.
Watch your nutrition and overall health, because you may feel a bit drained over the weekend of June 6-7 when the full moon will bring challenging vibrations. Travel, research, and academic endeavors involving higher study or examinations will be fraught with obstacles and difficulties, so you'd do best to remain home and stick to solitary pursuits. Your creativity will be high all month, but especially at that time, and you'll be capable of truly original, outstanding results if you focus in on a pastime you love. For best results you need to be alone, behind closed doors while you work, so screen out any people who burn your time.
The new moon in your marriage and partnership house on June 22 could make you seriously consider becoming engaged or married in the days and weeks to follow that date. You are clearly ready for a life transformation, and doubly so if you were born early in your sign, say, near December 22-25. You seem anxious for the next chapter of your life to begin and happily, there is no more reason to wait. Indeed, everything in your chart is showing that you are biting at the bit, ready to bolt out of the gate.
Capricorn does not make any moves before they have considered all details thoroughly, so chances are, you're more prepared for your next big step than you may have guessed. Whether you are combining energies for business or personal reasons, Jupiter's position attests to prosperity from your union, too. Proceed!
Dates to note:
Romance will be best: June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13-14, 19, and 27-28.
Creativity will be very high all month.
Financial news will be excellent: June 2.
Take care of your health: June 5-10.
A side job could be unusually lucrative: June 17.
Think about forming a serious partnership in love or business: after the new moon June 22.

Susan Miller www.astrologyzone.com



Monday 04th May 2009 11:54:58 PM
May Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer
You are now in the most vital period of the year for impressing people at the top and winning the job of your dreams. With both Venus and Mars touring your house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame, you have not had an advantage like this for years. The talks you began in late March will continue to gather steam.
There is one little problem - Mars and Venus will be working hard on your behalf to allow you to you make impressive gains, but at the same time Mercury will be retrograde from May 7 to 30. Venus and Mars will push your forward, while Mercury will hold you back.
More specifically, Mercury rules judgment and communication, so when Mercury retrogrades, your thinking is clouded and your ability to take in and give out accurate information is impaired. For that reason, it would not be wise to commit to a new job in May - wait until June to sign or to give your verbal final answer. This may not be easy to do, but you must hold back. Any position you take now won't likely last long and before you know it, you'll be looking again.
There is one exception - if you go back to a former employer to work with that person again, you can take the position immediately. Mercury retrograde always urges us to look back and find ways to work with those whom we respected and trust to do even bigger things together in the future.
If you work in a creative field, you will find the period of May 8 to May 13 quite special for wrapping up an important creative project you can be proud to show. You may still need to do a bit of work on it in weeks to come, but the changes will not be major.
At the full moon, May 9, your love life will take center stage. If you've been dating, you'll know where you stand at this point, for your relationship will either blossom or you'll suddenly know you need to leave, possibly because you met someone else or because this person simply is not for you. This is a positive full moon, so no matter how things appear initially (and they may instantly appear bright, so don't be anxious), this full moon will help you and work to your favor. With a kiss to Uranus (surprises) and Saturn (stability), you've got everything working for you. If you were born July 10, double that!
Financially the meeting of Jupiter (financial luck) and Neptune (inspiration) in your house of other people's money can bring you a generous commission on May 27 if you deal in artwork. This aspect could be a double-edge sword however, in that when mixed with financials it could work to make you too optimistic about a financial opportunity that turns out to be more glitter than gold. Be very conservative with your financial dealings.
One day that may bring very good financial news, however, will be at month's end, May 26. Jupiter will work with Mars, and that's quite a powerful team. This is one day where talks should be quite encouraging. If you find you're negotiating a deal, it should go your way. Don't sign until June, however.
With a gentle new moon ending the month, May 24 plus two weeks, you will enter into a meditative mood. This month will ask for quite a bit of patience from you, so at this point, if you can take a few days off, do. It would not be a time to demand answers - your timing will be off, and you'll be too early. It will be a good time to hibernate on a complex project that needs your attention, or to see about medical, dental, and psychological matters with a qualified professional. The change you'd see would be spectacular.
It will be clear you need to chill out, so take a step back and try to find things in your personal life to keep you occupied. June will bring a much quicker pace.
Dates to note:
Your career progress has been quick lately and that pace will continue throughout May. However, Mercury will be retrograde May 7 to 30. This means it would not be wise to accept a job offer until June. If you need to buy something expensive, such as a computer, car, or piece of jewelry, or come up with a theatrical idea or other artistic effort, you will be very fortunate indeed. Just don't fall for any get-quick-rich schemes, for they will glitter more brightly than gold.
A key development in your love life will occur on May 9, plus or minus four days. You may be thrilled, or you may decide you need to leave, but chances are you will like the final effects of this full moon.
Creatively you'll be in top form May 8 to 13 when you finish a major project that gleams.
At the new moon, May 24, you will begin a quieter, more introspective period. It's a good time to plumb your depths and decide how you'd like to shape your coming birthday year, starting at June's end.
Financially, you may reap a lovely commission on or near May 27 when Jupiter and Neptune will meet in your eighth house of other people's money. If you work in the arts, you will be doubly lucky - you may sell something you've created. However, this aspect may make an investment or other monetary matter promise much more than can ever be delivered. In this case, be careful and skeptical.

Summary for Capricorn
Mercury will be retrograde this month, but if you are careful to sidestep the downsides of this planet out of phase, you can still make a lot of progress.
First, Mars will be putting a great deal of emphasis on your home, and whatever plans you may have, they seem to be good ones, because Venus will be orbiting very close. Draw up blueprints and choose swatches, but don't actually buy furniture, appliances, or electronics. (Actually you should not buy anything pricey when Mercury is out of phase, for you are likely to be disappointed with your purchase later.) You can paint, do repairs, and if you have already hired contractors in April or earlier, continue to work on your plans. If you have not hired contractors yet, wait until June. In astrology it matters a great deal the date that you choose to initiate a venture - it is the "birth" of that venture, forever affecting it in the future. You don't want to initiate things when Mercury is retrograde, so you will have to wait until June. Still, there's always lots of research to be done in a home-related plan, so dig in and do that, with an eye to act in June's first week.
A terrific social event may dot your calendar within four days of May 9, thanks to an especially warm and tender full moon. Most likely it will occur on Friday or Saturday night, but there is a bit of range to that full moon. It may be a wedding or party, or it may be that you attend a trade show or club event. If so, you will really enjoy this, for two planets will be so positive: Uranus (surprises) and Saturn (comforting long-term results). This is a "must" for your calendar!
Later in the month, if you were hoping to get a side job, more clients (if self-employed) or overtime work, the new moon, May 24, will help you accomplish that goal. That new moon is in Gemini, the sign of Twins, so you may find two new jobs! Again Saturn will be supportive, and Saturn is your ruler. While everyone in every sign will find the new moon friendly, since your ruler, Saturn, is involved, you'll have even better results.
Because a new moon is operative for two full weeks, your best situation is likely to surface in the first week of June. If you are offered a job at the end of May, you may later find that it was not exactly how it was presented, and that could make you upset later. It would be better to accept and start your new job in June, for you would avoid that problem. If you can't wait - and certainly that would be understandable if you desperately need the income - then just put in your mind that the job will change dramatically, and later you may want to switch again for another new job.
Keep in mind too that the new moon in the sixth house will open the opportunity for a job similar to the one you had - not one that represents advancement. Even so, if you have been unemployed, or if you don't like your current job, that may be fine with you. If you are leaving a job to take your new job, know that the new job you find and take in late May or in early June won't be a step up, no matter what they tell you. For a job with more prestige, you'll have to find and take your new job during or just after the second half of October. All this is good to know so you can make a more informed decision.
The same new moon may bring you some interesting opportunities to increase your fitness and health. This new moon would actually be excellent for that! Start a new exercise or eating plan, or get a second opinion from another doctor. With Mercury retrograde, you will return to address the original condition, and this time may be the charm.
Financial negotiations should go well on May 26, thanks to a lovely beam from Mars to Jupiter.
The following day, May 27, there will be an exceedingly rare meeting of Jupiter and Neptune. If you are in the creative arts, you may sell an artistic expression at a high price. However, if you are not in the arts, this day holds the possibility for deception, so you will have to be very careful about believing that too-good-to-be true schemes are viable - they are not. Be careful about falling for clever scams.
Romantically, May 20 may bring a surprise email and other communication that amazes you - and cause your heart to go thumping! If you find you're on a short trip on or near this date, expect the best to happen!
Dates to Note:
A party, wedding, or other social event should be lovely: May 9, plus or minus four days.
Start a new fitness plan or get a second opinion for a health problem: May 24 plus two weeks. Getting a dental checkup or procedure will work well too, but plan your biggest initiations for early June.
Sell artwork or a creative idea dear to you: May 27
If you are not in an artistic profession, then beware of possible delusions of grandeur concerning a financial matter on or near May 27.
Work on your home: move, repair, and re-organize your space all month. It's also a good time to come up with answers for ways to help a parent any time this month.
Don't buy anything expensive, and certainly not furniture, an electronic item, or an appliance, for Mercury will be retrograde May 7 to 30.
If you hope to find work, you may find that an opportunity will come up just after the new moon May 24. It looks like work similar to what you've done before, on the same level, but not a step up. If you want a promotion, wait until October.
When it comes to fun and love, single or attached, your best dates for a date night: May 5, 8-10, 16, and 20.




Tuesday 07th April 2009 11:14:39 PM
April Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

You are lucky - you have so much going for you in April. Stay focused on career goals, for you can make an enormous amount of progress. You have the new moon of late last month to help you in early April, and by the time that energy has faded, you will have Mars swinging into action beginning April 21 through May 30 to help you implement your plans and competitive advantage.

The only problem with last month's new moon was that it was not friendly toward Pluto, suggesting that any position you aim for will bring along some very vigorous and possibly even ruthless competition that will stop at nothing to get the job you want. Don't let this discourage you. This only shows the condition, not the outcome - the outcome is up to you. You will have to clearly - and memorably - present the reasons why you are the better choice. You'd most likely encounter this in early April, but not so much later. When you have Mars on your side, you'll be equipped to fight fire with fire.

Venus has been in your house of fame and honors, but has been in weak retrograde orbit since March 6. Once Venus normalizes on April 17, you can more easily get help from references and high level executives whom you know and who want to help you.

Venus happens to be IN your house of career, but it RULES your house of home - so Venus retrograde has been a distraction because something involving home, property, or family seems to have tugged on you. It's very possible that you've been a bit drained by whatever was taking so much of your attention, and it may have been hard to focus on other things, such as your career.

Mercury will retrograde from May 7 to 30, making May a month of delays and of looking back, not forward. Be as productive as you can this month while you have strong cosmic support.

That will all change now. The full moon April 9 will help you find solutions and closure. Shortly after that, Venus' turn direct on April 17 will help you tie up loose ends and forge forward. It does not seem that you'll be thinking about home again until the fall.

Foreign people and all sorts of distant domestic and foreign travel could be golden for you. Watch this area as potentially very lucky. If opportunities in your country seem slim, think about importing or exporting your skills elsewhere. Publishing and broadcasting industries glow for you now too, especially during the first three weeks, while Mars will brighten this area until April 22. This is a very broadening influence, and certainly you seem to be enjoying it.

One day that could be either very, very good or very, very bad is April 15 when Mars (energy or strife) conjoins Uranus (surprise developments). These two planets will meet in Pisces, a sign good for you. I would say, just don't take any chances by provoking anyone with a controversial or inflammatory remark. Those born at the end of the sign, near July 20, are likely to benefit because both planets will be in the right position to send good news. Let's hope so!

You'll get a chance to enjoy fun and romance once the new moon appears, April 26. This would be a fine time to plan on getting out more and mingling with other people. You may decide to join a new club or volunteer for a charity. Even efforts on a small scale, such as an idea to participate in a "5K Run for a Cure" to raise awareness for a charity dear to you, or donating blood to the Red Cross, would bring a warm feeling of gratification. Doing things for charity would be such a good idea for many reasons. When you change your normal "orbit," you open the door for random opportunity to blossom.

One of your favorite days will be April 22, when Mars and his lover Venus will conjoin - it should be a day that's due to be simply divine.

Dates to Note:

Career progress will be much improved in April, especially in the first week and then later, from April 22-30
Venus will go direct on April 17, allowing you to raise your profile and increase the good word about you in your search for a better job.
A home or family matter will be settled at the full moon, April 9 plus or minus four days.
International interests shine April 1-20. Travel and import-export will bring good news.
Expect surprising developments involving foreign people and places, and broadcasting and publishing: April 15.
If you need to travel, do so anytime from April 1-21.
Mercury will go retrograde: May 7 to 30.
A sensational day awaits you: April 22.
Romance will be best: April 1-2, 10, 11, 15, 21, and 24-30.

