KinInNature :: Salzburg 薩爾斯堡
Visits: 2748 times
Last changed: May 26, 2009
15 items in this album





Salzburg is the fourth-largest city in Austria and the capital of the federal state of Salzburg.
It is the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the setting for parts of the musical and film The Sound of Music.
The Salzburg Cathedral is a 17th century baroque cathedral.
Salzburg is a student city, with three universities.
The composer W.A. Mozart was born and raised in Salzburg and worked for the archbishops from 1769 to 1781.
Salzburg is the fourth-largest city in Austria and the capital of the federal state of Salzburg.
Viewed: 523 times.
It is the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the setting for parts of the musical and film The Sound of Music.
Viewed: 401 times.
The Salzburg Cathedral is a 17th century baroque cathedral.
Viewed: 439 times.
Salzburg is a student city, with three universities.
Viewed: 441 times.
The composer W.A. Mozart was born and raised in Salzburg and worked for the archbishops from 1769 to 1781.
Viewed: 417 times.
In the 1960s, the movie The Sound of Music (仙樂飄飄處處聞) was filmed in Salzburg and the state of Salzburg.
The movie was based on the true story of Maria von Trapp.
"Old Town" is one of the best-preserved city centres north of the Alps.
Salzburg was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997
The baroque architecture including the many churches are world famous.
In the 1960s, the movie The Sound of Music (仙樂飄飄處處聞) was filmed in Salzburg and the state of Salzburg.
Viewed: 426 times.
The movie was based on the true story of Maria von Trapp.
Viewed: 502 times.
"Old Town" is one of the best-preserved city centres north of the Alps.
Viewed: 460 times.
Salzburg was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997
Viewed: 429 times.
The baroque architecture including the many churches are world famous.
Viewed: 419 times.
The Hohensalzburg Castle on a hill dominating the old town is one of the largest castles in Europe, with views over Salzburg.
The Salzburg Festival is a famous music festival that attracts visitors during the months of July and August each year
A smaller Salzburg Easter Festival is held around Easter each year.
Salzburg 薩爾斯堡
Salzburg 薩爾斯堡
The Hohensalzburg Castle on a hill dominating the old town is one of the largest castles in Europe, with views over Salzburg.
Viewed: 526 times.
The Salzburg Festival is a famous music festival that attracts visitors during the months of July and August each year
Viewed: 457 times.
A smaller Salzburg Easter Festival is held around Easter each year.
Viewed: 382 times.
Salzburg 薩爾斯堡
Viewed: 412 times.
Salzburg 薩爾斯堡
Viewed: 476 times.

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