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Sunday 29th June 2008 02:50:23 AM


Today is the city tour guide and the pergamon museum visiting. I am so enthusiastic about the Nazi history, however, due to the suppression of the Nazism, actually there are not much left in Germany which are related to Hitler.

The only trace today was a train station, that the pillars were made of marbles, actually they were transferred from the original Hitler’s office. But still no description is made to identify. Also the bunker that Hitler died in, was completely destroyed by East Germany, so poorly I can’t witness anything that has direct connection with Hitler.

However luckily just these few years a new site is being discovered by the university student, which is the topography of terror. Though the museum has not yet been built, there were broken trenches, bricks and debris, which is the former interrogation centre of the Geheime Stadt Polizei (Gestapo) to perform secret torture and interrogation. I felt so excited of the instant exhibition as it showed the closest mates and victims of Nazis. And just semester before I studied about Nazis history and has a close touch with the Gestapo. The secret police always sounds mysterious to me.

I decided to walk all alone as fort the Nazis history I would like to pay more time to look into detail. Though my mates seem not so interested into it. I started to find that being alone is somehow treasurable as I don’t need to be leashed by the mates. Took a small walk for two underground stations and come back, still I have spare time. What a relaxing day!

At the afternoon I’ve visited the Pergamon Museum, which is a great shock for me. As I have never studied Greek or Roman mythology in depth, so as the Babylon. The pergamon museum is big, but not a lot of details to show. However, the altar and theater that it has bought from Pergamon (a former Greek city conquered by Alexander the Great) The pillars reached the far top and all the sculptures are well finished. I was extremely amazed by the acrchitecture of the three civilization, that I have never studied that close. From the explanation of the tourist guide I got a primary glimpse and I was so fond of the stories within.

One funny thing is that I found comics 聖鬥士星矢english version being displayed in the Greek and Roman exhibition, stored in a delicate glass box explaining that this comic also related to Athena, can’t help laughing, it just doesn’t match with others magnificent sculptures.

That night I tried to go back to dorm as quick as I can in order to catch babies’ online, however I was still too late, in Hong Kong it’s almost 1 AmQ_Q I missed again…. At night I went out to Pub and drank with my mates. Though I am still keeping away from beer, really dislike the taste. Fanta suits me more. The Pub is a part of our student dorm, so it is kind of outdated and funny. Two boys hang out at 12 am to the city centre for clubbing, but I refused, although I really wanted to experience real clubbing like from the BL novels, I found myself hard to fit in such a disorder life routine.

Just watched 純情羅曼史and code geass r2 第十一話,小忍好像越來越帥了@@ 動畫的純情terrorist好像比漫畫的好看~ 星刻好帥啊!!!v////v



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