Summary for Capricorn

You've got a good month ahead! First, you have one of your best moments to get closure on a career matter on the full moon, April 9 (watch the four days surrounding this date, too.) What makes it so interesting is that this particular new moon - the only one to light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement fame in 2009 - will send a beam to Jupiter and Neptune. This will give you an opportunity to negotiate a good salary AND to show off creative talents, if you like.

If you are self-employed, this full moon will allow you to land a lucrative client that elevates your status in the industry.

If you don't get the job you want at this time (that seems impossible, because you are holding all aces on this full moon, but if this should prove to be true because you haven't been looking for a promotion or new position), you can pitch a new situation on October 18 and the days to follow. Be ready.

Travel may happen any time this month, for almost any reason, including business. It would be good for you to be out and about, showing your face to the world. Go the extra mile to get publicity or to launch an advertising or direct mail self-promotion campaign, for you are likely to get results.

After April 22, you will begin to focus much more on your living situation. You may move, repair, paint, or reorganize your closets or space - you can do the works. It's a really good time to think about making your home or family life a more comfortable place to be from April 22 through May 30.

Because Mercury will be retrograde throughout almost all of May, you should not buy any furniture, expensive appliances, or electronics next month. Make your choices in April or better yet, buy them in June. Sign all-important papers in April, but sign nothing in May. You can move or do home maintenance or repair projects next month, but the major decisions would be best done April 23-30. If you are organized, you can be ready to act and better yet, you'll love the results.

The end of April will be amazingly busy for you, for you will have the new moon, April 24, sure to usher in a much brighter social life. You may be smiling and saying, "Well, well, it's about time!" Right you are!

If you are single and hoping for love, you will be in an enviable position in the weeks to come. Pluto will help you find love at this new moon, which is extraordinary, because Pluto is the one planet with the power to catapult you into a new situation, and in so doing, completely transform your life - it's that strong. Even if you feel that you never meet anyone interesting, this new moon period may change all that. Watch the two weeks that flow from April 23. Look your best, dear Capricorn!

If you are hoping for a baby, this new moon can help in that regard, too.

What a full month you have coming!

Dates to Note:

You should be savoring exciting, lucrative career developments near the full moon April 9, plus or minus 4 days.
More money should wind up in your pocket as well at this full moon period, April 9. You may have to battle a political situation, but if you want the job, just distinguish yourself from the crowd.
Other positive days for financial talks: April 3 and 10.
Travel is very possible from April 1 to 22.
A sudden, unexpected trip may come up on or close to April 15. Make sure your car is in top condition for this trip.
One perfect day for a short sojourn into the country: April 22, when Venus and Mars conjoin.
Financially, there are several days that gently favor talks. Mark down April 3 and 10 as especially good for talks with your boss or client. With Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, beaming Mercury first and the Sun later, you should walk away a bit richer than you were before your meeting.
Romance will begin to heat up in the most exciting way from the new moon April 24-30. Other good days for fun and love: 2, 11, and 21 (travel ups the fun quotient).
Mercury will be retrograde May 7 to 30.




Monday 02nd March 2009 10:00:22 PM
March Horoscope by Susan Miller[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

As the month begins, you will be very focused on financial matters. It's a brilliant time to work on finding ways to increase your cash flow, and to study ways to improve how you earn, save, spend, and invest. Even a small change, like asking your credit card company to lower the interest rate, would help and add up over time.
On March 7-8, you may feel very sensitive about your financial situation, due to the opposition of the Sun and Saturn, a constricting, somewhat depressing aspect. You may feel overwhelmed or unfairly criticized, or find yourself in a cash flow jam. No matter what, hold your head high and keep pressing forward. Everyone will feel this aspect in the air, but it's just that Cancer will feel it in ways that pertain to money. Take what is valuable or insightful from the situation - see if you can learn something from it - and then move on. Do not become crushed by what you learn or feel.
A close relative, whether a parent, aunt or uncle, sibling, cousin, or else a neighbor, may need your quick assistance at the full moon March 10. You won't get much notice and you'll need to show a rapid response within three days of this full moon. There appears to be a woman under stress near you at the time, but no matter how many others are around, you seem to be in the best position to help. Alternatively or additionally, you may also be negotiating a deal or contract at the time, and if so, be careful to look at all the fine print as you will be in this relationship a very long time, due to the closeness of the moon to Saturn. If the length of time you'd be in this contract worries you, then build an agreeable exit clause that everyone can live with, should it be necessary to bail out.
You seem eager to find a new job. You may be bored with your present one or you may feel you've been stagnating. Or, you may not like your boss or have been downsized out of a job. It appears you will find some of your best opportunities so far this year in the days that follow March 26, continuing for two weeks. Within that period, the first few days that follow that new moon will be best.
However, the competition will be ruthless about trying to nab that job and be willing to do just about anything to get the one you have your eye on. Rather than let that deter you, just be prepared to compete hard and fairly for it. (Some of your competitors may come across as pathetic to VIPs in their desperate eagerness to get hired, so I am not saying that you should worry about all the candidates, only the ones who have their act together.) Everyone comes to the table with different talents, dear Cancer. Be confident that yours are the ones the higher ups will want. If you are setting up your own business in late month, be ready for stiff competition. It will be critical that you will have covered every contingency with a plan, and that you understand all the necessary governmental rules and regulations of your industry. With Pluto hovering, you won't have room for a misstep. Again, this should not deter you - just bone up on all you have to know, and also listen to advice of friends and family to see if any of the advice has merit. You will need to deal with strenuous and challenging market conditions with Pluto challenging the Sun and new moon, but also Venus and Mercury. With Venus retrograde, profits may be very low to start, so you may have to survive quite awhile until money comes in.
Mars will enter the same part of your chart, the area of career success (tenth house), next month from April 22 to May 31, giving you a second chance to find a new position, or to have a promotion approved, or to launch a new business. With Mercury due to retrograde from May 7 to 31, your strongest period in which to act will be a small one, from April 22 to 30 next month. Be ready.
After that, in May, friends and even casual acquaintances will be very helpful in your hunt for your new position, or you may get a chance to work with a friend or colleague from the past. If that is the case, Mercury retrograde will not hurt you. Although I will always advise against taking a new job when Mercury is out of phase, working with people from your past is actually favored, for Mercury retrograde will always urge us to look back to make something more for the future. Romantically, this month will be a bit messy. If you are attached, you may have to brace for a very moody, changeable partner, one moment supportive and darling, the next, acting like a little kid, being nothing but demanding and needy. You've seen this before, but this time, the two sides of your partner will be more pronounced. It may not be too serious - see how you feel.
If you are single and looking for love, your best and probably only good day to circulate will be March 18.
If possible, do not get engaged or married between March 6 and March 17 while Venus is retrograde, and don't give a lavish party during this time either. Parties are for fun, but with Venus sleeping, well, that seems to defeat the purpose.
For now, save your money and plan your party or your anticipated spending on new clothes, expensive jewelry, or an appearance makeover for after April 17. If you are walking around in tatters and your hair looks like it's been cut with a buzz saw and has been frightening your co-workers and clients, well, I guess you should do something about it this month, but do so as a stop gap, economically.
If you want to schedule plastic surgery, you should not do it while Venus, the planet of beauty, will be asleep from March 6 to April 17. Leave some space on either side of these dates as well for best luck. It is very rare for Venus to retrograde - it won't happen again until October 8 through November 18, 2010, thank goodness!
Dates to Note:
Romance is not due to go smoothly: all month, particularly if you are attached.
Single Cancers have one potentially strong romantic date: Wednesday, March 18.
Put off all shopping for expensive clothes or jewelry until after next month, beyond April 17.
Pay attention to financial matters, including taxes and applications you may need to make to get capital for any purpose: first two weeks of March.
A surprise trip may come up over the weekend of March 21-22.
Do not become overly depressed about money over the weekend of March 7-8. There is an answer!
Your mother, aunt, uncle, an in-law, sibling, or neighbor may need you over the full moon, March 10, plus or minus four days. Be ready. A partner will be very helpful to you at this time.
You may be ready to sign a contract near March 10, but look things over carefully as this one would be in place a long time. If the contract involves generating profits, Venus retrograde is not a good sign - put off until after April 17 but before May 1 to sign.
You may be able to aim for a new job after the new moon appears in your lofty career sector: April 23 plus two weeks. Be prepared for lots of competition.

Capricorn Summary

You've been helping the economy along by spending your hard earned money, but even you have been alarmed at the rate money has been leaving your bank account over the past month. On March 8, you seem to be very worried about a debt you will have to pay, and it could make you feel quite overwhelmed.
Mars has been the culprit in all this outgo, but once Mars moves into Pisces on March 14, you should see those monster expenses drop and you'll not feel such a tight cash situation in future months.
Actually, you have a sterling outlook for financial reward in 2009, one of the very best of any sign! It will be important that you remain open to new approaches and to be staunchly realistic. As a Capricorn, you are not given to flights of fancy, so that basic quality in you should keep you on a fast track to success.
Travel may come up at any time, but is particularly likely near the full moon, March 10, plus or minus four days. Watch March 12 in particular, as well as March 21-22 when a quick trip may come out of the blue.
A home situation may finally bring options. With four heavenly bodies shining in your house of home and property, you can now find a solution to something that has been on your mind. You may move or renovate now, or do extensive repairs or cleaning. Actually, renovations and clean up projects are fantastically favored this month. If you have been concerned over the welfare of a parent, this same new moon should bring up options.
Pluto will be in hard angle to the four planets in your home sector, however, so it seems an authority figure, such as a landlord, could take a hard line, requiring that you complete a lot of paperwork or put down quite a bit of cash up front. This person will want background checks, too. You won't be able to change this person's mind, so save your breath and find a way to make him happy.
Romance takes second fiddle to work this month, for Venus will be retrograde from March 6 to April 17. This is a time to live life more simply. It's not a time to buy designer clothes or expensive jewelry or have pricey salon or spa treatments. It's certainly not a time for plastic surgery. (Goodness! You would absolutely need an encouraging Venus behind you to have pleasing results for that!)
In love, if you are hoping to meet someone new, know that next month would be best for circulating. If you are attached, you will fare better. In fact, make March 28 a night to have a divinely romantic dinner for two at home.
Dates to Note:
Financial news or conditions worry you: March 8 when Saturn opposes the Sun.
Expenses will drop, as will high-levels of spending: after March 14.
Venus will retrograde: March 6 to April 17.
Travel may come up: all month, but especially near the days circling the full moon March 10, and also on March 19 (four stars) and March 21-22.
You may have an epiphany when you debate a question and see a new view of life: near March 10.
Sign nothing on March 18, when Mercury opposes Saturn.
Focus on home or family-related ventures after the new moon March 26 plus two weeks.
When you act on those home-related plans, be prepared for someone powerful to hold your feet to the fire over paperwork or the demand for a down payment of financial guarantee.
Romance is not due to be strong this month, but hang in there. Your best day: Saturday, March 28.




Monday 02nd February 2009 11:11:11 PM
February Horoscopes[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

You appear to be on the cusp of a massive evolution within, thanks to a crowd of planets twinkling in your house of transformations.
You seem to be stripping down your life to the essentials these days, and later you can add new elements to replace what you tossed overboard. Your thinking and perspective is shifting too and you're becoming more realistic. Rather than this being depressing, it will have the opposite effect - you will feel liberated! This month you will begin the process of reinventing yourself, and by year's end, when the process is over, you'll feel new and improved and be fit to deal with anything life throws your way.
A big part of your cosmic makeover will involve financials. Yet it seems you have a good grip on things, and with Jupiter at your side, you also have an enviable edge - the presence of Jupiter in the same house that is so crowded this month, ruling "other people's money," sure to give you an extra dollop of luck.
The February 9 eclipse is a full moon, so a financial negotiation or matter will be finished. It may be that you will finalize a divorce settlement agreement, hear about a severance package or court settlement, get news of a scholarship or financial aid, or finally hear back about whether you'll get an infusion of venture capital. These are a few examples, but these are the types of topics that are likely to come up. Neptune will be active, so be sure to understand all parts of any agreement or communication that you get. Take your time before you sign and ask your lawyer to help you.
At month's end, the new moon in Pisces will bring a possibility to travel or to study something new and exciting. This new moon will open up a panorama of insight and interests. If you have cabin fever and are tired of winter, if you look, you may find the perfect opportunity to get up and go - and it would likely be affordable, too. (Perhaps a friend or relative is plumping up pillows in a guest room for you?)
Valentine's Day has the potential to be all you want it to be. If you have a sweetheart or established spouse or partner, think good thoughts!
Dates to note:
You are starting a life transformation now, and it will continue all through 2009. Financial transformation will be the most visible, but you can also transform your thinking and physical health, too.
Speaking of health, you may schedule a medical or dental operation this month, with good results, assuming you've done your homework on your selected doctor and procedure. Just be careful of side effects of medicine due to Neptune. List all medicines you think you may be allergic to prior to the operation.
Seek financing for a big goal: February 1-7. The universe will be behind you all year, but particularly now.
Government programs may shine brightly for you all month.
A major financial deal will be finalized on or very close to February 9, the lunar eclipse. If so, this seems to have special importance.
Have a job interview or give a presentation for big success: February 16.
Money arrives in a big chunk - wow! February 17.
A publishing or broadcasting opportunity could have you excited on or just after February 24. Investigate all offers in the days that flow from that date.
Romantically, Valentine's Day could turn out special - sexy and very sensuous - February 14. Moon in Scorpio makes this a sensational day.
Best romantic evenings: February 6, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, and 28.

