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Friday 11th January 2008 01:01:25 PM


和lingling一起互相打氣,我們都決定假若這一年沒有遊學的份兒,那麼就得更加發瘋似地唸書,如果不能去當地學習語言,那麼我們就必須極盡所能去親近它,直至自己能完全熟稔為止﹗所以德文、意大利文、日文我都要好好的唸下去﹗ 這一年我絕不要浪費掉!!!!!!!

Saturday 12th January 2008 12:12:59 AM
From: krys
yup you're right, i'm not able to good as i discover that i am not in the interview list.... really hearbroken and despair.... i am sorry to hear that you are not joining the olympic too /_\ but i was so down actually really wanted to do something that could cheer myself up, but i couldn't help.... soooo down come and join my italian!!! i wanna practice with you!!!come on!!!!

Friday 11th January 2008 04:06:58 PM
From: Win
What happened? You have learnt that you could not go to Germany successfully? I'm sorry to hear it. Well, you are not alone since I have just learnt that I am not on the final list of Olympic Volunteer Program.... V heartbroken. I'm thinking to learn Italian while learning Spanish. Is it too much? Give me some advice if you can!

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