« June 2024 »
Sunday 02nd January 2011 01:04:52 AM

seems like everytime when i head to another country, i need to stay over very very late, with serious lack of sleep as i wait till the midnight airport transport.

i always remember the time when i went to TW with sheep, as i walked to city one at 4 or 5 am, and all the shops are all closed. i really feel myself ahead of anybody and live a mysterious life, wake when everyone are asleep....

keeping awake is always an uneasy task to me, as i am so used to sleep early before 12 am. Now i feel my whole brain getting more and more lagged.... but i sustained, well....

hope to have a pleasant journey and things will go smooth all the time. i really really wanna have a big rest from this lousy life.

and i hope to face everything with a more optimistic manner, so i can put more confidence to those i should have loved.

i always think everything has its destiny. If anything happens, i just feel like it's what i've been planned to visit.

Anyway, wish myself BON VOYAGE....

Sunday 02nd January 2011 03:19:53 PM
From: ¾ï¤l
I am actually very very eager to go traveling with you.haha £¸¸ô¶¶­·

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