Capricon Summary

No doubt about, your finances are being reconfigured. The solar eclipse of last month, January 26, could bring a new source of income. You may have to give up a source of income, but that's normal - no one source lasts forever. If one leaves and the new one has not yet come into view, do not panic, for one is on the way soon - the eclipse will see to that.
If you don't want to change jobs, you may not have to. You may get a raise, even in this tough economy. Indeed, you may be the exception to the rule. The caveat is that you ask for one soon - start in the first week of February.
More money talks will come up, and conclude, on or near the full moon lunar eclipse February 9. You may finalize a division of property agreement in a divorce, or hear back about a mortgage, venture capital, or other application for money you've made previously. Watch plus or minus one week from this date. If not much happens, also look to January 9 and March 9, as some eclipses assert their news one month to the day earlier or later, plus or minus four days.
Watch also the time near February 12, plus one week, when Mars will travel over the degrees of that January 26 eclipse. As you see, there is due to be plenty of financial news this month.
Be sure you understand all the elements of any deal. You may be unclear on some of the terms, or assume something you should not. Or, you may also need to do some discovery of facts about the other party. I say this because Neptune will be in a certain angle that suggests confusion. Having legal counsel will be wise if you have to sign any documents. Full moons wrap up things, so you will likely not have time to put off making an agreement more than a few days - do your best with the facts you have. That's why having an attorney nearby will be so necessary. (If you can get more time, then do, if the other side doesn't mind.)
Your home appears to be a big area of pleasure for you. You may be working on making it look better or you may be busy entertaining friends. The week of February 16 to 18 will be stunningly positive for all home-related projects or entertaining. Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, you can start to purchase things, confident you will make the right choice. (Do so from February 4 onward.)
Mars' position suggests you will spend a great deal this month, and if you don't have to, you may want to space out your purchases. Mars will make you want to go for broke, but even if you do get a raise or new job, there will be reasons to stick to a financial plan. Later in the year, after October 16, it looks like you will need a lot of capital, all the way until early June 2010. See how that fits into your overall strategy.
A small, short quick trip you take at month's end could provide just the right touch of fun and relaxation. Look into the practicality of going just after the new moon on February 24. This one will be very positive, whether you go for business or pleasure. If you go for business, there's a good chance you'll come back with the order, and it would represent a big, global client, too.
Dates to Keep in Mind:
Ask for a raise, bring in new business, or negotiate a salary for a new position or freelance job: February 1-7.
Hear back about a loan application that you made: the full moon lunar eclipse, February 9. You may also polish off a major debt, or settle a divorce or insurance claim.
If you are signing a major contract on or near February 7, be sure you have all accurate facts and that someone is not deliberately trying to dress the situation more favorably than it is. Ask questions and sew up legal loopholes.
Sales made and commissions earned on or near February 7 that involve artwork will be generous.
Make stylish changes to your home or other property on your glitter days, February 16 to 18.
Consider taking a quick, fun trip at month's end, any time after the new moon, February 24. The weekend beginning Friday night, February 27, looks like fun.
Also, look into any communication-oriented projects after February 24. Send a query letter to an editor, revise your website, start a blog, join a telecommunications company, or design personal or business stationery. You get the idea! Business trips taken after this new moon at month's end show a good chance of bringing fine financial results.
Most romantic dates: February 1-2, 14, 18 (gold star), 19-20, 24-25, and 27-28.




Thursday 15th January 2009 11:20:00 PM
2009 Angel Card[ 1 messages] 

幫自己抽了 2009 年度的 Angel Card,
是 Willingness.

"Approach life with an open mind and a how-can-we-make-it-work attitude.  Use your will skillfully to enhance the creative process rather than inhibit it."


好吧, 今年的課題:




Wednesday 07th January 2009 11:01:44 PM
January Horoscopes by Susan Miller[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary

What a month! When Jupiter changes signs, that's headline news, and that's precisely what will happen on January 5. As the planet of good fortune, we all want to know where Jupiter is based in a chart, for it proffers so much luck to come.
In your case, Jupiter will be based in 2009 in your house of "other people's money," which means their money will come to you now and possibly will help you launch a dream, such as to go to college or grad school, to buy a house, or to move across country.
You may get a major loan, mortgage, attractive refinancing plan, an infusion of venture capital, or a scholarship. The possible sources of income will be plentiful, including funds from various government programs. What matters is that it will come, and that you will benefit as a result.
Commissions, licensing fees, bonuses, and other such funds should also be lucky areas of gain. Why, you may even win a large cash prize as a contestant on TV or through a contest on a cell phone, because Jupiter in Aquarius indicates luck though digital forms.
To be sure you notice this new development in your chart, the universe will send an eclipse, January 26, to get the ball rolling. Some sort of money is due you, so make sure the amount is as large as it can be. You will see that the last week of January and most of February will be a stellar time to set deals in place and start getting those checks written to you.
Also working with this generous financial eclipse will be an earlier meeting of the Sun and Jupiter on January 23-24. The proximity of the eclipse with this meeting of the Sun and Jupiter matters, for together your financial benefits will become so much bigger than you would ordinarily see.
This month the money you think about will be solely outside of money you receive as salary. Next month, on the February 9 full moon lunar eclipse, you will be centered on money you earn.
The forming of close, contractual relationships could also be on your mind, and if so, your timing would be ideal. Your best days fall from January 1-4, but thanks to a very powerful, encouraging new moon that arrived last month on December 27, you appear ready to commit, in love or in terms of a business arrangement. Excellent! Sign papers early in the month, and avoid Mercury in retrograde.
Mercury will retrograde from January 11 to February 1, but don't work up too closely to those start and end dates. It's always wise to keep as much space as possible from those dates. If you can sign your partnership in the days January 1-4, that would be ideal.
Romance will be brightest for those already attached, for the closeness and affection you feel should make you feel very adored. Your partner is apparently a gem, and this month, you seem to recognize that truth.
For some Cancers, it's the business partner - or person you represent or vice versa, the person who represents you - who will be so golden for you now. Make formal arrangements to stay together!
If you are single and hoping to find someone new, travel will be one of your best ways to meet. Can't go? Then think about taking courses at night or on weekends. Taking a seminar or workshop could put you in just the right place at the right time.
This month changes so much, dear Cancer - and finally, you'll be in the right place at the right time to take full advantage!
Dates to note:
Best romantic dates: January 1-5 (five stars for attached Cancers), January 9-11 (especially great for travel), 18-19, 23-24, and 28-29.
News from a college or university excites you: January 8-14.
A full moon in Cancer January 10 brings something dearly important to you to a final surprising culmination.
Luck for getting financing, a windfall, or loan will be extraordinary: January 23-31.
If you need dental or medical surgery, schedule it for next month, after February 4, if possible. If it is an emergency, this month is fine.

Capricorn Summary

What an exciting month you have ahead, dear Capricorn. The first four days of January bring Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, and energies of the new moon that appeared at the end of December all together in one big package. Mars will stay with you all month, giving you energy and drive. You can move ahead on plans, but do so with caution.
Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, and that means conditions are changing. You won't be able to see the road ahead until at least February, so conduct talks, but don't commit yourself to anything quite yet. Don't sign contracts, take a new job, or buy anything expensive this month, especially not anything electronic.
The second half of the month introduces the year's new trend - financial reward for hard work done.
Your first indication that you are about to hit some wonderful financial luck could be January 22, when Mars and Uranus will meet on your behalf. It's a wow of a day. Ask for a raise, find a freelance or part-time job, or bid on a job - whatever you like! The world is your oyster!
The next day you will come to the luckiest days of the year, January 23-24. Of the two, your best day will be January 23. Money luck will also be on your side in a big way! You may hear of more moneymaking opportunities then too, and your career should be hitting all high notes. Although the money I am seeing is earned income for you, I will admit that this is also a lucky time of the month for you, so go ahead and buy one or two scratch-off lotto tickets - just don't spend too much!
The solar eclipse on January 26 will be another big moment for you, for it will open a door on a very lucrative income earning opportunity. If you enjoy your present job, ask for a raise soon after that brilliant new moon arrives. It's very possible you will get an offer from a competing firm soon if your present employer does not have the budget to give you more money.
Eclipses affect us for longer time periods than other aspects. This one is a very generous one because it will appear so close to Jupiter. If you are negotiating a new job, be sure to get the salary you want, because you have rare favor now! If you are self-employed and bidding on a big contract or job, you seem to be the golden one and you can push the envelope!
Travel could come up this month and would be a great time to go. On January 9, you may get a quick invitation to jump in your car and go to see friends or a close family member, such as your sibling. It's a great time to go.
Another grand weekend for travel will come over the weekend of January 17-18, when Mercury will conjunct Jupiter. This would be superb time to journey a very long distance. Also, anything having to do with publishing, broadcasting, or academia would bring happy results this same weekend, or on the previous Friday, January 16.
Your career should bring stunningly good news on January 22. Wow! Your solar tenth house is ruled by Venus, and on this day, Venus will meet with Uranus.
Romance seems to be on the front burner too this month. January 1-4 will be so special that if you have not yet met your soul mate, you should be out and circulating. You have the whole solar system on your side!
If single, January 22 brings Venus and Uranus together. Your confidence will be high this month, so you must be out and about a great deal.
Dates to watch:
Best romantic days: January 1-4, 6-7, 10-11, 13, 22-24, and 28-29.
Make a long range plan: January 2 when the Saturn will meet with the Sun on your behalf.
Visit a campus, take an exam, have an entrance interview at a university: January 16-18.
Your career brings unexpected, positive developments: January 22.
Happy days for travel: January 9, 17-18 (long trip), 22 (short trip).
A big earning opportunity will come up: January 26.
Your luckiest days of the year: January 23-24, for money, love, career - you seem to have it all - but luck for earned income gets top billing.



Sunday 07th December 2008 10:39:21 AM
December Horoscope Again (Practical Astrology)[ 0 messages] 

When it comes to matters at work this month, Cancer, figure you're probably going to have to get things done by yourself. Along with the sun and Mercury, Mars is in your solar house of on-the-job tasks in December, and unlike the other planets, he stays in your job sector all the way past Christmas until the 27th. Mars is a planet that favors self-reliance anway, and when he's in Sagittarius, he's even less inclined to bother with the tedium of getting others on board. He'd rather just get the tasks on the to do list done on his own and ASAP so that you can go out and do something more fun. An alternate manifestation might be work-related travel in December. However, he asserts himself, be prepared in December to cross off those work and holiday tasks in a speedy fashion.

Fortunately, there's more the month than work and tasks. Venus floats into your solar 8th house of deep bonding to create an almost magically romantic atmosphere for susceptible Cancerians, especially near the end of the month. There's also a lot of emphasis on your solar 7th house of relationships, so you need not spend your non-work hours alone. If you're not currently attached, plan to attend group social events and do things with your friends. You may make a romantic connection at such an event.

Meanwhile, New Year's Eve could be interesting and intense. A few Cancers who are ready to meet someone permanent may feel the sparks fly on the last night of 2008, making 2009 on of the more important years of their lives. Other Cancers (especially those born near the beginning of their sign) may feel just the opposite--that the last night of 2008 marks the time to ring out the year on an important relationship that's outlived its purpose. Which would also make 2009 an important year.

By and large, your solar chart is in a pretty good mood in December, Capricorn. Things are kind of mellow unless you were born at the beginning of your sign (in which case they're intense). For most Capricorns, in fact, there's been a trend toward increasing astrological comfort during the second half of 2008. Oh, it's true there's some internal discussion in your chart around things like beliefs, convictions, and ideology, but Jupiter in your own sign has been trying to take the sting out of what could otherwise be some serious discomfort over finding flaws in your philosophy. Fortunately, Jupiter retains his magnificent confidence in you and isn't worried about your prospects at all.

So your chart is well-positioned to take advantage of the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your sign at various oints during the month. Even better, perhaps, your chart is gearing up for some truly expansionary financial opportunities in 2009. You may get a nice foretaste of that energy as financially-oriented Venus graces your money sector after the 7th of December.

