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Saturday 12th July 2008 11:46:02 PM

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your July Horoscope Summary by Susan Miller

A sparkling birthday month awaits you, and it's the kind of month that could put back your faith in miracles and fairy tales. The excitement starts the moment the month begins, on the new moon in Cancer, July 2. That new moon will open doors for you, so be sure to voice your dearest desires to friends and colleagues, as others will certainly be listening and willing to do all they can to help you. Birthday month is always great for seeing one's aims come true, as the Sun is back in the place it occupied at birth. Venus will glide in Cancer too, giving you an extra fill up of social fun.

Venus will be in Cancer until July 12 so you might want to make it a point to go shopping during the first twelve days of July. You'll find madly flattering wardrobe pieces that will bring you more compliments than you've seen in ages.

Your partner will bring exciting news for you, too. Watch the full moon July 18 for news (plus or minus four days). You may exchange vows, promises, plans, or goals dear to your heart at this time.

You may also discover that you'll be traveling alone or with your partner near July 14 or 22, quite unexpectedly. If you have children and can't quite leave town, you'll have other opportunities to travel closer to home over the weekend of July 26. (And guess what? It's still great fun!)

Romantically, if attached, you'll have an enviable advantage. The tender full moon July 18 will be wildly romantic and rival your favorite moments of the silver screen. This full moon is for you! If you're attached, you may get engaged for your birthday over that weekend, or, if you are already part of an established relationship, your other half will be so darling, you'll fall in love all over again.

Single Cancers will do well too, for Venus will glide in your sign from July 1 to 11. If you hope to meet someone new, consider taking a short trip to a nearby seaside resort, for settings by the sea will relax and rejuvenate you. Besides, those settings will also engender feelings of love. The weekend of July 4-6 should be extra special.

You may also meet someone while doing an assignment at the office, whether a co-worker, supplier, client, or person you call on. Look your best!

Time to launch goals with a big push: July 2, plus two weeks

A relationship reaches an exciting culmination: Full moon, July 18

Change a contract: July 18, sign on July 25 or 26

Travel to nearby towns: all month



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