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Monday 10th March 2008 12:07:00 AM

Today I am the photographer again!!!!!!

Taking photos for sheep,

and after that had our HOT GAL DINNER!!!!!

(because of my new pair of jeans that I've just bought it yesterday)

But we are not as hot as the other Gals in MK tonight (shocked)

have Korean Rock Rice again,

super delicious but super big!!!!

>>see how HOT we pretend to be (sweat) actually mizuki is really hot today, she had removed a lot of her super warms, only wear one (usually wear 3-5) so she is even HOTTER than me!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Monday 10th March 2008 10:46:16 PM
From: mizuki
ya i wore 5 but that includes outter clothing or coat those!!! aurora that day i only wore 2 super warm =3=

Monday 10th March 2008 02:00:54 PM
From: O
oh really?! But i remember you've told me you wore 5 at the very cold day?!!!! and you always wore a lot underneath, that's why your Aurora is so "luxurious" right? Did I mix up the memory?!!!!

Monday 10th March 2008 12:53:25 AM
From: mizuki
hey guy~even the super cold day i only wore 2 super warm!!how come there will be 3~5?!if that i will hv to wear 8 layers=_=

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