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Tuesday 29th April 2008 12:04:50 PM

Today is Italian day!!!!

Yesterday I made six compos all in Italian in order to familiarize my vocabs....

but it is already too late i guess, so I can't absorb much...

i just hope that i could get a sufficient grade from this subject as it weigns the same as two core!!!!

i keep listening to Pavarotti and hope he can help me a bit.... but honestly for my beginner level of italian.... we still cannot make a understandable conversation =_="

well.... hope that i can success

I wanna have some one directing me to speak correct Italian on daily time!!!!! Anyone ?!!!!XDDDD

>>i think of the story of little red hat.... "Oh grandma, i come and visite you, eat that then you will recover...." (well but the cake is poisonous...)

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