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Saturday 11th July 2009 02:30:58 PM

No matter if we are on one side or not,

no matter how each other has changed,

i will never never eager to criticise my mate with the standard of the outsiders

you can say it's a kind of insane bias, that in the closed group we for so long emphasized, though you can never deny, the importance of uniting our directions into one core

I swear to ignore whatever that I don't wanna see, totally abandoning and pretend that I have no concern on that,

though my boundary has been suppressed to a point that no more tolerance can be given


what's more sadistic than this kind of saying?

Something silenced under abyss, they aren't unveiled, but exist in people's mind

the negative thoughts, expanding in a rapid speed that i can no longer control

well, it's just that, lack of confidence and lack of dependence

if there is a perfect statue in your mind, what so bother to imply that on me? i ain't somebody, i ain't nobody, may you know that it will hurt?

stop putting accusations on the innocence, or keep believing and sentencing the penalty to those you think they deserve to

explanation is now a luxury, that i no longer fight for

There is some words in my breath, bursting out but again being kept in secret,

somebody, well, somebody that suits your ideal utopia,

if you are really looking for a tool, just pursuit the best you can have

i know, to you, it's been exhausted to remain in a waste field, we are, to you, a bunch of craps that you would like to get rid of

why so stubborn if the bird is going to fly out? if the sun is going to shine in? and if the rain is going to stop?

perhaps the anger and the frustration are yet dissolved, coz you are to me not anymore,

resurrection, i await

no more curses from your spell, wish me, no harm

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