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Saturday 01st May 2010 10:46:16 AM

Cancer Summary

It's May and Mother Nature is awash in pastel blossoms. You seem ready to put your career on hold for just a moment while you enjoy yourself. You can, too - your career will bring big unexpected breakthroughs at the very end of this month through September, so you'll not skip a beat. For now, you can safely turn away without missing a step in your professional life.
The new moon May 13 will send a strong and positive trend of new social activity. You'll enjoy the chance to meet up with friends and to make the acquaintance of new people, too. This new trend will feel like a refreshing breeze, and events that come up will make you feel optimistic and excited about life again.
A thrilling trip may be an option, too, at this new moon, but pressing family obligations may make you think twice about taking off to distant points. Do your best to find a way to go - with Saturn retrograde, this would be the most possible month to do so. Don't go to siblings to ask them to help you, though - they won't be helpful, for they seem to have their own troubles to meditate on. Rely instead on the kindness of friends or hire recruits to care for home-related matters to allow you to find the break you need.
The week of May 14 to 22 will glitter brightly. Then, from May 19 to June 13, love-planet Venus will smile on you when it glides in Cancer. At that time, a relationship could really begin to take off.
The enchanting spell will be temporarily broken at the full moon, May 27, when a major work-related project will need to be finished. Within four days of this date, you may also have a chance to pick up a new assignment. It will come suddenly, and it's a plum spot - you will want to be back from any travels on your agenda so that you can carry this prize home.
The move of Uranus into your professional sector from May 28 through August 14 will show you that work, like love, can produce miracles when you least expect it to. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg - more positive career surprises will come your way in 2011 and beyond.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
* Love is in the air, and this month it seems you will get your share.
* Late last month, the full moon of April 28 may have brought a lovely romantic development. and as you begin May, you may still be thinking about what happened.
* The new moon May 13 will bring in a lively new social emphasis, with more relaxed, fun things to do, places to go, and people to see. You have the heart of a homebody, but in the second half of the month you need to be out and about and open to forming new associations.
* You may have the option to take a trip, but may think twice about going because of family obligations. See if you can get help - you need the rest.
* The week of May 14 to 22 will be outstanding for romance and fun.
* Venus will enter Cancer from May 19 to June 13, extending your lovely period even more.
* May 27, a full moon, will bring the need to work hard to finish a work-related project. You may hear back about whether or not you will get a job.
* When Uranus moves into Aries and your professional achievement sector, your career will take a very different and quite exciting path. This summer will be one to remember - wait and see! Jupiter will meet up with Uranus early next month. Wow!
Most romantic dates: May 3, 7, 8, 13-15, 17 (four star), 20-22, and 25-26.

Capricorn Summary

You're very career-oriented, but this month, you can safely let down your guard. The professional momentum you've built up so far this year will carry you forward through May without needing to push too hard. With Saturn backing into Virgo now, you'll feel less pressure from VIPs to produce, although you will see on-the-job responsibilities climb later, by late July. For now, you can find ways to build a richer, more balanced private life and enjoy social activity.
To that end, watch the phone calls, emails, and texts you get as a result of the new moon, May 13, plus two weeks. This will be the most glorious point of the year for finding romance or for taking time to enjoy the love you already share with a partner. With Jupiter in your travel sector, you might want to sneak out of town to a nearby setting with fantastic results - you'll come home with memories, a feeling of appreciation, and warmth that will be indescribable. When planning your trip, here is a hint: Long distance travel could bring obstacles, so think "near," not "far."
If you have been thinking of reconciling with an old love, do so early in the month, when Mercury will still be retrograde, a good time to go back to see if you can recapture old feelings. If you want to send that text or call, do, but keep in mind you may have had a good reason to break up in the first place. If you are convinced the circumstances were unique and repairable, then get in touch. Love is fragile and precious. If you find it, it is always worth revitalizing for safekeeping.
Your creativity will operate at double speed during the second half of May. This will come thanks to a friendly new moon and the support of good fortune Jupiter and Uranus, planet of originality. Present an idea to an influential person from May 13 to 21 and kudos will come!
The biggest news of all is that Uranus will enter Aries on May 27 to move into your home sector, bringing with it a plethora of unexpected developments. Happily, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will come too to ensure the changes you make are happy ones. These two will circulate only a few weeks, until August 14 for Uranus, and September 9 for Jupiter. If you have wanted to sell a house, renovate, get new furniture - you name it - no matter how ambitious the project, it looks like you can accomplish it now. For Capricorns, when it comes to home and property - as well as family support - sky's the limit!
Dates to note for Capricorn:
Saturn is your ruling planet and has been retrograde since mid-January. Now, Saturn goes direct on May 30 and all your aims and projects get a special push. Saturn will stay direct for the balance of 2010 - so go, go!
Career pressures have been strong, but you've been putting in the hours and your fine work will pay off. Let up a little this month, refuel, and allow your energy to return. You can coast a little bit now - be ready to start up again in June.
The new moon May 13 will be a boon for your love life. This will be one of the most glittering new moons of the year for everyone, but for you, it spells a better love life. It will be up to you to get out of the house to make that fated meeting!
Mercury has been retrograde in your love sector since mid-April and will continue to emit weak vibrations until May 11. Wait until May 13 to begin to make important decisions and purchases.
Mercury has been looking back in your romantic house, so you may have been focused on something that happened in your relationship in the past. From the date Mercury goes direct, May 11, you will turn forward in your relationship.
Your creativity will be very strong in the second half of May - present an idea!
If you take a trip in May, choose a short distance one, close by.
Mars in Leo is still forcing up expenses, a trend that started in mid-October 2009. This will be the last month of this, so hang on. Your financial picture will improve.
The full moon at month's end May 27 will bring you a need for rest and rejuvenation. On the last weekend of the month, plan a very relaxing time, with no strenuous activities on the docket. You need to breathe.
Venus will light your house of relationships from May 19 to June 14. If you need to discuss a difficult topic with your partner, do so then.
Most romantic dates: May 2-3, 7-8, 13-15, 17-21, 25-26, and 30-31.

