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Wednesday 02nd February 2011 12:30:38 AM

Cancer Summary

Your finances will get a lot of attention this month, but this time, rather than you feeling stressed about money (like certain moments that happened last year), you seem to be seeing some very upbeat developments. Still, with Neptune close to the Sun, untangling a financial mystery may prove difficult, and you will have to be patient and methodical in your approach. Ask hard questions and dig deep before you agree to anything, and if filing paperwork, keep checking it for possible errors or omissions.
Saturn, now in your home sector, will be in perfect angle to Mars and also to the new moon, February 2. This suggests you may get approval on a mortgage, refinancing plan, or home improvement loan, or alternatively, your parent or other family member may give you money to fund a dream or to help you over a difficult financial patch.
Whatever is happening in your financial life, you will finish talks or actions within four days of the full moon, February 18. If you have to sign a contract, however, I would suggest you do so on February 14, when Saturn will help you finalize things in a lasting way. Any later and you will get all tangled into Neptune, which will be prominent from February 16 to 22. If you sign when Neptune acts in a strong way in your house of credit and money (as you will have this month), the financial elements of the plan may bring problems later. Get advice from a lawyer or accountant, or both, and sign on February 14 if possible, or from February 23 onward.
Your expenses will run high during the first three weeks but will calm down beginning February 22. This month would be ideal for getting taxes ready, so gather up your receipts and statements for your accountant. If you get that work done now, you will be able to move on to more fun things in weeks ahead.
In your career, things could not be better. Jupiter, plant of good fortune, has arrived at the pinnacle point in your chart. Not since 1999 have you had such an extraordinary career favor from Jupiter, and your good fortune will last until June 4. This means you have to plant the seed during that phase, specifically, start to interview for a new position, or open the doors of your new business. If you already have your own business, then you may want to think of ways that would allow you to spread your influence.
Make every day count! By April and May you will be in full swing, and career offers and positive feedback for work you've done should be heartwarming. Entrepreneurial enterprises, if well scoped out, will be fortunate for you, but just be sure not to rush in without knowing your industry's rules and standards for businesses. Doing your preparation will help you ensure that you can avoid losses, fines, and backtracking, and can ensure success later.
Exciting reasons to travel will come up in late month, and if you can possibly take a trip then or at any point in March, it would be a splendid idea. It looks as though you can go quite far if you like, so look into bargain packages to far flung, exotic locations.
In love, with Venus touring your seventh house of partnership and marriage, you will have an opportunity to bond closer to your established partner or to mend a fence (if needed) from February 2 to 28. Valentine's Day falls Monday, February 14, and finds the moon in Cancer. Lucky you, that is the perfect place for the moon to be for you, so be sure to go out! You have a romantic night ahead! While it is true Cancers who are attached will have the edge this month, as we all get closer to month's end, singles will get their share of sparkly love vibrations.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Financial talks will dominate most of the month, starting February 2. Talks will finish up within four days of February 18.
You may be getting a mortgage or home improvement loan. Or, you may receive family money sometime in the first three weeks.
Venus in your house of partnership / marriage will be a blessing for your relationship, if attached. Singles do better in February's last week.
Valentines Day, February 14, has the moon in Cancer. Celebrate on this day!
Travel abroad or to distant cities could come up now, and it would be an ideal time to go at any point between February 22 and March 31.
Your career is gaining momentum and getting you all the right kind of attention from influential people. It's a great time to make a move up the ladder of success. You will have the edge over the competition.
You may also decide to start a business. If so, learn the ropes first - not knowing the rules and standards could prove problematic later, and be costly. Preparation will insure success!
Romance will be best February 4, 5, 9-10, 14, 19, 22, 12, and 26-28.

Capricorn Summary

Recent eclipses in Capricorn have caused the tectonic plates of your life to shift. Over the past 18 months, many Capricorns saw immediate changes come up, often involving a close relationship (personal or business in nature.) News was either joyous or jarring but it was clear that your life was quickly morphing to something very new and different from what it used to be. Your career was also moving into a whole new phase, something you saw very vividly last October and that has continued to evolve ever since. Often when vast changes take place, financial ones do, too. This month you can work on rebuilding your financial future, or at the very least increase your cash flow.
The new moon in your income sector, February 2, will help you negotiate either a raise or a better salary for a new position. You must, however, act immediately, for the window of opportunity will only be open for two weeks from this date. What makes this new moon special is that Saturn, your ruler, will be so perfectly angled to the new moon, the Sun, and Mars, making this an ideal time to get a new position that provides you the stability and security that you crave. This is a rare moment!
Your expenses will continue to run higher than usual until February 22, the date Mars will exit your personal resource sector. Still, with the need to spend more, you'll find the need to make more, and that may give you the impetus to assertively look at your options.
The full moon February 18 also seems to bring an important financial moment, as it appears you will owe someone money within four days of this date. Alternatively, by February 18 you may have assembled all your tax records for your accountant, and if so, you will feel very accomplished, and that would be a good way to use the full moon's energy. No matter what happens at the full moon, you will be motivated to make more money. Although you may assume it will be hard to find a new pot of gold, you will actually have a bit of luck on your side. Keep searching for ways to increase your income - you are likely to hit on the answer.
If you have to sign a contract, you should not sign close to this full moon, February 18. Do so on February 4-5, 9, or at the latest, February 14 when Saturn and Mercury will be beautifully oriented, sending you gifts of stability.
One of the best areas of your life right now concerns your home, and family and real estate investments. On February 25, however, you may have to make an adjustment to a negotiation concerning a sale, purchase, rental, or contractor deal. Someone may try to negotiate a hard deal, and you may feel a need to resist and stop talks, as you push away from the table. Or, it may be that you have a venture or piece of property that needs more investment - the choice now is whether to give it more, or leave.
Romantic relationships for you are likely to be either deliriously happy or quite awful these days, as Capricorns are feeling emotions in the extreme. Hopefully you are among those in the former group. If so, and you are dating or in an established relationship with someone special, Valentine's Day will allow your significant other to lead the way, as the moon will be in your partnership sign of Cancer. Let him or her do so, for you will like the results.
If you have been unhappy with your partner, you may have just recently broken up, or soon will. Keep your chin up - later this year, you will be overjoyed with how quickly a new relationship develops, and it will likely be quite stable, too. For now, be patient and show faith. Your romantic luck starts in May and grows bigger through the balance of 2011.
By February's end, travel will beckon, and you'll have the time to take small trips away. You will be content to go to a place close, not too far from home. Little trips will be less demanding to prepare for and provide just as much fun. In fact, you may become quite spontaneous - do!
Dates to note for Capricorn
You have your opportunity to ask for a raise or land an important new position that will pay well within days after the new moon, February 2. With Saturn so friendly, you have a rare chance to stabilize your career in just the way you had hoped.
The full moon February 18 may find you paying a large bill or getting all paperwork done for taxes.
Mars will keep your expenses high, a holdover from last month, until February 22. After that, things will improve.
Romance is extreme for Capricorns, either very good or very bad - see how you feel. Your long-range outlook for love is excellent, and one of the best of any sign - keep that in mind!
Valentine's Day, February 14, puts the emphasis in the hands of your partner, so sit back and enjoy having your partner take good care of you.
Your home and real estate should bring good news this month, although you may have to revise arrangements near the challenge of Pluto to Jupiter, February 25.
Travel could bring spontaneous fun in the last week, February 22-28.
Your best romantic dates if you are single and not dating, or attached and happy: February 4-6, 9-10, 14, 15, 19, 22-23, and 26-28.



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