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Saturday 31st January 2009 11:40:45 PM

Another book borrowed from Hong Kong Public Library for planning my trip to the Galápagos and borrowed again after the trip. Galápagos - A Natural History Guide is one of the most informative reference books found and it has everything you should know about the Galápagos from the four chapters (Scientific and Historical Data; Fauna of the Galápagos; Description of the Islands; and The Galápagos National Park).  The photos inside, to be frank, are not stunning from photographers' eyes.  The sketches of diagrams and maps are presented in an outdated fashion.  Probably, all these make the book being looked more classic as it should be and the most impressive words start from the Forward:

¡§To many overseas visitor, the Galápagos are the image of paradise; a mythical place ¡V so symbolic per se ¡V like a child¡¦s dream that beckons beyond imagination; an oasis of life in the middle of the vast expanse of the cold east Pacific ocean; a magical speck of land inhabited by fabulous animals, survivors of another space in time, which live in harmony with nature; a place so far away from civilization, that it must have been chosen by the Gods to be a haven of peace and beauty. In short, the perfect postcard of Eden.

To me, however, these islands evoke mixed feelings of the sweet and sour kind. Time plus 25 years experience of the Galápagos, have given me a deep perspective about the events and a seasoned approach to the challenges facing this unique land. Believe me, from my window, the outlook is not pretty any longer and I have a bitter taste in my mouth. The evidence is convincing. The presence of men is not compatible with paradise. Man has become a greedy, merciless predator, a destroyer and a powder master key to what Darwin once called ¡§evolution¡¨. Man prefers to call it progress, but what sort of improvement is that, it is detrimental to Mother Nature? Money has become the new ¡§blood¡¨ of the Galápagos environment. ¡K.¡¨ ¡V from the author, Pierre Constant

It makes one sad just reading the first two paragraphs of Pierre's Forward but it may be arguably true.  I may consider, with his 25 years of experience in the Galápagos,  the message in the opening is worthwhile taking particular note notwithstanding this sour and sad taste cast a damp over those who are planning the trip to the Galápagos.  Be a responsible human being on the earth being shared with other life forms.

¡§¡KI do not wish to darken the picture more than I should. The magic and the spell of Enchanted Isles really do exist. They are found:

In the inquisitive look of the blue-footed boobies; In the sweetness and the frolic of the sea lions on land or in the water; in the peaceful and detached somnolence of marine iguanas flat on the rocks under the equatorial sun;



In the enigmatic smiles of the land iguanas under the opuntia cacti; in the eternal immobility of the giant tortoises in their centenarian shell, overlooking the world from the rim of the volcanoes; in the mystical contemplation of the pelican standing on its rock, facing the glowing ocean at sunset;

In the grace and innocence of the flightless cormorant during courtship display; in the comical duel of the albatrosses fencing with their beaks in the mating season; in the joyful gamboling of bottlenose dolphins, for which each boat is a pretest to play; in the wave that crashes against the Great Arch and turns into one thousand drops of iridescent light ¡K

For all that, I pay my respects to these islands.  Despite the thunder and lightning, the Galápagos must be safeguarded as the innocence of the world. For the sun rises east on Noah¡¦s ark or on the arch of Darwin, and glows west on the great blue yonder of the Pacific. The magic of ¡§Las Encantadas¡¨ may one day disappear under the surface of the waves, but by then, humans would have gone long before.¡¨

(Note: This book can be borrowed from the Hong Kong Public Library or bought from Amazon.)

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