:: 云南
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Visits: 1427 times
Last changed: Apr 20, 2005
8 items in this album
Album: Day 1

2003 Dec 20:
Departed from Hong Kong, via Shenzhen airport arriving Lijiang airport and finally headed to Lugu Lake (approx. 5 hours drive from airport)
由香港出發, 經深圳机場到達麗江机場. 有雨. 經樹底, 宁浪, 狗轉動, 到達瀘沽湖. 宿奇地山壯.

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: 19 items.
Viewed: 1018 times.
Album: Day2

2003 Dec 21:
Departed from Lugu Lake and went back to Lijiang Old City
首先游時洼鵝島, 再經宁浪等地方回到麗江古城. 宿和平客棧.

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 1939 times.
Album: Day3

2003 Dec 22:
Departed from Lijiang Old City, drove along Changjiang upper bank and Tiger Gorge Town and arrived middle Tiger Gorge.  Did some serious hiking and then went to Bai Shui Tai for lodging
從麗江古城出發, 經長江上游(金沙江)再經虎跳峽鎮到達中虎跳峽. 爬中虎跳差不多3小時. 最后宿白水台旅游餐廳

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 929 times.
Album: Day4

2003 Dec 23:
Got up early and went up to White water terrace. Went to Betai Sea for some hiking and arrived Zhong Dian (Shangri-la) before dusk for lodging
早上步上白水台. 然后再往碧塔海去走走. 再在黃昏時到達中甸(香格里拉). 宿天寶酒店.

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: no items.
Viewed: 920 times.
Album: Day5

2003 Dec 24:
From Zhong Dian, went to Meili Snow Mountain (to see the God of mountain) via Yila grassland, White Horse Snow Mountain etc.
從酒店出發, 經伊拉草原(納帕海), 尼西, 伏龍橋, 奔子欄, 東竹林寺, 白馬雪山, 德欠, 飛來寺, 到達迎賓台. 全程經214國道(滇藏公路)

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: no items.
Viewed: 811 times.
Album: Day6

2003 Dec 25:
Got up really early to see the Sun Rise on the Meili Snow Mountain. Then went back to Zhong Dian (Shangri-la) via the way back on Day 5
一大清早醒來看日照金山. 然后沿 Day 5 的路線回中甸. 途中停松贊林寺(小布達拉宮).

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: no items.
Viewed: 779 times.
Album: Day7

2003 Dec 26:
From Zhong Dian return to Lijiang Old City via Tiger Gorge Town and lodged at Lijiang Old City. Overviewed Lijiang Old City
從中甸回麗江古城途經虎跳峽鎮. 宿房管客棧. 到万古樓旁的望古城茶飯壯遠望古城風光.

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: no items.
Viewed: 672 times.
Album: Day8

2003 Dec 27:
Departed from Lijiang Old City, flew back to Shenzhen and travelled back to Hong Kong by ferry. End of the trip.
由客棧出發, 麗江机場飛到深圳机場. 再坐渡船到達香港. 結束美滿旅程.

Changed: Apr 20, 2005.
Contains: no items.
Viewed: 661 times.

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