The energy is especially strong just after Christmas, which makes the after-holiday slow week the perfect time for you to connect in a superbly romantic way with your loved ones. A special gift, a romantic treat, a piece of jewelry, a token of your affection...perhaps you could use some of that beautiful financial energy on a tangible little item that will your favorite person know how much he or she means to you.



Tuesday 02nd December 2008 11:23:30 PM
December Horoscope (Susan Miller)[ 1 messages] 

Summary for Cancer

Life has not been entirely easy for you, dear Cancer. If you are working, you may feel that you've not had a promotion in such a long time - you feel like you'll grow old and gray at your desk before one turns up. If you aren't working, you may feel that you don't fit in anywhere, but that's not true - of course you do.

Everyone, of every age, has something special to contribute. Often our talents are obvious to all but not to ourselves because we assume that whatever we're good at doing is fairly common to all. That's almost never true! This month, a big clue will be to look for a partner or intermediary to help you get ahead. With Jupiter, the new moon, Sun, Mercury, and Pluto all moving through your seventh house of partners and middlemen, you can get a jump on a better job. Choose an advisor, headhunter, lawyer, or coach - someone - to help you.

Mars in your day-to-day work sector also suggests that you can get part time work too, if you look for it. Freelance jobs and extra business, if you are self-employed, should be plentiful, but you will need to be proactive, not passive, about finding it. Grab that plum on the tree, because it has your name on it.

Romantically, this month favors those attached. If you have been dating someone seriously, this New Year's Eve could turn out to be truly unforgettable when you get, or give, a marriage proposal. No one is quite as romantic as a Cancer, so you're sure to remember forever what happens this holiday season. The two of you seem made for each other.

Married or in a very established relationship? Your love will deepen this month. You deserve a night out with the one you love, so arrange something special this year. I won't always suggest you go out on the town, but this year I will because it surely would be one for the record books. I know you usually like to stay home and avoid crowds, but this time, accept that party invitation or make a reservation in that new romantic bistro with a roaring fireplace. Your "other half" seems to have a great idea of what to do, so just follow in line - you'll love the results.

The full moon of December 12 will be a tough one - full of emotion - because the moon will not get along with Saturn, Uranus, the Sun and Mars. The moon rules your sign, so you need to expect some difficulties on or within three days of December 12. I am very sorry to have to report this news. It may help to know that everyone will be in the same boat, riding the same turbulent waves. Actually, the mutable signs will be more prone to problems than your sign, and those include Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces.

One result may be that you hear of someone in the hospital or that you will decide to check yourself into a hospital to have a procedure you need. If the latter proves true, the full moon will have brought you to the hospital to get care, and that's always very good. Something completely unexpected seems to come up, something you had not figured on. Things tend to come to a culmination at a full moon and are often very quickly resolved. Keep yourself very strong and healthy all month in any case - that's always a good idea at holiday time, as much will be going on. Another way this may work out is that others may be depending on you to help them, in which case, staying strong will also be important.

If you read my forecast last month, you already know that I suggest that you shop very early in December for gifts. Get everything off your schedule in advance of the full moon, for if you are overburdened with tasks, you'll feel overwhelmed. This month there is a real danger of running out of time to get everything done, and I have never said anything like that before. Be an early bird with wrapping and shipping your gifts, and in decorating your house for the holidays (if you plan to do so). You will be so glad you were organized and planned ahead.

Next year brings the promise of appreciably more money, a subject we will get into next month. In the meantime, treat yourself to one glorious night to welcome in the New Year, dear Cancer. The fire that will burn in your heart that night will chase away any cold winds that might be blowing your way. We all need a night of pure bliss - this one has all the makings of being yours.

Happy New Year!

Dates to watch for December:

A night out with friends will be truly outstanding when Venus and Jupiter will align on December 1. Use this day too to join clubs

Your workload at the office will be very heavy: December 1-21.

Protect your health near the full moon when you are likely to be wearing yourself thin: December 12-15

Ask a co-worker if she or he needs help at the full moon: December 12.

One of the most important new moon periods of the decade to open a path for marriage or a business partnership or collaboration, with great results almost ensured: December 27.

A memorable, romantic day for those coupled up: December 31.

Single? You may have met someone last month, but if not, December 22 could bring an intriguing meeting.

Your most romantic evenings: December 1 (a gathering or party), and December 13 (the moon in Cancer will give you the edge). Add December 22 for singles. December 24 will be a day chockfull of the right kind of surprises.

December 26: a day to make a promise, in business or concerning a personal problem.

December 27: the new moon, which will open a whole new path toward committed love in the two weeks that follow - it you are ready, don't linger.

Last but not least, December 31: one of the most sterling days of the month for celebrating your feelings for a very significant person in your life. You'll feel cherished and adored, thanks to a meeting if Mercury and Jupiter - rightly so!

Summary for Capricorn

What a month! If you could see a snapshot of the sky, you would see a horoscope wheel with a great number of planets crowded into one little pizza slice: the Sun, new moon (December 27), Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, and even, for a while, Venus. You are hold all the winning cards in this extraordinary lineup of planetary energy in Capricorn that the world will not see again until 2019, and at that time there will be one less planet in the gathering.

This will be the last month that you will have Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your sign. Once Jupiter leaves Capricorn on January 5 next month, he'll not be back for 12 years. If you have anyone you need to see or anything you need to see, sell, convince, or commit to, it would be wise to act this month. Next month Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn from January 11 to February 1. Strike now!

The difficult full moon of December 12, plus or minus four days, will cause tension for everyone, but because it will fall in Gemini, it will not likely affect you as strongly as it will the mutable signs. (Those are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces). At this full moon you may have problems with your health, so try to shore up your resistance. If anything seems wrong, go to the doctor - you will want to be healthy for the holidays. The buildup of planetary energy in Capricorn will absolutely help you say robust, so there is no reason to worry.

The real problem of the full moon December 12 may surface at work, when political factions will square off. Co-workers will all jockey for a favorable position as everyone scrambles for whatever money (or promotion) is up for grabs, so it will be every man for himself. Again, you have the edge, because more than half the solar system will favor you. Remain confident.

Try to stay on the sidelines - you do not want to get into this fray if you don't have to. If you find yourself embroiled in one side or the other, listen intently to all that is going on, but say as little as possible. Others will try to provoke you - resist. Things will become easier once the full moon wanes, from December 16 on. After that, the stage will be set for a beautiful Christmas or Hanukkah holiday for you and your family, one you will remember forever.

This will be an extraordinary month for you! All the work you put in this year will soon pay off handsomely in 2009. You are so close to seeing an amazing victory.

In the meantime, celebrate your birthday, celebrate the New Year, and celebrate your accomplishments. You are surrounded with love and are about to enjoy the new life you have been busy creating in 2008. You are only in chapter one of a twelve-chapter quest. In so many ways, the best is still yet to come!

Dates to watch for December:

A beautiful gift may arrive December 1 or you may have a great romantic night out.

Book a spa, salon treatment: December 1.

Prepare for a difficult time at the office over the full moon period, spanning December 10-15.

Protect your health, bones, and teeth: December 12, plus or minus four days.

Skip the office party if it falls within three days of December 12. High emotion plus liquor will be a bad mix.

An influential person will be quite an ally: December 22.

Family and friends will envelop you with love: December 25 and 26.

Plan your key initiations: December 27 plus ten days. The closer you act to December 27, the better, however.

Be out celebrating your extraordinary luck on one of your best New Year's Eve: December 31. You may decide to travel out of town for the holiday, and if so, it's a fine idea!

Finest romantic dates this month: December 1, 17, 18, 21-23, 25-26, 27-28, and 31.



Monday 03rd November 2008 11:39:22 PM
November Horoscope (Susan Miller)[ 0 messages] 

Cancer Summary (sun sign)

You will love what the planets have cooked up for you, dear Cancer! With Mars, the Sun, and Mercury in your house of true love in early November, you must try to go out and circulate.

You've had Mars' help since early October, but the problem was that Mercury was retrograde, making you think back rather than forward. In the good sense, you may have reconciled with an old lover, or in the not-so-good way, you may have been reminiscing about an old love that's over, and finding it hard to move forward. All that is history now, for the planets have moved into much stronger placements. The October 28 new moon was a major turning point - from then on things were to get better.

If you are attached, you will enjoy this trend too, of course. Just because you have a paper that says you are married does not mean you can't enjoy carefree love - you can! Close committed couples will have the added benefit of Venus in your opposite sign of Capricorn from November 12 onward. This brings a "full moon" effect of heightened, very tender, and sweet emotions.

The full moon, November 13, should bring a happy social event that will have you rubbing shoulders with many happy people. Some may be old friends, and others may be new to you but by the time this event is done, you may have a number of new acquaintances that you will want to know better.

With Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn so beautifully aligned on November 15, you may decide to travel spontaneously. A vacation taken at anytime mid-month and including November 15 would be a fine idea.

Once Mars moves into Sagittarius on November 16, the pace at work is going to build and you'll be working hard through almost all of next month. This may be good news if you are not employed, or hope to pick up more work on the side. If you are self-employed, business will be fast-paced! This trend will pick up even more after the new moon that occurs on November 27 - you'll be like Lucy in the Chocolate Factory, trying to keep up with the demand. This tells me you might be working in retail or a restaurant or other holiday-oriented job. If so, be glad your services are so strongly in demand!

Many people design a plan on January 1 to become fit, but you would be wise to do so now, when the new moon appears on November 27 and the days that follow. If you are serious about looking like a million dollars, your best time to get started is then! Don't lose the advantage. Later everyone will ask, "How did you do it?" Also, if you start now, you'll look sexier on the dance floor New Year's Eve!

Key dates to remember:

Romance will be best on these days: November 1, 5-8, 10-12, 25, and 29-30.

Take a vacation: November 2-15.

A festive party or event (or a series of smaller, one-on-one lunches and dinners) proves highly social in the days that circle November 13 plus or minus four days.

Design a fitness plan: November 27 plus four days - and launch it!
Your understanding of your finances improves: Watch days surrounding November 2.

Capricorn Summary (ascending sign)

The main point about this month is to know that the first part will be deliciously social, the second part a little quieter, giving you peaceful time to think, plan, and reflect on your future.

In the first two weeks, network and show your face to the world. November 10 will be a lovely day when everything should go your way. It would be a great day to ask a friend for a favor, but you may not have to! It seems your friend will do something for you, without ever being asked. You'll be grateful to have a friend who cares about you so much and looks after you in such a nurturing way.

The full moon on November 13, plus or minus four days, will be exquisitely tender. It could mark one of the most romantic moments of the year! If you are single, you may meet someone new, or if you are dating someone now, experience a thrillingly romantic evening.

This full moon falls in fellow earth sign Taurus, a sensual, luxury-loving sign that will be just perfect for creating a setting for exchanging sweet thoughts and sentimental words.

You may travel over this full moon too (extending into the weekend of November 15-16) and if so, it'll be a great time to go.

Financially, you soon will be enjoying an improved picture, now that Neptune is turning direct on November 2, and Uranus, ruler of your earned income house, will do the same on November 27.

If you have worked hard and feel you deserve a raise, and your requests have been to no avail since late May and June, the reason that things have remained so deadlocked might have been because you've lacked cosmic support. Now, with the move of Neptune and Uranus moving to stronger direct speed, you have a much better chance at getting your raise. Actually, 2009 should be sensational for earning more money, especially at the end of January and into February!

Keep working hard. In fact, the seeds you plant in 2008 will have direct bearing on the profits you see in 2009. You have two more months before that first phase ends, so hurry and see the influential people you need in order to lift off your new ventures in 2009. This month your friends will help open those doors, so if you need help, ask. Trust that in 2009 you will be rewarded for all your efforts. In the months ahead you will hear me talk much more about your fine financial aspects!

Pluto's move into Capricorn on November 27 will see that you become a force to be reckoned with in years to come. Pluto will remain in Capricorn for 15 years! This planet is known to be one that helps in transformations of all kinds, in regard to health, career, your appearance, money, and other areas. If you feel that one part of your life needs a redo, you'll have that chance to make it happen, and you'll do it the right way, slowly, brick by brick. Changes you make will be the right ones, and best of all, they will last!

There is one cloud on the horizon that I did not touch on in the main body of your report, so I will mention it here. On the full moon next month, December 12, a work project will come to a culmination, but due to hard aspects associated with this full moon, you may find it to be a very tense time. I mention it because it falls so close to Christmas and Hanukkah. I am not sure if you'll find it hard to complete the project because of time restraints, or because coworkers will be missing in action or be cranky and uncooperative. Something seems to be up at the office, and it appears to be giving you a lot of tension.

My advice is that you get your holiday shopping and shipping done in November, and no later than December 9. Once that full moon delivers its message (possibly as early as December 10 or as late as December 16), you will need to give whatever is happening at your office your full attention. You seem to be thinking about whatever comes up over the ensuing weekend, December 13-14, too. I feel you may not be able to complete your holiday list of things to do, as this full moon will be a very jarring and distracting influence.

