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Thursday 25th March 2010 11:28:24 PM

The day starts, the day ends 日升、月落
Time crawls by 時光遊走
Night steals in, pacing the floor 夜悄然而來,步步走近
The moments creep, 那一刻停滯
Yet I can’t bear to sleep然我輾轉難眠
Till I hear you sing 直至聽見你的歌聲

And weeks pass, and months pass一週過去,一月過去
Seasons fly轉眼是春秋
Still you don’t walk through the door依然門前不見你身影
And in a haze迷霧中
I count the silent days我細數靜謐的日子
Till I hear you sing once more.直至我再次聽到你的歌聲

And sometimes at night time然有時,午夜夢迴
I dream that you are there我夢見你仍在此處
But wake holding nothing but the empty air醒來卻一無所有,除卻虛空

And years come, and years go年復一年
Time runs dry時光飛逝
Still I ache down to the core 那依然揪痛我心
My broken soul我破碎的靈魂
Can’t be alive and whole不再鮮活也不完整
Till I hear you sing once more直至我再次聽到你的歌聲

And music, your music而音樂,你的音樂
It teases at my ear在我耳畔猶如嘲笑
I turn and it fades away and you’re not here我回身,聲音遠去,而你不在

Let hopes pass, let dreams pass讓希望破滅,夢想遠去
Let them die埋葬所有
Without you, what are they for?沒有你,要這些又有何用?
I’ll always feel我經常感到
No more than halfway real彷似處於半真半假之中
Till I hear you sing once more直至我再聽到你的歌聲

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