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Friday 17th December 2010 10:15:24 PM

The Hand Guide to the Birds of New Zealand

Hugh Robertson and Barry Heather, Penguin Books; Revised edition (2005),  168 pages.

- Officially endorsed by the Ornithological Society of New Zealand

- Comprehensive and easy-to-use

- Introduces key bird-watching sites

- Ideal for use in the field

- Every bird species in New Zealand represented in 74 original, full-page, colour paintings, including rare & recently extinct birds.

A more portable version of The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand, with the same excellent images, but a reduced text.  A quality print from Hong Kong! A-must for birding in New Zealand at all levels.  I have this book from Stewart Island when birding in New Zealand.

This book is sold at a very reasonable price  (NZ$38) and almost the same everywhere in New Zealand.  My copy is the revised edition published by Penguin Books in 2005 while the previous edition in 1999 is still available in the market.  It is also worthwhile noting that the copy sold from Amazon and NHBS is published by Oxford University Press in 2001 while the price is almost double.

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