December 12 is a popular time to ship packages at the post office, so plan to ship no later than December 9. If you have children and other family members depending on you to make the holiday fun, knowing this full moon will be stressful will urge you to clear your calendar prior to December 12. Fortunately, by the time the holidays come by, gradually you will be able to regain your sense of balance, but for a while, some of the time you thought you had to get ready for the holiday will disappear into a black hole.

Your solar sixth house will be activated, so it's possible that you will not be feeling as energetic as you normally do, or that you will be susceptible to colds and flu. Last year I got the flu on December 15 and saw my holiday start to unravel before my eyes, all the while feeling helpless. This year I went for my flu shot early (it takes three weeks to work), and I will also put up my Christmas tree on December 6, a good deal earlier than usual.

Everyone of every sign will feel the fallout of this angry full moon December 12. Keep in mind that this full moon will be in Gemini, not Capricorn, so you may not feel the effects as strongly as the mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. Even so, you may feel pulled off course for a few days, and those may be days you desperately need to get things done at holiday time!

Going back to my discussion of November, I am so happy to report you have two sensational aspects at November's end.

The first, coming November 28, will be an interplay of Venus-in-Capricorn with Uranus, planet of surprise, sure to bubble up romantic fun and chance encounters!

Then will come the most divine aspect, Venus and Jupiter, both in Capricorn, set to meet over November 30-December 1. Together they will waltz across the star-studded sky! While Venus and Jupiter, the great benefic planet, meet once a year, it takes 12 years for them to meet in Capricorn! This will be a four-star day, one made just for love and fun for you.

Use November 30 and December 1 for any purpose you please. You can see sensational romantic developments on this day, and you can also do something to improve your looks, with great success. You can expect to see a major career victory come your way, too! Venus rules not only your love life, but also your tenth house of career status and success! Dear Capricorn, you have it all.

Dates to note this month:

Enjoy a full social life with friends: November 1-10

Take a quick trip with a pal if you like: November 8-11

Romance is heavenly, one of your best of 2008 at the full moon in your true love sector on November 13. (Operative plus or minus 4 days.)

News or an idea from a friend has you excited: November 15-16.

Financial prospects are brightening from November 2 onward this month, but particularly from November 7 to 11.

Take it slow and easy, and pursue creative projects and hobbies from November 16 through December 31. This theme will really pick up steam after the new moon, November 27, plus two weeks.

Solitude, reflection and working on creative ideas alone pay off: November 27 plus two weeks



Friday 24th October 2008 10:26:32 PM
SCORPIO MONTH[ 0 messages] 

CANCER (Sun Sign)

Part of November's planetary focus is on your solar 5th house of love and pleasure, courtesy of the sun, new moon, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio for parts of the month. Enjoy! There is also, however, quite a bit of focus on your work sector, and some of it is rather intense. Venus opens the month in your job sector, which is usually a good thing for stuff like getting along with co-workers and bosses and so on.

However, there's a nasty battle afoot between Saturn and Uranus at the same time, one that reflects a rather ugly mood in the skies nationally and even internationally. For some reason, Venus in Sagittarius decides to wade right into the fray. Maybe she feels like she can calm things down; I don't know. Rather than getting any work done or indulging in good feelings on the job, you may find your work environment overwhelmed by everyone's collective need to vent fears and feelings about situations they can't control.

Sagittarius is not a boss-friendly sign in general, so Cancer executives and managers may have to do some ad hoc employee soothing. Cancer employees by the same token may feel less than reassured by the boss's forecasts for the future. The bottom line is that it's probably best for Cancer to plan on working hard and being busy as we head into the holiday season this year.

CAPRICORN (Ascending Sign)

This month is both about where you're going, Capricorn, and about where you've been. Where you want to go may put a bit of pressure on your finances periodically throughout the month. If you plan to spend or borrow money to finance an aspiration, try to be sure you are crystal clear on the details of the transaction. Deception is possible, so just be careful.

Other than that, the month is a mix of backward and forward-looking influences. Until the 12th, Venus is in Sagittarius in your solar 12th house, reflecting on the past year. After that, though, she's in your sign and ready to move on toward your hopefully glorious future. Meanwhile, the sun and Mars are looking forward until the 21st and 23rd respectively, and then they both move into your reflective 12th house, where they are supposed to rest up and prepare for your solar new year.

Jupiter in your sign continues to look foward, adding to the mix of future and past orientation. It's almost as though your solar chart keeps trying to check the map while still driving you forward. Apparently, it's just not willing to entirely pull over for a bit and ask directions. I suppose in real life that means you'll need to mix planning with action. Which seems like a sensible thing to do anyway.




Saturday 04th October 2008 12:02:28 AM
October Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Susan Miller Summary for Cancer (sun sign)

As October opens, you can prove that when it comes to home decorating, you can be your very own design star. Your home will be the center of your attention now, and you can make lots of progress. If you need to move, the options you will find for new spaces will be perfect - one will be just your cup of tea! If you need to find a roommate, October will bring you the right person, almost miraculously. You'd do best, however, to make your decision AFTER October 20, not before, as Mercury will be retrograde prior to October 15 but will still be acting a bit dizzy for five additional days. It is never a good time to sign important papers while Mercury, planet of thinking and good judgment, is not fully operational.

As any artist knows, creativity begins with a clean canvas, so ruthlessly weed out clutter at home. Identify things you want to keep, and pack up those things you designate for charity. The lamp your aunt gave you and you never liked? It's time to find it a new home. The old vases you kept from floral deliveries? They're taking valuable space. The "when in doubt, throw it out" rule applies in a big way this month, thanks to Mercury retrograde in your home sector that will ask you to reconsider all your possessions.

Aim for superb organization - in your closet, drawers, and even your computer files. Find things that need repair or refinishing or tasks that have languished unfinished, for this is your time to get those old projects on track and finished. Use Mercury's "look back" energy to help you make room for new things you will add soon - things you will enjoy much more than the old items you've held on to for too long. You may want to call in the painters now too, so that your home will look great for the coming holidays. Order furniture or ask for contractor estimates now, but buy the furniture and order the contractor on or after October 20, no sooner or you'll encounter delays and problems with your order.

After you feather your nest, love will flow. Mars will be stirring the pot all month in your fifth house of romance, and with Venus there too until October 18, you've got it made. These two cosmic lovers will give you a huge advantage in matters of the heart. Although your work life will be busy, you'll be able to find the time to socialize quite a bit, too.

Outstanding weekends to plan a special night out would be October 4-5 and 9 -10, when Venus will meet with Jupiter. Later, Venus will blow a kiss to Uranus, so October 25-27 should be outstandingly sweet for love as well. Don't forget Halloween! Many people love this holiday, and this month the man or woman behind the mask at a party you attend may be your true love - Mars and Uranus will be working together to cook up great fun and a lovely surprise or two.

In regard to your career, expect some sort of huge professional development to crystallize at the full moon, October 14 plus or minus five days. Expect a major promotion, client, or new job. Pluto will be friendly to that full moon, so you can get help from an influential professional. If you need a reference, or just some good old-fashioned career advice, ask!

Amid all the activity that October will bring, you'll be able to fit in a quick road trip, perhaps to view fall foliage, or to visit a sibling or cousin. Being out of town will refresh you, and although travel has become more expensive these days, your stars suggest you need not go far to have fun. The weekends of October 4-5 and October 10-12 would be the right time to hop in the car and drive away with your suitcase and digital camera in the trunk.

Key dates:

Best romantic evenings: October 1-19, but doubly so on October 4-5, 9-10. Add too: October 25-27.

After the new moon appears, October 28, you'll get another shot at love AGAIN in the weeks to come. Lucky you!

A career development will prove to bring a powerful and important turning point on October 14, plus or minus four days.

Take a quick trip out of town: October 4-5 or October 10.

Make improvements to your living situation: all month, but particularly from October 28 onward.

Focus on reorganizing or repairing your home: October 1-20.

Order furniture and make other improvements: October 20-30.

Mercury will be retrograde; don't sign papers until on or after October 20.

Summary for Capricon (ascending sign)

This is your big moment to make your move in your career, thanks to the new moon that appeared on September 29 in your house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. You will have until October 12 or so to make contacts with a wide variety of prospective employers.

Mercury is retrograde, however, so that complicates things, and to make matters even a little trickier, Mercury is retrograding in the very same house of career. This means that any job you discuss is liable to change drastically later, either before you take it or after. Go slowly and ask many questions. You will do best by going back to executives you used to work with to see if there's something else you can do together in the future. Going back to the past is always a very good idea when Mercury is in this phase.

Be sure not to accept or start any new position until Monday, October 20, for otherwise you may not be there as long as you assume you would.

At the full moon, October 14, plus or minus four days, you will crystallize a home or family-related question. You can state your decision or sign papers as soon as Saturday, October 18, if necessary. This full moon will be sweetly angled to Pluto, so you may find you have some very influential help at this time, perhaps from a friend, family member, powerful broker, or other person.

With Mars circulating in your social house of friendship, fun, friends, and events, your social calendar will sparkle.

For now, start with your first stellar day, Sunday, October 5, when Venus will be beautifully angled to Jupiter in Capricorn. Venus will be working her way through your most social house, your eleventh sector of friends, events, new people, and even hopes and wishes. This day deserves a star on your calendar - something you do socially should leave you feeling really good.

On October 9, 10, or over the weekend of October 11-12, you may decide very spontaneously to take a little trip to a nearby town. Excellent idea!

Your social life will ratchet up even more after the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22 to warm that sector, and bring more activity there - but there will be more to come.

Another day to plan something special: Monday, October 27 (or the weekend that precedes this date), when Mars will text Jupiter on your behalf - you win with great events to attend.

Finally, Halloween should be a real stunner this year, the best fun you can imagine. Circle October 31 because Mars and Uranus will be best buddies, helping you in every way!

Key dates:

Career opportunities for advancement are excellent but could be problematic. Go slowly, but investigate all offers nevertheless: October 1-10.

Mercury will retrograde in your career sector. It normalizes: October 20, so it would not be wise to accept a job before that date.

A home or family matter gets settled, or you entertain friends at home (a good idea): October 14.

Fun with friends is accented: most of the month, after October 4.

Socialize even more, and reach out. Join a new club, or help a political candidate or charity: after the new moon October 28.

Your most romantic evenings: October 1, 4-5, 9-10, 21, 25-27, and 31.



Tuesday 02nd September 2008 09:56:16 PM
September Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer by Susan Miller

One of your most difficult days will be September 3 when Saturn will conjunct the Sun. On that day, you'll have to work hard to keep your spirits up, for you may be concerned about a male relative who needs your cheery care and advice. Or, you may have problems with money and need to nail things down quickly. You will be challenged to remain realistic and practical. Don't take criticism too hard should anyone offer a "helpful hint."  Just when you think you've unraveled all your dilemmas, more out-of-the-blue news may come up to rattle you on September 12, due to Uranus opposed to the Sun.  You won't have the whole picture until the full moon, September 15, when you may again become concerned about a relative, this time female, or a person based at a distance. You may need to travel to see a family member, such as an aunt or uncle, sibling, cousin, or in-law or parent. A full moon is always felt for four days, so news may come anytime from September 15-19. This month you may be gratified to see an international relationship or import-export deal (for goods or services) arise for discussion. Or, you may have productive communications with a university or with a publishing or broadcasting firm. All three areas glow for you and will be strongly lit this month. You'll need to be on your toes, however, and ready to make snap decisions as they come up. In this topsy-turvy month, you'll be presented with many twists and turns to the plot.  As the month progresses, you'll also have pressing changes going on at home. You may be searching for a new place to live, trying to buy or sell a house (early month would be a good time to do so), or searching for a new roommate, as some examples. Any energy you put into your home will pay off this month and with Venus there, the choices you make will be ones you'll love. One day when options should thrill you will be September 11. Once you reach the month's new moon, in your home sector, September 29 (plus two weeks), your plans will suddenly click into place. Still, be sure to sign papers PRIOR to this date. You'll need to have all your contracts, agreements, and purchases done early in September. Mercury will retrograde in your home sector from September 24 to October 15, and once that happens, you'll be beset with delays. During those Mercury retrograde phases it's never wise to seal plans, for they will be changed later.  Romantically, if attached, your steady partner will be a gem, staunchly supporting your ideas through thick and thin. If you are not part of a strong personal romantic relationship, you may get the same type of support from a business partner or agent, for example, or from a friend. Watch September 4 as a truly outstanding day when you realize just how lucky you are to have that person in your corner.

Key dates:

Travel will be unstable and difficult in the first half of September, but especially on or near: September 3, 12, and in days surrounding September 15.

Money woes may be on your mind: September 3

Support from a partner will be heartening: September 4

Home-related plans will shape up nicely all month, and get an extra boost from the new moon: September 29.

