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Friday 19th February 2010 09:49:03 PM

Okay finally I admitted that I have drowned into Gaga's Fever.

I really really try so hard to deny her at the very first glance, since she is kind of overlapping her style with my goddess (Christina Aguilera, u know)

but since she got the prize from Brit award, and I took an overview to most of her MVs, I got to say.... alright, I surrender, and Gaga! You got my vote.

It doesn't mean that I have abandoned my goddess, but at these few days I can't help looping Gaga's songs, interestingly her new song featuring Beyonce attracted me the most (even though I have no idea why) But I filled up my ipod with Gaga's songs, they washed away my vocaloid,my britney, my sweet pool, my evanescence, my marilyn manson and so as my Christina

though, Andrea Bottecelli remains!!!! As his voice is still UNBEATABLE!!!!!!

enough non sense.... well, got to slp  

>>actually I am just giving myself excuse to post this lovely ad with Gaga and Beyonce, love this song soooo much!!!!!

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