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Thursday 25th September 2008 09:01:29 PM

Nice presentation and cooperation with my mates, seems to be a very busy day, dealing with reading materials, tough questions and instant presnetation.

Once I was very depressed by all of that, as I think I am really reaching my edge of all what I can do.

But today everything just go so smooth, everyone is just so nice, every bit of life flourish.

What will I be next year? Perhaps still hanging in the unknown, not suring where I am going to? Can I be more certain? Can anyone show me just what the direction I should be?

Well once I got a little more clue, my recognization is shattered by another one... what's more confusing?

I have something that I really want to do, but I know this may hardly acheive. So I should succumb to the reality? Or shall I struggle in the hopelessness?

>>just have done a presentation on Impressionism, good job mates

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