Sign no contracts, buy no important items while Mercury is retrograde: September 24 to October 15. Seal things earlier.

Emphasis on certain relatives, such as aunts, uncles, siblings, in-laws are due to be strong, especially in the first half, and your presence may be needed to offer advice or cheer at the full moon September 15 or earlier, especially on September 3 or 12.

Love is better next month, but this month, home and love seems to combine well. Invite a sweetheart to dinner on September 11, or have a party and ask friends to invite someone they'd like you to meet!



Saturday 02nd August 2008 03:57:15 PM
August Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Summary for Cancer by Susan Miller

It's time to restructure your finances, and even if you don't feel ready, the total solar eclipse on August 1 will do it for you if you don't. Eclipses are the most powerful tools the universe uses to affect change, and this month you'll train your attention on how you earn, spend, save, and invest.

A solar eclipse usually portends the end of one situation and the start of another. If you have not been properly compensated, the universe will sweep away your present job to help you find a new, better paying one. If you're self-employed, a trusted client may end the relationship, forcing you to pitch another more lucrative client. Later you'll be glad for this - a solar eclipse doesn't just end things, but opens a new path, too.

In this highly financial month, two weeks later, on the lunar eclipse August 16, you will need to look at debt and how you manage it, as well as money owed to you and whether you are receiving those payments. If you have been in the process of a divorce or wrangling with an insurance company over a payout, things are likely to get settled at this lunar eclipse August 16 plus approximately seven days. If you don't get a resolution now, you will in early February 2009.

Still, before you sign any contract or agreement, make sure certain information is forthcoming and not being withheld to change your perception of the picture being presented. Neptune will be active, and Neptune is notorious about obscuring information. This will be a more emotional point in the month, as lunar eclipses are always full moons. You'll need to stay objective and rational to sort out all that is being discussed and decided, as hard as it may be to do.

A partner or middleman appears to be influential in helping you find workable financial solutions. If you do need to sign a contract, do so after the month's second new moon, August 30. Be sure of what you are signing at this time, for whatever you agree to will stay in place a very long time. This agreement would represent a serious commitment.

This month won't be just about calculator tape, statements, and receipts (although, admittedly, it might feel that way in the first three weeks with two eclipses emphasizing this part of your chart). There's plenty of evidence that you will be able to flee town in late August to enjoy quick weekends away in the countryside with friends or family. The diversion will do you good.

You also seem interested in changing your home space, perhaps in big or little ways. If, after you analyze your income and outgo, it becomes clear that your rent is too burdensome, you may now move. If you can afford it, you will start to make important changes to make it more personal and cheery. If you don't finish things, you'll get another opportunity in late September and through October to continue your plan. It would be fun to window shop at the very least, to decide among your decorating options. Mars will help you find wonderful ideas.

Romantically, with so many serious subjects on your plate, you may not feel as amorous as you usually do. Bide your time - late October through November will not disappoint you.



Wednesday 23rd July 2008 11:14:17 PM
Practical Astrology[ 0 messages] 

Cancer in August

This month, the sun and a new moon eclipse highlight your solar second house. This is the house of values, preferences, and tastes. It is also the house of money and possessions. Activity in this sector can give you insight into what you truly value at this point in your life.

Sometimes eclipses in this sector also bring visible changes in financial status. Examples include increases or decreases in your paycheck or a change in how you are paid (e.g., moving from hourly to salary or temp to perm). The eclipse series as a whole (which stretches into the summer of next year) may also bring financial surprises like a large bonus or a loss through theft. You could find yourself dealing with insurance payouts as well. In most cases, by the time the eclipse series ends you will come out ahead financially or at least break even!

This month the most likely times to experience financially-related eclipse activity are in the weeks directly before and after August 1 and August 16. Some of you may feel the effects next month (or have experienced them last month). Good news is most likely to occur near the beginning of the month.



Saturday 12th July 2008 11:46:02 PM
July Forecast[ 0 messages] 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your July Horoscope Summary by Susan Miller

A sparkling birthday month awaits you, and it's the kind of month that could put back your faith in miracles and fairy tales. The excitement starts the moment the month begins, on the new moon in Cancer, July 2. That new moon will open doors for you, so be sure to voice your dearest desires to friends and colleagues, as others will certainly be listening and willing to do all they can to help you. Birthday month is always great for seeing one's aims come true, as the Sun is back in the place it occupied at birth. Venus will glide in Cancer too, giving you an extra fill up of social fun.

Venus will be in Cancer until July 12 so you might want to make it a point to go shopping during the first twelve days of July. You'll find madly flattering wardrobe pieces that will bring you more compliments than you've seen in ages.

Your partner will bring exciting news for you, too. Watch the full moon July 18 for news (plus or minus four days). You may exchange vows, promises, plans, or goals dear to your heart at this time.

You may also discover that you'll be traveling alone or with your partner near July 14 or 22, quite unexpectedly. If you have children and can't quite leave town, you'll have other opportunities to travel closer to home over the weekend of July 26. (And guess what? It's still great fun!)

Romantically, if attached, you'll have an enviable advantage. The tender full moon July 18 will be wildly romantic and rival your favorite moments of the silver screen. This full moon is for you! If you're attached, you may get engaged for your birthday over that weekend, or, if you are already part of an established relationship, your other half will be so darling, you'll fall in love all over again.

Single Cancers will do well too, for Venus will glide in your sign from July 1 to 11. If you hope to meet someone new, consider taking a short trip to a nearby seaside resort, for settings by the sea will relax and rejuvenate you. Besides, those settings will also engender feelings of love. The weekend of July 4-6 should be extra special.

You may also meet someone while doing an assignment at the office, whether a co-worker, supplier, client, or person you call on. Look your best!

Time to launch goals with a big push: July 2, plus two weeks

A relationship reaches an exciting culmination: Full moon, July 18

Change a contract: July 18, sign on July 25 or 26

Travel to nearby towns: all month



Saturday 03rd May 2008 09:12:14 PM
May Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Susan Miller Summary for Cancer:

Last month you worked hard on your career, but now, May, you reach your time to relax and see friends. The Sun, new moon, and Venus will energize your sector of friends, events, and fun, so you'll have plenty of places to go and new and old people to see. New acquaintances will pour into your life now, and one or two of the new people you meet could be instrumental in opening up new vistas and contacts (even romantic ones) and steer you toward new interests.

The planets will be remarkably friendly to one another too, so you have a good chance of taking an important step toward capturing one important, long-held dream. All your good luck starts from May 5 onward. This month will dazzle you, for sure - it's not like any ordinary month.

If you are attached, this month you will have the most precious resource to give your partner - your time. Together you both can draw up plans for the future. Consider taking a vacation together - an excellent time to do so. If a trip comes up unexpectedly near May 21, try to remain flexible and agree to go, even though as a Cancer you like to plan ahead. You don't always have to be so cautious and practical - live a little! This trip would bring in a fresh, breezy influence and have lasting results.

Socializing will prove so good for you that you should also do some for your career. Go to seminars, for networking with lots of new colleagues will work well for you. In fact your very best opportunities will come up NOT by writing formal papers and proposals, but by getting out there and learning about the industry through meeting new people. You need to be out and about to make your luck, so even though you like to snuggle up at home, in May, make an effort to circulate.

Your most tender romantic moment will arrive on May 19, when the full moon will bring a moving experience you'll long remember. If you meet someone new, this person may capture your imagination in a way few have done before. If you've been dating, you may grow much closer to your partner, and may even talk seriously about your future together. Certainly this will be a moment where your feelings will come to fullness and your intentions become clear.

There is some indication that a social event may be quite expensive to participate in now, but then again, it may be worth the extra expense.

Speaking of financials, you're about to enter a very heavy spending phase. You may have one important special purchase, or a whole group of purchases to make. No matter what, allow a number of unexpected expenses to come up, for with Mars tearing through your second house of income and possessions it's best to expect the unexpected.

If you do have to buy things, do so in the first half of May, no later. Mercury will retrograde from May 26 to June 20, never a time to buy new things, for if you do, you are likely to be disappointed with what you acquire. Always allow space around those dates as well, as Mercury acts in a particularly wild way on the front and back dates. You will have plenty of time at the end of June to choose what you need, assured you will enjoy your purchases more if you wait. Don't sign contracts during this phase either.

Susan Miller appears on TV for the first time! Check this out:

Tuesday 08th April 2008 08:56:20 PM
April Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Cancer, Summary by Susan Miller

You have now arrived at the most important month of the year to make major career gains. If you've been aching to get a new, more responsible position, you must jump on opportunities that arrive just after April 5, the new moon in your house of fame and honors. With a crown of stars twinkling at the very top of your horoscope, you should have no trouble convincing higher-ups that you're the one they should choose over other candidates.

That new moon will be in hard angle to Mars, suggesting that you will find yourself in a competitive or even a political situation, with everyone jockeying for the top spot. This is most likely because the job in question would be a juicy one. You've never been one to be deterred by competition, so barrel forward. Keep faithful to your plan - VIPs will be impressed with your cool demeanor and substantial accomplishments.

If you are self-employed, this trend will apply to you too - go after the prestigious client and don't be fazed if your competitors are doing the same. You have the cosmos on your side.

After weeks of concentrating hard on your job search (or campaign for promotion) you'll want to have fun and relax. The full moon April 20 will be your friend by bringing you one of the year's most tender moments. Falling in your house of true love (the only time in 2008), this full moon will work beautifully with Saturn and Pluto, usually the zodiac's bad boys, but this time both will be on their best behavior. Other planets - Jupiter and Uranus - will also lend a hand, making for a truly superb full moon for romance. Expect lots of upbeat surprises, but also the sharing of some wonderfully warm and intimate moments that will linger in your heart a very long time.

This full moon on April 20 will allow you to move your relationship closer and up to the next level. With the full moon in Scorpio you will find love to be all you want it to be - intense, private, and very sexy. If you're single and not dating, you could meet a gorgeous someone you'll like to know better.

Are you attached? With good fortune planet Jupiter still sending spontaneous Uranus a friendly vibe in your 9th house of travel, you may decide to hop a plane and take a quick trip to the opposite coast, or even to a foreign country. A cruise would be another great idea. Check into bargains - you might pick up a couple of tickets for an elegant and spacious cabin on the ship at bargain prices, right at the last minute. Surprise keeps a relationship spicy, so let go, be spontaneous, and have a little fun.

If you do travel, consider going away from April 19 to 29, days that will bring on a number of fine aspects. Go with a sweetheart or with friends. Either way you'd have a great time.

Finally, if you don't travel and don't have someone special yet, the last week of April will be just made for enjoying the camaraderie of friends, thanks to Mercury, the Chatty Cathy of the solar system. Mercury will reach out to Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars. Enjoy yourself to the fullest from April 25 through April 30.

Monday 03rd March 2008 11:53:31 PM
March Horoscope[ 0 messages] 

Susan Miller

You've come through the coldest part of winter, but in many parts of the world it's still not warm, so you may be frustrated that spring is still out of reach. Rather than wait patiently, see if you can find a bargain package and flee to warmer shores.

The weekend spanning March 7-9 would be ideal to pack and go, and if you find you can leave for a week or more, so much the better. Your sector of distant travel will be lit brilliantly, so even if you have not planned a vacation or business trip for March, you may get a surprise opportunity to go anyway. Stay flexible.

Aside from travel, there will be other opportunities that come up in the two weeks that follow the beautiful new moon, March 7. You may be offered an exciting publishing or broadcasting deal, or make plans for going away to college or grad school. Alternatively, you may initiate an international endeavor that will cause you to interact with someone abroad quite a bit from now on.

Mars has been out of sorts for months, but will now zoom through Cancer, giving you a main advantage from March 4 to May 9. It's imperative that you launch a venture that you are passionate about during this phase. We only get Mars' favor every two years, and you will have it now.

Mars will give you energy, drive, and all the determination you need to see your dream come to a successful conclusion. You won't take "no" for an answer now, nor should you. The ancients wrote that when Mars tours someone's sign, don't argue with a person of that sign - that person will win! Good for you!

A romantic or business partnership may become challenging near March 7 due to an opposition of Mars and Pluto. The intensity of your partner's demands may take you by surprise. This person will be hard to appease so keep your wits about you. It may be best not to lock horns, but rather to come at the problem from a different angle. If you are completely taken aback by what you hear, however, you may simply break the connection and walk out. See how you feel. Things will calm down in a few days.

One of your most dazzling weekends will fall over the March 15-16 weekend, when Venus, now in Pisces, will play tag with Mars, now in Cancer. Truly it will be a sensational weekend for romance. The spark of love will be in the air, and attached or single, Cupid will work hard for you. Put a big red circle around the weekend of March 15-16!

