« June 2024 »
Sunday 01st January 2006 12:45:59 PM

Hope that everyone is having a new year from now on ^.^
Last night i've been to sheep's home to sleep over~ so as Mizuki
We saw a lot of cosplay & BL collections in her computer ~ and then played card games ~ tried Diamond Black (lucky that i was not drunk)
then they watched non-sense HK movie , and I surrended and went sleeping (really need a lot of sleep)
Today when i woke up~ it was 10.42~ and we got out at 11.00 since Sheep has her meeting with her SUPERCALI team~XD
I got home and went for my new year TEA~~ fantastc!!!!

to MIZUKI> the picture you helped me to take in Ma On Shan Centre was poorly useless!!! Because the camera has turned to movie mode!!! It became a movie!!! weep~~~

i still have millions of homework undone~ i wonder if i can finish them by deadline~ Y.Y
Monday 02nd January 2006 12:41:06 AM
From: mizuki
o poor........i really dun notice the camera has turned to movie mode||||sorry~do u want to take once more??

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