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Friday 02nd March 2012 09:13:42 PM

Cancer Summary

The first part of March is simply sensational. The full moon will occur in your house of travel, but will also signal your house of partner and friendship, and so friends and a close sweetheart / spouse or business associate will play a strong role in your success now. With a golden triangle appearing in the sky in earth signs near the full moon, March 8, you are in line to expand your social life and be helped by a partner who you are associated with the romantic or business sense.
This will be as close to a perfect month for travel as you can ever get, so go for any purpose, work or play, or to connect with family. If you go near the friendly new moon March 8 plus or minus four days, you will enjoy yourself to the fullest. Plan to be back by the new moon, March 22, when your career will bring surprising developments almost immediately.
You may be asked to sign a contract near March 8, which would be fine to do, but don't dawdle. You will need to wrap up all agreements by March 9, for by Monday, March 12, Mercury will go retrograde. If you can't move things along that quickly, then table talks to April, and if possible sign at the glorious new moon April 21.
You will see better profits if you have your own business and have been working steadily all along, and for that you also have Venus and Jupiter to thank. Your physical home (or other property) or a member of your family has been a source of constant concern over the past two years, but with Venus traveling close to good fortune Jupiter, also in early March, you may also see a way to make matters better - and feel calmer in the process.
With Uranus active in your house of professional achievement, your need for freedom and independence is very strong. Uranus can be volatile, however, and you've seen the truth of this since this planet of unexpected development first arrived in your career sector last year, on March 11, 2011. Since then, you may have had a number of stunning career advances, but may have suffered a few setbacks, too. This month you seem to be jittery about a career matter, due to Uranus' proximity to the moon, your ruler, and to quick-to-react Mercury. Cancers born near June 23 will feel this energy the most. No need for concern - you're in a trend that will allow you to put your name in lights, as long as you keep working hard and don't lose concentration. Forward ho, dear Cancer!
You may want to set up your own business soon (or just did, recently). If so, be careful to become knowledgeable about all government rules and regulations in your field. With Pluto in a take-no-prisoners mood, you may be called to justify certain business practices. If your actions are above reproach, you'll come through with flying colors.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Most romantic dates: March 2, 3, 6-8, 11-12, 14, 20, and 31.
Keep in mind meeting someone while Mars is retrograde (as it is now through April 13) is not quite ideal, but you surely do have a divine Venus now - and that counts for something, too!
A short trip may be on your schedule, plus or minus four days from the full moon March 8. It'll be fun and productive - you'll come back satisfied.
Mercury goes retrograde March 12-April 4: Do not sign contracts during the retrograde, and if possible wait until April 21.
On March 12: The combination of Jupiter and Pluto spells success.
It's a dazzling day for financially oriented business deals, for romance, friendship, and all kinds of events. You'll feel this energy over the previous weekend March 10-11, too - it's GLORIOUS.
March 12-13 is another day that rates five stars: Your career will be on fire, on this remarkable day! With Venus meeting Jupiter (an annual event), and Venus and Mars contacting Jupiter and Pluto, the planets are having a party in the sky! Business deals, real estate - you can rule the world. You will feel this energy by March 8 - use that day instead, as March 12 is the day Mercury goes retrograde.
Mercury conjuncts Uranus, setting off a possibly nerve-wracking set of days, March 16-19. Yet these days will also be excellent for generating innovative ideas for your career.
The new moon in your fame and honors sector falls on March 22. Although Pluto will apply pressure, overall, all systems are go! It's hard to imagine you'd let anything stand in your way.
Speaking of Pluto, avoid having any meetings with a VIP on March 29, when Pluto will bring you face-to-face with a demanding VIP who won't be easy to debate.
March 23, 24: Uranus is conjunct the Sun. Unexpected developments in career make come up, so stay flexible. Yet, news could be exciting, to say the least!

Capricorn Summary

You will show off your skills in communication, either as writer, editor, marketing expert, or PR specialist at the full moon, March 8, and be lauded for your talents. If you are finishing up a document or a TV segment, it rightly will be a proud moment. Travel will also be possible at this time, and if you are able to go, you may be covering quite a bit of ground far from home. Go for love, or go to present an imaginative idea - either purpose would bring the right results and have you humming a happy tune.
Can love really rule the universe, as the song goes? That just may be so, and this month you are about to find out in the days that span March 8 to 14, a time you'll see the year's most stellar moments. In past years, life has not been entirely kind to Capricorn, but this week may just put your faith back in the transforming power of love.
Your home situation has been somewhat volatile, and this trend continues now. Thinking positively, this month you may get a surprise chance to find a solution. You may be considering a move to a new residence, possibly to find better professional opportunities in a new city, or to attend graduate school. Restless and independent, you are ready to turn life inside out if necessary to get a leg up on the competition, and all your instincts are right. Hard times call for hard choices, but you seem to have a steady finger on the pulse of the economy and your place in it. If you want to stay put, you will want to renovate or redecorate to make your space feel fresh and new.
Still, Uranus can bring all sorts of news, including the kind of reversals we all dread, like when a buyer backs out for any number of reasons, leaving you shocked and wondering why you have to start the bidding process all over again. This kind of reversal (among other possible examples) is possible because Mercury will retrograde in this very same area of your chart.
It looks like you may need to conquer a home or family-related obstacle that will surface late in the month near March 29. Keep working through the problem, but do not announce a final decision just yet. Mercury will be retrograde from March 12 to April 4, and on top of that, Mars, the ruler of your home sector, will be retrograde all through March until April 13. No sensible answer can be found until these planets regulate their obits next month. Keep your eye on late April - by then you'll see all your best options.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic dates: March 1-16 are all very special.
You may travel far and wide at the full moon, March 8, plus or minus four days.
Venus in Taurus will be a blessing, as it moves through your true love sector, March 5 to April 3.
Jupiter, in your love sector, will reach out to Pluto in Capricorn on March 12. Such a heavenly day! Give this day five stars! It'll be as rare as it is wonderful.
Another sensational pair of days: March 13-14 thanks to a rare golden triangle in the sky. You'll find mid-March magical for love, matters related to pregnancy and children, and for furthering creativity, too. Again, you are likely to feel the fortunate vibrations near the full moon March 8.
Mercury will retrograde March 12 to April 4.
Home-related matters and those pertaining to family issues will bring unexpected news at the new moon March 22, plus two weeks. It could be very positive news, or not so happy. Be flexible.
A career breakthrough could bring exciting news March 12-14, but could also come earlier, near the full moon, March 8.



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