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Wednesday 31st October 2012 11:55:24 PM

1. Tibetian costume from darling who has just returned from Tibet

2. Happy to have my good friend in HK right before my big day reach, dinner and night chat is most valuable

3. Disneyland halloween (i actually went ocean park previously) so it's a nice festival

4. Another fine day afternoon tea- mid level tea hous with quality food and drink, relaxed ladies day and share a sweet moment of intimacy

5. Night dinner gathering on the exact day, OT till 8:45pm but i will never forget, sweet heart came to my Admiralty workplace wait for my seminar to ends, pick me up, and bought double birthday cakes, one from Awfully chocolate and one from Saint Honore Belgium 75o, oh.... if this is a trick to date a girl, definitely win everything!!!!XD

6. got valuable and gorgeous birthday presents that are totally out of my imagination, thanks all of you that attend the celebration and share this happiness with me

7. Glad to know my old frined got a new job and remain the same housing, i am always happy to know everybody doing well in their lives, wish them all the best

8. went to sexy jenifa's birthday, a sino-indian wedding, who would have thought about it!!!! Wish you happy ever after Jenifa and this is really touching, reloop mariah carey's songs at home after hearing you sing again, Eternal Flame's lyrics suit you and saurav a lot!!!!!

lots of love and surprise this year, love you all

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