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Monday 26th November 2007 10:57:12 AM

Your favourite:

-to ignore the topic that you don't want to touch on

-promise everything easily but never make it real

-regard yourself more important than anyone else

but at the same time, you are:

-more honest than anybody else

-more vulnerable and reliable

-looks independent but mentally dependent indeed

-always trying to improve the weaknesses after being condemned

then how could I ever judge whether you are a friend trustworthy or not? frankly i should say that nobody could judge you because everyone do the same things. Even me always acts out my bad temper and being self-centered, sometimes I appreciate your courage of willing to confess and correct, while I seldom dare to face my faults or feeling so shameful when people pointing at me.

So I just can't leave you alone my dear friend. Everytime you frustrated me and everytime I frustrated you, but no matter how many complaints there are, seems that still the friendship cannot be broken, like a long term struggle, a long term paradox. You are just my dear friend?!

pic>> so high when i saw this Q/////Q

Wednesday 28th November 2007 03:28:41 PM
From: Win
hey hey, whom you are talking abt?? the noisy gal?

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