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Saturday 10th October 2009 01:43:30 AM

帝看了BILLY COS羅馬爺爺後作的米英詩XD



I want to be your hero.

我想成為你的英雄,我要你眼睛只能看我。I wish to be your hero, for your eyes only me to be within

不准你看我以外的人。Not anyone but me.

你拾小時候的我回來把我養大 You brought me up since I was small

大手拖小手,一天一天的過去 bigger hand held the smaller hand , days after days they just passed

很喜歡和你一起的時光 I treasured all the time being with you

從那時起目光就離不開你 From then on I could hardly put my eyes off you

雖然你從不知道 Even though you never knew…

漸漸我長得比你還高,然後力氣比你更大 Soon I grew taller then you, then I grew stronger then you

我要獨立 Independence, I cried for

我受不了一直在你的庇護下 I could no longer stay under your shadow

很丟臉 shame on me

所以我要獨立 and so should I declare my independence

你向我索求的只是親情 It’s only brotherliness that you seek for
可是我要的卻是你的全部But entirety that I desire on


and so should I declare my independence

讓你看我已經長得這麼強大 Let me show’ya how strong I have become

讓你可以安心在我的懷抱裡 And so you can lay well in my embrace

我要變得更強大來保護你 I swear to grow stronger and protect you

一切都是我預計和掌握之內 Everything is just under my plot
但是為什麼那天你的臉全是淚水But except of you shedding tears on that day
我想得到的不是這樣痛苦的你 I never wish to have you in pain
喏,為什麼要哭?oh, why are you crying?

你覺得我只要永遠當你的弟弟、當你的好兒子就夠了嗎? You believe that it’s enough for me to be your dearest brother and son?

我們皆知道,最好的時光永不復返But we all knew, that the best time would never return.

為了你我可以與世界為敵 For the sake of you I could be the enemy of the world
我要得到這世上的權力和認同  seizure all powers and recognitions
然後站在世界的頂端 stand on the top of the globe
擁有力量的人才可以去拒絕反對意見 Only the one who obtains power could resist and overthrow objections
每句都是「我」Every sentence comes with “I”
我就是這麼的個人主義掛帥 “I” am always such an individualist
我想要得到的從來都未嘗失敗過 “I” never fail as “I” pursue
是你把我帶成這個樣子,所以你要付上責任 It’s you that brought me up like this, for that you need to take the responsibility

你的紳士假面具Your mask of a gentleman

總有一天我會把它撕下來 will be torn off by me someday
然後看看在那下面你的最真實最赤裸模樣 Beneath that let me pierce your truth and nakedness
害羞也好,流淚也好either blushing a scarlet-red, or weeping in pant
你給我的回答 The answer that you give me
想必是拒絕,也許是絕望 should be refusal, or may be despair
你就這麼怕我嗎? Am I that fearful to you?
于我而言 but for me
只要是你的我都愛 I love everything of you.

單邊主義也好 帝國主義也好Unilateralism will do, imperialism will do
只要是可以用來保護你 我都在所不計 I won’t care, if any can safeguard you
阿瑟你就是我的世界 Arthur You’re just my world.

You’re my world.

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