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Wednesday 14th September 2005 11:34:10 PM

today is soooo busy
spending so much spirits on lessons....
i hate Economics!!! what a ominous subject>O<
written two articles today, one for Lee Anne and the other for Vivian Tam. Both of them are boring topics, but i think i did them quite well
i went shopping after school with mak gold and macy, we bought a XXXX as Ling Ling's birthday present. It's so cute!!!!!!! It's the first time that make me think: oh~Mickey Mouse is not really that nauseating~(sweat)
i went home at 8pm, feeling extremely tired.... just wanna to lay on bed and never get up m__m
i've traveled to the official web of 絕對服從命令 , what a sexy H BL game!!!!!! i love it!!! and i'm fond of the military uniform too!!! contemplating the possibility of cosing any of the characters from it.....still planning
i discovered out my dusty CD: Gravitation and re-listen to it. The songs are still so sweet and nice. They evoked my memory and also recall my enthusiasm of Gravitation..... about Shindo Shuichi and also Yuki Eiri....

gotta be LOVELESS: RITSUKA this coming sunday!!! soooooo nervous>O<
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