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Saturday 30th July 2011 11:27:47 PM

i tend to forget what I have to do and leave away my task list. Because for holidays I truly want to relaz doing nothing, think of nothing, and just pass the time with fooling around. It is not the first time that I almost feel I've reached the limit of my brain and I totally got blank when I try to sort out for what I am actually working on. I was scared with such feeling, I feel like I have become some idiots who totally get paralyzed in front of something.

I hope that I could have chance to get as considerable as before, but now I think I am not just as the right situation. When I recall myself that how many work I need to do, right next day morning, I just force myself to ignore any guests with needs. I know I have been ignorant, but I can totally not tackle any request at the moment. It's just not the right time and right location, that I could spare my mercy to anyone. Me myself has already be exhausted.

SORRY my dear relatives, I really feel sorry but I am just not able to react in this time. Perhaps I have been impolite for such ignorance, but I don't how what to response apart from that.

Got to preserve some more area for my ownself, for the preparation of tomorrow's battle. It's the pressure of my own, which I can hardly share with anyone.

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