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Friday 15th February 2008 12:12:27 AM

Perhaps I have spent my day as usual, but just because of the initial meaning given by the tradition certain feeling kept running within me, saying that today actually is a special day.

But frankly it's just a cold day, a day colder than ever, alienated and isolated and have my every busy daily routine.

Have my German class until late 9:40 and yet nobody has called me or neither send me a message, suddenly feeling quite depressed, but who am I actually expecting?

Our class is having film sharing today and certain Patriachy arouse while the teacher showed us the very well known German director (seems to be) Wegner Herzog. The film was supposed to be expressing the history of Spanish soldiers thrilling to conquer colony on the unknwon Amazon area. But actually it was quite a boring film with only endless river and forest and the severe lackage of conversation. Today we were announced that we were going to watch one more film by the same director and we got to discuss how come he could become so famous... well I'm not a film holic but I found it quite puzzled when I knew that I would have to see one more boring silent film. One of my classmate (who was a mature businesslady) honestly confessed that she found the previous one boring..... and then, patriatic nationalism exploded!!! that the teacher was actually very overreacted saying that "okay, if you think german culture is boring, i'm sorry. But you come here to learn German not only the language but also culture, so it should be...." and suddenly the atmosphere was soooo nervous and the tension seemed to be tighten and tighten. Well actually I 100% agree to that lady so I speak out too. But actually I thought I could also have arouse my "regionalism" as the teacher said that Hong Kong people were only known for shopping and money. But we won't be that overreacted even though we were described in such an materialistic and egoistic way. Then how come he could not just calm down and see things from another side? (Konntes du durch unsere Augen sehen?)

And the lady quickly apologized if she had make any misunderstanding and a few students quickly said that they found the film interesting (well i wonder if they were frank) but to be very true that even me as an enthusiast of studying History and culture cannot bare to see this film twice, if I have the choice, I will shut it off after it starts for 1 minute.

But sometimes culture is always a touchy topic, that could represent very important identity, or express nothing. Just depends on how important it is in your mind.

Friends surrounding me often abolish the local culture and embrace the foreign one, sometimes I could say they are even unconscious. But that's just the nature of human beings, then what's the deal? Why can't we accept others to have different opinions and why that we always have to step on others in order to proclaim ourselves? I am quite surprised that the teacher protested his German culture in such a overreacting way, cause for me, I think I got to hide every negative emotions deep at the back. Perhaps that's also the various culture of Chinese and German? (I wonder?) I was impressed by this little conflict cause I always had same sort of cases happening around me. Something that people treat it as treasure but seems naive to me, or something that I really appreciate but people suppress it with unlimited cruelty. To be frank, it hurts when I was denied by others, but so far I found it meaningless to defend for my preference. Culture and interest are neutral, that you can never define which is superior nor inferior. So most of the time silence is the best to let things fade out. But still sometimes unconsiderable speeches from friends caused my belief rotten, that I could neither explain, nor accept sincerely.
It is hard to find someone who could forever step at the same statement as yourself, very very true.

And you can never expect others to understand your thoughts without communication.... better to cry out every time when one is harmed.

Tuesday 19th February 2008 02:03:48 PM
From: Win
poor you guys. had to calm down yr teacher on a special date. i also expected someone to call me on that day. but no one called me. no idea whom i expected for. even in daytime, my office desk was super quiet. i wonder whether ppl had to work at daytime or full concentrate on celebration at night already. any update on yr summer plan to go to study in overseas? call me since I have an idea for u.

Sunday 17th February 2008 08:37:31 PM
From: mizuki
@v@ baby, nvm~~we will exchange chocolates later~which favour u prefer?

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