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Sunday 01st August 2010 11:00:06 PM

Cancer Summary

Lucky Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus are in your tenth house of fame and honors, so you may be getting the career offers you used to only dream about. Both are in Aries, so entrepreneurial opportunities shine. This is the number one area of your chart, sure to give you happiness and gratification, so keep your focus on your career.
This month, you'll be on a mission to make more money and will do whatever it takes to find a lucrative new source. To that end, the new moon August 9 will help, but because Neptune stands opposite it this time, you need to be careful not to let enthusiasm cause you to overestimate your earning potential from any venture, especially if you will work on commission, royalties, or licensing fee basis. By all means ask for a raise, or dive in to negotiate better benefits after the new moon arrives, but all the while keep your expectations realistic. Fortunately, Neptune is in what astrologers call "wide" mathematical vicinity, meaning this is not a tight aspect, so you can proceed, but just be careful.
While your career buoys you up this month, your home situation seems to have deflated or overwhelmed you lately. Growing responsibilities may be weighing you down or it may simply be that you are a bit tired of a situation that seems to be changing very little over a long time. Family obligations may be a consideration, or you may be temporarily struggling with home-related costs or the payment of a high mortgage. Career opportunities will be wonderful so you will have to keep your focus there. There's no doubt that this month you'll need to split your attention evenly between home and career. It won't be easy, especially near August 6-8 and 13.
Everything will be complicated even more by the dictates of a partner or go-between who seems not to agree with the direction you want to take. This person is making everything a battle and you may wonder why life has to be so hard. Don't give up, even though the first three weeks of August will seem like a near-endless period of conflict with this person.
After the Sun moves into Virgo on August 20, you'll find navigating life - and negotiating with this person, too - to be easier. You will be able to articulate your views and bring your opponent to a more sensible position. In this case, your persistence will pay off.
By late month, you may decide you need a vacation, and certainly by then you will have earned the right to go. It's a good idea! The full moon, August 24, which will be operative within four days of this date, will help you pack your bags. Cancer is soothed by locations near water, so consider a seaside spot.
If you want to go farther afield than usual, all sorts of opportunities will pop up on foreign shores, and may also include a chance for you to study, publish, or trade goods or services abroad. In this sense, you may be able to combine business with pleasure quite effectively.
If you are going back to college or grad school, you'll be at your new location by August 24, setting up your new living arrangements for the coming semester. Sign up for your most coveted classes the minute you can, as early as possible to avoid being closed out, for with Mercury about to retrograde, you may have to arrange a quick change in plans.
Broadcasting offers will glitter too, possibly as a guest on TV or radio, with excellent possibilities for publicity. With Neptune so prominent, the image of your face is likely to be "out there," so investigate what's on tap, for your world is rapidly expanding, dear Cancer!
Mercury will be retrograde from August 24 to September 12, so be sure you make your biggest initiations early in the month, or else table things for mid-September. Actually, the option to pick up the thread in September would get my vote - that's a better month to do almost anything.
Romance will be best August 14-15, 19-20, 24, 25, and 29-30.
Dates to Note:
You are in a solid career period, but don't fall for get rich quick schemes - with Neptune playing havoc all over your chart, even the savviest Cancer may be taken in.
The new moon in Leo on August 9 would ordinarily be a blessing to your finances, but again, Neptune is obscuring key facts, and Mercury is about to go retrograde August 20 to September 12. Be skeptical of anything you are told. Play devil's advocate by asking the hard questions.
Ask for a raise in the week August 9 to 13, but again, be realistic. If you overestimate your worth, it may backfire and you may get nothing. Be happy with small gains. In a month where information will be hard to get, realize that there may be many reasons your salary demands are not being met, and none may relate to how much you are appreciated.
Concern over the care of an elderly relative or a home or property matter will play out in the background all month. You can make progress, however. Your hardest weekend: August 7-8 and the time near August 13 when you'll need to do some quick thinking to keep career and home running smoothly. It'll take all you have to give.
Beautify your home or look for bargains in a white sale on August 20 when Venus and Mars cook up ways for you to pretty up your home.
Romance will be best August 14-15, 19-20, 24, 25, and 29-30.
Within four day of the full moon August 24 you may travel far and wide. Or you may be on a college campus to set up your living arrangements for the coming semester. It's the right time to do so. The minute you can sign up for classes, be the first in line - you may get closed out if you dally.
Consider going on a foreign trip in the last part of August, to coincide with the full moon, August 24 plus or minus four days.

