« June 2024 »
Sunday 13th March 2011 01:51:50 PM

how windy it is on the EAGLE!!!!!

We have no preparation for such exciting ride after a numbers of thrilling attractions!!!!

And today my skeletons totally become rebellious to my mind. I just lied straight on the bed from morning till afternoon.

Suddenly feel exhausted as i need to tutor two students in the evening still.

But everything is fun.

It's just simple and direct, that when you try to please somebody, all I want is to keep the laughter on whole day, and if the mission is completed, I 'm done for my duty, Satisfaction would fulfill my heart. And I feel the highest pleasure of the friendship side of my life, as one stay besides me, chatting, laughing or just even sleeping by eachother's shoulders.

It's because we are harder to get true happiniess as the age grows, I enjoy every single moment of laugh and fun. Hope that I can still enjoy such fascinating days even 10 or 20 years after.

But beforehand,

Gals We better strengthen our bodies.....

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