Piglet8 :: Stephanie
Visits: 3208 times
Last changed: Jun 18, 2010
12 items in this album
Album: Untitled
Date: 7/8/2009
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + 50mm

Changed: Aug 13, 2009.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 439 times.
Album: Somewhere in time
Date: 17/1/2009
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + 50mm, LOMO LC-A

Changed: Jan 19, 2009.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 628 times.
Album: Untitled
Date: 17/1/2009
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + 50mm, LOMO LC-A

Changed: Jan 19, 2009.
Contains: 30 items.
Viewed: 604 times.
Album: No Title
Date: 17/1/2009
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + 50mm, LOMO LC-A

Changed: Jan 19, 2009.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 329 times.
Album: Rendezvous at the garden
Date: 5/4/2008
Time: 10:30am
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + 50mm

Changed: Apr 06, 2008.
Contains: 20 items.
Viewed: 597 times.
Album: Right here waiting
Date: 5/4/2008
Time: 12:30pm
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + 50mm

Changed: Apr 06, 2008.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 699 times.
Album: I am the sunshine
Date: 26/8/2006
Time: 10:30am
Equipment: Nikon FM2 + 28mm + EOS 300D + 50mm

Changed: Aug 28, 2006.
Contains: 21 items.
Viewed: 1141 times.
Album: LOST

Changed: Jul 28, 2006.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 930 times.
Album: Stephanie, mild yellow.

Changed: Dec 16, 2005.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 1191 times.
Album: Stephanie, blue on a rainy day...

Changed: Sep 02, 2005.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 711 times.
Album: Stephanie, I am what I am...

Changed: Dec 16, 2005.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 719 times.
Album: Stephanie, Dream a little dream...

Changed: Dec 16, 2005.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 888 times.
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