« June 2024 »
Friday 18th February 2011 03:04:24 PM

Es war ein woche nach meiner Taiwan reise. Weiß ich klar dass eine Unterbrechung ist jetzt am wichtigsten, doch darf ich mich nicht entspannte.... Zu viele Fruende zu treffen, zu viele zu arbeiten, jede Nacht wollte ich fruh schlafen aber es ist immer schon mittenacht, wenn ich meine Sache fertig gemacht habe.

From the shoulder and neck pain I can sense how my stress has accumulated unconsciously and all along the way to work and back home I rather sleep instead of reading my favourite novels. How tired I could tell.....
Lucky that nothing much to do this weekend and I can take a really long and good sleep.
Bossy things passing onto me at workplace and I got to handle more and more soon. You know when you dun get more pay and dun be promoted to a higher position but your duty has been increased, you find your motivation downs vertically. 
The happy thing is to work on new project of publishing, a book of English slangs and jokes interested me most. And unexpectedly I have finished doing the second book that I'm totally in charge  of. It's always happy the have the new born babby printed in my hand.
So much complaints from my work and oh,.... the realtionship, so much touchy topics that I try to avoid, but at last needa deal with.
I think I am getting more and more complicated, as now I start to suppress / hide my own self when dealing with a person who I dislike but I cannot avoid encountering, and I am comfortable enough to handle this.
Maturity, treasure that you gain as you keep growing
Can't realise that I am already twenty something.....i always consider myself as the university student and it's like my brain stops to develop since then/ 
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