The full moon on March 21 will bring mixed messages. On one hand it will energize you to do something special to update your space. What do you need to do? Add a new rug to your living room? Paint your bedroom? Refinish your dining room table? Whatever you want to do, make it a point to browse on or just prior to March 21, for with a full moon in the critical degree of gentle Libra, you'll find options.

On the other hand, due to a cardinal cross pattern of four heavenly bodies in the sky at the full moon March 21, you may have problems in a relationship with a family member, roommate, contractor, landlord, buyer, seller, or other person involved in your home.

Someone will be at odds with you, to such a degree that you may wonder if you fell into a parallel universe where nothing ever goes right. This is certainly not the weekend to plan a family dinner with your in-laws, which is sad for me to say, because that weekend marks a family holiday for many, Easter Sunday.

Thankfully, the month ends with two very special days, March 27 and 28. No matter what happens earlier in the month, these days will put your faith back. March 27 and 28 would be ideal for a trip - a shorter one than perhaps taken earlier in the month - but still refreshing. Try to take a four-day holiday. Take time with the one you love and build plans for the future. With Jupiter and Uranus so beautifully angled, you will have one of the sweetest weekends possible for quiet time together. Take it, dear Cancer.

Practical Astrology

The major energies this month are centered around two different pairs of opposing solar houses, called axes. The first axis is the 3rd house/9th house axis. Both of these houses often relate to study in some sense of the word or with the effort to acquire knowledge. The third house will host Saturn this month (long-term trend) and will see the final lunar eclipse in a series as well. The implications I suppose are that some project or effort related to study will come to an unexpected conclusion around the 20th of February. That does not mean that you should give up applying yourself to acquiring knowledge however you can get it, but you may decide that you need to switch subjects. The possibility of switching subjects or discovering new interests is enhanced by the presence of Uranus in your 9th house of serious educational or knowledge-seeking endeavors, along with the sun, a new moon, Mercury and Venus this month. The bottom line though is that it's pretty obvious that the universe wants you to put in the effort it takes to understand what you encounter and to expand your mind in a beneficial way.

The other axis of action this month is the solar 1st house/7th house axis. The first house is you; the 7th house is other people. Mars will be in your first house charging you up, while Jupiter and Pluto will be in your 7th house. This opposition, which could get a little tense during the first week of March, is all about the art of balancing your own needs against the needs of others. Mars and the other planets are going to give you about two months to get this equation right, and then they're going to expect you to enter a period of relative stability in your relationships. It's your job to do them proud, Cancer.

Tuesday 05th February 2008 09:59:23 PM
February Forecasts[ 0 messages] 

Susan Miller Summary

February will be a bubbling pot that will bring on many developments, some in a quite unexpected way. The best part of the month - and of your life - will have to do with your close relationship. The most obvious way this may work out is that you may get engaged for Valentine's Day. Mars will do his best to reach out to Neptune on February 14 to bring you magical developments. This would be a sensational year to become engaged and wed, so your timing could not be better.

There is a day coming earlier in the month that will be even more spectacular for developments in your love life: Friday, February 1. This could be the most romantic day of the year for Cancers who are dating, attached, or living with someone. On that day, Venus will conjoin fortunate Jupiter in your house of marriage, a once in 12-year occurrence! This day, February 1, will surely be a wow of a day - put a gold star on it and plan to go out. If you are already married or committed to one another, you will still benefit from your partner in a substantial way.

There will be a powerful emphasis on your finances this month too, due to a plethora of planets crowding in Aquarius. The solar eclipse that is due on February 6 will kick off this trend. It looks like money is going to find its way to you, though it's not likely it would be money earned, but rather money arriving in one large chunk. This could be money you earn on a game show on TV, or money your aunt Harriet leaves you in a will. It could be money your college gives you as financial aid or scholarship toward tuition, or a really good mortgage you get approved for at the bank. This time of the month - the first half - really does brim with good financial news.

If anyone owes you money, or if you have tried to settle a dispute involving money, you will likely make lots of progress just after this eclipse appears. Still, discussions involving money, although helped by the eclipse, may not be all that easy to untangle. The Sun and Neptune will orbit in close proximity, indicating that some of the financials you need to study will be obscured, especially near February 10.

Ask questions, particularly if the matter at hand involves the past or future sharing of funds with someone else.

In your career, you've been in a holding pattern ever since Mars turned retrograde on November 15. Mars governs your professional sector, so you need a strong Mars to make progress. Happily, Mars has since turned direct on January 30, so at the start of the month watch closely - you may see immediate signs that professionally things are about to perk up in a big way.

Get past the lunar eclipse, February 21, before you make any major decisions. This eclipse may trigger a quick trip, possibly to complete some sort of family business or to visit a sibling. On the other hand, you may be asked to sign an agreement or contract at this time. Again I will ask you to wait to do so in early March. Spend the time conferring with your lawyer. This month, legal advice would be worth its weight in gold.

You may be forming a business partnership, or are about to hire an agent, publicist, or other expert to help you get ahead. Mars' stronger orbit will help you find the right person and ensure that you generate a generous profit by working together. However, with Mercury retrograde, conditions are still changing day by day - it's not the time to make a final decision about how to proceed. Be patient until you get to March. The right contract will materialize by then.

Practical Astrology

There's a lot of energy this month packed into an odd position in your solar chart--the 8th house. The rough translation of this observation is that I have no idea really what kind of a month this will be for you as the 8th house can relate to so many different levels of your life from the mundane and practical (taxes) to the deeply psychological (therapy) to the acutely physical (surgery). No need to worry, though, the energy largely seems to be beneficial, and you may even get a bit of good news around the time of the new moon eclipse on February 6.

Since a lot of the action is taking place in the sign of Aquarius, the month may simply see a lot of emphasis on your relationships with your friends. It is even possible that you will develop an unexpected sexual relationship with one of them.

If you were born at the very very beginning of your sign, the big news of the month is not likely to revolve around the Aquarian 8th house action, though; it will have to do with the move of Pluto into your opposite sign of Capricorn. Here Pluto will oppose the suns of early-born Cancerians, and that's usually considered to be anything from a bit of a challenge to a full-on confrontation with stuff you don't really want to confront. The good news, I hope, is that neighbors and relatives are likely to be stabilizing influences and ease the challenges thanks to supportive Saturn in Virgo. Furthermore, good mood Jupiter will be in Capricorn as well, so that even if you feel a lot of pressure in your intimate relationships (and you might), you will have some planetary backup in your corner.

Indeed, Cancer, you have so much planetary backup in the sectors of your chart that relate to intimate connections that you just might find yourself ready to spread your wings a bit in this area. I'll leave it to you to decide what spreading your wings might look like; the only thing I'll ask of you is that you exercise good judgment while you do it.

Thursday 03rd January 2008 11:38:15 PM
January Forecast For Cancer[ 326 messages] 

Susan Miller Summary

With Jupiter, planet of happiness, expansion, and outright good luck, now touring your marriage sector along with a plethora of other heavenly bodies, you may be busy now making plans to wed. If it turns out that you are about to wed in January, you will have chosen one of the best months of all of 2008 to walk down the aisle - do so any time after the beautiful new moon on January 8. That new moon will also signal Uranus, so you'll probably be quite surprised about how events unfold. You will, over what happens nevertheless!

Moreover - more good news - on January 24, Venus will float into your relationship sector for a month, bringing reasons for joy, love, and kisses, and more, from a partner. It should be a remarkably happy time if you've been dating.

If you haven't, you can count on meeting up with more substantial types. Your new partner may be a doctor, entrepreneur, professor, or other educated, distinguished, or prominent person, as Jupiter will see to that.

Already wed? Then you will benefit from the good fortune of your spouse this month. Your partner appears to have done very well recently (or soon will) and as a result, you'll have a chance to do lots of new things together, such as travel (possibly overseas) or upgrade your living situation.

If neither case seems plausible (you're not married, nor do you feel you will be soon) then you can use this magical, beneficial energy to open serious talks about a proposed business alliance with someone you know possesses the credentials you need. If you do, you are likely to get better than expected results. Alternatively, you may decide to hire an expert to help you get your business to the next level, or your health, or some other part of your life.

If you are an agent, you are in luck, for one or more of the people you represent will blossom beautifully, bringing you the potential for profits for years to come. Business partnerships, alliances, and joint ventures of all kinds will be blessed in 2008, and you seem to be setting up those relationships now. Do so well in advance of the turn of Mercury retrograde on January 28 or wait until March.

Finances will need your attention at the full moon January 22, and alas, the holiday gifts you so generously bought will now show up on your credit card statement. This may seem like a dreary moment, but due to a well placed Sun and Uranus early on (near January 6), you may be lucky enough to have earned a surprise windfall - and find you can cover much of what you owe. More money seems destined to come to you in February, so keep calm. The best is yet to come!


Practical Astrology

One motto of the month for you, Cancer, might be know thyself. Mars will be retrograding through your solar 12th house and some people find this transit a bit difficult (I kinda do). But the general intent of the transit is actually benign; it's intended to stir up stuff in your psyche so that you can understand where you're coming from psychologically before you charge off again when Mars turns direct and zips through your own sign later this year. Mars actually goes direct at the end of January, but he doesn't re-enter Cancer until March, so you're actually going to have plenty of time to assess your thoughts on various matters of psychological import to you.

Meawhile, Venus wraps up its transit of your love-oriented solar 5th house at the end of December and moves into your work-oriented solar 6th house. I have no idea whether or not you are thoroughly sick of work energy these days, Cancer, but take heart in knowing that this is usually considered to be a mild and pleasant transit. Still if you want to spend time away from work and with the family, you'll probably need to hitch a ride on the Jupiter train.

Jupiter, as you've probably already heard, is beginning a year-long transit of your solar 7th house of marriage. Some astrologers will want you to believe that this transit means that everything will be coming up roses in your marriage for the next year, but this isn't necessarily what the transit indicates. Sometimes what it indicates is that problems surface so that they can be healed.

Since you've got a helpful Mars/Jupiter opposition coming up in March, perhaps the retrograde action in the 12th house is taking place so that you can mull over what might need to be addressed in your marriage until you can spring your complaints on your unsuspecting partner in March! Or something like that. At any rate, you may want to spend some time this month with your partner, just paying attention to how the two of you interact.


Sunday 02nd December 2007 05:58:38 PM
December Forecast [ 0 messages] 

Susan Miller's December Forecast Summary:

You'll be the worker of the year on the job, spinning plates on sticks and humming a happy tune. No one will be able to match your high level of productivity and yet you will make it all look so effortless.

The good spirit of co-workers and subordinates will make it so much easier to work during the holidays. In fact, so cheery will those around you be, that you may feel you accidentally fell into some sort of parallel universe where every day is sunny and workers help each other instead of constantly plotting against each other. Life is so rarely this way!

If you need new equipment, software, and temporary or permanent help, put in your request just after the new moon December 9, for you'll likely get anything or anyone you need. An employee like you is hard to find and your boss will do almost anything to keep you happy.

The headline news this month is that Jupiter and Pluto will combine on December 11. Together these two powerhouse planets will give you an awesome opportunity to improve your health and fitness.

You will also be able to find more assignments or important new clients. Whichever you find at this time bodes well for your future, for that client or assignment will take you to new places in your career that you can't quite anticipate yet.

Singles will love the sparkle of December 18 - give a party or go to one. With Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio and Uranus in water sign Pisces, you could not wish for a better romantic night, filled with surprise!

In a month that has everything, you will also have the move of Jupiter into your marriage and partnership house on December 18, to stay until January 5, 2009. This is considered the very best time in life to think about marriage or business partnerships, or to hire a special expert, such as a manager or agent, to work with you on a one-on-one basis. The last time you had this advantage was 1994, as Jupiter takes 12 years to revolve around the Sun.

After setting into your partnership house, one of Jupiter's first orders of business will be to meet up with Mercury, an annual event that will occur on December 20. This day will bode well for forming new contractual agreements, for travel, commerce, and all writing and communication projects.

Next, Jupiter will have a special conversation with the Sun, always considered the luckiest, happiest day of the year. This will occur very early on December 23. Since they will meet in your seventh house of commitment, it would be a heavenly day for an engagement, wedding, or any sort of "coming together" in business. Because these two luminaries meet early in the day, you can also use December 22 to your advantage.

Watch too, for a generous gift, check, or news of a salary raise to come your way: December 21 or 22.

Dear Cancer, look at all the wonderful things you have to look forward to in December! The best part is that you will have a whole year to enjoy some of the trends that are emerging now. When it comes to New Year's Eve, with Mars about to slip into your private twelfth sector, you'll probably want to plan a quiet but romantic celebration. All things considered, it looks like you'll have lots of secrets and dreams to share. What a way to end the year!

