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Saturday 08th March 2008 11:40:44 PM

Finally I have had my workshadowing.
It was really tough and tiring, and I thank soooooooooooo much for the dear help from winnie.
Well actually my energy was completely exhausted not because of the busy workday, but the night before.
Since last night I had my German lesson until 9:40, I went home so late that it was already 11 something when I was about to sleep. It was my first time to visit such a formal company in a formal way, therefore I was quite panic about what to wear.
It was late 12 that I kept hanging around the dining room, thinking what to wear would present me as a honest, hardworking, responsible university student (of course it is totally a apparent illusion, but still I tried to)
Punctuality also was very important to me as I know it affected the primary image people had about you. Therefore I was so nervous that night and I barely could sleep well. i kept waking up with terror, thought that I may have sleep over time or the alarm clock was out of order.... I kept checking the clock, and at last i woke up at 6:30, without sleeping much.

Therefore today after things were settled down and I finally left the company, I felt so released that it seemed like relieving the air from the balloon. We had sushi together and talked about today's bits and pieces. So happy to see the Chanel mobile art, if I have never seen it, I thought I would miss out a very crucial part of the formation of my knowledge on Cultural studies, Advertising studies, European studies, Fine Arts and what ever. I had totally changed my impression about Chanel, that I thought so never related to my generation or life before, now became a kind of spirit, fantasy or appreciation. (i didn't only mean the materialistic level, if you thought that I only stuck on wanting to have a chanel bag or chanel No.5, you're wrong) I think the more important is to appreciate the brand on historical side, anlyze the market strategy and understand the system or culture below.
I was thrilled with it, very much. And when I walked in, things that I've learnt from my European Study courses all appeared into my mind, the surreal concept popped up, and became so simple and clear all of a sudden. It was really a very precious experience. I got to thanks winnie again. I love that and I would like to go twice, three times or even more.And the architecture was also a valuable art, that we should take close look to.

They are just MAGNIFICENT!!!!!

Monday 07th April 2008 01:57:07 PM
From: Win
Ho!ho! It seems the most impressed for your workshadowing was to visit Chanel Mobile Art Gallery. Ha!ha! I do have the same feeling as you. Absolutely appreciate the works demonstrated there. It's a pity that we do not have much chances for such activities in HK, not like in Europe. btw, can you email me the photos taken there? I would like to post it on my facebook. Pls email it to winnie.tang@samsung.com thanks!

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