KinInNature :: ESDlife Tracy
Visits: 562 times
Last changed: Feb 10, 2015
2 items in this album

Big day on 1 dec 2013 perfectly done! 
Thank you Simon and his crew for everything! 
十分十分有heart 的 photographer 
人又nice 又有交帶~ 
send email / exchange ideas / payment 都很順利~ 
事前傾rundown 也願意花整整一小時和無限Facebook / whatsapp messages 教我預時間~ 

Big day "兵慌馬亂" (=_=|||||) 時不時給新人+家人+朋友+兄弟姐妹很多提點~ 
影最好的角度~ 擺最美的pose~ final product 個個guest 都大讚~ 
仲主動 part time 做埋場務+苦力+MC =P 
幫手搞下氣氛~ guest 都好投入~ 

成個婚禮有佢係度我都定好多 =w= 
佢唔止係攝影師, he is much much more than that =] 
真心想個婚禮happy and smooth~ 
真心主動做多好多extra work (for free!) to make things work~ 
用盡佢ge 經驗幫我地兩個新手真係好感激 >w< 
好幸運找到Simon and his crew - our perfect wedding day shooting crew~~ 

在網上 search "KinInNature" 就可以找到他的Website and blog 嚕~~ =D


Appreciation FB Message - Tracy Desmond
Viewed: 52 times.
Appreciation FB Message - Tracy Desmond
Viewed: 38 times.

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