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Thursday 25th March 2010 11:46:22 PM




 Once upon another time 另一個從前

Christine: Once upon another time 很久很久的另一次從來 
Our story had only begun 當我們的故事才剛開始
You chose to turn the page 你選擇了翻下一頁
And I made choices too 而我亦作了抉擇

Once upon that other time 在那一次的從來
We did what we thought 我們可以順從心裡所想

Must be done 堅決而行 
And now we have no choice 但現在我們已無選擇
We do what we must do 履行各自的責任
We love 我們相愛
We live 我們活著
We give what we can give 我們獻出了可以獻出的
And take what little we deserve 卻僅能取得一點值得的回報

Phantom: once upon another time在另一次從來
I knew how our story would end 我知道我們故事的下場
And maybe I was wrong 也許我是錯了
But now the moment's gone 但現在時機已逝
Were it still that other time 如果還可以回到那時
I'd make time itself 我將順從自己
Somehow bend 讓時間屈服於我
But now I'm not that strong 但現在我已失去過去的堅強
And time keeps moving on 而時光繼續流淌

Christine and Phantom: We love我們相愛
We live 我們活著
We give what we can give 我們獻出了可以獻出的
And take what little we deserve 卻僅能取得一點值得的回報

We love我們相愛
We live 我們活著
We give what we can give 我們獻出了可以獻出的
And take what little we deserve 卻僅能取得一點值得的回報

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