Capricorn Summary

Recent months brought all sorts of meditations about the role of a certain partner in your life, so as you enter August, you'll still be thinking of how to handle recent revelations and what to do about all the talks you've had.
The cardinal cross on August 6 and 7 (plus Mars reaching 5 degrees Libra on the same day) could easily trigger startling news of the eclipse June 26 in Capricorn, especially if your birthday falls December 21-26. Theoretically, any Capricorn could hear news. If you have planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn at 1 to 5 degrees, you will be named in this month's events.
It looks like financial negotiations and appropriations will be first on your list to do. Ordinarily a new moon in your eighth house of side income would help you get a lot accomplished. Yet, this time the once-a-year new moon, coming August 9, won't help as much as you might have hoped.
Neptune will widely oppose the new moon, so facts could be obscured and you'll find yourself trying to get through an environment of smoke and mirrors. You may or may not sense that things are off kilter, however, so you will have to be extra careful to avoid potholes.
If you are in a court case, or trying to settle division of property in a divorce, for example, the other side may keep financial details concealed, or your partner may be a person of integrity, but the figures may simply contain unintentional errors. Either way, you can't quite trust all the reports you get now, so postpone decisions until next month to give yourself time to ask questions and to do more digging.
Saturn is now back in your lofty career sector and urging you to reinvent yourself in a completely new way. Using the same old formulas that worked in the past won't yield the same results, for conditions are shifting rapidly. You'll discover this soon enough (if you haven't already). It's time to move to a new beat and for the little goat to climb a new mountain. You won't have to turn your life inside out necessarily (i.e., change careers), but you will have to expand your base or reach for a more senior position, simply because it's time you showed the world what you are capable of doing.
August 20 could be a day when you impress the VIPs at the top, for Mars and Venus will embrace in your career sector, creating an enormously bright light on you and your accomplishments.
Mercury will be retrograde from August 20 to September 12, so it's not wise to enter into anything new during that phase, UNLESS the offer comes from a former boss or company you worked with in the past. In that case, be my guest - you can take it!
The last part of August will be made for travel, most likely for business. This month will be so busy - it seems to be a hard one to get away for fun. Alas, sometimes life is that way, but even so, you will be able to combine business with pleasure.
If you CAN be the exception to the rule and get away for a few days near August 24, choose an enchanting location that will inspire and center your spirit but that is based not too far from home. With a full moon in Pisces, chances are, you'll choose a cottage by a lake, the sea, or other body of water.
Dates to Note:
Financial developments and other news on August 6-7 and in the following week, as late as August 13, could be startling. Take in all that is going on, but don't rush. You will need time to think. Next month you will have the whole picture.
Your career may also bring news near the same dates, August 6 and 7, into the following week.
The time near August 20 may bring praise and a feeling of accomplishment.
It would not be wise to accept a new position now - wait until the dust settles. You will be better able to sort things out in October. You may feel an urgency to act, but - resist it.
The new moon in your eighth house on August 9 would ordinarily help matters of money but this time may bring more financial questions than answers. Neptune, the planet that spins fog and confusion, will be prominent, so if you are given checks from others, ask questions and demand honest answers.
Mercury will be retrograde in your travel sector from August 20 to September 12. You may need to delay or revise a trip. Call ahead if you have appointments - they may change. Get correct addresses and travel directions, too.
You may need to travel for work, but try also to give yourself some leisure time. Travel will be inspirational and soothing if you go near the full moon August 24.
Romance won't go well the first week of August, so keep a low profile.
Opportunities to have fun and find love will increase once the Sun moves into Virgo, August 23.
Best romantic dates: August 2, 23-25, 29, and 30.



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