Pisces Summary:

Mercury will be retrograde until May 11, so if you have an agreement to make, do it after the new moon, May 13. You'll be glad you waited, for Jupiter will bring profits and Saturn will have the power to bring you long-term security. May 17 and 18 will be especially fine days for making any kind of promises in your personal or business life.
The career news you get near the full moon in your house of fame and honors May 27 will be especially exciting. You may get enviable publicity or you may crystallize a big career development. The salary offered should be surprisingly generous, too. Stop to think about how long and hard you worked to see this victory occur and celebrate this special moment.
In terms of love, having Jupiter in your sign makes your prospects some of the best possible. When Venus enters fellow water sign Cancer on May 19 to June 14, the picture will be complete and you will have an even better chance to find happiness. Wow, when you're hot, you're hot! Venus in Cancer will also be ideal for improving your looks and for choosing new clothes - indulge a little, dear Pisces! Choose May 25 or 26.
Your ruling planet, Neptune, will go retrograde from May 31 to November 7, so after the end of May, you will need to concentrate on the projects and relationships that you have already built, rather than seek new ones. Your time to move forward will begin again in mid-September but will step up even more in early November and extend through most of January 2011. You are in a rare time, dear Pisces, for the planets are pushing you quickly to a new lifestyle and a happier place. You'll soon see!
Dates to Note:
* Travel will be a very big trend in May. Watch for sensational opportunities to go to new settings after May 13.
* If you write or communicate in other ways for a living, or if you love to text or blog, you will find that same new moon, May 13 and the two weeks to follow, bring the right opportunities to shine.
* Mercury will turn direct on May 11, allowing your life to take off like a rocket after that date. If you've been frustrated with others' lack of decisiveness, you'll be gratified by how nicely things begin to fit into place from now on.
* A stellar day will be May 17 when Jupiter in Pisces will contact the Sun.
* May 20 will be a very exciting day, too - all sorts of surprises are in store, thanks to Uranus in Pisces in perfect angle to the Sun.
* A fantastic career success could culminate suddenly at the full moon May 27, plus or minus four days.
* Try to get as many key projects done as possible before your ruler, Neptune, goes retrograde, May 31. From May through October, concentrate on what's on your plate and don't develop new ventures until November 7, when Neptune will be direct again.
* If you feel your friends have not been as helpful as you'd hoped lately, or if you found making new friends has been harder than expected, you will love when Saturn goes direct speed May 30.
* Saturn will stay direct speed the rest of 2010, so your social life should step up a few notches, and friends will play a bigger role from now on.
* Venus in Cancer will bring blessings to your love life from May 19 to June 14. Not only will love increase but your chances of improving your look will, too.
* Most romantic dates: May 8-9, 12-13, 17-18, 20, 25-26, and 29-30.



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