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Tuesday 24th May 2011 10:48:15 PM

i can foresee the day coming

perhaps till the end, everyone will just get alone

there;s never the half of your spirit waiting for you in this transcient world

and because we are individual, it's hard to absorb another entirely, regardless of every tiny affairs

i can foresee the future, and i am just getting used to the move, i don't think it would deifnitely be bad, having someone away from your life may make you feel ease

less mental burden, and less duty


i hate clearing leftover for others

i don't mind getting accused when i've done wrong, but please don't accuse me when you are the origin of the matter. Before you propose your philosophical speech, do figure out who is really the problem

temper losing control when more problems pop up and fill up by tighter schedule, then you find it hard to tolerate irrational blame

Hated someone who keep saying blablabla around your ears, asking what you should do, but never think of what they have done

Hated someone who keep saying how great oneself is, always bringing herself as the centre of the topic

yet it's what you need to face in the society, the workplace

just try to be a tranquil, no ripples on the dead water

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