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Friday 27th March 2009 08:20:19 AM

at least i dun need to worry about my short future at the time, it is just surprised that both of them accepted me. The offices are always mysterious, the crueler their attitudes are, the more possibility that you are accepted = =" I thought I've done the interview terribly, that's should be the worst performance I 've ever had, but surprisingly they approved me still, what the hell it's going on??

anyway, good luck myself and my fds and we both got approved. But we still have to work heard in the coming semester, looking forward to my honour...... I am so damn worried for my exam result now /_\" second up honour!!!! Please don't leave me alone!!!!!


From Wednesday onwards I started not having enough sleep, and I don't think I can relax truly until the Sunday, since I have couple of works to do. When one combined both school works and cos stuff together, time seems to be never sufficient. Today between the lessons I still need to meet my handsome professor for the essay advice, really exhausted...... I am not able to stay awake long if I just slept for 6 hours.... 

>>discovery from precious KING! hahahaha

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