Practical Astrology by Victoria Bazeley:

I'm thinking the keyword of the month for Cancer is probably busy. Mars remains in your own sign, and, retrograde or not, that's often code for being busy. Mercury zips through the month, touching three signs (Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Scorpio) that represent the 5th, 6th, and 7th houses of your solar chart. Mercury in the 5th until the 1st of December indicates you can have a bit of fun over the Thanksgiving weekend, socialize or spend time with the kids and family, particularly since Venus will be in the sector of your chart that governs family and home up until December 5. After that, the fun (and perhaps romantic or love-oriented) vibe continues right up through the end of the year as Venus in the 5th picks up where Mercury left off. Sweet!

In addition to being busy with fun, love, family, and all that jazz, your solar 6th house of work and job stuff is lit up as well, playing host to a last explosive blast of energy before your chart shifts to an other-centered focus near the end of December. If things are going to be popping at work (very possible), the key time will probably be between December 9 and 19. A whole host of aspects occur during that time, including a new moon. If you want something good to happen at work, set your intention for the new moon on the 9th. If that's not enough to fill up your plate, Saturn in Virgo in your 3rd house of training, education, certification and so on is encouraging some of you to sign up for a disciplined yet useful course of study in some field. This idea, admirable as it is (and I encourage the likely suspects among you to go for it), doesn't sit too well with all the celebratory Sagittarian planets that want to party the month away in December, so you may either have to put those plans off or figure out how you're going to juggle study and fun.

In further news, Jupiter moves into your 7th house of marriage, partnership and committed relationships on December 18, ushering in a year of focus on these things, or indeed other people in general. At some point before the end of December, there may be a bit of a push-pull between Mars and Jupiter. This can translate into overindulgence and the inevitable post-indulgence crash, but it doesn't have to. In general, be mindful that the planets are generally encouraging you to find some way to cram it all in this holiday season and that you may have to be proactive about not over-stressing yourself with activity.

Tuesday 06th November 2007 11:44:29 PM
November Forecast[ 0 messages] 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
November Horoscope by Susan Miller

You've been on the go, in charge, and calling the shots ever since Mars entered Cancer at the end of September. There's nothing like Mars to put you in a leadership position. Now that Mars will retrograde, it's time to slow down, survey what you've accomplished, and make course corrections, especially in your career. If you need a new job, Mars will be retrograde from November 15 to January 30, giving you plenty of time to perfect your strategy. Plan to give your dearest ambitions a huge push from February through early May.

Romance could easily consume you in the days and weeks that follow the new moon November 9. Slip into something that makes you feel sexy and desirable and head out the door, for believe it, you will be all THAT and a lot more! If single, November will mark the best time of the year to meet an intriguing new person. You may wail, "I never meet anyone special," but if you feel that way, vow to give love another chance. With Uranus plotting a fistful of surprises, you could be humming a different tune soon! (For a case in point, among many days too numerous to mention, watch November 21.) In all, the coming holidays could turn out to be warm, cozy, and romantically sentimental - just your cup of tea!

With Mars in Cancer, ruling home, you'll want to invite the clan over for Thanksgiving dinner. Start early by gathering together favorite recipes and drawing up a shopping list. You can have a stress-free holiday if you're organized. Venus will tour your house of home from November 8 until December 5, so it's a sure bet you'll delight family and friends with your awesome entertaining skills. Take full advantage of Venus' charms by adding a beautiful new mirror, a new rug, or one new piece of furniture to one room. You seem to feel you need an update - Venus will ensure you like the choices you make.

After so much activity, protect your health by relaxing your schedule and by allowing yourself more rest near the full moon, November 24.

Thursday 18th October 2007 10:02:40 PM
十月的預告[ 0 messages] 

今晚終於有時間睇下電視, 上下網, 幾乎忘記了查看本月星座預測.  有需要記錄下來:

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller

You have moved into the most powerful part of the year, for Mars will favor Cancer from now through the end of 2007, all the way to early May 2008. You've had some planetary support this year from a variety of planets, but few on this high-octane level. Mars typically spends seven weeks in one sign, but this year, Mars will favor Cancer for a staggering nearly seven months. If you've had problems getting people to see things your way, you'll enjoy seeing that you've suddenly become flavor of the month - for many months! Use this time to launch projects and new relationships. You'll be enthusiastic and energetic, and others will want to get behind you and jump on board.

Your home life will bring lots of news once the new moon appears, October 17. This will be an unusually fine new moon, supported by a host of planets - Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto - making this an ideal time to start a home renovation project. You may now find a new apartment or new roommate, reorganize your closets, or have contractors come in to make an estimate to complete bathroom or kitchen renovations. Alternatively, you may order a maintenance overhaul to wash windows and blinds, shampoo rugs, and clean upholstery. Afterwards, invite friends and family in to admire your results.

At work, you've been getting applause for excellent work all year, but the compensation has been unsatisfactory. Now that Saturn has moved into Virgo, you'll find employers and clients more willing to pay a fair price. By late January, be ready to speak up for more money. Last month's full moon may have brought news of a better job, and if so your interview may have reached the point where it is appropriate to discuss salary. Good! Do so early in October if that is the case. Working conditions should be excellent, especially if you begin the week of October 8.

Mercury will retrograde soon, so you may find that you are more prone to reminisce about the past in October. Call old friends and distant relatives and stay up late sharing stories and generally catching up. You may also find papers and mementos you haven't seen in a long time too - perhaps due to your home reorganization project - and when you find them, they will instantly take you back to another time and place.

You've got a glittery social event coming up, October 26 (plus or minus three days). This will be a dress-up affair to remember. Everything about this evening should come out perfect: the flowers, the setting, the food and music, and most of all, the friends you'll be glad to see, as well as the new faces they'll introduce you to.

Sunday 16th September 2007 11:15:03 PM
命運[ 3 messages] 

Today's mood: 

自從知道 Susan Miller 的星座預測後, 每個月月頭一定會上綱看看這個月份的預測及回顧上個月所發生的事情. 我始終相信冥冥之中是有安排的.  但安排了的那條道路是很寬闊的, 當中有很多決擇權, 但無論選擇向左或是向右走, 最終還是會走向被安排了的結局. 想起了一套電影, 叫 "Sliding Doors", 兩個不同的過程, 一個先甜後苦, 一個先苦後甜, 朋友說他會選前者, 而我會選後者.  你呢?

Susan Miller September 2007 Forecast Summary for Cancer 
Finances are finally looking up, now that Saturn, the planet of lessons learned, has moved out of your second house of income. You likely found it hard to get the compensation you deserved since Saturn first entered this house in July 2005, for Saturn, the taskmaster planet, was bent on teaching you the value of money. After two years, you've been enlightened on that score (to say the least), and now more cash will flow to you again. If in the unlikely case you've been happy with your salary, well, just wait - you will see your financial picture get even better.
You may see a development as quickly as September 11 or in the days that follow. That's the day of the solar eclipse, and since Leo rules your earned income sector, you could easily see more money from developments that stem from talks at mid-month. Venus' turn direct at almost the same time, September 8, should also help. There are so many reasons to be optimistic about your future earning potential.
If by any chance you are not able to negotiate more money at mid-month, there is another point in the month you should look toward and that's the full moon September 26, plus or minus four days. At that time you will have a full moon in your house of honors, achievement, and fame, suggesting that you will either be given an important new position, or exceptional publicity for work well done. I feel this will translate into more money for you, too.
At the very end of the month, on September 28, Mars will enter Cancer for the first time in two years. From then until May 9, 2008, a continuous period of over six months, you will enjoy extraordinary prominence, filled with opportunity, high energy, and an overall feeling of support from others around you. New ventures will have a better-than-usual chance for success, and you'll more easily gain the attention of the VIPs who will be more willing to approve your ideas. You've paid your dues - now it's time to collect your rewards in many areas of your life.
Since Mars naturally rules your tenth house of fame, it suggests that whatever is happening on September 26 will carry you forward on a very new, pioneering professional path. It should be very exciting! Mars will also make you more attractive and sexy, so you'll need to get used to having more attention, on many levels, including romantic ones!
Cancer is known to put family first, but even you know that sometimes a little too much interaction with your relatives can be off-putting. With many planetary aspects lighting your houses of close kin, you will be drawn into discussions that could, at times, prove difficult. A sibling may now be quite critical, or if not that, then exceptionally needy of you. In reality, your sister or brother may be suffering from a bout of depression, but you may not have been told. Take extra care with how you respond. Things are rarely what they seem, so give your sibling the benefit of the doubt by being supportive. Neighbors will also be covered by this house. It will important to be careful around September 11 and 21.
If you can find a way to slip out of town for a few days, then do, for you will benefit from the respite. The September 11 eclipse may make this possible, so if you can, go. A business trip would be very successful taken September 13, for Mercury and Jupiter will be beautifully angled on that day.
Paperwork or a contract that you've anticipated will show up on September 11 or in the days that follow. Look closely before you put your signature on the dotted line. You are likely to see last minute clauses thrown in that were never discussed and that may make the deal less appealing. Discuss the fine print with your lawyer and make the changes you need to make you happy.
Romantically, with Mars on the way to your sign at month's end, you'll be magnetic and positively irresistible. Your confidence is about to climb as troubles of the past begin to melt away. Life is about to swing upward again, dear Cancer. It's been a long wait, but worth it! Wait and see!


Monday 10th September 2007 10:41:51 PM
人體使用手冊[ 0 messages] 

Today's mood: 

朋友送我一本書, 是吳清忠的 "人體使用手冊".  看書名, 知道是一本有關健康的書. 朋友說得興奮, 說對她很有用云云, 所以我也急不及待, 在這兩天, 已經看了一半, 內容的確非常有趣, 很想向大家推介一下.

作者從中醫的觀點, 以淺顯易懂的方式, 教導大家如何正確的使用我們的身體.  就是嘛, 現今各樣產品都附有說明書或使用手冊的同時, 為什麼就是沒有教人如何正確使用自己身體的說明書呢?


1. 點解有時一放假, 就會生病呢? 真的是"辛苦命"嗎?
2. 點解有時夜瞓, 反而會越夜越精神?
3. 點解有人平時一啲病痛都冇, 一發現已經無得醫?
4. 點解有人食極都唔肥, 而有人飲水都會肥吖?

想知道, 就搵本書睇睇啦!  又或者可以去作者的 blog 看一看:

Friday 07th September 2007 07:32:26 PM
辦公室懶蟲10招[ 0 messages] 

Today's mood: 

資料來源: 路透社

交友:上 Facebook 和 MSN 等交友網站

發泄:在網站 annoyingcoworker.net 向同事「大篤背脊」,或在 customerssuck.livejournal.com 宣泄對客人的不滿

選美:到 hotornot.com 選靚人,到 ratemypuppy.com 或 puppywar.com 選靚狗

打機:關掉喇叭,到 games.yahoo.com 或 games.msn.com 玩遊戲


管理球隊:到 fantasysports.yahoo.com 扮足球隊領隊,管理球員


名人八卦:到 thesuperficial.com 或 ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com 了解名人八卦新聞

72行知多點:到 waiterrant.net 了解侍應辛酸,或到 newyorkhack.blogspot.com 探討紐約的士司機的生活,以後付小費或許會「爽手」點

扮工作:如發現老闆突然出現,視窗使用者可按「視窗」鍵的同時按下「M」鍵,隱藏當前程式;或預先開啟 donsbosspage.com 網站,它會顯示一個試算表,足可瞞過部分老闆的眼睛

今日幾乎做過晒! 都幾忙! 哈哈!

Thursday 02nd August 2007 11:34:15 PM
Blog Ideas[ 0 messages] 


之後, 上綱游蕩,

"No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 ideas for your blog"
by Margaret Mason





呀! 對了,
剛才看到 no. of visits: 2222,

Tuesday 24th July 2007 11:50:35 PM
他的"思生活"[ 0 messages] 

Chet出了新書, 同CD一樣, 叫 <思生活>.

好! 就幫你做吓宣傳啦!

簡介, 來自www.chetlam.com:

"LYFE出品, 林一峰第四本文字結集. 從第一本作品 <音樂.旅.情>開始, 遊走於大城市與小鎮之間, 用文字和照片速繪一幅又一幅的生命即影. 淡淡濃濃的小情小性滲滿字裡行間. <思生活>紀錄了林的遊曆感想, 走過非州乾涸的土地, 中國天山日漸消融的冰川, 美國紐約最絢麗絃目的百老匯, 會到香港踏實地過日子, 在大世界裡尋找細微的感覺, 在細微事情裡看到大世界的縮影. 不管是睡房裡還是鬧事中, 都有城市人的點點共鳴."


Thursday 28th June 2007 11:16:57 PM
天使卡[ 1 messages] 

有沒有玩過Angel Cards呢?
Angel Cards其實是一種訊息卡,
每張卡有一個key word,
這個key word,

今年年頭, 為自己抽了一張咭,
這張卡裡, 有一個小丑,

做人太認真, 想東想西的,


要加油! 努力!!


Thursday 07th June 2007 06:26:33 PM
同事[ 0 messages] 














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