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Thursday 24th December 2009 11:51:37 AM

finally get back onto the net

i really hate PCCW terrible service and fragile network

highly irresponsible for their clients and poor service attitude


night banquet today but still needa tutor at noon..... kind of busy for preparing for the feast, though i know i am kinda fooling around in the morning (i should hurry for the costumes actually, but no mood to do any of them so far)

relaxing myself with comics and assassin creed, finally i can keep on playing with bobo's effort, so happy that my character finally acquired the assisin cloak!!!!!! so handsome!!!><

now start assasinating by the assigned quest!! hahaha, stop me from the dragonage for a while

anyway, got to go for tutor.... a terrible fat boy that is quite impolite to parents and me /_\ well.... no work could be easy i understand

>>continue retouching my nana pics~ nice light i really love those effects

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