« June 2024 »
Thursday 19th May 2011 11:31:06 PM

If I could choose, actually to get day off on weekdays would be even more precious than at weekends. The reason is that I really hate to compete with others for the use of limited bandwith of network, the limited quota of transportation, area, space, facilities, shops, restaurants and also.... schedule/

I would rather hang out when every body's at work. No matter that no one can accompany me. It 's no longer a relief to have someone accompany, when you have been fed up of all the personal matters in the company. What you pursue, as a real rest, would be to keep a distance from the crowd, be calm, be quiet, be alienated, and to lie on somewhere so that you don't need to bother any little thing.

Planning to get a short break after these few weeks of suffer. but i just wonder if my leave request would be granted and I notice how workaholic and typical hong konger my chef is. Sincerely hope that she could be considerable, though i klnow the truth I must face is that we may end up quarreling and I need to strike very hard to get a leave....

good luck me.

never exactly feel regret for changing my job, as i really get so much better pay off. but i think, it's about sacrifice. I really give up a lot to fit into this new working module, which....somehow, is a pity of me.

but i keep of sustaining my previous dream, a lot of things apart from work, that i treasure.


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